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Multi‐Decadal Skill Variability in Predicting the Spatial Patterns of ENSO Events

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 12:10

Seasonal hindcasts have previously been demonstrated to show multi-decadal variability in skill across the twentieth century in indices describing El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which drives global seasonal predictability. Here, we analyze the skill of predicting ENSO events' magnitude and spatial pattern, in the CSF-20C coupled seasonal hindcasts in 1901–2010. We find minima in the skill of predicting the first (in 1930–1950) and second (in 1940–1960) principal components of sea-surface temperature (SST) in the tropical Pacific. This minimum is also present in the spatial correlation of SSTs, in 1930–1960. The skill reduction is explained by lower ENSO magnitude and variance in 1930–1960, as well as decreased SST persistence. The SST skill minima project onto surface winds, leading to worse predictions in coupled hindcasts compared to hindcasts using prescribed SSTs. Questions remain about the offset between the first and second principal components' skill minima, and how the skill minima impact the extra-tropics.

Magnetic Domain States and Critical Sizes in the Titanomagnetite Series

JGR–Solid Earth - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:55

The minerals carrying the magnetic remanence in geological samples are commonly a solid solution series of iron-titanium spinels known as titanomagnetites. Despite the range of possible compositions within this series, micromagnetic studies that characterize the magnetic domain structures present in these minerals have typically focused on magnetite. No studies systematically comparing the domain-states present in titanomagnetites have been undertaken since the discovery of the single vortex (SV) structure and the advent of modern micromagnetism. The magnetic properties of the titanomagnetite series are known to vary strongly with composition, which may influence the domain states present in these minerals, and therefore the magnetic stability of the samples bearing them. We present results from micromagnetic simulations of titanomagnetite ellipsoids of varying shape and composition to find the size ranges of the single domain (SD) and SV structures. These size ranges overlap, allowing for regions where the SD and SV structures are both available. These regions are of interest as they may lead to magnetic instability and “partial thermal remanent magnetization (pTRM) tails” in paleointensity experiments. We find that although this SD + SV zone occupies a narrow range of sizes for equidimensional magnetite, it is widest for intermediate (TM30-40) titanomagnetite compositions, and increases for both oblate and prolate particles, with some compositions and sizes having an SD + SV zone up to 100s of nm wide. Our results help to explain the prevalence of pTRM tail-like behavior in paleointensity experiments. They also highlight regions of particles with unusual domain states to target for further investigation into the definitive mechanism behind paleointensity failure.

Topographical Effects on Volcano Deformation Signal Intensity: Implications for GPS Network Configuration

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:54

Volcano GPS networks can capture vital information during volcanic unrest to aid with hazard assessment and eruption forecasting, but can be hindered by their discrete point locations and possibly miss key spatial information. We show how numerical models can reveal controls on spatial deformation signal intensity compared against GPS network design. Using the GPS network at Soufrière Hills Volcano (SHV), Montserrat, and a range of models, we explore expected surface deformation patterns. Peak horizontal deformation is located offshore, highlighting the difficulties with geodetic monitoring on small ocean-island volcanoes. Onshore areas where the deformation signal is expected to be high are also identified. At SHV, topography plays a greater role in altering the relative distribution of surface displacement patterns than subsurface heterogeneity. Our method, which can be adapted for other volcanoes, highlights spatial areas that can be targeted for effective GPS station placement to help improve deformation monitoring efficiency.

A Review of the Migration of Hydrogen From the Planetary to Basin Scale

JGR–Solid Earth - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:45

The occurrence of natural hydrogen and its sources have been reviewed extensively in the literature over the last few years, with current research across both academia and industry focused on assessing the feasibility of utilizing natural hydrogen as an energy resource. However, gaps remain in our understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the large-scale transport of hydrogen and migration through the deep and shallow Earth and within geological basins. Due to the unique chemical and physical properties of hydrogen, the timescales of migration within different areas of Earth vary from billions to thousands of years. Within the shallow Earth, diffusive and advective transport mechanisms are dependent on a wide range of parameters including geological structure, microbial activity, and subsurface environmental factors. Hydrogen migration through different media may occur from geological timescales to days and hours. We review the nature and timescale of hydrogen migration from the planetary to basin-scale, and within both the deep and shallow Earth. We explore the role of planetary accretion in setting the hydrogen budget of the lower mantle, discuss conceptual frameworks for primordial or deep mantle hydrogen migration to the Earth's surface and evaluate the literature on the lower mantle's potential role in setting the hydrogen budget of rocks delivered from the deep Earth. We also review the mechanisms and timescales of hydrogen within diffusive and advective, fossil versus generative and within biologically moderated systems within the shallow Earth. Finally, we summarize timescales of hydrogen migration through different regions within sedimentary basins.

New Paleomagnetic Results From the Late Mesoproterozoic Luanshigou Formation, Shennongjia Group in South China and Their Implications for the Pre‐Grenvillian Connections Between South China Blocks and Southwestern Laurentia

JGR–Solid Earth - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:41

The identification of the Grenvillian-age ophiolite suites in the Yangtze block in recent years suggested that the northern Yangtze subblock (NYB) and the southern Yangtze subblock (SYB) were once separated by an ocean in late Mesoproterozoic. Although some paleogeographic models advocated the Pre-Grenvillian connections between the south China blocks and Laurentia, none of them has been paleomagnetically tested. Here we report the new paleomagnetic results obtained from the ∼1,270 Ma purplish-red muddy dolomite beds of the Luanshigou Formation, Shennongjia Group, NYB, providing new constraints for reconstructing the paleogeographic positions of the south China blocks in late Mesoproterozoic. A total of 447 samples underwent stepwise thermal demagnetization. Two components were identified. The low-temperature component is interpreted as the recent viscous remnant magnetization. The high-temperature component was obtained from 64 samples below 580°C and from 177 samples below 690°C, directed northeast-up or southwest-down, antipodally, positioning the paleomagnetic pole at 18.5°S, 74.4°E (dm/dp = 2.5/1.6°). Rock magnetic results demonstrate that the magnetic carriers in purplish-red dolomite and pale-pink dolomite are predominated by hematite and magnetite, respectively. The data quality is supported by an inverse baked contact test, a B-class reversal test, and the paleomagnetic pole is distinct from any younger poles of the region. Based on the paleomagnetic results, aided by geological evidence, we propose a reconstruction in which the NYB was juxtaposed to southwestern Laurentia in the late Mesoproterozoic and suggest that the late Mesoproterozoic Miaowan-Shimian ophiolite zone in the Yangtze block was likely an extension of the Grenville belt of Laurentia.

The 2023 Mw 6.8 Morocco Earthquake: A Lower Crust Event Triggered by Mantle Upwelling?

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:23

A M6.8 earthquake struck the High Atlas Mountains in Morocco on 8 September 2023, ending a 63-year seismic silence. We herein attempt to clarify the seismogenic fault and explore the underlying mechanism for this seismic event based on multiple data sets. Utilizing probabilistic Bayesian inversion on interferometric radar data, we determine a seismogenic fault plane centered at a depth of 26 km, striking 251° and dipping 72°, closely aligned with the Tizi n’Test fault system. Given a hypocenter at the Moho depth, the joint inversion of radar and teleseismic data reveals that the rupture concentrates between depths of 12 and 36 km, offsetting the Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho) at ∼32 km. Considering a strong link between magma activity and failure in lower crust, we propose that the triggering of the earthquake possibly was mantle upwelling that also supports the high topography.

Dissolved Oxygen Recovery in the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Arabian Sea in Recent Decade as Observed by BGC‐Argo Floats

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 10:34

The Arabian Sea (AS) hosts the world's thickest and most intense oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), and previous studies have documented a dramatic decline of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the northeastern AS in recent decades. In this study, using the recently released data from Biogeochemical-Argo floats, we found a surprising trend of recovery in deoxygenation within the core region of the OMZ in the AS (ASOMZ) since 2013. The average DO concentration increased by approximately threefold, from ∼0.63 μM in 2013 to ∼1.68 μM in 2022, and the thickness of the ASOMZ decreased by 13%. We find that the weakening of Oman upwelling resulting from the weakening of the summer monsoon is the main driver of oxygenation in the ASOMZ. In addition, the reduction of primary production linked to warming-driven stratification reinforces deoxygenation recovery at depth.

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Atmospheric Rivers: A Modeling Perspective

JGR–Atmospheres - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 10:15

Atmospheric rivers (ARs) play a crucial role in the poleward transport of water vapor, and the AR-associated precipitation is a critical component of global water supplies, making it critical that we understand how ARs may change in the future. To approach this issue, integrations of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies global climate model ModelE version 2.1 (GISSE2.1) are employed. Multiple configurations of the model simulating different climates are analyzed: (a) the last-glacial maximum; (b) present day; (c) the end of the 21st century. The thermodynamic and dynamic components of changes to AR frequency are analyzed using a decomposition method. This method utilizes differences in distinct AR seasonal climatology frequencies derived from various vertically integrated water vapor transport (IVT) thresholds to resolve AR frequency into its components. Global mean state changes in poleward AR frequency for different climates are dominated by precipitable water vapor (PWV) changes. A set of idealized cold and warm climates in which present day sea surface temperatures are uniformly changed are considered for a targeted analysis of the south Pacific Ocean basin. For this analysis, frequency and distribution of AR events in the model runs are analyzed by comparing them to changes in the jet stream as well as the Eulerian storm tracks and low-level baroclinicity. Latitudinal shifts in the ARs in the south Pacific Ocean basin using our integrations are not as tightly coupled to these two storm-related climatological metrics in the midlatitudes but fare better on the poleward side of the storm tracks.

Did Short‐Term Preseismic Crustal Deformation Precede the 2011 Great Tohoku‐Oki Earthquake? An Examination of Stacked Tilt Records

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 10:15

The detection of preslip, occurring hours to days before a large earthquake, using geodetic measurements has been a major focus in earthquake prediction research. A recent study claims to have detected a preseismic signal interpreted as accelerating slip near the hypocenter of the 2011 great Tohoku-oki earthquake, starting approximately 2 hr before the mainshock. This claim is based on a stacking procedure using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) data. However, a follow-up study demonstrated that the signal disappeared when specific GNSS noise was corrected. Here we utilize tiltmeter records, independent on GNSS, to check whether the claimed preseismic signal is detected using a similar stacking procedure. Our results show no acceleration-like deformation from 2 hr before the mainshock. This indicates that no precursory slip exceeded the noise level of the tilt data, and if any preslip occurred, it was less than 5.0 × 1018 Nm in seismic moment.

Sources of Southern Hemisphere Marine Aerosols: Insights From Carbonaceous Fraction Concentration and Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis

JGR–Atmospheres - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 10:00

Marine carbonaceous aerosols, originating from marine and continental sources, are significant global aerosol components. The understanding of marine carbonaceous aerosols is currently limited, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. Furthermore, there is an ongoing debate regarding the contributions of marine fresh and ancient carbon to marine aerosols. To address these gaps, we conducted an extensive investigation utilizing a long-term data set of aerosol samples collected during six Antarctic cruises (28°N–78°S) from 2013 to 2020. Our analysis revealed an average organic carbon (OC) concentration of 1.29 ± 1.15 μg/m3 and an element carbon (EC) concentration of 0.13 ± 0.18 μg/m3 in the samples. These concentrations varied within a range spanning from background marine samples to those impacted by substantial continental transport. Fossil fuel combustion remained the primary source of continental influence in the marine environment, as evidenced by the OC/EC ratio. The δ13CTC value for all samples range from −22.3‰ to −28.4‰, with a mean value of −26.3 ‰. Using a three-endmember isotopic source model, we find that continental carbonaceous aerosols make substantial contributions in the Eastern Indian Ocean (81 ± 4%), while their prevalence is lower in the Southern Ocean (SO) (44 ± 20%). In contrast to mid-latitudes, primary marine aerosol of the SO exhibits a significantly higher contribution from the fresh carbon pool (52 ± 19%). Furthermore, our study suggests that SO sea ice may play a potential role in driving emissions from the fresh carbon pool. These findings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the effects of carbonaceous aerosols on climate change and the ocean-atmosphere carbon cycle.

Aerosol and Dimethyl Sulfide Sensitivity to Sulfate Chemistry Schemes

JGR–Atmospheres - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 09:38

Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) is the largest source of natural sulfur in the atmosphere and undergoes oxidation reactions resulting in gas-to-particle conversion to form sulfate aerosol. Climate models typically use independent chemical schemes to simulate these processes, however, the sensitivity of sulfate aerosol to the schemes used by CMIP6 models has not been evaluated. Current climate models offer oversimplified DMS oxidation pathways, adding to the ambiguity surrounding the global sulfur burden. Here, we implemented seven DMS and sulfate chemistry schemes, six of which are from CMIP6 models, in an atmosphere-only Earth system model. A large spread in aerosol optical depth (AOD) is simulated (0.077), almost twice the magnitude of the pre-industrial to present-day increase in AOD. Differences are largely driven by the inclusion of the nighttime DMS oxidation reaction with NO3, and in the number of aqueous phase sulfate reactions. Our analysis identifies the importance of DMS-sulfate chemistry for simulating aerosols. We suggest that optimizing DMS/sulfur chemistry schemes is crucial for the accurate simulation of sulfate aerosols.

Cloud Responses to Abrupt Solar and CO2 Forcing: 2. Adjustment to Forcing in Coupled Models

JGR–Atmospheres - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 09:24

In this paper, we examine differences in cloud adjustments (often called rapid adjustments) that occur as a direct result of abruptly increasing the solar constant by 4% or abruptly quadrupling of atmospheric CO2. In doing so, we devise a novel method for calculating the cloud adjustments for the abrupt solar forcing simulations that uses differences between coupled model simulations with abrupt solar and CO2 forcing, in combination with uncoupled, atmosphere-only, abrupt CO2 forced experiments that have prescribed sea-surface temperature. Our main findings are that (a) there are substantial differences in the responses of stratocumulus and cumulus clouds to solar and CO2 forcing, which follow the differences in the direct radiative effect that solar and CO2 forcing have at cloud top, and (b) there are differences in the adjustment of the average optical depth of high clouds to solar and CO2 forcing that we speculate are driven by the differences in the vertical profile of radiative heating and differences in the pattern of sea-surface temperature change (for a fixed global mean temperature). These cloud adjustments contribute significantly to the total net cloud radiative effect, even after 150 years of simulation.

Relationship Between Circulation Types and Extreme Precipitation Over Scandinavia Is Stable Under Climate Change

GRL - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 08:15

The atmospheric large-scale environment determines the occurrence of local extreme precipitation, and it is unclear how climate change affects this relationship. Here we investigate the present-day relationship between large-scale circulation types (CTs) and daily precipitation extremes over Scandinavia and its future change. A 50-member EC-Earth3 large ensemble is used to assess future changes against internal variability. We show that CTs are related to extreme precipitation over the entire domain. The intensity of extreme daily precipitation increases in all seasons in the future climate, generally following the strength of warming in the six different future scenarios considered. However, no significant future change is found in the relationship between extreme precipitation and the CTs in any season or scenario. The results have important implications for applications that rely on the stability of this relationship, such as statistical and event-based dynamical downscaling of future weather and climate predictions and long-term climate projections.

Validation of Simulated Statistical Characteristics of Magnetosphere‐Ionosphere Coupling in Global Geospace Simulations Over an Entire Carrington Rotation

Space Weather - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 07:00

We study the statistical features of magnetosphere-ionosphere (M-I) coupling using a two-way M-I model, the GT configuration of the Multiscale Atmosphere Geospace Environment (MAGE) model. The M-I coupling characteristics, such as field-aligned current, polar cap potential, ionospheric Joule heating, and downward Alfvénic Poynting flux, are binned according to the interplanetary magnetic field clock angles over an entire Carrington Rotation event between 20 March and 16 April 2008. The MAGE model simulates similar distributions of field-aligned currents compared to empirical Weimer/AMPS models and Iridium observations and reproduces the Region 0 current system. The simulated convection potential agrees well with the Weimer empirical model and displays consistent two-cell patterns with SuperDARN observations, which benefit from more extensive data sets. The Joule heating structure in MAGE is generally consistent with both empirical Cosgrove and Weimer models. Moreover, our model reproduces Joule heating enhancements in the cusp region, as presented in the Cosgrove model and observations. The distribution of the simulated Alfvénic Poynting flux is consistent with that observed by the FAST satellite in the dispersive Alfvén wave regime. These M-I coupling characteristics are also binned by the Kp indices, indicating that the Kp dependence of these patterns in the M-I model is more effective than the empirical models within the Carrington Rotation. Furthermore, the MAGE simulation exhibits an improved M-I current-voltage relation that closely resembles the Weimer model, suggesting that the updated global model is significantly improved in terms of M-I coupling.

Influences of Solar Wind Parameters on Energetic Electron Fluxes at Geosynchronous Orbit Revealed by the Deep SHAP Method

Space Weather - Fri, 06/14/2024 - 07:00

Solar wind is an intermediary in energy transfer from the Sun into the Earth's magnetosphere, and is considered as a decisive driver of energetic electron dynamics at the geosynchronous orbit (GEO). Based on machine learning technology, several models driven by solar wind parameters have been established to predict GEO electron fluxes. However, the relative contributions of different solar wind parameters on GEO electron fluxes are still unclear. Recently, a feature attribution method, Deep SHapley Additive exPlanations (Deep SHAP) is proposed to open black boxes of machine learning models. In this study, we use the Deep SHAP method to quantify contributions of different solar wind parameters with an artificial neural network (ANN) model. Backpropagating the prediction results of this ANN model from 2011 to 2020, SHAP values for four solar wind parameters (interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) B Z, solar wind speed, solar wind dynamic pressure, and proton density) are calculated and comprehensively analyzed. The results suggest that solar wind speed with a lag of 1 day is the most important driver. We further investigate relative roles of different parameters in three specific electron fluxes variation events (corresponding to electron fluxes reaching a local maximum, a local minimum, and unchanged, respectively). The results suggest that high solar wind speed and southward IMF B Z (high dynamic pressures) facilitate increases (decreases) of electron fluxes. These findings help reveal the underlying physical mechanisms of GEO electron dynamics and help develop more accurate prediction models for GEO electron fluxes.

Compound droughts under climate change in Switzerland

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences - Thu, 06/13/2024 - 19:02
Compound droughts under climate change in Switzerland
Christoph Nathanael von Matt, Regula Muelchi, Lukas Gudmundsson, and Olivia Martius
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 1975–2001, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-24-1975-2024, 2024
The simultaneous occurrence of meteorological (precipitation), agricultural (soil moisture), and hydrological (streamflow) drought can lead to augmented impacts. By analysing drought indices derived from the newest climate scenarios for Switzerland (CH2018, Hydro-CH2018), we show that with climate change the concurrence of all drought types will increase in all studied regions of Switzerland. Our results stress the benefits of and need for both mitigation and adaptation measures at early stages.

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