Syndicate content Wiley: Geophysical Research Letters: Table of Contents
Table of Contents for Geophysical Research Letters. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
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Quantifying Anthropogenic Influences on Global Wave Height Trend During 1961–2020 With Focus on Polar Ocean

Tue, 03/26/2024 - 14:29

This study investigates the contribution of external forcings on global and regional ocean wave height change during 1961–2020. Historical significant wave height (H s ) produced for different CMIP6 external forcings and preindustrial control conditions following the Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project (DAMIP) are employed. The internal variability ranges are compared with different external forcing scenario. Statistically significant linear trends in H s computed over regional ocean basins are found to be mostly associated with anthropogenic forcings: greenhouse gas-only (GHG) and aerosol-only (AER) forcing. For H s , GHG signals are robustly detected and dominant for most of the global ocean, except over North pacific and South Atlantic, where AER signals are dominant. These results are supported by multi-model analysis for wind speed. The remarkable increase in H s over the Arctic (22.3%) and Southern (8.2%) Ocean can be attributed to GHG induced sea-ice depletion and larger effective fetch along with wind speed increase.

Investigating Convective Processes Underlying ENSO: New Insights Into the Fixed Anvil Temperature Hypothesis

Tue, 03/26/2024 - 13:28

Interannual variations provide insight into the sensitivity of convective processes. Thus, CloudSat and ERA5 are used to explore the relationship among convective cores, outflows and environmental conditions during El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles. Results reveal greater upper-tropospheric stability during El Niño, resulting in a lower level of neutral buoyancy compared to La Niña. However, outflow levels remain relatively consistent across ENSO cycles. This suggests that, despite less favorable conditions for deep convection during El Niño, stronger convective intensity is required to achieve outflow levels comparable to those in La Niña. Indeed, our results suggest that convection observed during El Niño tends to have broader cores and lower entrainment rates, translating to greater intensity compared to La Niña. These findings emphasize the importance of considering both large-scale and convective-scale processes, providing an update to the fixed anvil temperature (FAT) and the proportionately higher anvil temperature (PHAT) hypotheses as originally proposed.

Reversal of Projected European Summer Precipitation Decline in a Stabilizing Climate

Mon, 03/25/2024 - 13:00

Precipitation projections in transient climate change scenarios have been extensively studied over multiple climate model generations. Although these simulations have also been used to make projections at specific Global Warming Levels (GWLs), dedicated simulations are more appropriate to study changes in a stabilizing climate. Here, we analyze precipitation projections in six multi-century experiments with fixed atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, conducted with the UK Earth System Model and which span a range of GWLs between 1.5 and 5°C of warming. Regions are identified where the sign of precipitation trends in high-emission transient projections is reversed in the stabilization experiments. For example, stabilization reverses a summertime precipitation decline across Europe. This precipitation recovery occurs concurrently with changes in the pattern of Atlantic sea surface temperature trends due to a slow recovery of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the stabilization experiments, along with changes in humidity and atmospheric circulation.

Advancing Permafrost Monitoring With Autonomous Electrical Resistivity Tomography (A‐ERT): Low‐Cost Instrumentation and Open‐Source Data Processing Tool

Mon, 03/25/2024 - 05:23

Permafrost is a widespread phenomenon in the cold regions of the globe and is under-represented in global monitoring networks. This study presents a novel low-cost, low-power, and robust Autonomous Electrical Resistivity Tomography (A-ERT) monitoring system and open-source processing tools for permafrost monitoring. The processing workflow incorporates diagnostic and filtering tools and utilizes open-source software, ResIPy, for data inversion. The workflow facilitates quick and efficient extraction of key information from large data sets. Field experiments conducted in Antarctica demonstrated the system's capability to operate in harsh and remote environments and provided high-temporal-resolution imaging of ground freezing and thawing dynamics. This data set and processing workflow allow for a detailed investigation of how meteorological conditions impact subsurface processes. The A-ERT setup can complement existing monitoring networks on permafrost and is suitable for continuous monitoring in polar and mountainous regions, contributing to cryosphere research and gaining deeper insights into permafrost and active layer dynamics.

Midlatitude Oceanic Fronts Strengthen the Hydrological Cycle Between Cyclones and Anticyclones

Sat, 03/23/2024 - 17:09

The Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension and Gulf Stream oceanic frontal zones are characterized by enhanced activity of synoptic-scale cyclones and anticyclones and vigorous air-sea heat and moisture exchange in the cold season. However, the time-mean air-sea exchange attributed separately to cyclones and anticyclones has not been assessed. Here we quantify cyclonic and anticyclonic contributions around the frontal zones to surface turbulent heat fluxes, precipitation, and the associated hydrological cycle using atmospheric general circulation model experiments with observed and artificially smoothed sea-surface temperature gradients. The evaluation reveals that precipitation exceeds evaporation climatologically within cyclonic domains while evaporation dominates within anticyclonic domains. These features as well as the net moisture transport from anticyclonic to cyclonic domains are all enhanced by the sharpness of the frontal zones. Oceanic frontal zones thus climatologically act to strengthen the hydrological cycle. These findings aid our understanding of the relationship between midlatitude air-sea interactions on synoptic- and longer-time scales.

Changes to Peroxyacyl Nitrates (PANs) Over Megacities in Response to COVID‐19 Tropospheric NO2 Reductions Observed by the Cross‐Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)

Sat, 03/23/2024 - 16:59

The COVID-19 pandemic perturbed air pollutant emissions as cities shut down worldwide. Peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs) are important tracers of photochemistry that are formed through the oxidation of non-methane volatile organic compounds in the presence of nitrogen oxide radicals (NO x  = NO + NO2). We use satellite measurements of free tropospheric PANs from the Suomi-National Polar-orbiting Partnership Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) over eight of the world's megacities. We quantify the seasonal cycle of PANs over these megacities and find seasonal maxima in PANs correspond to seasonal peaks in local photochemistry. CrIS is used to explore changes in PANs in response to the COVID-19 lockdowns. Statistically significant changes to PANs occurred over four megacities: with decreases over Los Angeles and Delhi, and increases over Mexico City and Beijing in the winter. Our analysis suggests that large perturbations in NO x may not result in significant declines in NO x export potential of megacities.

Borneo Stalagmite Evidence of Significantly Reduced El Niño‐Southern Oscillation Variability at 4.1 kyBP

Sat, 03/23/2024 - 16:29

The timing and geographic extent of a potential “4.2 ky event” remain highly contested. Here we present records of ENSO variability at 3.8 kyBP and 4.1 kyBP derived from a Borneo stalagmite, which suggest a significant change in ENSO properties between these time intervals. The Borneo records show evidence of significantly reduced ENSO activity at 4.1 kyBP, relative to other measured windows within the Holocene. This reduced ENSO activity coincides with a period of drier conditions and enhanced dust events in the Middle East that took place ∼4.0–4.3 kyBP. The Borneo records show evidence of enhanced ENSO activity at 3.8 kyBP. Various hydroclimate changes attributed to the “4.2 ky event” in many regions may thus be reflecting a shift from reduced to enhanced El Niño activity that occurred between 3.8 kyBP to 4.0 kyBP.

Strong Aerosol Absorption and Its Radiative Effects in Lhasa on the Tibetan Plateau

Sat, 03/23/2024 - 11:04

Knowledge of aerosol radiative effects in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is limited due to the lack of reliable aerosol optical properties, especially the single scattering albedo (SSA). We firstly reported in situ measurement of SSA in Lhasa using a cavity enhanced albedometer (CEA) at λ = 532 nm from 22nd May to 11th June 2021. Unexpected strong aerosol absorbing ability was observed with an average SSA of 0.69. Based on spectral absorptions measured by Aethalometer (AE33), black carbon (BC) was found to be the dominated absorbing species, accounting for about 83% at λ = 370 nm, followed by primary and secondary brown carbon (BrCpri and BrCsec). The average direct aerosol radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere (DARFTOA) was 2.83 W/m2, indicating aerosol warming effect on the Earth-atmosphere system. Even though aerosol loading is low, aerosol heating effect plays a significant role on TP warming due to strong absorbing ability.

Quantifying Human Contributions to Near‐Surface Temperature Inversions: Insights From COVID‐19 Natural Experiments

Sat, 03/23/2024 - 10:48

Temperature inversion (TI) constitutes a crucial component in the physicochemical processes of the lower troposphere, but disentangling human contributions to its generation from complex environmental factors poses significant challenges. We leveraged the unique natural experiment prompted by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic to estimate changes in TI incidence and temperature difference (∆T) caused by the economic shutdown in the first half of 2020 across 500 major cities worldwide. We found that ∆T declined by 2.5% and TI incidence declined by 18.2% compared to 2016–2019, exhibiting spatial-temporal heterogeneity and pronounced declines in cities with higher levels of economic development and emission reduction. Moreover, we demonstrated that fine particulate matter (PM2.5) may serve as a mediating pathway through which human activities influence air thermal properties, and climate categories modulate this mediating effect. Our analysis provides empirical evidence of human influence on the vertical thermal structure of the atmosphere.

The Indo‐Pacific Rim at Risk: How Rossby Waves Contribute to Extreme Precipitation Clustering

Sat, 03/23/2024 - 10:38

Clustering extreme weather events are concurrent or consecutive occurrences of disastrous weather in multiple regions, resulting in cumulative impacts. Here we discovered a significant increasing trend in clustering extreme precipitation events over the Indo-Pacific rim over the past four decades. This trend can be largely attributable to the increasing frequency of the Rossby wave response, including the circum-Pacific and cross-Pacific patterns due to Rossby wave activity propagation, and the Pacific anticyclone pattern due to Rossby wave breaking. The three patterns show remarkable disparity in seasonality, persistence, and hydrological impacts. They can increase the occurrences of most severe precipitation by up to 5, 8, and 25 times, respectively. The Indian Summer Monsoon heat sources and La Niña are identified as key drivers, and the mid-latitude jet streams are modulators contributing to the events. Our findings suggest that specific Rossby wave patterns may influence the potential evolution of future clustering extremes.

Electromagnetic Landau Resonance: MMS Observations

Fri, 03/22/2024 - 15:23

Theoretical analysis has revealed a specific resonance that shares the same condition as Landau resonance, but instead involves wave electromagnetic fields rather than traditionally electrostatic fields. While this resonance, referred to as electromagnetic Landau resonance due to its properties, is considered significant for magnetospheric dynamics, rare reports or evaluations based on observations have been made thus far. Here, we present an event detected by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission near the dayside magnetopause. During this event, ∼748-eV protons are observed to be in resonance with a wave. Detailed data analysis demonstrates the resonant velocity closely matches the wave's parallel phase speed, which, combined with the significant work done by wave perpendicular electric field, confirms this interaction as electromagnetic Landau resonance. Further investigation indicates these protons are being secularly accelerated within this resonance. Consequently, our observations provide the first empirical evidence supporting the previously suggested theoretical importance of the electromagnetic Landau resonance.

Drought Spatial Extent and Dependence Increase During Drought Propagation From the Atmosphere to the Hydrosphere

Fri, 03/22/2024 - 13:00

As droughts propagate both in time and space, their impacts increase because of changes in drought properties. Because temporal and spatial drought propagation are mostly studied separately, it is yet unknown how drought spatial extent and connectedness change as droughts propagate though the hydrological cycle from precipitation to streamflow and groundwater. Here, we use a large-sample dataset of 70 catchments in Central Europe to study the propagation of local and spatial drought characteristics. We show that drought propagation leads to longer, later, and fewer droughts with larger spatial extents. 75% of the precipitation droughts propagate to P-ET, among these 20% propagate further to streamflow and 10% to groundwater. Of the streamflow droughts, 40% propagate to groundwater. Drought extent and dependence increase during drought propagation along the drought propagation pathway from precipitation to streamflow thanks to synchronizing effects of the land-surface but decreases again for groundwater because of sub-surface heterogeneity.

Major Role of Marine Heatwave and Anthropogenic Climate Change on a Giant Hail Event in Spain

Fri, 03/22/2024 - 13:00

A severe hailstorm that occurred in Spain on 30 August 2022, caused material and human damage, including one fatality due to giant hailstones up to 12 cm in diameter. By applying a pseudo-global warming approach, here we evaluate how a simultaneous marine heatwave (and anthropogenic climate change) affected a unique environment conductive to such giant hailstones. The main results show that the supercell development was influenced by an unprecedented amount of convective available energy, with significant contributions from thermodynamic factors. Numerical simulations where the marine heatwave is not present show a notable reduction in the hail-favorable environments, related mainly to modifications in thermodynamic environment. Our simulations also indicate that the environment in a preindustrial-like climate would be less favorable for convective hazards and thus the hailstorm event would likely not have been as severe as the observed one, being possible to perform a novel attribution of such kind.

High Spatiotemporal Resolution River Networks Mapping on Catchment Scale Using Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and DEM Data

Fri, 03/22/2024 - 07:24

Characterizing and understanding the changes in the flow regimes of rivers have been challenging. Existing global river network data sets are not updated and can only identify rivers wider than 30 m. We propose a novel automated method to map river networks on a monthly basin scale for the first time at 10-m resolution using Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar, Sentinel-2 multispectral images, and the AW3D30 Digital Surface Model. This method achieved an overall accuracy of 95.8%. The total length of the Yellow River network produced is 40,280 km, approximately 3.2 times that of the Global River Widths from Landsat (GRWL) database, more effectively covering small and medium rivers. The monthly river geometry revealed a positive correlation between river network area and precipitation. This study is expected to provide a cost-effective alternative to accurately mapping global river networks and advance our understanding of the changes and drivers of river systems.

Turbulence as a Key Driver of Ice Aggregation and Riming in Arctic Low‐Level Mixed‐Phase Clouds, Revealed by Long‐Term Cloud Radar Observations

Fri, 03/22/2024 - 06:49

Turbulence in clouds is known to enhance particle collision rates, as widely demonstrated for warm rain formation. A similar impact on ice growth processes is expected but a solid observational basis is missing. A statistical analysis of a 15-month data set of cloud radar observations allows for the first time to quantify the impact of turbulence on ice aggregation and riming in Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds. Increasing eddy dissipation rate (EDR), from below 10−4 to above 10−3 m2 s−3, yields larger ice aggregates, and higher particle concentration, likely caused by increasing fragmentation. In conditions more favorable to riming, higher EDR is associated with dramatically higher particle fall velocities (by up to 125%), under similar liquid water paths, indicative of markedly higher degrees of riming. Our findings thus reveal the key role of turbulence for cold precipitation formation, and highlight the need for an improved understanding of turbulence-hydrometeor interactions in cold clouds.

An Unstructured Mesh Generation Tool for Efficient High‐Resolution Representation of Spatial Heterogeneity in Land Surface Models

Fri, 03/22/2024 - 05:55

This study develops an unstructured mesh generation tool for land surface modeling using a multi-scale hexagon discrete mesh. The tool can automatically determine the required mesh resolution for different regions based on multi-objective criteria such as elevation, slope, land cover, and land use. The refined unstructured meshes demonstrate significant enhancement in the representation of spatial heterogeneity. The tool is coupled with the Common Land Model (CoLM) to enable land surface simulations using unstructured meshes. Evaluations focused on runoff, river discharge, and inundation indicate improved model performance compared to traditional structured mesh-based CoLM simulations under the same computational cost constraints. This tool provides new capabilities for more efficiently capturing localized land surface processes and extreme events.

Ionospheric Plasma Transported Into the Martian Magnetosheath

Fri, 03/22/2024 - 05:45

Heavy cold ions at Mars are gravitationally bound to the planet unless some process provides energy to them. Observations show that cold (<20 eV) and dense (∼>1 cm−3) O+/O2 + ions with bulk velocities equal to energies ∼1 keV can reach deep into the nightside Martian magnetosheath. These ions are co-located with a change of the sign of the sunward component of the magnetic field. This magnetic field topology implies the persistence of a localized planetary ions escape channel associated with draped magnetic field lines that are convecting tailward. The observed ion populations propagate approximately in the same direction as surrounding magnetosheath flow and are likely to be almost unheated ionospheric ions from low altitudes. The paper discusses planetary ion energization via Hall electric field originated from ions and electron separation associated with magnetic field curvature.

Effects of Balanced Motions and Unbalanced Internal Waves on Steric Height in the Mid‐Latitude Ocean

Thu, 03/21/2024 - 11:39

The baroclinic component of the sea surface height, referred to as steric height, is governed by geostrophically balanced motions and unbalanced internal waves, and thus is an essential indicator of ocean interior dynamics. Using yearlong measurements from a mooring array, we assess the distribution of upper-ocean steric height across frequencies and spatial scales of O (1–20 km) in the northeast Atlantic. Temporal decomposition indicates that the two largest contributors to steric height variance are large-scale atmospheric forcing (32.8%) and mesoscale eddies (34.1%), followed by submesoscale motions (15.2%), semidiurnal internal tides (8%), super-tidal variability (6.1%) and near-inertial motions (3.8%). Structure function diagnostics further reveal the seasonality and scale dependence of steric height variance. In winter, steric height is dominated by balanced motions across all resolved scales, whereas in summer, unbalanced internal waves become the leading-order contributor to steric height at scales of O (1 km).

Illite K‐Ar Dating of the Leibo Fault Zone, Southeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Implications for the Quasi‐Synchronous Far‐Field Tectonic Response to the India‐Asia Collision

Thu, 03/21/2024 - 10:04

Whether tectonic strain from the early stage India-Asia collision has synchronously affected the far-field margin of the Tibetan Plateau is crucial for understanding plateau deformation and growth processes. However, direct evidence for early far-field deformation remains scarce. Utilizing illite K-Ar dating of three fault gouge samples, we established the faulting history of the Leibo fault zone (LFZ) at the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (SEMTP). Consistent authigenic illite ages of 52 ± 2, 54 ± 12 and 55 ± 6 Ma suggest the reactivated thrust faulting of the LFZ in the Early Cenozoic. Positioned ∼700 km east of the collisional boundary and at the intersection of three blocks with distinct lithospheric rheology in strength/viscosity, this event suggests a quasi-synchronous far-field tectonic response in the SEMTP to the India-Asia collision.

Changes in the Climate System Dominate Inter‐Annual Variability in Flooding Across the Globe

Thu, 03/21/2024 - 09:48

Extreme flood events have regional differences in their generating mechanisms due to the complex interaction of different climate and catchment processes. This study aims to examine the capability of climate drivers to capture year-to-year variability in global flood extremes. Here, we use a statistical attribution approach to model seasonal and annual maximum daily discharge for 7,886 stations worldwide, using season- and basin-averaged precipitation and temperature as predictors. The results show robust performance of our seasonal climate-informed models in describing the inter-annual variability in seasonal and annual maximum discharges regardless of the geographical region, climate type, basin size, degree of regulation, and impervious area. The developed models enable the assessment of the sensitivity of flood discharge to precipitation and temperature changes, indicating their potential to reliably project changes in the magnitude of flood extremes.

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