1.1 Laboratory of ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction


  • The study of the physical processes that control the dynamic state of the ionosphere under quiet and geomagnetically - disturbed conditions on the basis of theoretical models and analysis of satellite and ground-based observations.
  • The development of mathematical models of the interaction of the ionosphere with the thermosphere, the plasmasphere and magnetosphere. Identification and analysis of empirical relationships between the characteristics of the near-Earth space, the interplanetary medium and the Sun.
  • The research of the mechanisms of magnetospheric storms and substorms and their impact on the upper atmosphere.
  • The development of methods for the synthesis of mathematical measurements of geomagnetic variations in the global network of ground-based magnetometers.
  • A quantitative description of the global distribution of electric fields and currents in the ionosphere - magnetosphere system based on the theoretical modeling and synthetic data observations.
  • The development of methods for solving applied problems of space weather.

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