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Absolute Photoelectric Yield Measurements of the Rashid Lunar Rover Materials at the BABE Synchrotron Facility

Space Science Reviews - Mon, 11/04/2024 - 00:00

We report on the spectral photoelectric yields of the surface materials of the lunar rover Rashid 1, built by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre in Dubai. The materials investigated are magnesium alloy, indium-tin-oxide, titanium, the commercial off-the-shelf solar panel cover-glass, and the graphite coatings on the Langmuir probes, namely Aerodag®G and Graphit 33. The yields of gold and silver plates were also measured for reference and calibration purposes. The photoelectric yield of some of these materials was measured in the past but only with photon energies up to 25 eV. The measurements were performed at the BABE facility (stemming from the BACH and BEAR synchrotron beamlines) within the framework of the European AHEAD2020 project operated by the Italian National Research Council CNR-IOM at the synchrotron light source Elettra, Italy. We scanned the 2.8–1240 eV energy region, covering most of the solar spectrum that can potentially lead to photoelectron emission on the Moon. The total electron emission rate per unit surface was estimated by combining the measured photoelectric yield curves with the solar spectral irradiance data from TIMED-SEE/SORCE experiments. The results of this study are needed as input in numerical simulations of the electron sheath forming around Rashid 1 or any similar lunar rover. Such numerical models help estimate the background signal for in-situ measurements of the density of the electron sheath forming above the Moon’s surface.

Heavy Molecular and Metallic Ions in the Magnetosphere

Space Science Reviews - Mon, 11/04/2024 - 00:00

Observations and present knowledge of heavy ions with mass ≥ 27 in the magnetosphere are reviewed. There are four ultimate sources of these heavy ions: the solar wind (mainly high charge-state atomic ions), the ionosphere (mainly molecular ions), the atmospheric metal layers that originate ultimately from ablation of meteoroids and possibly space debris (low charge-state metallic ions and metal-rich molecular ions), and lunar surface and exosphere (low charge-state metallic and molecular ions). The upstream heavy ions (solar wind origin and lunar origin) give independent information on the ion entry routes to the magnetosphere from proton (H+) and alpha particles (He++): with similar mass-per-charge (m/q) values, or gyroradius, for the solar wind origin, and much larger gyroradius for the lunar origin. The lunar origin ions also give independent insights from laboratory observations on the sputtering processes. The atmospheric origin molecular and metallic ions are essential in understanding energization, ionization altitudes, and upward transport in the ionosphere during various ionospheric and magnetospheric conditions. These ions are also important when considering the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere on the geological timescale. Only a few terrestrial missions have been equipped with instrumentation dedicated to separate these molecular and metallic ions, within only a limited energy range (cold ions of < 50 eV and energetic ions of ∼ 100 keV or more) and a limited mass range (mainly ≤ 40 amu). This is far too limited to make any quantitative discussion on the very heavy ions in the magnetosphere. For example, the existing data are far from sufficient for determining the dominant contributor from the four possible sources, or even to rule out any of the possible sources as a substantial contributor. Under this circumstance, it is worth to re-examine, using available tools, the existing data from the past and on-going missions, including those not designed for the required mass separation, to search for these ions. The purpose of this review is to summarize the availability of these datasets and tools. This review also shows some examples of combinations of different datasets that provide important indications of the sources of these heavy ions and their amounts that have been overlooked to date. Finally, we note the possible future contamination of specific masses (mainly aluminum (Al), but also lithium (Li), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), titanium (Ti) and germanium (Ge)) by the ablation of re-entering human-made objects in space (debris and alive satellites) in the coming decades. This possibility argues the need for dedicated observations of magnetospheric and ionospheric metallic ions before these metallic ions of space debris origin start to dominate over the natural contribution. The required observations can be performed with the available designs of space instrumentation and available ground-based instruments.

The Polar Stratosphere of Jupiter

Space Science Reviews - Mon, 11/04/2024 - 00:00

Observations of the Jovian upper atmosphere at high latitudes in the UV, IR and mm/sub-mm all indicate that the chemical distributions and thermal structure are broadly influenced by auroral particle precipitations. Mid-IR and UV observations have shown that several light hydrocarbons (up to 6 carbon atoms) have altered abundances near Jupiter’s main auroral ovals. Ion-neutral reactions influence the hydrocarbon chemistry, with light hydrocarbons produced in the upper stratosphere, and heavier hydrocarbons as well as aerosols produced in the lower stratosphere. One consequence of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling is the existence of ionospheric jets that propagate into the neutral middle stratosphere, likely acting as a dynamical barrier to the aurora-produced species. As the ionospheric jets and the background atmosphere do not co-rotate at the same rate, this creates a complex system where chemistry and dynamics are intertwined. The ion-neutral reactions produce species with a spatial distribution following the SIII longitude system in the upper stratosphere. As these species sediment down to the lower stratosphere, and because of the progressive dynamical decoupling between the ionospheric flows and the background atmosphere, the spatial distribution of the auroral-related species progressively follows a zonal distribution with increasing pressures that ultimately produces a system of polar and subpolar hazes that extends down to the bottom of the stratosphere. This paper reviews the most recent work addressing different aspects of this environment.

Closure equation and higher-order moment relations in the Gauss-Hermite lattice Boltzmann method

Physical Review E (Computational physics) - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Mahyar Madadi, Joseph T. Johnson, Yong Shi, and John E. Sader

Moment methods are often used to solve transport problems involving the Boltzmann-BGK equation. Because the moment equations are underdetermined, these methods require an additional "closure equation" that relates higher to lower-order moments. Here, we examine the closure equation and higher-order …

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 055301] Published Fri Nov 01, 2024

Frequency Dependence of Ion Energy at the Outlet of a Capacitive RF Discharge Placed in an External Magnetic Field with a Predominant Radial Component

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

The frequency dependence of the energy and ion current at the output of an RF plasma source with SPT geometry has been investigated. It has been shown that the ion energy is maximum when operating at a frequency of 6.8 MHz. An increase in the operating frequency is accompanied by a decrease in ion energy. The ion current depends nonmonotonically on frequency. At frequencies less than 27.12 MHz, an increase in the ion energy is accompanied by a decrease in the current, and a decrease in the energy by an increase in the current. Increasing the frequency to 27.12 MHz does not lead to an increase in the ion current.

Influence of the Lunar Dielectric Permittivity on Charging by the Solar Wind Plasma of Dust Grains on the Surface of the Moon

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

Electric charging of dust grains lying on the surface of the Moon is caused by the action of the solar wind plasma and the solar UV radiation. Near the terminator and in the shadow the charges on dust grains are negative and not too high for electrostatic lofting of such grains. That is why very strong electric fields are required to explain dust motion above the surface. Due to this various factors are taken into account to obtain stronger electric forces acting on dust grains. In the present paper it is investigated how the dielectric permittivity of the regolith and subsurface layers influence charging of dust grains on the Moon. We show theoretically that the dielectric permittivity in some regions can provide stronger (one order of magnitude and even more) electric charges of dust grains on the surface than it was estimated before.

Integral Plasma Current and Determination of Current Sheet Parameters

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

A method for prompt estimation of a number of key parameters that determine the features of the evolution and dynamics of current sheets produced in laboratory experiments has been proposed and realized experimentally. The method is based on the analysis of time dependences of the integral plasma current during its first half-period. The transverse dimensions of the current sheets and the strength of the initial electric field that initiates the sheet formation can be estimated on the base of defining the inductances of both the entire oscillatory contour and the region where the plasma current flows. Data on the plasma conductivity can be obtained by measuring the active resistance of the plasma gap and the dimensions of the current sheet. It is shown that the conductivity increased under conditions that corresponded to an increase in plasma density, indicating a turbulent nature of the conductivity.

On the Nonlinear Dust Acoustic Perturbations in the Ionosphere of Mars

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

Dust acoustic solitons and nonlinear periodic waves propagating in the ionosphere of Mars in plasma–dust clouds at altitudes of about 100 km have been considered. The dependence of the soliton amplitude on the charge of dust particles and plasma electron density has been studied. It is shown that an important factor influencing the soliton parameters is the adiabatic capture of plasma electrons (ions). The possibility of the existence of nonlinear periodic waves in the ionosphere of Mars has been studied. It is shown that the spatial period of the wave can be sufficient for its recording by a spacecraft. The possibility of the occurrence of dust acoustic wave perturbations in the ionosphere of Mars should be taken into account when processing and interpreting observation data.

Equilibrium States of Plasma in a Given External Field

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

The system of MHD equations for the equilibrium states of plasma in a given potential field is reduced to a single differential equation.

Nonlinear Interaction of Landau-Resonance Electrons with the EMIC Wave in a Multicomponent Plasma

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

Nonlinear resonant interaction between the electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) wave and magnetospheric electrons at the Cerenkov resonance, also referred to as the Landau or the zero-order cyclotron resonance, is investigated. Based on the data obtained on September 10, 2017, by one of the Van Allen Probe (RBSP) spacecrafts, the trajectory of a monochromatic wave packet in an inhomogeneous multicomponent plasma is found. The amplitude of the wave along the propagation trajectory is calculated taking into account not only the linear resonant interaction with protons and electrons but also variation of geometric factors such as the group velocity and the ray tube cross section. Numerical integration of the nonlinear system of equations describing the motion of electrons in the field of modeled packet of the EMIC waves revealed an important role played by nonlinear effects in the dynamics of resonant particles.

Van Kampen Waves in Quantum Plasma

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

The construction of van Kampen waves for various methods of describing quantum collisionless plasma is discussed. The linearized quantum kinetic equation, description in terms of individual wave functions, and quantum hydrodynamics equations are considered. It is shown that perturbation theory conserves the total plasma energy when described by wave functions.

Dynamics of the Expansion of Artificial Plasma Formations in Earth’s Ionosphere

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

The paper presents the results of numerical simulation of the initial stage of expansion of plasma formations resulting from the injection of high-speed aluminum plasma jets into the Earth’s ionosphere at different altitudes corresponding to two “North Star” experiments. The influence of an artificial atmosphere represented by an air cloud on the plasma formation parameters in the North Star-I experiment is studied. Gas-dynamic parameters of plasma formations and their optical characteristics are determined. We present a comparison of the calculation results with the results of measurements of the luminosity curves in two wavelength ranges of photometers, which shows good agreement between the calculated and experimental data.

Quasi-Optical Simulations of Scenarios with the Second Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Plasma Heating at the GDT Facility

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

The absorption of microwave radiation in the GDT open magnetic trap (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) was studied using a new scheme of electron cyclotron resonance plasma heating at the second harmonic, in which radiation in the form of the extraordinary wave was launched almost transverse to the plasma column. When performing numerical simulations, the full-aberration quasi-optical approach was used, which was verified using the first experimental data, obtained at the facility. The optimal scenarios using the new heating system were analyzed. It was found that in the current configuration, the total efficiency of microwave heating does not exceed 60%, which is considerably less than that planned when designing the system. This occurs due to the tangential reflection of heating radiation from the resonance region; this is a wave effect that was previously not taken into account within the framework of the geometric-optics approximation. It was shown that heating at the second harmonic does not result in excitation of the “overheating” instability of the electron component observed during heating at the first harmonic; on the whole, the wide power deposition profile is formed in this case. This is an advantage of the new scheme, since it makes it possible to avoid the development of MHD plasma instabilities associated with peaked power release at the axis of the plasma column.

Numerical Simulation of Pulse-Periodic Nanosecond Electric Discharge in Air

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

The results of the numerical simulation of a pulse-periodic nanosecond discharge are presented. An axisymmetric high-frequency (5 MHz) electric discharge in a pin-to-pin configuration is considered. Numerical models are used that take into account the chemical kinetics of high-temperature air and plasma chemistry, in which the reaction rates are determined by the magnitude of the reduced electric field. Preliminary results of plasma activation of atmospheric pressure air by a pulse-periodic nanosecond discharge are presented in order to intensify the production of chemically active particles (by the example of atomic oxygen).

Enhancement of the Anticancer Effect during the Simultaneous Treatment of Cells by a Cold Atmospheric Plasma Jet and Gold Nanoparticles

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

Selecting the most effective and biologically safe operation regimes of a cold atmospheric plasma jet (CAPJ) is a defining factor in developing the cancer treatments based on the CAPJ. Experimentally and numerically, by changing the pulse duration of the positive pulsed voltage, we determined the optimum CAPJ regimes with regular propagation of streamers and a maximum discharge current at a temperature T < 42°C. In these regimes, the CAPJ appreciably suppresses the viability of the cancerous cells. It was shown that adding gold nanoparticles increases the cytotoxic effect of the plasma jet and decreases the viability of the NCI‑H23 epithelioid lung adenocarcinoma, the A549 lung adenocarcinoma, the BrCCh4e-134 mammary adenocarcinoma, and the cells of the uMel1 uveal melanoma. The polyethylenglycol-modified gold nanoparticles with fluorescent labels were used to visualize the absorption of the nanoparticles by the cells. It was shown that the CAPJ stimulated the penetration of the nanoparticles into the cells when they were applied to the medium immediately before the CAPJ treatment or immediately after, which indicates a short-time increase in the permeability of the cell membrane.

Thomson Scattering Diagnostics with Tangential Probing Geometry at the T-15MD Tokamak

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

In 2023, the Thomson scattering diagnostics with tangential probing geometry was installed and put into operation at the T-15MD tokamak. The new system is based on a 100-Hz Nd:YAG laser with a pulse energy of up to 3 J at the first harmonic, λ = 1064 nm. The system allows measurements to be carried out throughout the plasma discharge with its duration of up to 10 s with a time interval of 10 ms. Laser radiation is introduced into the tokamak vessel in the equatorial plane, passing through the entire plasma volume from the inner to the outer periphery of the plasma. The scattered radiation acquisition system is located inside the equatorial port of the facility. The range of scattering angles is from 11° to 56°. The recording system is based on 10 polychromators on interference filters. Using this diagnostics, the electron temperature and density have been measured in the experimental campaign at the end of 2023. The system operation was demonstrated throughout the entire tokamak discharge in a wide temperature range and with a discharge duration of up to 2 s.

Features of Radial Distributions of Poloidal Magnetic Field in Axial Jet Ejection in a Plasma Focus

Физика плазмы - Fri, 11/01/2024 - 00:00

The radial distribution of the Bz field at a distance of 35 cm from the generation region of the axial jet emission (the anode surface of the setup) has been studied using the PF-3 plasma-focus facility. The measurements have been performed using multichannel magnetic probes located in the flight chamber of the facility. This has made it possible to measure the magnetic field distribution at 18 points on both sides of the flight chamber axis. The magnetic probes have been calibrated both in absolute value and in the magnetic field direction. An external multi-turn solenoid has been used to create the initial longitudinal (poloidal) magnetic field. The solenoid power supply circuit has allowed obtaining different Bz field directions: along or against the facility axis. It is shown that the poloidal field distribution reaches its maximum in the bunch center and decreases at the periphery, regardless of the presence of an external magnetic field. The Bz field has a radial distribution Bz(r), close in shape to the magnetic field distribution of the solenoid. The work is performed within the program for the simulation of jets of young stellar objects.

On a Mathematical Midsagittal Contour Model of Tongue


A mathematical model of tongue in the midsagittal plane is constructed. A tongue contour is modeled as a flexible elastic beam, for which the elastic line equation is numerically solved for the given boundary conditions and the distributed external forces. The database of tongue contours collected from the solutions of the elastic line equation is clustered into 16 classes using the K-means clustering algorithm. The resulting tongue contour is modeled as a linear combination of the cluster centroids and coefficients for any centroid that satisfy several constraints related to mechanical and kinematic properties of tongue. The model is tested on the database that contains tongue surface measurements for various sounds. The approximation error is within the data measurement error for all cases.

Optimization of the Approach to Systematic Earthquake Forecasting


The systematic forecast of earthquakes is carried out regularly in a pre-selected analysis zone. At each iteration, new data on the seismic process are loaded, processed, transformed into grid-based spatiotemporal fields, machine learning is applied, and a forecast is provided with a constant time interval. The result is a map of the alert zone where epicenters of all target earthquakes are expected within the forecast interval. The minimum alert area method is used for the forecast. In the new version of systematic earthquake forecasting, the solution to the problem is divided into two stages. At the first stage, the algorithm identifies alarm intervals containing target earthquakes with epicenters in the analysis area. At the second stage, during alarm intervals, the algorithm predicts alarm zones containing all epicenters of target earthquakes. This allows one to optimize the estimation of the probability of detecting epicenters of target earthquakes in a series of forecasts and the probability that all epicenters of target earthquakes will be within the predicted alert zone in a single forecast. An example of applying the method to the earthquake forecasting in Kamchatka, California, and the island part of Japan are considered.

Solving initial-terminal value problem of time evolutions by a deep least action method: Newtonian dynamics and wave equations

Physical Review E (Computational physics) - Mon, 10/28/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Zhipeng Chang, Jerry Zhijian Yang, and Xiaofei Zhao

We introduce a deep least action method (DLAM) rooted in the principle of least action to solve the trajectory of an evolution problem. DLAM offers an efficient unsupervised solution and can be applied once the action or Lagrangian of the concerned physical system is clear, totally avoiding the diff…

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045311] Published Mon Oct 28, 2024

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