The paper studies the dynamics of high-temperature structures (with a temperature of T ≥ 10 MK) in the corona above active regions (ARs) in quiet temporal intervals, before solar flares of high X-ray classes and during and after individual flare events, and determines the role of electric currents in heating the coronal plasma. In the study, we used data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft: magnetograms obtained by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument (used to detect and calculate the magnitude of large-scale electric current) and photoheliograms of the solar corona in ultraviolet radiation 94, 131, 171, 193, 211, and 335 Å channels of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA/SDO) instrument (used to construct maps of temperature distribution in the corona above the AR, detect high-temperature structures, and study their evolution). The objects of the study were ARs NOAA 12 192 (October 2014) and 12 371 (June 2015) of the 24th solar activity cycle, which have high absolute values of large-scale electric current. The following results were obtained: (1) The discovered high-temperature structures represent a channel of large-scale electric current at coronal heights. (2) High-temperature structures in the corona above the studied ARs exist over a long (several days) time interval, which indicates the presence of a constant source of plasma heating; the temperature of the structures, the area they occupy, and their spatial orientation change over time. (3) High-temperature structures in the corona consist of individual elements with a cross section of ~108 cm. (4) Several hours before the X-ray flares of classes M and X datected in the studied ARs during their monitoring time, a significant decrease in the area occupied by high-temperature structures was observed, and in some cases, a decrease in temperature to 3–5 MK, which indicates a change in the physical conditions in the corona before powerful flares.