Combined list of the recent articles of the journal Atmospheric Measurement Techniques and the recent discussion forum Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions
Updated: 26 weeks 4 days ago
Tue, 09/03/2024 - 18:27
Evaluation of on-site calibration procedures for SKYNET Prede POM sun–sky photometers
Monica Campanelli, Victor Estellés, Gaurav Kumar, Teruyuki Nakajima, Masahiro Momoi, Julian Gröbner, Stelios Kazadzis, Natalia Kouremeti, Angelos Karanikolas, Africa Barreto, Saulius Nevas, Kerstin Schwind, Philipp Schneider, Iiro Harju, Petri Kärhä, Henri Diémoz, Rei Kudo, Akihiro Uchiyama, Akihiro Yamazaki, Anna Maria Iannarelli, Gabriele Mevi, Annalisa Di Bernardino, and Stefano Casadio
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 5029–5050,, 2024
To retrieve columnar aerosol properties from sun photometers, some calibration factors are needed. The on-site calibrations, performed as frequently as possible to monitor changes in the machine conditions, allow operators to track and evaluate the calibration status on a continuous basis, reducing the data gaps incurred by the periodic shipments for performing centralized calibrations. The performance of the on-site calibration procedures was evaluated, providing very good results.
Tue, 09/03/2024 - 18:27
In situ observations of supercooled liquid water clouds over Dome C, Antarctica, by balloon-borne sondes
Philippe Ricaud, Pierre Durand, Paolo Grigioni, Massimo Del Guasta, Giuseppe Camporeale, Axel Roy, Jean-Luc Attié, and John Bognar
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 5071–5089,, 2024
Clouds in Antarctica are key elements affecting climate evolution. Some clouds are composed of supercooled liquid water (SLW; water held in liquid form below 0 °C) and are difficult to forecast by models. We performed in situ observations of SLW clouds at Concordia Station using SLW sondes attached to meteorological balloons in summer 2021–2022. The SLW clouds were observed in a saturated layer at the top of the planetary boundary layer in agreement with ground-based lidar observations.
Tue, 09/03/2024 - 18:27
Thermal tides in the middle atmosphere at mid-latitudes measured with a ground-based microwave radiometer
Witali Krochin, Axel Murk, and Gunter Stober
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 5015–5028,, 2024
Atmospheric tides are global-scale oscillations with periods of a fraction of a day. Their observation in the middle atmosphere is challenging and rare, as it requires continuous measurements with a high temporal resolution. In this paper, temperature time series of a ground-based microwave radiometer were analyzed with a spectral filter to derive thermal tide amplitudes and phases in an altitude range of 25–50 km at the geographical locations of Payerne and Bern (Switzerland).
Tue, 09/03/2024 - 18:27
Classification accuracy and compatibility across devices of a new Rapid-E+ flow cytometer
Branko Sikoparija, Predrag Matavulj, Isidora Simovic, Predrag Radisic, Sanja Brdar, Vladan Minic, Danijela Tesendic, Evgeny Kadantsev, Julia Palamarchuk, and Mikhail Sofiev
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 5051–5070,, 2024
We assess the suitability of a Rapid-E+ particle counter for use in pollen monitoring networks. The criterion was the ability of different devices to provide the same signal for the same pollen type, which would allow for unified reference libraries and recognition algorithms for Rapid-E+. We tested three devices and found notable differences between their fluorescence measurements. Each one showed potential for pollen identification, but the large variability between them needs to be addressed.
Tue, 09/03/2024 - 18:27
SORAS, A ground-based 110 GHz microwave radiometer for measuring the stratospheric ozone vertical profile in Seoul
Soohyun Ka and Jung Jin Oh
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,2024
Preprint under review for AMT (discussion: open, 0 comments)
We developed a ground-based 110.836 GHz radiometer developed to measure the stratospheric ozone profile over Seoul, Korea. To ensure precise measurements and correct the atmospheric spectrum, we employed hot-cold calibration along with continuous tipping curve calibration. Prior to the retrieval process, both pointing and frequency offsets were corrected. We provide stratospheric ozone profiles from 2016 to 2021 which are compared with collocated satellite observations.
Fri, 08/30/2024 - 18:27
Closing the gap in the tropics: the added value of radio-occultation data for wind field monitoring across the Equator
Julia Danzer, Magdalena Pieler, and Gottfried Kirchengast
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4979–4995,, 2024
We investigated the potential of radio occultation (RO) data for climate-oriented wind field monitoring, focusing on the equatorial band within ±5° latitude. In this region, the geostrophic balance breaks down, and the equatorial balance approximation takes over. The study encourages the use of RO wind fields for mesoscale climate monitoring for the equatorial region, showing a small improvement in the troposphere when including the meridional wind in the zonal-mean total wind speed.
Fri, 08/30/2024 - 18:27
Shortwave Array Spectroradiometer-Hemispheric (SAS-He): design and evaluation
Evgueni Kassianov, Connor J. Flynn, James C. Barnard, Brian D. Ermold, and Jennifer M. Comstock
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4997–5013,, 2024
Conventional ground-based radiometers commonly measure solar radiation at a few wavelengths within a narrow spectral range. These limitations prevent improved retrievals of aerosol, cloud, and surface characteristics. To address these limitations, an advanced ground-based radiometer with expanded spectral coverage and hyperspectral capability is introduced. Its good performance is demonstrated using reference data collected over three coastal regions with diverse types of aerosols and clouds.
Thu, 08/29/2024 - 18:27
An evaluation of atmospheric absorption models at millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelengths using airborne observations
Stuart Fox, Vinia Mattioli, Emma Turner, Alan Vance, Domenico Cimini, and Donatello Gallucci
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4957–4978,, 2024
Airborne observations are used to evaluate two models for absorption and emission by atmospheric gases, including water vapour and oxygen, at microwave and sub-millimetre wavelengths. These models are needed for the Ice Cloud Imager (ICI) on the next generation of European polar-orbiting weather satellites, which measures at frequencies up to 664 GHz. Both models can provide a good match to measurements from airborne radiometers and are sufficiently accurate for use with ICI.
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 18:27
A comprehensive evaluation of enhanced temperature influence on gas and aerosol chemistry in the lamp-enclosed oxidation flow reactor (OFR) system
Tianle Pan, Andrew T. Lambe, Weiwei Hu, Yicong He, Minghao Hu, Huaishan Zhou, Xinming Wang, Qingqing Hu, Hui Chen, Yue Zhao, Yuanlong Huang, Doug R. Worsnop, Zhe Peng, Melissa A. Morris, Douglas A. Day, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Jose-Luis Jimenez, and Shantanu H. Jathar
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4915–4939,, 2024
This study systematically characterizes the temperature enhancement in the lamp-enclosed oxidation flow reactor (OFR). The enhancement varied multiple dimensional factors, emphasizing the complexity of temperature inside of OFR. The effects of temperature on the flow field and gas- or particle-phase reaction inside OFR were also evaluated with experiments and model simulations. Finally, multiple mitigation strategies were demonstrated to minimize this temperature increase.
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 18:27
ampycloud: an open-source algorithm to determine cloud base heights and sky coverage fractions from ceilometer data
Frédéric P. A. Vogt, Loris Foresti, Daniel Regenass, Sophie Réthoré, Néstor Tarin Burriel, Mervyn Bibby, Przemysław Juda, Simone Balmelli, Tobias Hanselmann, Pieter du Preez, and Dirk Furrer
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4891–4914,, 2024
ampycloud is a new algorithm developed at MeteoSwiss to characterize the height and sky coverage fraction of cloud layers above aerodromes via ceilometer data. This algorithm was devised as part of a larger effort to fully automate the creation of meteorological aerodrome reports (METARs) at Swiss civil airports. The ampycloud algorithm is implemented as a Python package that is made publicly available to the community under the 3-Clause BSD license.
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 18:27
High-resolution wind speed measurements with quadcopter uncrewed aerial systems: calibration and verification in a wind tunnel with an active grid
Johannes Kistner, Lars Neuhaus, and Norman Wildmann
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4941–4955,, 2024
We use a fleet of multicopter drones to measure wind. To improve the accuracy of this wind measurement and to evaluate this improvement, we conducted experiments with the drones in a wind tunnel under various conditions. This wind tunnel can generate different kinds and intensities of wind. Here we measured with the drones and with other sensors as a reference and compared the results. We were able to improve our wind measurement and show how accurately it works in different situations.
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 18:27
Retrieving cloud base height and geometric thickness using the oxygen A-band channel of GCOM-C/SGLI
Takashi M. Nagao, Kentaroh Suzuki, and Makoto Kuji
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,2024
Preprint under review for AMT (discussion: open, 0 comments)
In satellite remote sensing, estimating cloud base height (CBH) is more challenging than estimating cloud top height because the cloud base is obscured by the cloud itself. We developed an algorithm using the specific channel (known as the oxygen A-band channel) of the SGLI instrument on JAXA’s GCOM-C satellite to estimate CBH together with other cloud properties. This algorithm can provide global distributions of CBH across various cloud types, including liquid, ice, and mixed-phase clouds.
Mon, 08/26/2024 - 18:27
High-altitude balloon-launched uncrewed aircraft system measurements of atmospheric turbulence and qualitative comparison with infrasound microphone response
Anisa N. Haghighi, Ryan D. Nolin, Gary D. Pundsack, Nick Craine, Aliaksei Stratsilatau, and Sean C. C. Bailey
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4863–4889,, 2024
This work summarizes measurements conducted in June 2021 using a small, uncrewed, stratospheric glider that was launched from a weather balloon to altitudes up to 30 km above sea level. The aircraft conducted measurements of wind speed and direction, pressure, temperature, and humidity during its descent as well as measurements of infrasonic sound levels. These data were used to evaluate the atmospheric turbulence observed during the descent phase of the flight.
Mon, 08/26/2024 - 18:27
Estimating hourly ground-level aerosols using GEMS aerosol optical depth: A machine learning approach
Sungmin O, Ji Won Yoon, and Seon Ki Park
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,2024
Preprint under review for AMT (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Air pollutants such as PM10 or PM2.5 can cause adverse public health and environment effects, therefore their regular monitoring is crucial to keep the pollutant concentrations under control. Our study demonstrates the potential of high-resolution aerosol optical depth (AOD) data from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) satellite to estimate ground-level PM concentrations using a machine learning model.
Fri, 08/23/2024 - 18:27
Partition between supercooled liquid droplets and ice crystals in mixed-phase clouds based on airborne in situ observations
Flor Vanessa Maciel, Minghui Diao, and Ching An Yang
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4843–4861,, 2024
The partition between supercooled liquid water and ice crystals in mixed-phase clouds is investigated using aircraft-based in situ observations over the Southern Ocean. A novel method is developed to define four phases of mixed-phase clouds. Relationships between cloud macrophysical and microphysical properties are quantified. Effects of aerosols and thermodynamic and dynamical conditions on ice nucleation and phase partitioning are examined.
Fri, 08/23/2024 - 18:27
Atmospheric H2 observations from the NOAA Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network
Gabrielle Pétron, Andrew M. Crotwell, John Mund, Molly Crotwell, Thomas Mefford, Kirk Thoning, Bradley Hall, Duane Kitzis, Monica Madronich, Eric Moglia, Donald Neff, Sonja Wolter, Armin Jordan, Paul Krummel, Ray Langenfelds, and John Patterson
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4803–4823,, 2024
Hydrogen (H2) is a gas in trace amounts in the Earth’s atmosphere with indirect impacts on climate and air quality. Renewed interest in H2 as a low- or zero-carbon source of energy may lead to increased production, uses, and supply chain emissions. NOAA measurements of weekly air samples collected between 2009 and 2021 at over 50 sites in mostly remote locations are now available, and they complement other datasets to study the H2 global budget.
Fri, 08/23/2024 - 18:27
Simulation and detection efficiency analysis for measurements of polar mesospheric clouds using a spaceborne wide-field-of-view ultraviolet imager
Ke Ren, Haiyang Gao, Shuqi Niu, Shaoyang Sun, Leilei Kou, Yanqing Xie, Liguo Zhang, and Lingbing Bu
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4825–4842,, 2024
Ultraviolet imaging technology has significantly advanced the research and development of polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs). In this study, we proposed the wide-field-of-view ultraviolet imager (WFUI) and built a forward model to evaluate the detection capability and efficiency. The results demonstrate that the WFUI performs well in PMC detection and has high detection efficiency. The relationship between ice water content and detection efficiency follows an exponential function distribution.
Thu, 08/22/2024 - 18:27
Mitigating Radome Induced Bias in X-Band Weather Radar Polarimetric moments using Adaptive DFT Algorithm
Thiruvengadam Padmanabhan, Guillaume Lesage, Ambinintsoa Volatiana Ramanamahefa, and Joël Van Baelen
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,2024
Preprint under review for AMT (discussion: open, 0 comments)
This study explores how the joints in a weather radar's protective cover affect its measurements. We developed a new method to correct these errors, improving the accuracy of the radar's data. Our method was tested during an intense cyclone on Reunion Island, demonstrating significant improvements in data accuracy. This research is crucial for enhancing weather predictions and understanding, particularly in challenging terrains.
Tue, 08/20/2024 - 18:27
Number- and size-controlled rainfall regimes in the Netherlands: physical reality or statistical mirage?
Marc Schleiss
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4789–4802,, 2024
Research is conducted to identify special rainfall patterns in the Netherlands using multiple types of rainfall sensors. A total of eight potentially unique events are analyzed, considering both the number and size of raindrops. However, no clear evidence supporting the existence of a special rainfall regime could be found. The results highlight the challenges in experimentally confirming well-established theoretical ideas in the field of precipitation sciences.
Tue, 08/20/2024 - 18:27
A new portable sampler of atmospheric methane for radiocarbon measurements
Giulia Zazzeri, Lukas Wacker, Negar Haghipour, Philip Gautchi, Thomas Laemmel, Sönke Szidat, and Heather Graven
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,2024
Preprint under review for AMT (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Radiocarbon (14C) is an optimal tracer of methane (CH4) emissions, as 14C measurements enable distinguishing fossil from biogenic methane. However, these measurements are particularly challenging, mainly due to technical difficulties in the sampling procedure. With this work we made the sample extraction much simpler and time efficient, providing a new technology that can be used by any research group, with the goal of expanding 14C measurements for an improved understanding of methane sources.