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How Has the Ferrel Cell Contributed to the Maintenance of Antarctic Sea Ice at Low Levels From 2016 to 2022?

GRL - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 17:40

This study investigates the specific circulation anomalies that have sustained the low Antarctic sea ice state since 2016. Firstly, we find a significant strengthening and southward shift in the Ferrel Cell (FC) during 2016–2022, resulting in a marked increase in southward transport of heat and moisture. Secondly, this enhanced FC is closely associated with a stronger mid-latitude wave pattern. This pattern is zonally asymmetric and greatly amplifies the poleward advections of heat and moisture, leading to the increased downward longwave radiation, more liquid precipitation and sea ice retreat in specific regions, including the western Pacific and Indian Ocean sectors, Ross and northern Weddell Seas. The mechanism deduced from the short-term period is further supported by the results of 40 ensemble members of simulations. The southward expansion of the FC and sea ice decline are closely linked to La Niña-like conditions but may also be driven by anthropogenic global warming.

Implications of Variability and Trends in Coastal Extreme Water Levels

GRL - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 17:29

Probabilities of coastal extreme water levels (EWLs) are increasing as sea levels rise. Using a time-dependent statistical model on tide gauge data along U.S. and Pacific Basin coastlines, we show that EWL probability distributions also shift on an annual basis from climate forcing and long-period tidal cycles. In some regions, combined variability (>15 cm) can be as large or larger than the amount of sea level rise (SLR) experienced over the past 30 years and projected over the next 30 years. Considering SLR and variability by 2050 at a location like La Jolla, California suggests a moderate-level (damaging) flood today with a 50-year return level (2% annual chance) would occur about 3–4 times a year during an El Nino nearing the peak of the nodal tide cycle. If interannual variability is overlooked, SLR related impacts could be more severe than anticipated based solely upon decadal-scale projections.

A Comprehensive Evaluation of Black Carbon in Snow and Its Radiative Forcing in CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models Based on Global Field Observations

JGR–Atmospheres - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 16:44

Black carbon in snow (BCS) is a crucial parameter in Earth System modeling, as it influences global radiative balance. Here, simulated BCS from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 and 6 (CMIP5 and CMIP6) that provided BCS as a model output were evaluated. In comparison with global BCS observations, CMIP5/6 models successfully reproduced long-term historical trends linked to human activities, but struggled capturing decadal variability caused by natural climate variability. CMIP6 models NorESM2-MM, NorESM2-LM, and TaiESM1 yielded the most accurate simulations of BCS concentration with modest overestimation of <50%, while the four CESM2 models underestimated concentrations by up to ∼80%. These errors effectively balanced for the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble mean (MME), which had a relative error (RE) of −37%. However, the CMIP5 MME was less reliable due to extreme overestimation by up to 8,000% in the three MIROC models. The significant BCS concentration errors in the MIROC and CESM2 models were linked mainly to errors in handling of BC in snow processes. Conversely, marked improvements in NorESM, the only common to both CMIP5 and CMIP6, were due to improved simulation of black carbon deposition. BCS errors significantly impacted radiative forcing estimates, particularly at the poles, where model errors reached several thousandfold. CMIP6 exhibited superior results compared to CMIP5, achieving global MME RE of −33% in radiative forcing estimates. However, it's worth noting BCS output is currently limited, with only seven models available for each of CMIP5 and CMIP6 here. Additional models simulating BCS are desirable in the next CMIP generations.

Improving CONUS Convective‐Scale Forecasting With Simultaneous Multiscale Data Assimilation

JGR–Atmospheres - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 16:33

Accurate initialization of CONUS convective-scale forecasting requires a proper estimate of all resolved scales. This study further develops and examines a simultaneous multiscale data assimilation (MDA) approach in EnVar with modulated cross-scale and cross-variable covariances. The method is examined using 10 retrospective cases with the assimilation of both in situ and radar reflectivity observations (hereafter, SimMDA). The necessity of the modulated and therefore weakened cross-covariances in simultaneous MDA for CONUS convective-scale forecasting is first demonstrated. The relative benefits of increasing the decomposed-scale number with increased computational cost in SimMDA are also discussed. The impact of the further developed simultaneous MDA method is revealed by comparing it with a commonly adopted DA approach (Baseline), which separately assimilates in situ and reflectivity observations using individual single-scale localization. During DA cycling, SimMDA improves analysis accuracy for temperature and reflectivity and reduces biases in all variables compared to Baseline. SimMDA yields significantly better forecasts than Baseline for most lead times. Additional experiments are conducted to attribute such improvements in a case study. Specifically, an experiment the same as Baseline except using simultaneous MDA for reflectivity assimilation enhances cold pools and inflows and thus improves storms by making larger-scale increments. An experiment the same as Baseline except using simultaneous MDA for in situ assimilation more properly constrains small-scale covariances, leading to more reasonable correlations along the front and more accurate moisture near the dryline and consequently improved analyses and forecasts. Both effects together largely contribute to the overall improvements of SimMDA compared to Baseline.

Contribution of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diversity to Low‐Frequency Changes in ENSO Variance

GRL - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 14:29

El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) diversity is characterized based on the longitudinal location of maximum sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) and amplitude in the tropical Pacific, as Central Pacific events are typically weaker than Eastern Pacific events. SSTA pattern and intensity undergo low-frequency modulations, affecting ENSO prediction skill and remote impacts, and resulting in low-frequency changes in ENSO variance. Yet, how different ENSO types contribute to these decadal variance changes remains unclear. Here, we decompose the low-frequency changes of ENSO variance into contributions from ENSO diversity categories. We propose a fuzzy clustering of monthly SSTA to allow for non-binary event category memberships, where each event can belong to different clusters. Our approach identifies two La Niña and three El Niño categories and shows that the major shift of ENSO variance in the mid-1970s was associated with an increasing likelihood of strong La Niña and extreme El Niño events.

Influence of Western Pacific Madden–Julian Oscillation on New York City's Record‐Breaking Air Pollution in Early June 2023

GRL - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 14:15

In early June 2023, New York City (NYC) and other cities in the northeastern US experienced a severe air pollution event. Although reports associated this hazardous pollution event with the smoke from Canadian wildfires, the factors triggering the southward waft of the smoke remain unclear. We found the northerly anomaly that transported the smoke was linked to the Rossby wave train excited by the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) over the Philippine Sea, which led to the formation of an enhanced northerly at the western edge of the cyclonic anomaly over the East Coast–North Atlantic. When the MJO convection left the western Pacific, the disorganized teleconnection caused the pollution to dissipate. Observational findings were further supported by model simulations and predictions. These results suggest that monitoring and predictions of MJO activity may help mitigate air pollution events over the northeastern US during Canadian wildfire seasons.

Investigation of Oil Well Blowouts Triggered by Wastewater Injection in the Permian Basin, USA

GRL - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 13:38

Aged hydrocarbon wells, if proper care is not ensured, can crack, get corroded, and leak subsurface fluids. Permian Basin in Texas, home to thousands of such wells, has seen numerous blowouts and wastewater leaks. Our study employs surface deformation derived from satellite observations, and injection well records to investigate these events. The results reveal an over-pressurized wastewater aquifer producing a surface uplift of 20 cm/yr, likely due to wastewater being injected tens of kilometers away. Focusing on a January 2022 blowout resulting in 3 cm subsidence in 2 weeks, our geophysical model suggests aquifer over-pressurization as the cause. With an excess pressure of over 3 MPa in the aquifer, several more such blowouts are possible in the near future. This research highlights the urgent need to better understand the impact of subsurface fluid injection and calls for prompt action to mitigate the environmental effects of oil and gas production.

The Direct Radiative Effect of CO2 Increase on Summer Precipitation in North America

GRL - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 13:08

Precipitation changes in full response to CO2 increase are widely studied but confidence in future projections remains low. Mechanistic understanding of the direct radiative effect of CO2 on precipitation changes, independent from CO2-induced SST changes, is therefore necessary. Utilizing global atmospheric models, we identify robust summer precipitation decreases across North America in response to direct CO2 forcing. We find that spatial distribution of CO2 forcing at land surface is likely shaped by climatological distribution of water vapor and clouds. This, coupled with local feedback processes, changes in convection, and moisture supply resulting from CO2-induced circulation changes, could determine North American hydroclimate changes. In central North America, increasing CO2 may decrease summertime precipitation by warming the surface and inducing dry advection into the region to reduce moisture supply. Meanwhile, for the southwest and the east, CO2-induced shift of subtropical highs generates wet advection, which might mitigate the drying effect from warming.

The South Pole‐Aitken Basin: Constraints on Impact Excavation, Melt, and Ejecta

GRL - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 12:44

The formation and evolution of the South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin is critical to relating large impact basin formation and modification to lunar geophysical evolution. Most prior models of the SPA impact were conducted in 2D, making it difficult to compare model output to the 3D crustal structure and ejecta distribution. In order to better constrain the parameters of the SPA impactor and the expected post impact distribution of crust and ejecta, we conducted numerical simulations of the SPA impact in 3D. We tested a wide range of impact parameters and constrained model results with recent geophysical data. We found the crustal structure of the SPA basin is best fit by an oblique impact (30–45°) of a 350–400 km diameter projectile impacting at 12–16 km/s. The impact excavated material from as deep as 80–120 km, and ejecta was deposited in a butterfly pattern with a forbidden region uprange of the impact.

Brief Communication: Stay local or go global? On the construction of plausible counterfactual scenarios to assess flash flood hazards

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 09:31
Brief Communication: Stay local or go global? On the construction of plausible counterfactual scenarios to assess flash flood hazards
Paul Voit and Maik Heistermann
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., https//doi.org/10.5194/nhess-2024-119,2024
Preprint under review for NHESS (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Floods have caused significant damage in the past. To prepare for such events, we rely on historical data, but face issues due to rare rainfall events, lack of data, and climate change. Counterfactuals, or "what if" scenarios, simulate historical rainfall in different locations to estimate flood levels. Our new study refines this by deriving more plausible local scenarios, using the June 2024 Bavaria flood as a case study. This method could improve future flood preparation.

Influences of Space Weather Forecasting Uncertainty on Satellite Conjunction Assessment

Space Weather - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 07:00

A significant increase in the number of anthropogenic objects in Earth orbit has necessitated the development of satellite conjunction assessment and collision avoidance capabilities for new spacecraft. Neutral mass density variability in the thermosphere, driven by enhanced geomagnetic activity and solar EUV absorption, is a major source of satellite propagation error. This work investigates the impacts of space weather driver forecasting uncertainty on satellite drag and collision avoidance maneuver decision-making. Since most operational space weather driver forecasts do not offer an uncertainty assessment, the satellite operator community is left to make dangerous assumptions about the trustworthiness of the forecast models they use to perform satellite state propagation. Climatological persistence-based forecast models are developed for F10.7 and Kp. These models accurately capture the heteroscedastic and, at times, highly non-Gaussian uncertainty distribution on forecasts of the drivers of interest. A set of realistic satellite conjunction scenarios is simulated to demonstrate the contributions of space weather driver forecast uncertainty on the probability of collision and maneuver decisions. Improved driver forecasts, especially forecasts of F10.7, are demonstrated to be very useful for enabling durable maneuver decisions with additional lead time (up to 24 hr for the period examined), though the improvement depends on the specific conjunction scenario of interest.

On the Origin of the Hawaiian Swell: Lithosphere and Asthenosphere Seismic Structure From Rayleigh Wave Dispersion

JGR–Solid Earth - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 00:48

In this study, we revisit the shear-wave velocity structure of the lithosphere and asthenosphere surrounding the Hawaiian hotspot and Hawaiian swell using Rayleigh wave data spanning periods of 20–125 s from the PLUME project. A primary goal of this investigation is to probe the origin of the Hawaiian swell and the mechanism that elevates the topography, providing insights into mantle dynamics beneath hotspot swells. In the shear velocity model, the 30–70 km depth range is largely featureless with weak and local anomalies, indicating that the elevation of the Hawaiian swell cannot be attributed to upper lithospheric reheating or replacement. In contrast, at 80–150 km depth, a pronounced region of anomalously low velocities is well-resolved, with the lowest velocities found beneath the Hawaii-Maui-Molokai part of the island chain. Minimum shear velocities are approximately 4.0 km/s at 100–120 km depth, which is an ∼8%-10% velocity decrease relative to the surrounding velocities away from the swell. This pattern suggests that hot, buoyant mantle from deeper plume sources laterally spread out near the top of the normal oceanic asthenosphere. We find that the low-velocity pattern in the asthenosphere exhibits a strong correlation with the overall shape of the Hawaiian swell topography. Assuming that density anomalies are proportional to shear velocity anomalies, we demonstrate that the anomalous elevation of the swell can be explained by the uplift of a 30-km-thick elastic plate loaded from below by this buoyant, low-seismic-velocity layer in the asthenosphere.

TorchClim v1.0: a deep-learning plugin for climate model physics

Geoscientific Model Development - Mon, 07/22/2024 - 00:32
TorchClim v1.0: a deep-learning plugin for climate model physics
David Fuchs, Steven C. Sherwood, Abhnil Prasad, Kirill Trapeznikov, and Jim Gimlett
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 5459–5475, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-5459-2024, 2024
Machine learning (ML) of unresolved processes offers many new possibilities for improving weather and climate models, but integrating ML into the models has been an engineering challenge, and there are performance issues. We present a new software plugin for this integration, TorchClim, that is scalable and flexible and thereby allows a new level of experimentation with the ML approach. We also provide guidance on ML training and demonstrate a skillful hybrid ML atmosphere model.

Comparing Information Theory Analysis With Cross‐Correlation and Minimum Variance Analysis of the Solar Wind Structures

Space Weather - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 07:00

The space weather effects at the Earth's magnetosphere are mostly driven by the solar wind that carries the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). In this paper, we use 2 years of data in the solar wind from lunar orbiting ARTEMIS and MMS spacecraft upstream of the Earth's bow shock to study the structure of the IMF. We determine the lag times of IMF structures and their dependence on spacecraft positions by conducting an information theory analysis and comparing it with two traditional analysis methods: cross-correlation (CC) analysis and minimum variance of magnetic field analysis (MVAB). For the events with long time intervals (i.e., >4 hr) and with small-spatial separation between the MMS and ARTEMIS along the y GSM -direction (i.e., <40R e , where R e is the Earth's radius), the lag times based on the CC and the mutual information (MI) analyses statistically agree with each other, with p-values of 1.675 × 10−7 and 4.833 × 10−9, with the confidence of 95%. Both the results based on MI and CC have a large deviation from the results from MVAB. For some of the events, such a deviation could be improved by taking the fast mode speed into account; however, p-tests showed that they were not statistically significant to the 95% confidence level.

Using a Differential Magnetometer Technique to Measure Geomagnetically Induced Currents: An Augmented Approach

Space Weather - Sun, 07/21/2024 - 07:00

Geoelectric fields produced by time-varying magnetic fields during geomagnetic storms can result in potentially damaging geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in long conductors at the Earth's surface. GICs can pose a significant risk to the integrity of grounded electrical infrastructure, particularly high-voltage transformers. In this study, an inferred GIC is calculated using an augmented differential magnetometer measurement (DMM) technique on a 500 kV transmission line in central Alberta and is validated using a proximal transformer neutral-to-ground (TNG) current measurement by AltaLink L.P. using a Hall probe at a transformer substation. This research outlines a custom-built and innovative DMM design by which both DMM sensors deployed around a power line measure the background geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) field and the magnetic field generated locally by the GIC. We show how this modified approach provides two independent estimates for GIC derived using only ΔB y or ΔB z , the magnetic field components perpendicular to the line carrying GIC. Results for a geomagnetic storm on 12 Oct 2021 show contemporaneous peaks in the TNG current and the DMM-inferred GIC. The two data sets have similar waveforms and are within the same order of magnitude. The background GMD is reconstructed using DMM and shows excellent correlation to the measured GMD at the permanent Canadian Array for Real-time Investigations of Magnetic Activity magnetic station at Ministik Lake, approximately 48.5 km away. Based on the results presented here, we verify the added utility value of DMM for temporary deployments for assessing GIC risk in electrical power grids.

Flow‐Dependence of Ensemble Spread of Subseasonal Forecasts Explored via North Atlantic‐European Weather Regimes

GRL - Sat, 07/20/2024 - 17:54

Atmospheric prediction at 2–6 weeks lead time (so-called subseasonal-to-seasonal timescales) entails large forecast uncertainty. Here we investigate the flow-dependence of this uncertainty during Boreal winter. We categorize the large-scale flow using North Atlantic-European weather regimes. First, we show that forecast uncertainty of near-surface geopotential height (Z1000) and temperature (T2m) are strongly sensitive to the prevailing regime. Specifically, forecast uncertainty of Z1000 reduces over northern Europe following Greenland Blocking (enhanced predictability) due to a southward shifting eddy-driven jet. However, due to strong temperature gradients and variable flow patterns, Greenland blocking is linked to increased forecast uncertainty of T2m over Europe (reduced predictability). Second, we show that forecast uncertainty of weather regimes is modulated via the stratospheric polar vortex. Weak polar vortex states tend to reduce regime-uncertainty, for example, due to more frequent predicted occurrence of Greenland blocking. These regime changes are associated with increased T2m uncertainty over Europe.

Obliquity Pacing of Deep Pacific Carbonate Chemistry During the Plio‐Pleistocene

GRL - Sat, 07/20/2024 - 17:48

Reconstruction of the seawater carbonate system is essential for an improved understanding of glacial-interglacial oceanic carbon cycling and climate change. However, continuous high-resolution ocean carbonate chemistry data are generally lacking for the Plio-Pleistocene. Here, we present a deep Pacific carbonate ion saturation state (Δ[CO3 2−]) record spanning the last 5.1 Myr, reconstructed from the size-normalized shell weight of planktonic foraminifer in the western tropical Pacific. Deep Pacific Δ[CO3 2−] has been modulated primarily by orbital obliquity since 5.1 Ma, during which it has exhibited in-phase behavior with the 40-Kyr obliquity cycle. Significantly, the amplitude of the 40-Kyr Δ[CO3 2−] cycles has responded linearly to obliquity forcing throughout the Plio-Pleistocene, independent of the late Pliocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. We speculate that the obliquity signal in the deep Pacific Δ[CO3 2−] record reflects an ocean-atmosphere circulation feedback mediated by migration of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies.

Observational Limitations to the Emergence of Climate Signals

GRL - Sat, 07/20/2024 - 17:38

Using model projections to study the emergence of observable climate signals presumes omniscient knowledge about the climate system. In reality, observational knowledge suffers from data quality and availability issues, for instance data gaps, changes in instrumentation, issues due to gridding and retrieval algorithms. Overlooking such deficiencies leads to misrepresentations of the time of emergence (ToE). We introduce a new definition of ToE that accounts for observational limitations, and show that significant corrections to the ToE may be necessary to achieve the same statistical confidence as would be afforded by omniscient knowledge. We also show how our method can inform future observational needs and observing systems design.

Quantifying Earth's Topography: Steeper and Larger Than Projected in Digital Terrain Models

GRL - Sat, 07/20/2024 - 16:38

Grid- or pixel-based models, used across various scientific disciplines from microscopic to planetary scales, contain an unquantified error that bias our interpretation of the data. The error is produced by projecting 3D data onto a 2D grid. For Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) the projection error affects all slope-dependent topographic metrics, like surface area or slope angle. Due to the proportionality of the error to the cosine of the slope, we can correct for it. We quantify the error and test the correction using synthetic landscapes for which we have analytical solutions of their metrics. Application to real-world landscapes in California, reveal the systematic underestimation of surface area by up to a third, and mean slope angles by up to 10° in steep topography in current DTMs. Correcting projection errors allow for true estimates of surface areas and slope distributions enabling physics-based models of surface processes at any spatial scale.

Prolonged Quasi‐6‐Day Wave Activities in the Northern Hemisphere MLT Region Due To Antarctic Stratospheric Minor Warming Around September Equinox of 2013 and 2014

JGR–Atmospheres - Sat, 07/20/2024 - 15:54

The geopotential height observations from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder show that the quasi-6-day wave (Q6DW) events with westward zonal wavenumber 1 (W1) in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) during September 2013 and 2014 had a prolonged lifetime of ∼45–50 days and reached their maximum amplitudes after the September equinox, while the climatological Q6DW-W1 is completely dissipated in the background atmosphere before the equinoxes. The Eliassen-Palm flux diagnostic results indicate that Q6DW-W1 during September 2013 and 2014 obtained an additional source at ∼60°-80°S and ∼40–50 km as the September equinox approached, which is related to the baroclinic/barotropic instability in this region. Further investigation on the background atmosphere reveals that several stratospheric minor warming (SMW) events occurred in the Antarctic region during September 2013 and 2014 due to the enhancement of wavenumber 1 activities, accompanied by the increase in the stratospheric temperature, changes in the shape of the polar vortex and the reversal in the zonal mean circulation. The strong planetary wave breaking during the September 2013 and 2014 Antarctic SMW events significantly weakened the strength of the polar night jet (PNJ) and made its peak height descend below ∼35 km, which generated the baroclinic/barotropic instability at the new upper boundary of the PNJ (∼60°-80°S and ∼40–50 km) by an anomalous double-jet configuration in the background winds. This unusual instability provided additional wave source and energy for the trans-equatorial propagation of Q6DW-W1, which finally led to prolonged wave activities in the NH MLT region.

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