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Syndicate content Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics: Table of Contents
Table of Contents for Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
Updated: 24 weeks 5 days ago

On the Association of Substorm Identification Methods

Mon, 09/16/2024 - 05:14

Substorms are a rapid release of energy that is redistributed throughout the magnetosphere-ionosphere system, resulting in many observable signals, such as enhancements in the aurora, energetic particle injections, and ground magnetic field perturbations. Numerous substorm identification techniques and onset lists based on each of these signals have been provided in the literature, but often with no cross-calibration. Since the signals produced are not necessarily unique to substorms and may not be sufficiently similar to be identified for each and every substorm, individual event lists may miss or misidentify substorms, hindering our understanding and the development and validation of substorm models. To gauge the scale of this problem, we use metrics derived from contingency tables to quantify the association between lists of substorms derived from SuperMAG SML/SMU indices, midlatitude magnetometer data, particle injections, and auroral enhancements. Overall, although some degree of pairwise association is found between the lists, even lists generated by applying conceptually similar gradient-based identification to ground magnetometer data achieve an association with less than 50% event coincidence. We discuss possible explanations of the levels of association seen from our results, as well as their implications for substorm analyses.

Suprathermal Outflowing H+ Ions in the Lobe Driven by an Interplanetary Shock: 2. A 3D Global Hybrid Simulation

Sat, 09/14/2024 - 22:37

We conduct a global hybrid simulation of an observation event to affirm that an interplanetary (IP) shock can drive significant suprathermal (tens to hundreds of eV) H+ outflows from the polar cap. The event showed that a spacecraft in the lobe at ∼6.5 R E altitude above the polar cap observed the appearance of suprathermal outflowing H+ ions about 8 min after observing enhanced downward DC Poynting fluxes caused by the shock impact. The simulation includes H+ ions from both the solar wind and the ionospheric sources. The cusp/mantle region can be accessed by ions from both sources, but only the outflow ions can get into the lobe. Despite that upward flowing solar wind ions can be seen within part of the cusp/mantle region and their locations undergo large transient changes in response to the magnetosphere compression caused by the shock impact, the simulation rules out the possibility that the observed outflowing H+ ions was due to the spacecraft encountering the moving cusp/mantle. On the other hand, the enhanced downward DC Poynting fluxes caused by the shock impact drive more upward suprathermal outflows, which reach higher altitudes a few minutes later, explaining the observed time delay. Also, these simulated outflowing ions become highly field-aligned in the upward direction at high altitudes, consistent with the observed energy and pitch-angle distributions. This simulation-observation comparison study provides us the physical understanding of the suprathermal outflow H+ ions coming up from the polar cap.

The Influence of Ionospheric Conductance on Magnetospheric Convection During the Southward IMF

Sat, 09/14/2024 - 22:29

Magnetospheric convection is a fundamental process in the coupling of the solar wind, magnetosphere, and ionosphere. Recent studies have shown that dayside magnetopause reconnection drives magnetospheric convection, progressing from the dayside to the nightside within approximately 10–20 min in response to southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field. In this study, we use global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to investigate the influence of ionospheric conductance on dayside-driven convection. We conduct three simulation runs: two with normal ionospheric conductance and one with nearly infinite conductance. The temporal and spatial pattern of magnetospheric convection largely remain consistent across all three simulation runs. Comparing the results, we observe a reduction of 20% in magnetospheric convection and a 30% increase of ionospheric Region 1 field-aligned current (FAC) and Pedersen current in the run with nearly infinite conductance, compared to the normal conductance model. The results indicate that ionospheric conductance does not affect the response time of enhanced magnetospheric convection to the solar wind. We suggest that the 10–20 min timescale for establishing magnetospheric convection corresponds to the anti-sunward drag of reconnected magnetic field lines from the sub-solar point to the flank magnetopause. In cases of larger ionospheric conductance, the ionosphere footprints of dragged field lines become more stationary, potentially resulting in larger Region 1 FAC and ionosphere Pedersen current. A larger Pedersen current is associated with stronger sunward J × B force in the ionosphere, which corresponds to a stronger anti-sunward force in the magnetosphere, thereby reducing sunward convection of closed field lines.

Spatial Distribution and Wave Property of Dual‐Frequency EMIC Waves: Swarm Observations

Sat, 09/14/2024 - 21:59

The spatial distributions of single-frequency and dual-frequency Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves in the subauroral ionosphere are investigated under varying geomagnetic activities, using high-resolution magnetic field data from dual Swarm satellites spanning from 2015 to 2017. Single-frequency EMIC waves predominantly occur in the dawn sector, whereas dual-frequency waves exhibit peaks around both dawn and dusk. The occurrence rate of dual-frequency waves shows a more pronounced increase with increasing geomagnetic activity. As magnetic storms evolve, both types of EMIC waves shift from dusk to dawn. The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) emerges as a high-incidence region for ionospheric EMIC waves. Dual-frequency EMIC waves display lower frequencies compared to other regions. Additionally, the low-frequency components of dual-frequency waves observed at higher latitudes demonstrate greater power density and longer durations than their high-frequency counterparts. This suggests that higher frequency waves experience more significant damping during propagation. Most dual-frequency EMIC waves observed in the ionosphere belong to the O-band and He-band waves, indicating that magnetospheric bands below the cyclotron frequency of H+ are more likely to propagate into the ionosphere.

Relationship Between Low‐Latitude Pi2 Pulsations and Cavity Mode Oscillations

Sat, 09/14/2024 - 21:49

On the ground, Pi2 magnetic pulsations are detected at low latitudes (L<2) $(L< 2)$ at all magnetic local times (MLTs), unlike in the inner magnetosphere. To gain insight into the mechanism for the global appearance, we study the MLT dependence of the properties of low-latitude ground Pi2 pulsations detected at four longitudinally separated stations. The pulsation properties are defined with respect to compressional magnetic field Bμ $\left({B}_{\mu }\right)$ oscillations detected by Van Allen Probes at L $L$ = 2.5–6.5 within 2 hr of midnight. Up to two peaks between 6.7 and 40 mHz found in the Bμ ${B}_{\mu }$ spectrum are selected as possible signatures of the source of ground Pi2 pulsations. For each spectral peak, we compute the coherence of the ground horizontal northward (H) $(H)$ component with Bμ ${B}_{\mu }$, and those events exhibiting high coherence are used in statistical analyses. The radial mode structure of the Bμ ${B}_{\mu }$ oscillations indicates they are fundamental or second harmonics of cavity mode oscillations (CMOs). Ground pulsations appear primarily in the H $H$ component with time delays of less than a few seconds and amplitudes comparable relative to the Bμ ${B}_{\mu }$ oscillations in the low-L $L$ region. The observations suggest that, if the dayside ground Pi2 pulsations are driven by ionospheric currents as previously proposed, the current must be coupled to the CMOs, not to the currents flowing on field lines connected to the auroral zone.

The Response of the Venusian Upper Atmosphere During the Passage of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections

Sat, 09/14/2024 - 21:39

The current study explores the dynamic interaction between Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and the induced magnetosphere of Venus, utilizing measurements from the Venus Express (VEX) mission. We have investigated 16 ICME events during the period 2006–2013. The altitude of the inbound bow shock and ionopause at Venus are comprehensively studied during the passage of these ICMEs. The ionosphere is found to be highly magnetized due to the very high magnetic pressure of the induced magnetosphere. Remarkably, the altitude of the ionopause is found to be significantly changed as compared to the previous quiet day due to the increased solar wind dynamic pressure Pdyn $\left({P}_{\mathit{dyn}}\right)$. The ratio of the altitude of ionopause and magnitude of the magnetic field (∣B∣) $(\vert B\vert )$ at ionopause on the event days to the quiet days shows a strong anti-correlation which indicates the ionopause height is inversely related to the magnetic field. Intriguingly, the position of the bow shock exhibited minimal deviations compared to typical quiet days, underscoring that, during ICME events, the ionopause location is more responsive to solar wind pressure fluctuations than the bow shock location. Additionally, the heavy-ion density near and above the ionopause is found to be significantly higher than that observed on previous quiet days. This substantial increase implies that ICMEs can induce atmospheric loss in Venus's atmosphere and also cause a significant reduction in the ionopause location.

EISCAT Observations of Depleted High‐Latitude F‐Region During an HSS/SIR‐Driven Magnetic Storm

Sat, 09/14/2024 - 21:25

The effect of storms driven by solar wind high-speed streams (HSSs) on the high-latitude ionosphere is inadequately understood. We study the ionospheric F-region during a moderate magnetic storm on 14 March 2016 using the EISCAT Tromsø and Svalbard radar latitude scans. AMPERE field-aligned current (FAC) measurements are also utilized. Long-duration 5-day electron density depletions (20%–80%) are the dominant feature outside of precipitation-dominated midnight and morning sectors. Depletions are found in two major regions. In the afternoon to evening sector (12–21 magnetic local time, MLT) the depleted region is 10° ${}^{\circ}$–18° ${}^{\circ}$ magnetic latitude (MLAT) in width, with the largest latitudinal extent 62° ${}^{\circ}$–80° ${}^{\circ}$ MLAT in the afternoon. The second region is in the morning to pre-noon sector (04–10 MLT), where the depletion region occurs at 72° ${}^{\circ}$–80° ${}^{\circ}$ MLAT within the auroral oval and extends to the polar cap. Using EISCAT ion temperature and ion velocity data, we show that local ion-frictional heating is observed roughly in 50% of the depleted regions with ion temperature increase by 200 K or more. For the rest of the depletions, we suggest that the mechanism is composition changes due to ion-neutral frictional heating transported by neutral winds. Even though depleted F-regions may occur within any of the large-scale FAC regions or outside of them, the downward FAC regions (R2 in the afternoon and evening, R0 in the afternoon, and R1 in the morning) are favored, suggesting that downward currents carried by upward moving ionospheric electrons may provide a small additional effect for depletion.

Suprathermal Outflowing H+ Ions in the Lobe Driven by an Interplanetary Shock: 1. An Observation Event

Sat, 09/14/2024 - 21:09

To better understand how sharp changes in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field conditions affect the ionosphere outflows at high latitudes, we analyze an event observed on 17 July 2002 showing suprathermal (tens to hundreds of eV) outflowing H+ ions in the lobe driven by the impact of an interplanetary (IP) shock. A spacecraft in the lobe at altitudes of ∼6.5 R E first observed enhanced downward DC Poynting fluxes ∼2 min after the shock impact and then, another 8 min later, the appearance of suprathermal outflowing H+ ions as ion beams and ion conics. The increasing downward DC Poynting fluxes and the increasing outflowing H+ fluxes that appeared later were highly correlated because they shared a similar increasing trend with a time scale of ∼5 min. To explain such time delay and correlation, we conclude that a plausible scenario was that the enhanced DC Poynting fluxes reached down to lower altitudes, drove processes to accelerate the pre-existing polar wind ions to ion beams and ion conics, and then these newly generated suprathermal ions flowed upward to the spacecraft altitudes. This event indicates that an IP shock can drive a significant amount of suprathermal H+ outflows from the polar cap.

Study of Ionospheric Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Based on GOLD Observations

Sat, 09/14/2024 - 15:18

Using peak electron density data from the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) imager, equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) from October 2018 to December 2022 are identified in this paper. The occurrence characteristics of EPBs is statistically analyzed. The results show that EPBs have strong seasonal and longitudinal variations in the range of longitude −60°–0° and magnetic latitude 25° to −20°: (a) The occurrence of EPBs is highest during the spring and autumn equinoxes and lowest during the summer. (b) Equinox asymmetry is found, that the occurrence of EPBs is much higher in autumn than in spring. (c) A peak in the longitudinal distribution of EPBs is observed, with the highest occurrence occurring between −10° and 0° longitude. Additionally, a second peak is evident at −50° longitude in autumn. The GOLD imager is capable of conducting prolonged observations of EPBs in the same region from space, thereby offering a novel perspective on EPBs.

The Role of the Polar Vortex Jet for Secondary and Higher‐Order Gravity Waves in the Northern Mesosphere and Thermosphere During 11–14 January 2016

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 20:13

We analyze the gravity waves (GWs) from the ground to the thermosphere during 11–14 January 2016 using the nudged HI Altitude Mechanistic general Circulation Model. We find that the entrance, core and exit regions of the polar vortex jet are important for generating primary GWs and amplifying GWs from below. These primary GWs dissipate in the upper stratosphere/lower mesosphere and deposit momentum there; the atmosphere responds by generating secondary GWs. This process is repeated, resulting in medium to large-scale higher-order, thermospheric GWs. We find that the amplitudes of the secondary/higher-order GWs from sources below the polar vortex jet are exponentially magnified. The higher-order, thermospheric GWs have concentric ring, arc-like and planar structures, and spread out latitudinally to 10 − 90°N. Those GWs with the largest amplitudes propagate against the background wind. Some of the higher-order GWs generated over Europe propagate over the Arctic region then southward over the US to ∼15–20°N daily at ∼14 − 24 UT (∼9 − 16 LT) due to the favorable background wind. These GWs have horizontal wavelengths λ H  ∼ 200 − 2,200 km, horizontal phase speeds c H  ∼ 165 − 260 m/s, and periods τ r  ∼ 0.3 − 2.4 hr. Such GWs could be misidentified as being generated by auroral activity. The large-scale, higher-order GWs are generated in the lower thermosphere and propagate southwestward daily across the northern mid-thermosphere at ∼8–16 LT with λ H  ∼ 3,000 km and c H  ∼ 650 m/s. We compare the simulated GWs with those observed by AIRS, VIIRS/DNB, lidar and meteor radars and find reasonable to good agreement. Thus the polar vortex jet is important for facilitating the global generation of medium to large-scale, higher-order thermospheric GWs via multi-step vertical coupling.

A Complete Chain of the Generating Processes of Ionospheric Negative Storm Over the North America

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 19:10

A negative ionospheric storm occurred over the North American sector on 4 November 2021. By the integration of hemispheric power (HP), Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON), Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk and global navigation satellite system total electron content (TEC) observations, a complete observation chain is obtained for the first time. At 07:11 UT, prominent energy was input into high latitudes. From 11:51 to 15:49 UT, strong southwestward neutral wind was observed by ICON over the south of North America, followed by significant ∑O/N2 depletion (60%) and temperature enhancement (∼300 K at ∼150 km). TEC depletion started at 12:00 UT in the northeastern North America and expanded to most of the United States. The TEC reduction showed the latitudinally tilted structure similar to that of ∑O/N2 depletion and temperature enhancement, which was shaped by the southwestward neutral wind. The thermosphere-ionosphere-electrodynamics general circulation model (TIEGCM) reproduced the observations qualitatively and was utilized to investigate the details of the negative storm generation and evolution processes. Strong equatorward wind and ∑O/N2 depletion reached the North America at midnight, much earlier than the TEC depletion, which began at sunrise. At 90°W, the time delay between TEC and ∑O/N2 depletions increased from ∼3.3 hr at 30°N to ∼11 hr at 60°N. Several factors contributed to the time delay including the time difference between midnight and sunrise, ∑O/N2 transport direction, westward wind and the variation of solar elevation angle with latitude.

Quasi‐Periodic EMIC Waves and Pulsating Ionospheric Perturbations Related to ULF Waves

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 18:44

Pulsating proton auroras are often attributed to periodic proton precipitation. However, how the proton precipitation is periodically generated in the magnetosphere remains an open issue. Utilizing multi-point space-borne and ground-based observations, this study proposed a potential mechanism responsible for pulsating proton precipitation and intermittent ionospheric electron density disturbances. On 8 September 2017, Pc4 ULF waves and electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave packets were simultaneously observed by Van Allen Probes (RBSP) in the inner magnetosphere. The EMIC wave packets were quasi-periodically excited at the same frequency as the ULF waves, which resulted in 30–100 keV proton precipitation detected by Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) POES satellites. Meanwhile, conjugate European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) radar on the ground observed E-region electron density enhancements that intermittently appeared nearly at the same frequency as the EMIC wave packets in space. These observations together suggest that ULF waves in the magnetosphere are the ultimate driver that modulates quasi-periodic EMIC waves to induce proton precipitation and pulsating disturbances in the ionosphere.

Precipitation of Auroral Electrons Accelerated at Very High Altitudes: Impact on the Ionosphere and a Possible Acceleration Mechanism

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 06:34

The Arase satellite observed the precipitation of monoenergetic electrons accelerated from a very high altitude above 32,000 km altitude on 16 September 2017. The event was selected in the period when the high-angular resolution channel of the electron detector looked at pitch angles within ∼5° from the ambient magnetic field direction, and thereby was the first to examine the detailed distribution of electron flux near the energy-dependent loss cone at such high altitudes. The potential energy below the satellite estimated from the observed energy-dependence of the loss cone was consistent with the energy of the upgoing ion beams, indicating that ionospheric ions were accelerated by a lower-altitude acceleration region. The accelerated electrons inside the loss cone carried a significant net field-aligned current (FAC) density corresponding to ionospheric-altitude FAC of up to ∼3μA/m2. Based on the anisotropy of the accelerated electrons, we estimated the height of the upper boundary of the acceleration region to be >∼2 R E above the satellite. The height distribution of the acceleration region below the satellite, estimated from the frequency of auroral kilometric radiation, was ∼4,000–13,000 km altitude, suggesting that the very-high-altitude acceleration region was separated from the lower acceleration region. Additionally, we observed time domain structure (TDS) electric fields on a subsecond time scale with a thin FAC indicated by magnetic deflections. Such a TDS may be generated by the formation of double layers in the magnetotail, and its potential drop could significantly contribute (∼40%–60%) to the parallel energization of precipitating auroral electrons.

Whistler‐Mode Waves Observed by the DEMETER Spacecraft and the Kannuslehto Station: Spatial Extent and Propagation to the Ground

Fri, 09/13/2024 - 06:10

We use conjugate observations of magnetospheric whistler-mode waves at frequencies up to 16 kHz by the DEMETER spacecraft (at an altitude of approximately 660 km) and the ground-based Kannuslehto station in Finland (L≈5.38) $(L\approx 5.38)$ to investigate the wave propagation to the ground and their characteristic spatial scales. For this purpose, we evaluate correlations between the wave intensities measured by the spacecraft and the ground-based station at various frequencies as a function of their longitudinal and L-shell separations. Two different approaches are used: (a) direct correlation of wave intensities measured at the same times and (b) correlation of wave intensities within corresponding frequency-time windows, focusing on the identification of the same frequency-time wave signatures. We show that the characteristic longitudinal scales of the investigated waves are between about 60° $60{}^{\circ}$ and 90° $90{}^{\circ}$. We further demonstrate that, while the wave intensities measured by DEMETER are generally larger during periods of enhanced geomagnetic activity, wave intensities measured on the ground during increased activity are only slightly larger during the daytime and decrease during the nighttime.

Polarization and m $m$‐Number Characteristics of Mid‐Latitude Pc5 ULF Waves Observed by SuperDARN Radars

Thu, 09/12/2024 - 20:55

Polarization and propagation characteristics of ultra-low frequency (ULF, ≃1−1000 $\simeq 1-1000$ mHz) waves are conventionally studied using arrays of ground-based magnetometers. However, the ground magnetometer observations are subject to distortions due to polarization rotation and spatial integration effects caused by the transition of the magnetohydrodynamic wave into an electromagnetic wave at the lower ionospheric boundary. In contrast, high-frequency (3–30 MHz) radars, like those comprising the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), are capable of direct observations of the ULF wave characteristics at ionospheric altitudes via measuring plasma drift velocity variations caused by the wave's electric field. In this work, we use multi-beam data from SuperDARN Hokkaido East, Hokkaido West, and Christmas Valley West radars to identify the dominant polarization modes as well as azimuthal wave numbers of evening-night-side-morning ULF waves in the Pc5 frequency band (1.67–6.67 mHz) propagating over sub-auroral and mid-latitude regions. The observed statistical characteristics of these waves point at the solar wind dynamic pressure variations and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the magnetopause as their potential principal sources, although the drift-bounce resonance with trapped energetic ions may contribute to the small-scale part of the observed Pc5 wave population.

Modeling Radiation Belt Dynamics Using a Positivity‐Preserving Finite Volume Method on General Meshes

Thu, 09/12/2024 - 20:19

Standard finite volume or finite difference methods may produce unphysical negative solutions of phase space density when applied to radiation belt diffusion equation with cross diffusion terms. In this work, we apply a recently proposed positivity-preserving finite volume (PPFV) method to a 2D diffusion problem of radiation belt electrons with both structured and unstructured meshes. Our test using a model problem shows that the new method does not produce unphysical negative solutions with both types of meshes even with strong cross-diffusion terms. By applying the method to the 2D pitch angle and energy diffusion problem, we demonstrate that the method achieves positivity of solutions without requiring excessive number of grid points and shows good agreement with previous results obtained using a layer method. The ability of preserving positivity of the solution with unstructured meshes allows the method to handle complex boundary configurations. Our results suggest that the new PPFV method could be useful in modeling radiation belt diffusion processes or in building a physics-based forecast model.

Global Maps of Plasmaspheric Erosion and Refilling for Varying Geomagnetic Conditions

Wed, 09/11/2024 - 19:44

The plasmasphere accounts for the majority of the mass of Earth's magnetosphere and contains most of the cold ion (1 eV) population. The plasmasphere is extremely dynamic, undergoing a constant cycle of erosion and refilling. In this paper we perform a statistical study of erosion and refilling rates using 6 years of data from the Van Allen Probes from the beginning of 2013 through the end of 2018. Using in-situ density measurements derived from the upper hybrid resonance line, we create global maps of the erosion and refilling rates over a wide range of L shells and local times. Sorting the data by L shell, magnetic local time, and distance to the plasmapause, we characterize the absolute and relative rates of erosion and refilling during a variety of geomagnetic conditions. We also examine three case studies of geomagnetic storms and compare their density evolutions during the recovery period. Our results are in agreement with refilling rates found by previous statistical studies using different methods, but somewhat lower than many of the case studies reported. We find median erosion rates of 164, 83, and 43 cm−3/day and refilling rates of 87, 42, and 27 cm−3/day at L = 3, 4 and 5, respectively when Kp ≤ ${\le} $ 3. We also find little local time dependence for both erosion and refilling rates.

Global Compression of the Plasma Sheet and Magnetotail During Intense Storms From THEMIS Observations

Wed, 09/11/2024 - 04:08

We estimate the global impact of storms on the global structure and dynamics of the night side plasma sheet from observations by the NASA mission Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS). We focus on an intense storm occurring in December 2015 triggered by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). It starts with a storm sudden commencement (SSC) phase (SYM-H ∼ ${\sim} $ +50 nT) followed by a growth phase (SYM-H ∼ ${\sim} $ −188 nT at the minimum) and then a long recovery phase lasting several days. We investigate THEMIS observations when the spacecraft were located in the midnight sector of the plasma sheet at distances typically between 8 and 13 Earth's radii. It is found that the plasma sheet has been globally compressed up to a value of about ∼> ${\sim} > $4 nPa during the SSC and main phases, that is, 8 times larger than its value during the quiet phase before the event. This compression occurs during periods of high dynamic pressure in the ICME (20 nPa) about one order of magnitude larger than its value in the pristine solar wind. We infer a global increase of the lobe magnetic field from 30 to 100 nT, confirmed by THEMIS data just outside the plasma sheet. During the SSC and main phases, the plasma sheet is found thinner by a factor of 2 relative to its thickness at quiet times, while the Tsyganenko T96 magnetic field model shows very stretched magnetic field lines from inner magnetospheric regions toward the night side. During the recovery phase, whereas the interplanetary pressure has dropped off, the plasma sheet tends to gradually recover its quiet phase characteristics (pressure, thickness, magnetic configuration, etc.) during a long recovery phase of several days.

Auroral Bead Propagation: Explanation Based on the Conservation of Vorticity

Sun, 09/08/2024 - 20:55

The beading of auroral arcs often takes place at substorm onset. It is known that auroral beads propagate more often eastward than westward at several km/s, which is difficult to explain by existing models. We investigate this issue observationally and theoretically. First, based on previous research and additional statistical analysis, we suggest that (a) auroral beads often propagate eastward in the presence of westward background convection, and (b) background ionospheric convection may be better represented by large-scale convection for westward propagation, and by meso-scale convection for eastward propagation. Then we model auroral beads as vortices of ionospheric flow, and consider the longitudinal propagation of their meridional displacement based on the conservation of vorticity. Here it is crucial that the background zonal flow has vorticity (i.e., flow shear) changing with latitude. It is found that the wave propagates either parallel or anti-parallel to the background flow depending on whether the background vorticity increases or decreases in latitude, and if its latitudinal scale is significantly smaller than the longitudinal wavelength, the phase velocity exceeds the background flow speed. The result suggests that the latitudinal structure of the background flow is crucial for the bead propagation. More specifically, the aforementioned feature (a) implies that the zonal flow associated with eastward propagation is confined in latitude, which may correspond to the preonset approach of mesoscale flows. In contrast, the large-scale ionospheric flow suggested for westward propagation as described in (b) may correspond to the global convection of the conventional growth phase.

Merging Mesoscale Magnetotail Features and Ground B‐Field Perturbation Network Connectivity During Substorm Activity

Sun, 09/08/2024 - 20:45

The connection between the magnetosphere and ionosphere is particularly dynamic during substorms. Mesoscale features in the magnetotail are consistent with substorm activity, including magnetic reconnection in the tail, flow channels, and particle injections. Observations of substorm related phenomena can be made using energetic neutral atom (ENA) imagers, in situ satellite measurements, and ground based magnetic field perturbation measurements. Analysis of the 10 October 2014 isolated substorm event is presented. Comparison of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the features seen in equatorial maps generated from ENA data are made with inner magnetosphere in situ measurements and ionospheric features with network analysis of the SuperMAG data. An MHD simulation of the event using OpenGGCM is also compared with the data.

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