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Evolution Characteristics of Convective Clouds With Relatively Small Scales Over South China

JGR–Atmospheres - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 20:30

As a crucial element in the Earth's system, development of convective clouds is still insufficiently understood and simulated in both weather and climate models, particularly for small-scale regional convective clouds. In this study, a series of convective clouds cases with relatively small scales are selected over south China, and the evolution characteristics of those convective clouds are investigated using high spatiotemporal resolution geostationary satellite data. Statistical results show that the shorter the life cycle or the smaller the area, the higher the proportion of convective clouds. Notably, approximately 79.23% of convective clouds have a life cycle of less than 3 hr, and 63.81% have an area of less than 500 km2 for selected cases. In addition, there are significant differences in the cloud characteristics and meteorological parameters during various convective cloud stages and durations. Nevertheless, the relative proportions of convective clouds at three identified stages remain relatively constant with almost no dependence on duration of convective clouds, which are 33.50%, 23.92%, and 42.58% for the developing, mature, and dissipation stages, respectively. In addition, we find that the cloud-top cooling rate during the developing stage also affects the characteristics of the later stage of convective clouds. Quantitatively, the average cloud area and duration changed by 157.03 km2 and 0.17 hr when the cloud-top cooling rate varies by 15 K/h.

Statistical Investigation of the Storm Time Plasma Density Strip‐Like Bulges at Lower‐Mid Latitudes

JGR:Space physics - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 20:14

The strip-like bulge is a storm-time conjugate ionospheric plasma density enhancement, constituted by the plasmaspheric H+/He+, that extends widely (over 150° in longitude) in the zonal dimension but occupies only 1°–5° in latitude. Based on in-situ measurements of 11 low earth orbit satellites, this study statistically investigates the bulge structures of geomagnetic storms driven by 136 interplanetary coronal mass ejections during 2000–2021. The statistical results show that the strip-like bulges are observed at the end of the storm main phase and can persist for more than 60 hr. The spatial and temporal coverage of the strip-like bulge varies from storm to storm. However, the bulges do exhibit occurrence preferences: stronger storms (for the ICME-driven) during solar minimum periods, the Asian-Pacific sector (with eastward magnetic declination), and the nightside of the dawn-dusk terminator. A quiet time density enhancement called mid-latitude enhancement could be recognized as a precursor of the strip-like bulge. The evolution features of the plasmapause height exhibit similarities with the strip-like bulge, indicating a field-aligned downward and cross-L inward intrusion of the plasmaspheric ions. The local net ion drifts partly support this scenario with downward/inward being the most dominant but not unique pattern, the other diverse net ion drift configurations exist but their impact on the strip-like bulges remains unclear.

Horizontal Scales of Small‐ and Meso‐Scale Field‐Aligned Current Structures at Middle and Low Latitudes

JGR:Space physics - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 19:59

By utilizing the close orbital separation between Swarm A and C during the Counter Rotation Orbit phase, we check the agreement and stationarity between the FAC-associated magnetic signatures at the two spacecraft through cross-correlation analysis. When the agreement and stationarity are passed, the magnetic signature is considered suitable for small and meso-scale Field-aligned currents (FAC) estimates with dual-spacecraft technique. It is found that at low and middle latitudes the dayside wave structure with apparent periods of about 10–60s can be observed around 90% of the time during all seasons. From those 90% can be identified as quasi-static current structures. On the nightside, the shorter period signatures dominate the apparent period spectrum. At about 30% of the time structures with 1–7s periods are observed. For the longer period signals the proportion is reduced greatly. About 80% of these signatures with periods longer than 3s are identified as quasi-static current structures. By taking advantage of the constantly changing longitudinal orbit separation during the considered time intervals, we can determine the mean separation at which the correlation breaks down. This provides FAC scale sizes in east-west direction separately for FACs of various latitudinal wavelengths. The result shows that typical east-west scale sizes of FAC structures with latitudinal wavelength of 10–400 km range from 10 to 60 km, respectively. FAC-related structures on the nightside have been associated with medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances and structures on the dayside primarily with FACs driven by atmospheric gravity waves.

Observing atmospheric rivers using multi-GNSS airborne radio occultation: system description and data evaluation

Atmos. Meas. techniques - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 18:56
Observing atmospheric rivers using multi-GNSS airborne radio occultation: system description and data evaluation
Bing Cao, Jennifer S. Haase, Michael J. Murphy Jr., and Anna M. Wilson
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-2024-119,2024
Preprint under review for AMT (discussion: open, 0 comments)
This paper describes an Airborne Radio Occultation (ARO) observation system installed on reconnaissance aircraft that uses GPS signal refraction in the atmosphere to retrieve information about the temperature and moisture in the storm environment as far away as 400 km surrounding the flight track. The characteristics and quality of 1700 ARO refractivity profiles were assessed. These observations are collected to help understand atmospheric rivers and improve their forecasting.

Large‐Scale Drivers of Tropical Extreme Precipitation Events: The Example of French Overseas Territories

GRL - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 15:39

Due to their severity and lack of predictability, understanding and forecasting extreme precipitation events (EPEs) is critical for disaster risk reduction. The present work documents the large-scale environment of tropical EPEs based on a 42-year data set combining dense rain-gauge networks that cover several tropical small islands and coastal regions. Approximately 10%–30% of EPEs are associated with a tropical storm or cyclone (TC), except for Reunion, for which its high topography makes it reach 55%. TCs multiply the EPE probability by a factor of 4–15, especially during TCs of category 1 or higher. A composite analysis demonstrates that the remaining large part of EPEs occurs within large-scale and strong moist, convective, and cyclonic wind anomalies resulting from the superimposition of intraseasonal, seasonal-to-annual, and interannual timescales. These intense anomalies come essentially from intraseasonal variability, and lower frequencies improve the effect of intraseasonal events in creating a favorable environment for EPEs.

The 3‐D Density Structure of the Large Shield Volcanic Structure in the Gardner Region Revealed by a New Gravity Inversion

GRL - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 14:39

The Gardner region is a well-known shield volcanic complex on the Moon. Its magma origin and formation mechanism are of significant interest but still enigmatic. To reveal the subsurface structure of this volcanic complex, we propose a new 3-D inversion method of the gravity field based on the regularizations of the L1 norm of the model and its gradients. The model test indicates that our proposed method can recover the density structures with high resolution. Subsequently, we apply it to the Bouguer gravity data in the Gardner region. Our result shows a large, dense body with a volume of about 45 × 45 × 13 km3 centered under the topographic bulge of the Gardner Plateau. We infer that this structure is most likely dense basalts trapped at the crust-mantle boundary as a sill and acted as the magma reservoir that has fed the volcanic complex in the Gardner area.

Seasonal Emergence and Circulation Coupling of Moist Layers Over the Tropical Atlantic

GRL - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 14:09

Mid-tropospheric elevated moist layers (EMLs) near the melting level have been found in various regional observational studies in the tropics. Recently, a preponderance of EMLs in the presence of aggregated convection was found in cloud resolving simulations of radiative convective equilibrium (RCE), highlighting a significant circulation coupling. Here, we present global monthly EML occurrence rates based on reanalysis, yielding a broader view on where and when EMLs occur in the real world. Over the Atlantic, EML occurrence follows a seasonal cycle that maximizes in summer, aligning with maximized ITCZ intensity and organization. Resembling the results in RCE, the large-scale circulation over the Atlantic shifts from a deep overturning in January to a bottom-heavy circulation in July. While EMLs embedded in the July cross-equatorial Hadley cell are found to be sourced from the ITCZ, EMLs north of the ITCZ emerge from the strongly sheared zonal flow over West Africa.

Changes in the Plasma Sheet Conditions at Europa's Orbit Retrieved From Lead Angle of the Satellite Auroral Footprints

GRL - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 13:55

The electromagnetic interaction between Europa and the plasma sheet in the Jovian magnetosphere generates Alfvén waves, ultimately generating auroral footprints in Jupiter's atmosphere. The position of Europa's auroral footprint is a proxy for travel time of the Alfvén waves. We measured Europa's footprint position using the far-ultraviolet images of Jupiter obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope in two observing campaigns in 2014 and 2022. The measured footprint position indicates a longer Alfvén travel time in the 2022 campaign. We retrieved the plasma sheet parameters at Europa's orbit from the footprint position by tracing the Alfvén waves launched at Europa and found an increase of both mass density and temperature in the plasma sheet in 2022. The Poynting flux generated at Europa is calculated with the retrieved plasma sheet parameters, which suggests the total energy transfer from Europa to its auroral footprint is similar to the case of Io.

Reactive Nitrogen Partitioning Enhances the Contribution of Canadian Wildfire Plumes to US Ozone Air Quality

GRL - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 13:45

Quantifying the variable impacts of wildfire smoke on ozone air quality is challenging. Here we use airborne measurements from the 2018 Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption, and Nitrogen (WE-CAN) to parameterize emissions of reactive nitrogen (NOy) from wildfires into peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN; 37%), NO3 − (27%), and NO (36%) in a global chemistry-climate model with 13 km spatial resolution over the contiguous US. The NOy partitioning, compared with emitting all NOy as NO, reduces model ozone bias in near-fire smoke plumes sampled by the aircraft and enhances ozone downwind by 5–10 ppbv when Canadian smoke plumes travel to Washington, Utah, Colorado, and Texas. Using multi-platform observations, we identify the smoke-influenced days with daily maximum 8-hr average (MDA8) ozone of 70–88 ppbv in Kennewick, Salt Lake City, Denver and Dallas. On these days, wildfire smoke enhanced MDA8 ozone by 5–25 ppbv, through ozone produced remotely during plume transport and locally via interactions of smoke plume with urban emissions.

Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Physical Drivers of Heatwaves in India

GRL - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 13:34

In this study, we analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of propagation of pre-monsoon heatwaves and their drivers in India. Using complex networks, we find that heatwaves originate most frequently in northwest India and propagate in the northeast or southeast direction. Heatwaves propagating in the northeast direction have a higher intensity, lower moving distance, smaller areal coverage, and shorter duration than heatwaves moving in the southeast. We find that the larger area and duration of heatwaves propagating southeast are a result of development of larger and more persistent high-pressure systems extending over entire northern and eastern India, which are influenced by El Niño Southern Oscillation. On the other hand, higher radiative fluxes and larger heat entrainment in the boundary layer in the heatwaves propagating northeast contribute to their higher intensities.

Ice Sheet‐Albedo Feedback Estimated From Most Recent Deglaciation

GRL - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 13:29

Ice sheet feedbacks are underrepresented in model assessments of climate sensitivity and their magnitudes are still poorly constrained. We combine a recently published record of Earth's Energy Imbalance (EEI) with existing reconstructions of temperature, atmospheric composition, and sea level to estimate both the magnitude and timescale of the ice sheet-albedo feedback since the Last Glacial Maximum. This facilitates the first opportunity to quantify this feedback over the most recent deglaciation using a proxy data-driven approach. We find the ice sheet-albedo feedback to be amplifying, increasing the total climate feedback parameter by 42% and reaching an equilibrium magnitude of 0.55 Wm−2K−1, with a 66% confidence interval of 0.45–0.63 Wm−2K−1. The timescale to equilibrium is estimated as 3.6 ka (66% confidence: 1.9–5.5 ka). These results provide new evidence for the timescale and magnitude of the amplifying ice sheet-albedo feedback that will drive anthropogenic warming for millennia to come.

Unveiling the Dominant Factors Controlling the Long‐Term Changes in Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone Intensification Rates

GRL - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 13:25

Tropical cyclones (TCs), especially intense TCs, pose serious threats to life and property particularly in the affected coastal regions. Understanding the factors determining the TC intensification rate (IR) remains a great challenge. This study identifies the dominant factors responsible for the observed significant increase in TC IR over the western North Pacific in recent decades using the energetically based dynamical system model of TC intensification. It is found that the environmental dynamical efficiency mainly contributed by vertical wind shear and upper-level divergence is responsible for the long-term changes in TC IR during the strong TC stage, but it played a secondary role in the long-term changes in IR during the weak TC stage. The latter were primarily contributed by the maximum potential intensity, which is primarily determined by sea surface temperature. Results also strongly suggest that global warming is the primary driver of the long-term changes in TC IR.

Two Mechanisms Generating Intraplate Volcanism in Southeast Asia: Insights From Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities

JGR–Solid Earth - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 10:44

Determining the mechanisms responsible for intraplate volcanism - such as slab devolatilization melting versus active mantle plumes - remains a challenge. The greater South China Sea (SCS) region has experienced extensive intraplate Cenozoic volcanism across areas including Hainan, Southeast Indochina, northern Borneo, the northern SCS, and the post-spreading SCS basin. The prevalence of volcanism distributed widely across this region prompts fundamental questions about the key geodynamic processes driving such diverse magmatic activities. In this study, we elucidate the mantle transition zone (MTZ) discontinuities in this region using SS precursors, which helps to overcome the sparse seismic coverage due to its predominantly oceanic setting. We collected over 16,000 high-quality seismograms that sample the upper mantle and MTZ beneath this region from global earthquakes and stations. After correcting for the effects of shallow crustal variations and upper mantle heterogeneity on traveltimes of SS phases and their precursors, we unveil lateral variations in the MTZ boundaries (d410 and d660) and intricate features of the mid-MTZ reflectors (S520S). Significant MTZ thinning and normal S520S waveforms beneath Hainan provide compelling evidence for mantle upwelling through the MTZ. Conversely, the evident splitting of S520S beneath the northern SCS, Southeast Indochina, and northern Borneo, all characterized by stagnant subducted slabs, indicates that the volcanism in these regions likely originated from a mechanism distinct from the active upwelling beneath Hainan. Dehydration melting attributed to devolatilizing stagnant slabs in the MTZ is a potential cause for Cenozoic volcanism in these regions.

Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Wind Perturbations Due To the 2022 Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai Eruption as Observed by Multistatic Specular Meteor Radars

Radio Science - Tue, 08/06/2024 - 07:00

Utilizing multistatic specular meteor radar (MSMR) observations, this study delves into global aspects of wind perturbations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) from the unprecedented 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai (HTHH) submarine volcano. The combination of MSMR observations from different viewing angles over South America and Europe, and the decomposition of the horizontal wind in components along and transversal to the HTHH eruption's epicenter direction allow an unambiguous detection and identification of MLT perturbations related to the eruption. The performance of this decomposition is evaluated using Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere/ionosphere extension (WACCM-X) simulations of the event. The approach shows that indeed the HTHH eruption signals are clearly identified, and other signals can be easily discarded. The winds in this decomposition display dominant Eastward soliton-like perturbations observed as far as 25,000 km from HTHH, and propagating at 242 m/s. A weaker perturbation observed only over Europe propagates faster (but slower than 300 m/s) in the Westward direction. These results suggest that we might be observing the so-called Pekeris mode, also consistent with the L 1 pseudomode, reproduced by WACCM-X simulations at MLT altitudes. They also rule out the previous hypothesis connecting the observations in South America to the Tsunami associated with the eruption because these perturbations are observed over Europe as well. Despite the progress, the L 0 pseudomode in the MLT reproduced by WACCM-X remains elusive to observations.

A Parameterization Scheme for Correcting All‐Sky Surface Longwave Downward Radiation Over Rugged Terrain

JGR–Atmospheres - Mon, 08/05/2024 - 20:23

Accurate surface longwave downward radiation (SLDR) is crucial for understanding mountain climate dynamics. While existing algorithms notably improve the accuracy of clear-sky SLDR, a terrain correction algorithm that can correct remotely sensed and model-simulated all-sky SLDR on a large scale remains largely unexplored. Here, we propose a parameterization scheme for estimating all-sky SLDR in rugged terrain. We primarily improve the estimation of nearby terrain thermal contribution by considering topographic asymmetry and incorporate the effects of ice cloud thermal scattering under low water vapor conditions. We validate the reliability of our model using the Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART) model, demonstrating a good agreement with a bias value of −12.8 W/m2 and a RMSE value of 28.2 W/m2. Further evaluation against the Essential Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing (ELITE) SLDR product at three TIPEX-III in situ sites, located near the bottom of deep valleys with predominantly flat surfaces, indicates significant improvement in our model, reducing the mean bias by 7.4 W/m2 and the mean RMSE by 4.1 W/m2. Post-terrain correction, the ELITE SLDR difference map exhibits a spatial pattern of “small in the northwest and large in the southeast” in the study area, with the maximum differences reaching 67 W/m2 in the daytime and 54 W/m2 at nighttime. Comparison with existing methods reveals similar improvements due to the consideration of terrain effects. Overall, our SLDR correction model shows enormous potential for correcting remotely sensed and model-simulated SLDR products on a large scale.

An Optimal Weighted Ensemble Machine Learning Approach to Accurate Estimate the Coastal Boundary Layer Height Using ERA5 Multi‐Variables

JGR–Atmospheres - Mon, 08/05/2024 - 19:49

Boundary layer height variations under sunny, rainy, and cloudy weather conditions.


The coastal boundary layer height (CBLH/Coastal-BLH) is critical in determining the exchange of heat, momentum, and materials between the land and ocean, thereby regulating the local climate and weather change. However, due to the complexity of geographical characteristics and meteorological conditions, accurate estimation of the CBLH remains challenging. Herein, based on continuous high-resolution measurements of CBL performed from November 2019 to April 2020 in coastal Ningbo city in eastern China, an optimal weighted ensemble model (OWEM) integrating multi-meteorological variables of the ERA5 reanalysis data sets is constructed and validated to estimate the CBLH. The mean absolute percentage error of the derived CBLH by OWEM is as low as 3%–5%, significantly lower than that of 36%–65% of the ERA5 CBLH products. Furthermore, three categories of different weather scenarios, that is, sunny, cloudy, and rainy, are separately discussed, and OWEM shows greater performance and higher accuracies in comparison with the traditional Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator, Random Forest, Adaboost, LightGBM, and ensemble model, among which, OWEM under fair weather days behave best, with a robust R 2 of 0.97 and a minimum mean absolute error (MAE) of 23 m. Further training results based on wind flow classification, that is, land breeze, sea breeze, and parallel wind, also indicate the outperformance of OWEM than other models, with a relatively large error in parallel wind of 50 m. Subsequent analysis of the Shapley Additive Explanations method strongly correlated with model feature importance, both reveal that thermodynamic factors such as temperature (T2m) and wind velocity (10 m U) are the major factors positively related to estimation accuracy during sunny days. Nevertheless, Relative Humidity dominates on rainy and cloudy days, TP on land breeze days, and dynamic variables like 10 m U and 10 m V on entire types of wind flow weather. In conclusion, the accurate estimation of CBLH from OWEM serves as a feasible and innovative approach, providing technical support for marine meteorology and related engineering applications, for example, onshore wind power, coastal ecological protection, etc.

Assessing the Impacts of Falling Ice Radiative Effects on the Seasonal Variation of Land Surface Properties

JGR–Atmospheres - Mon, 08/05/2024 - 19:29

The impacts of falling ice radiative effects (FIREs) on land-atmosphere feedback processes were examined, with a focus on the fidelity of land surface properties and their variability as inferred by global climate models (GCMs). We conducted a pair of sensitivity experiments using the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Earth System Model Version 1 (CESM1) in fully coupled modes with FIREs turned on and off. This allowed us to investigate the seasonal response of land surface properties to changes in radiation fluxes and land surface temperature (LST) associated with FIREs across global land areas. Our findings indicate that during boreal winter, excluding FIREs results in less surface downward longwave and net flux (∼5–15 Wm−2), leading to a colder land surface (∼2–4 K) and air temperatures (∼1–4 K) at mid- and high latitudes. Consequently, the surface frozen soil layer and snow cover persist through spring, delaying snowmelt and thawing until summer. This delay reduces liquid soil moisture, thereby suppressing vegetation productivity in subsequent seasons. Conversely, tropical regions, exhibit contrasting responses, with a warmer land surface (∼0.5 K) and warmer air temperatures (∼0.1–0.5 K) due to increased surface downward shortwave and net flux (∼2–10 Wm−2). This enhancement in radiation fosters increased vegetation productivity throughout the seasonal cycle. These findings illustrate a local response of land surface properties to changes in the surface energy balance and LST, highlighting the significant role that FIREs play in land surface modeling within GCMs.

Cloud phase estimation and macrophysical properties of low-level clouds using in-situ and radar measurements over the Southern Ocean during the SOCRATES campaign

Atmos. Meas. techniques - Mon, 08/05/2024 - 18:56
Cloud phase estimation and macrophysical properties of low-level clouds using in-situ and radar measurements over the Southern Ocean during the SOCRATES campaign
Anik Das, Baike Xi, Xiaojian Zheng, and Xiquan Dong
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-2024-124,2024
Preprint under review for AMT (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Understanding the cloud phase and macrophysical properties of Southern Ocean clouds is crucial to enhancing our understanding of the region. The cloud radar and in-situ probes during the SOCRATES aircraft campaign are used to develop a new method to determine cloud boundaries and dominant phase. Low clouds (<3km) are found to be the most dominant cloud type (~90%), with liquid being the most dominant phase type, followed by ice and mixed with a greater incidence of drizzle around the cloud base.

Cloud masks and cloud type classification using EarthCARE CPR and ATLID

Atmos. Meas. techniques - Mon, 08/05/2024 - 16:39
Cloud masks and cloud type classification using EarthCARE CPR and ATLID
Hajime Okamoto, Kaori Sato, Tomoaki Nishizawa, Yoshitaka Jin, Shota Ogawa, Hiroshi Ishimoto, Yuichiro Hagihara, EIji Oikawa, Maki Kikuchi, Masaki Satoh, and Wooosub Roh
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-2024-103,2024
Preprint under review for AMT (discussion: open, 0 comments)
The article gives the descriptions of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) level 2 (L2) cloud mask and cloud particle type algorithms for CPR and ATLID onboard Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) satellite. The 355nm-multiple scattering polarization lidar was used to develop ATLID algorithm. Evaluations show the agreements for CPR-only, ATLID-only and CPR-ATLID synergy algorithms to be about 80%, 85% and 80%, respectively on average for about two EarthCARE orbits.

Basaltic Pulses and Lithospheric Thinning—Plio‐Pleistocene Magmatism and Rifting in the Turkana Depression (East African Rift System)

JGR–Solid Earth - Mon, 08/05/2024 - 16:39

The East African Rift System (EARS) provides an opportunity to constrain the relationship between magmatism and plate thinning. During continental rifting, magmatism is often considered a derivative of strain accommodation—as the continental plate thins, decompression melting of the upper mantle occurs. The Turkana Depression preserves among the most extensive Cenozoic magmatic record in the rift. This magmatic record, which comprises distinct basaltic pulses followed by periods of relative magmatic quiescence, is perplexing given the lack of evidence for temporal heterogeneity in the thermo-chemical state of the upper mantle, the nonexistence of lithospheric delamination related fast-wave speed anomalies in the upper mantle, and the absence of evidence for sudden, accelerated divergence of Nubia and Somalia. We focus on the Pliocene Gombe Stratoid Series and show how lithospheric thinning may result in pulsed magma generation from a plume-influenced mantle. By solving the 1D advection-diffusion equation using rates of plate thinning broadly equivalent to those measured geodetically today we show that despite elevated mantle potential temperature, melt generation may not occur and thereby result in extended intervals of quiescence. By contrast, an increase in the rate of plate thinning can generate magma volumes that are on the order of that estimated for the parental magma of the Gombe Stratoid Series. The coincidence of large-volume stratiform basalt events within the East African Rift shortly before the development of axial zones of tectonic-magmatic activity suggests that the plate thinning needed to form these stratiform basalts may herald the onset of the localization of strain.

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