Although blind normal faults are common in subduction environments, their rheology, kinematics and interaction with the upper crust are poorly constrained. A month-long shallow normal faulting sequence in the Ibaraki-Fukushima prefectural border (IFPB), northeast Japan, which followed the M
9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (TOE) and culminated in the M
6.7 Iwaki earthquake, provides a window into megathrust-to-normal fault interaction. Stress change calculations indicate that direct triggering by the TOE co- and post-seismic slip does not provide a plausible explanation for the IFPB earthquake sequence. In quest for an alternative triggering mechanism, we analyzed post-TOE GNSS data from eastern IFPB. A key step in this analysis is the removal of the large-scale post-TOE displacement field, after which a distinct highly-localized strain along the coastline becomes apparent. The accumulation of this strain was mostly aseismic, and migrated with time prior to the Iwaki earthquake in a manner that correlates well with post-TOE local seismicity. We attribute the pre-Iwaki earthquake strain accumulation to aseismic slip along low-angle seaward dipping blind normal fault, activated by the TOE. Stresses transferred by this slip episode accelerated the failure along the IFPB shallow normal faults. This indirect triggering of the Iwaki earthquake sequence by the TOE highlights the complexity of stress transfers in subduction environments.
In this study, based on the OI135.6 nm night airglow data of the FY-3D Ionospheric Photometer (IPM) during the 2018–2021 geomagnetically quiet period, the global wavenumber 4 longitudinal structure of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) at 2:00 local time was discovered, and the component of the wavenumber 4 was extracted from these structures. Compared with the OI135.6 nm night airglow data of the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI) F18 during 2011–2014, there were significant differences in the variation pattern of the relative amplitude of the two versus solar activity and the seasonal variation in the proportion of the component of the wavenumber 4. Based on the neutral wind speed observation results of the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging on board the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) from 2020 to 2021, the longitudinal structures of the 4 ionospheric waves after midnight are related to the cross-equatorial meridional wind. We believe that the wavenumber 4 longitudinal structures after midnight originate from the semidiurnal eastward-propagating with zonal wavenumber 2 (SE2) nonmigrating tide in the cross-equatorial neutral wind rather than the diurnal eastward-propagating with zonal wavenumber 3 (DE3) nonmigrating tide in from the zonal wind, which modulates the daytime wavenumber 4 longitudinal structures.
This work investigates seasonal and interhemispheric variations of the afternoon auroral responses to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) B
effects. The auroral observations are adopted from the global ultraviolet imager instrument on board the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite during 2002–2007. The results show that in both summer and winter solstices, the stronger afternoon auroral intensity is associated with negative IMF B
< 0) in the northern hemisphere, and with B
> 0 in the southern hemisphere. This suggests stronger contributions from the upward field-aligned currents (FACs), which can be induced by the B
-associated north-south oriented electric field and the B
-associated flow shear in the ionosphere. In addition, the strongest afternoon aurora occurs in summer in each hemisphere. In summer, the absolute difference between the auroral peak intensity under the two B
polarities is greater and occurs earlier than in winter, which may be related to changes in FACs and conductivity from winter to summer. Differently, in equinoxes stronger auroral intensity favors B
conditions associated with more frequent occurrence of southward IMF B
, such as B
< 0 and B
> 0 conditions in March and in September, respectively. Therefore, in equinoxes the effects of the favorable B
, which were seen in solstices, are masked. We suggest that these are caused by the Russell-McPherron effect, which leads to more southward B
conditions, resulting in more energy deposited and subsequent stronger aurora in polar ionosphere. These results contribute to our deeper understanding of the asymmetrical phenomena in the Earth's magnetosphere-ionosphere induced by IMF B
Ionospheric dynamics exhibits a distinct hemispheric asymmetry, influenced primarily by the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) B
component, dipole tilt, or a combination of both. Previous studies have indicated a reduction in these asymmetries during substorms. In this study, we conduct a superposed epoch analysis using ground magnetometer data from the northern hemisphere to examine the impact of substorms on ionospheric current asymmetry. This analysis uses the assumption of mirror symmetry between the northern and southern hemispheres when IMF B
and dipole tilt are reversed. We observe a significant reduction in nightside equivalent current asymmetry indicating the IMF B
and dipole tilt have minimal influence on the substorm current. On the other hand, we find that substorms exert minimal or negligible effects on dayside currents. This difference in response between nightside and dayside currents emphasizes the need to incorporate nightside dynamics into existing climatological models, which presently rely mainly on upstream parameters due to a lack of robust parameters effectively representing them. Our findings provide important insights for future modeling efforts, highlighting the distinct interactions between substorms and ionospheric currents across different hemispheric regions.
Upward propagating waves of lower atmospheric origin play an important role in coupling terrestrial weather with space weather on daily to inter-annual timescales. Quantifying their short-term (<30 days) variability is a difficult challenge because simultaneous observations at multiple local times are needed to sample diurnal cycles. This study demonstrates and validates a short-term estimation method of the DE3 non-migrating tide at the equator and then applies the technique to three independent data sets: MIGHTI, SABER, and TIDI. We find that daily DE3 estimates from SABER, MIGHTI, and TIDI at equator agree well with correlation coefficients ranging between 0.76 and 0.85. The daily DE3 amplitude variability is typically ∼7 m/s in zonal winds and ∼3 K in temperature. We also find that daily MLT variations and F-region ionospheric DE3 from COSMIC-2 Global Ionospheric Specification (GIS) show a correlation of 0.55–0.65, suggesting that not all ionospheric variability can be attributed to the E-region dynamo; however, increasing correlation with increasing time-scale suggests that lower atmospheric variability has pronounced impact on the ionosphere on intra-seasonal scales. We find that the MLT and the F-region ionosphere exhibit strong coherent intra-seasonal oscillations (residual amplitudes upto 50%–60%); their coherency with the MJO in 2020 suggests a possible modulation of the upward propagating DE3 tide related to this major tropical tropospheric weather pattern. In addition, we find stratospheric QBO signatures in the MLT DE3 on inter-annual scales. This study offers fresh observational insights into the pivotal role of tropospheric weather in shaping variability in the coupled thermosphere-ionosphere system.
Whistler-mode hiss waves are crucial to the dynamics of Earth's radiation belts, particularly in the scattering and loss of energetic electrons and forming the slot region between the inner and outer belts. The generation of hiss waves involves multiple potential mechanisms, which are under active research. Understanding the role of hiss waves in radiation belt dynamics and their generation mechanisms requires analyzing their temporal and spatial evolutions, especially for strong hiss waves. Therefore, we developed an Imbalanced Regressive Neural Network (IR-NN) model for predicting hiss amplitudes. This model addresses the challenge posed by the data imbalance of the hiss data set, which consists of predominantly quiet-time background samples and fewer but significant active-time intense hiss samples. Notably, the IR-NN hiss model excels in predicting strong hiss waves (>100 pT). We investigate the temporal and spatial evolution of hiss wave during a geomagnetic storm on 24–27 October 2017. We show that hiss waves occur within the nominal plasmapause, and follow its dynamically evolving shape. They exhibit intensifications with 1 and 2 hr timescale similar to substorms but with a noticeable time delay. The intensifications begin near dawn and progress toward noon and afternoon. During the storm recovery phase, hiss intensifications may occur in the plume. Additionally, we observe no significant latitudinal dependence of the hiss waves within |MLAT| < 20°. In addition to describing the spatiotemporal evolution of hiss waves, this study highlights the importance of imbalanced regressive methods, given the prevalence of imbalanced data sets in space physics and other real-world applications.
An improved global pressure and zenith wet delay model with optimized vertical correction considering the spatiotemporal variability in multiple height-scale factors
Chunhua Jiang, Xiang Gao, Huizhong Zhu, Shuaimin Wang, Sixuan Liu, Shaoni Chen, and Guangsheng Liu
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 5939–5959, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-5939-2024, 2024
With ERA5 hourly data, we show spatiotemporal characteristics of pressure and zenith wet delay (ZWD) and propose an empirical global pressure and ZWD grid model with a broader operating space which can provide accurate pressure, ZWD, zenith hydrostatic delay, and zenith tropospheric delay estimates for any selected time and location over globe. IGPZWD will be of great significance for the tropospheric augmentation in real-time GNSS positioning and atmospheric water vapor remote sensing.
Radiocarbon analysis reveals underestimation of soil organic carbon persistence in new-generation soil models
Alexander S. Brunmayr, Frank Hagedorn, Margaux Moreno Duborgel, Luisa I. Minich, and Heather D. Graven
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 5961–5985, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-5961-2024, 2024
A new generation of soil models promises to more accurately predict the carbon cycle in soils under climate change. However, measurements of 14C (the radioactive carbon isotope) in soils reveal that the new soil models face similar problems to the traditional models: they underestimate the residence time of carbon in soils and may therefore overestimate the net uptake of CO2 by the land ecosystem. Proposed solutions include restructuring the models and calibrating model parameters with 14C data.
Virtual joint field campaign: a framework of synthetic landscapes to assess multiscale measurement methods of water storage
Till Francke, Cosimo Brogi, Alby Duarte Rocha, Michael Förster, Maik Heistermann, Markus Köhli, Daniel Rasche, Marvin Reich, Paul Schattan, Lena Scheiffele, and Martin Schrön
Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., https//doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2024-106,2024
Preprint under review for GMD (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Multiple methods for measuring soil moisture beyond the point scale exist. Their validation generally hindered by lack of knowing the truth. We propose a virtual framework, in which this truth is fully known and the sensor observations for Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing, Remote Sensing, and Hydrogravimetry are simulated. This allows the rigourous testing of these virtual sensors to understand their effectiveness and limitations.
Temporal clustering of precipitation for detection of potential landslides
Fabiola Banfi, Emanuele Bevacqua, Pauline Rivoire, Sérgio C. Oliveira, Joaquim G. Pinto, Alexandre M. Ramos, and Carlo De Michele
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 2689–2704, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-24-2689-2024, 2024
Landslides are complex phenomena causing important impacts in vulnerable areas, and they are often triggered by rainfall. Here, we develop a new approach that uses information on the temporal clustering of rainfall, i.e. multiple events close in time, to detect landslide events and compare it with the use of classical empirical rainfall thresholds, considering as a case study the region of Lisbon, Portugal. The results could help to improve the prediction of rainfall-triggered landslides.
A new non-linearity correction method for the spectrum from the Geostationary Inferometric Infrared Sounder on board Fengyun-4 satellites and its preliminary assessments
Qiang Guo, Yuning Liu, Xin Wang, and Wen Hui
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4613–4627, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-17-4613-2024, 2024
Non-linearity (NL) correction is a critical procedure to guarantee that the calibration accuracy of a spaceborne sensor approaches a reasonable level. Different from the classical method, a new NL correction method for a spaceborne Fourier transform spectrometer is proposed. To overcome the inaccurate linear coefficient from two-point calibration influencing NL correction, an iteration algorithm is established that is suitable for NL correction of both infrared and microwave sensors.
Projections of sea-level rise from ice-sheet shrinkage in a warming world have large uncertainties, linked to limited knowledge of changes at the ocean-ice sheet interface. This interface most typically is modeled as a grounding line, across which still-connected ice flows into the ocean to float as an ice shelf, or where icebergs calve from a cliff before the ice begins to float. But, extensive and rapidly increasing evidence shows that this is really a grounding zone, and that processes in this grounding zone omitted from many models could exert major controls on sea-level rise.
In July and August 2022, the Yangtze River basin (YRB) experienced its hottest summer since 1961. The SINTEX-F2 seasonal prediction system initialized in early May predicted the hotter-than-normal summer due to its successful prediction of central Pacific La Niña, negative Indian Ocean Dipole and the resultant warming in the tropical West Pacific-East Indian Ocean (TWP_EIO). The common SST forcing explains only about 26% to the heatwave strength, while the internal variations in the anomalous warming in the TWP_EIO and Europe, surplus precipitation in Pakistan, and local land-air interaction account for approximately 65%, based on the analysis of 108 ensemble members. These factors have collectively increased the maximum temperature over the YRB through the enhancement and westward expansion of western North Pacific subtropical high. Our findings quantify the relative contributions of external forcing and internal variations to the unprecedented hot event, offering insights into its forming mechanism and potential predictability.
Currently, there is no clear understanding of the comprehensive set of variables that controls fluxes of relativistic electrons within the outer radiation belt. Herein, the methodology based on causal inference is applied for identification of factors that control fluxes of relativistic electrons in the outer belt. The patterns of interactions between the solar wind, geomagnetic activity and belt electrons have been investigated. We found a significant information transfer from solar wind, geomagnetic activity and fluxes of very low energy electrons (54 keV), into fluxes of relativistic (470 keV) and ultra-relativistic (2.23 MeV) electrons. We present evidence of a direct causal relationship from relativistic into ultra-relativistic electrons, which points to a local acceleration mechanism for electrons energization. It is demonstrated that the observed information transfer from low energy electrons at 54 keV into energetic electrons at 470 keV is due to the presence of common external drivers such as substorm activity.
Using NASA's Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) imager, we report nightside ionospheric changes during the G5 super geomagnetic storm of 10 and 11 May 2024. Specifically, the nightside southern crest of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) was observed to merge with the aurora near the southern tip of South America. During the storm, the EIA southern crest was seen moving poleward as fast as 450 m/s. Furthermore, the aurora extended to mid-latitudes reaching the southern tips of Africa and South America. The poleward shift of the equatorial ionospheric structure and equatorward motion of the aurora means there was no mid-latitude ionosphere in this region. These observations offer unique insights into the ionospheric response to extreme geomagnetic disturbances, highlighting the complex interplay between solar activity and Earth's upper atmosphere.
Multi-decadal atmospheric carbon dioxide measurements in Hungary, central Europe
László Haszpra
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4629–4647, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-17-4629-2024, 2024
The paper evaluates a 30-year-long atmospheric CO2 data series from a mid-continental central European site, Hegyhátsál (HUN). It presents the site-specific features observed in the long-term evolution of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Since the measurement data are widely used in atmospheric inverse models and budget calculations all around the world, the paper provides potentially valuable information for model tuning and interpretation of the model results.
Negative Differential Resistance, Instability, and Critical Transition in Lightning Leader
Xueqiang Gou, Chao Xin, Liwen Xu, Ping Yuan, Yijun Zhang, and Mingli Cheng
Nonlin. Processes Geophys. Discuss., https//doi.org/10.5194/npg-2024-15,2024
Preprint under review for NPG (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Our research examines lightning's complex behavior by studying changes in its electrical pathways under different conditions. We found that lightning channels switch between stable and unstable states based on their length and surrounding electric fields. This helps explain why lightning often reactivates after a brief pause and offers new insights into these processes. Our findings could improve lightning prediction and protection, benefiting scientific understanding and public safety.