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Distinct Modulations of Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone Precipitation by Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 19:14

The interdecadal variability of tropical cyclone precipitation (TCP) over the western North Pacific (WNP) has not been thoroughly explored in previous studies. Here, we show that the TCP variations are modulated by both the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) as evidenced by reanalysis data and model experiments. A clustering analysis of tropical cyclone tracks shows that the AMO dominates a dipole pattern of TCP anomalies in the South China Sea and along the coastal eastern China. Meanwhile, the IPO dominates TCP over the southeastern WNP. Further analyses show that the AMO, particularly its extratropical component, affects TCP over the WNP by triggering an eastward-propagating Rossby-wave train, resulting in a pair of anomalous gyres over the WNP. Contrastly, the IPO modulates TCP by stimulating tropical circulation anomalies via the tropical pathway. These findings shed light on improving near-term TCP forecast and its regional influence on East Asia.

Retrieving Seismic Source Characteristics Using Seismic and Infrasound Data: The 2020 ML 4.1 Kiruna Minequake, Sweden

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 19:04

A minequake of magnitude M L 4.1 occurred on 18 May 2020 early in the morning at the LKAB underground iron ore mine in Kiruna, Sweden. This is the largest mining-induced earthquake in Scandinavia. It generated acoustic signals observed at three infrasound arrays at 9.3 (KRIS, Sweden), 155 (IS37, Norway), and 286 km (ARCI, Norway) distance. We perform full-waveform focal mechanism inversion based on regional seismic data and local infrasound data. These independently highlight that this event was dominated by a shallow-depth collapse in agreement with in-mine seismic station data. However, regional infrasound data cannot inform the inversion process without an accurate model of atmospheric winds and temperatures. Yet, our numerical simulations demonstrate a potential of using local and regional infrasound data to constrain an event's focal mechanism and depth.

MMS Observations of Oscillating Energy Conversion and Electron Vorticity in an Electron‐Scale Layer Within a Southward Magnetopause Reconnection Exhaust

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 18:57

The MMS satellites traversed a ∼6 di-wide and ∼500 km/s southward reconnection exhaust at the dayside magnetopause on 6 December 2015 and ∼29 di from the associated X-line region. A narrow ∼0.26–0.34 di layer of enhanced ±3.5 nW/m3 oscillating energy conversion perpendicular to the magnetic field resides in this exhaust. It contained two regions of diverging in-plane electric fields in general agreement with two clockwise electron flow vortices and a proposed increase of the electron vorticity ∇ × V e. The layer developed sunward of a unipolar Hall magnetic field for a duskward BM/BL ∼ 0.9 guide field. Each electron flow vortex supported a local ∆BM ∼ 10 nT strengthening of this Hall field. The presence of this electron-scale layer in a southward exhaust for a duskward guide field is consistent with a two-dimensional simulation of a similar structure that evolved from an X-line into a northward exhaust for a similar strength dawnward guide field.

Cenozoic Evolution of the Bohai Bay Basin: Constraints From Seismic Radial Anisotropy

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 18:53

We obtain three-dimensional models of crustal shear-wave velocity and radial anisotropy in the Bohai Bay basin (BBB), revealing distinct radial anisotropy patterns. The western region of the basin exhibits pronounced positive crustal radial anisotropies, attributed to upper mantle convection driven by the subduction of the Pacific plate during the early Tertiary. Conversely, the eastern region of the basin demonstrates weak to negative radial anisotropies, indicating a compression shear rupture system influenced by the far-field India-Eurasian collision during the Neogene-Quaternary. These differences suggest that the formation of the BBB is associated with the dynamic transition from Pacific subduction to India-Eurasian collision during the Cenozoic. Moreover, the Luxi uplift, with its stable upper-middle crustal structures, acts as a barrier hindering the eastward extension of the BBB.

Quantitative study of storm surge risk assessment in an undeveloped coastal area of China based on deep learning and geographic information system techniques: a case study of Double Moon Bay

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 17:44
Quantitative study of storm surge risk assessment in an undeveloped coastal area of China based on deep learning and geographic information system techniques: a case study of Double Moon Bay
Lichen Yu, Hao Qin, Shining Huang, Wei Wei, Haoyu Jiang, and Lin Mu
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 2003–2024, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-24-2003-2024, 2024
This paper proposes a quantitative storm surge risk assessment method for data-deficient regions. A coupled model is used to simulate five storm surge scenarios. Deep learning is used to extract building footprints. Economic losses are calculated by combining adjusted depth–damage functions with inundation simulation results. Zoning maps illustrate risk levels based on economic losses, aiding in disaster prevention measures to reduce losses in coastal areas.

Simulation of a lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere electromagnetic coupling prior to the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 17:44
Simulation of a lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere electromagnetic coupling prior to the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake
Mei Li, Zhuangkai Wang, Chen Zhou, Handong Tan, and Meng Cao
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., https//doi.org/10.5194/nhess-2024-94,2024
Preprint under review for NHESS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
In order to check the relationship between ground-based electromagnetic anomaly and ionospheric effect before the famous Wenchuan MS 8.0 earthquake, three physical models have been established to simulate the communication process of electromagnetic energy from the Wenchuan hypocenter to the Earth’s surface, via the atmosphere to the ionosphere to cause ionospheric variations.

Internal Tide Surface Signature and Incoherence in the North Atlantic

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 17:30

Despite intensified efforts to better quantify Internal Tide dynamics over past decades, large uncertainties remain regarding their distribution and lifecycle in the ocean. In particular, internal tide incoherence (loss of time-regularity) has limited our ability to characterize, understand, and predict internal tides, challenging the exploitation of new-generation wide-swath satellite altimeters. Based on a realistic high-resolution numerical simulation, we quantify the internal tide distribution and incoherence properties in the North Atlantic. We quantify IT incoherence for sea level and surface currents, and for different vertical modes independently. Our results show that typical decorrelation timescale induced by the mesoscale turbulence are rather short—below 25 days for the first vertical mode. It further exhibits a strong dependence of the internal tide incoherence with location, reflecting regions of enhanced eddy activity, and with vertical mode number—higher baroclinic modes being much more incoherent with shorter decorrelation timescale.

More Frequent Spaceborne Sampling of XCO2 Improves Detectability of Carbon Cycle Seasonal Transitions in Arctic‐Boreal Ecosystems

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 16:43

Surface, aircraft, and satellite measurements indicate pervasive early cold season (Augut–September) CO2 emissions across Arctic regions, consistent with increased ecosystem metabolism in plants and soils. A key remaining question is whether cold season sources will become large enough to permanently shift the Arctic into a net carbon source. Polar orbiting GHG satellites provide robust estimation of regional carbon budgets but lack sufficient spatial coverage and repeat frequency to track sink-to-source transitions in the early cold season. Mission concepts such as the Arctic Observing Mission (AOM) advocate for flying imaging spectrometers in highly elliptical orbits (HEO) over the Arctic to address sampling limitations. We perform retrieval and flux inversion simulation experiments using the AURORA mission concept, leveraging a Panchromatic imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (PanFTS) in HEO. Our simulations demonstrate the potential benefits of increased CO2 sampling for detecting emissions during the early cold season.

On Some Limitations of Current Machine Learning Weather Prediction Models

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 16:39

Machine Learning (ML) is having a profound impact in the domain of Weather and Climate Prediction. A recent development in this area has been the emergence of fully data-driven ML prediction models which routinely claim superior performance to that of traditional physics-based models. We examine some aspects of the forecasts produced by three of the leading current ML models, Pangu-Weather, FourCastNet and GraphCast, with a focus on their fidelity and physical consistency. The main conclusion is that these ML models are not able to properly reproduce sub-synoptic and mesoscale weather phenomena and lack the fidelity and physical consistency of physics-based models and this has impacts on the interpretation of their forecasts and their perceived skill. Balancing forecast skill and physical realism will be an important consideration for future ML models.

A Global Probability‐Of‐Fire (PoF) Forecast

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 16:33

Accurate wildfire forecasting can inform regional management and mitigation strategies in advance of fire occurrence. Existing systems typically use fire danger indices to predict landscape flammability, based on meteorological forecasts alone, often using little or no direct information on land surface or vegetation state. Here, we use a vegetation characteristic model, weather forecasts and a data-driven machine learning approach to construct a global daily ∼9 km resolution Probability of Fire (PoF) model operating at multiple lead times. The PoF model outperforms existing indices, providing accurate forecasts of fire activity up to 10 days in advance, and in some cases up to 30 days. The model can also be used to investigate historical shifts in regional fire patterns. Furthermore, the underlying data driven approach allows PoF to be used for fire attribution, isolating key variables for specific fire events or for looking at the relationships between variables and fire occurrence.

Cross‐Season Effect of Spring Kuroshio‐Oyashio Extension SST Anomalies on Following Summer Atmospheric Circulation

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 16:23

The long-term memory of the ocean makes sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) become a significant predictor for the subsequent atmosphere, and the tropical ocean is primarily regarded as a major source of atmospheric anomalies. While in North Pacific, the local midlatitude SSTAs also have large contributions but have not been adequately considered yet. We discover a strong connection between the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension (KOE) SSTAs in spring and the local atmospheric circulation anomalies in following summer at interannual timescale, wherein, the spring KOE SSTAs are generally independent of tropical ocean, and they are primarily induced by the concurrent atmospheric anomalies via surface heat flux and ocean dynamic processes. The spring KOE SSTAs can persist to summer, and then generate nearly reversed whole-layer atmospheric circulation anomalies in their north side through both diabatic heating and atmospheric transient eddy forcing. Consequently, precipitation anomalies in Pan-Pacific regions are distinctly modulated from spring to summer.

Permafrost Cloud Feedback May Amplify Climate Change

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 16:19

Rising temperatures entail important changes in the soil hydrologic processes of the northern permafrost zone. Using the ICON-Earth System Model, we show that a large-scale thaw of essentially impervious frozen soil layers may cause a positive feedback by which permafrost degradation amplifies the causative warming. The thawing of the ground increases its hydraulic connectivity and raises drainage rates which facilitates a drying of the landscapes. This limits evapotranspiration and the formation of low-altitude clouds during the snow-free season. A decrease in summertime cloudiness, in turn, increases the shortwave radiation reaching the surface, hence, temperatures and advances the permafrost degradation. Our simulations further suggest that the consequences of a permafrost cloud feedback may not be limited to the regional scale. For a near-complete loss of the high-latitude permafrost, they show significant temperature impacts on all continents and northern-hemisphere ocean basins that raise the global mean temperature by 0.25 K.

Corals Evidence an Underestimation of the 20th Century Warming in the Eastern Pacific Cold Tongue

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 16:09

The trade winds cause strong upwelling in the eastern equatorial Pacific, and create the eastern Pacific Cold Tongue (EPCT) that has far-reaching impacts on global climate. However, large discrepancies persist in quantifying 20th-century EPCT sea surface temperature (SST) changes across different instrumental data sets. Here we synthesize four coral Sr/Ca-SST records from the tropical central-eastern Pacific to develop a Cold Tongue Index (CTI) reconstruction for 1887–1997. The coral CTI record shows a rapid 20th century warming of the EPCT, suggesting an underestimation of warming trends in instrumental CTI records. The decadal to multidecadal changes in reconstructed EPCT SST show an association with the Walker Circulation. Our reconstruction indicates that recent EPCT cooling during the global warming hiatus is not unusual in the context of the 20th century. Our results provide new evidence for 20th century EPCT SST changes and an observational constraint for predicting future tropical climate changes.

To Rotate or to Link? The Connection Between the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Rifts in Central Afar

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 16:03

Central Afar is shaped by the interaction between the Red Sea (RS) and Gulf of Aden (GoA) rifts. While there have been several studies conducted in the region, we know surprisingly little about the mechanism of connection between these two rift branches. Here we use high-resolution 3D lithospheric scale geodynamic modeling to capture the evolution of linkage between the RS and GoA rifts in central Afar. Our results demonstrate that the two rifts initially overlap and interact across a broad zone of faulting and vertical axis block rotation. However, through time, rift overlap is abandoned in favor of direct linkage which generates a series of localized en-echelon basins. The present-day direct linkage between the two rifts is supported by geodetic observations. Our study reconciles previously proposed models for the RS and GoA rift connection by considering spatial and temporal evolution of the rifts.

Investigating Catchment‐Scale Daily Snow Depths of CMIP6 in Canada

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 15:20

Accurate modeling of snow depth (SD) processes is critical for understanding global energy balance changes, affecting climate change mitigation strategies. This study evaluates the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) model performance in simulating daily SD across Canada. We assess CMIP6 outputs against observed data, focusing on daily SD averages, snow cover durations, and rates of accumulation and depletion, alongside annual SD peaks for 11 major Canadian catchments. Our findings reveal that CMIP6 simulations generally overestimate daily SD by 57.7% and extend snow cover duration by 30.5 days on average. While three models (CESM2, UKESM1-0-LL and MIROC6) notably align with observed annual SD peaks, simulation biases suggest the need for enhanced model parameterization to accurately capture snow physics, particularly in regions with permanent snow cover and complex terrains. This analysis underscores the necessity of refining CMIP6 simulations and incorporating detailed geographical data for better SD predictions.

Plant Morphology Impacts Bedload Sediment Transport

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 15:09

Bedload sediment transport plays an important role in the evolution of rivers, marshes and deltas. In these aquatic environments, vegetation is widespread, and plant species have unique morphology. However, the impact of real plant morphology on flow and sediment transport has not been quantified. This study used model plants with real plant morphology, based on the aquatic species Phragmites australis, Acorus calamus and Typha latifolia. The frontal area of these species increases away from the bed, which leads to higher near-bed velocity than would be predicted from depth-average frontal area. A plant morphology coefficient was defined to quantify the impact of vertically-varied plant frontal area. Laboratory experiments confirmed that the plant morphology coefficient improved the prediction of near-bed velocity, near-bed turbulent kinetic energy and bedload transport rate in canopies with realistic morphology. Plant morphology can alter transport rates by up to an order of magnitude, relative to the assumption of uniform morphology.

A Novel Emergent Constraint Approach for Refining Regional Climate Model Projections of Peak Flow Timing

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 14:59

Global climate models (GCMs) are unable to produce detailed runoff conditions at the basin scale. Assumptions are commonly made that dynamical downscaling can resolve this issue. However, given the large magnitude of the biases in downscaled GCMs, it is unclear whether such projections are credible. Here, we use an ensemble of dynamically downscaled GCMs to evaluate this question in the Sierra-Cascade mountain range of the western US. Future projections across this region are characterized by earlier seasonal shifts in peak flow, but with substantial inter-model uncertainty (−25 ± 34.75 days, 95% confidence interval (CI)). We apply the emergent constraint (EC) method for the first time to dynamically downscaled projections, leading to a 39% (−28.25 ± 20.75 days, 95% CI) uncertainty reduction in future peak flow timing. While the constrained results can differ from bias corrected projections, the EC is based on GCM biases in historical peak flow timing and has a strong physical underpinning.

Sinuous Aurora at Mars: A Link to the Tail Current Sheet?

JGR:Space physics - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:54

We examine the newly discovered phenomena of sinuous aurora on the nightside of Mars, using images of 130.4 and 135.6 nm oxygen emission measured by the Emirates Mars Mission EMUS ultraviolet spectrograph, and upstream measurements from the MAVEN and Mars Express spacecraft. They are detected in ∼3% of observations, totaling 73 clear detections. These emissions are narrow, elongated (1,000–6,000 km), cross Mars' UV terminator, and are oriented generally toward the anti-solar point, clustering into north, south, east, and west-oriented groups. Diverse morphologies are observed, though some spatial features, such as broad curves, may in some cases be due to temporal aliasing of aurora motion as each image is built up over 15–20 min. Sinuous aurora form away from Mars' strongest crustal magnetic fields and can be interrupted by moderate crustal fields. Sinuous aurora occurrence increases strongly with solar wind pressure, though brightness shows only a weak positive dependence on pressure. Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) clock angle affects their occurrence and orientation: sinuous aurora show a broad range of orientations centered on the solar wind convection electric field (E conv) direction and forming in the +E conv hemisphere, although with moderate clockwise and counterclockwise average “twists” for westward and eastward IMF, respectively. From these features we infer a link between sinuous aurora and electron energization in Mars' magnetotail current sheet, where field geometry on the +E conv side of the sheet is more organized and symmetric. Determination of specific triggering conditions for sinuous aurora requires further investigation.

Investigating the Hot Zone Developed Under Short‐Circuiting Conditions and the Coupled Magnetosphere‐Ionosphere (M‐I) System for the Subauroral Arc's Inner‐Magnetosphere Generation Environment

JGR:Space physics - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:44

Based on correlated magnetosphere-ionosphere (M-I) conjugate observations of seven events, we study the hot zone developed under short-circuiting conditions leading (a) to the development of outward Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) or Subauroral Ion Drifts (SAID) electric (E) field and (b) to the various subauroral arcs' absence or presence. Results show (a) the close relations of the hot zone earthward extent and peak ion temperature (Ti) to the magnitude of outward SAPS/SAID E field and (b) the hot zone's high Ti (∼11,000 eV) developed under enhanced plasma turbulence that was (c) generated by the amplified narrow hot ion and electron plasma density peaks, (d) sometimes in plasmaspheric plumes, and that was (e) sometimes further enhanced by the strong auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) waves (f) leading to the development of enhanced SAPS/SAID E field. From these (a–f) findings we conclude for the seven events investigated that (a) the hot zone's development under short-circuiting conditions was regulated by the kinetic energy of mesoscale plasma flows and that (b) the hot zone created the favorable inner-magnetosphere conditions during short circuiting (c) for stable auroral red (SAR) arc development by plasma turbulence, which is the common source of heat/suprathermal particles accelerated downward, and (d) in the plasmaspheric plume scenario for SAR arc and Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE) arc development by the plumes' enhanced cold plasma populations leading to strong shear flows and thus shear-flow instabilities well-known associated with the SAPS/SAR arc and recently regarded as a potential driver mechanism of the STEVE arc.

Disk Images of Neutral Temperature From the Global‐Scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission

JGR:Space physics - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:38

Observations of far-ultraviolet (FUV) dayglow by the Global-scale Observations of Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission provide an opportunity for quantifying the global-scale response of the thermosphere to solar extreme-ultraviolet variability and geomagnetic activity. Relative temperature changes can be measured by monitoring changes in the rotational structure observed in molecular nitrogen Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) band emissions. We present a new technique for deriving effective neutral temperatures from GOLD FUV observations using optimal estimation fits to spectra containing LBH band emissions. We provide an overview of the theoretical basis for the GOLD Level 2 TDISK algorithm. Effects on derived effective neutral temperatures from instrument artifacts and particle background are reviewed. We also discuss GOLD Level 1C DAY and Level 2 TDISK data products and present representative examples of each. We show that effective neutral temperatures vary with local time, exhibit a strong dependence on season and solar zenith angle, and correlate strongly with geomagnetic and solar activity. Finally, we present results from a preliminary data product validation that show good agreement with coincident GOLD exospheric temperatures and predictions from a global reference atmospheric model.

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