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Refactoring the elastic–viscous–plastic solver from the sea ice model CICE v6.5.1 for improved performance

Geoscientific Model Development - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 18:02
Refactoring the elastic–viscous–plastic solver from the sea ice model CICE v6.5.1 for improved performance
Till Andreas Soya Rasmussen, Jacob Poulsen, Mads Hvid Ribergaard, Ruchira Sasanka, Anthony P. Craig, Elizabeth C. Hunke, and Stefan Rethmeier
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 6529–6544, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-6529-2024, 2024
Earth system models (ESMs) today strive for better quality based on improved resolutions and improved physics. A limiting factor is the supercomputers at hand and how best to utilize them. This study focuses on the refactorization of one part of a sea ice model (CICE), namely the dynamics. It shows that the performance can be significantly improved, which means that one can either run the same simulations much cheaper or advance the system according to what is needed.

Channel‐Spanning Logjams and Reach‐Scale Hydraulic Resistance in Mountain Streams

GRL - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 14:43

Logjams create an upstream backwater of deepened, slower water, locally reducing bed shear stress. We compared hydraulic impact of logjam series across 37 geomorphically diverse reaches of mountain streams observed over 11 years in the US Southern Rockies. To enable reach-scale comparison of logjam structure and spacing, we identified the modeled best-fit effective resistance coefficient minimizing difference between outflow exiting a 1D channel with logjams present, and the same model channel with elevated channel resistance. Effective resistance increased with ratio of jam upstream depth to depth without a logjam, ratio of backwater length to average spacing, and decreased for randomly distributed jams due to close spacing, which reduced backwater impact. An analytic approximation and boundaries for region of relative spacing with steepest increase in effective resistance are provided. Our results can assist in targeting interventions to areas where hydraulic impact is greatest, providing value for money in nature-based solution design.

The Polarity of IMF By Strongly Modulates Particle Precipitation During High‐Speed Streams

GRL - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 14:40

Recent studies have suggested that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By ${B}_{y}$ component modulates particle precipitation during solstices, or periods of high dipole tilt Ψ ${\Psi }$. So far this explicit IMF By ${B}_{y}$-effect has only been shown in statistical studies. Here we analyzed a sequence of high-speed stream (HSS) driven events of auroral (<30 ${< } 30$ keV) and medium energy (>30 ${ >} 30$ keV and >100 ${ >} 100$ keV) particle precipitation. We show that when HSSs are comparable in terms of IMF and solar wind parameters, they can lead to systematically stronger particle precipitation in individual events when the signs of By ${B}_{y}$ and Ψ ${\Psi }$ are opposite. We also perform a superposed epoch analysis of 485 HSSs giving further evidence that the By ${B}_{y}$-effect is especially significant during HSSs. This is likely due to the persistent IMF By ${B}_{y}$ polarity during HSSs. We show evidence that the By ${B}_{y}$ dependence in particle precipitation is caused by a similar By ${B}_{y}$ dependence in substorm occurrence.

Electron Acceleration via Secondary Reconnection in the Separatrix Region of Magnetopause Reconnection

GRL - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 13:39

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process known to play a crucial role in electron acceleration and heating, however, the mechanism of electron energization during reconnection is still not fully understood. This study introduces a novel electron acceleration mechanism in which electrons can be accelerated by secondary reconnection in the separatrix region. The secondary reconnection occurs in a thin current sheet resulted from the shear of the out-of-plane Hall magnetic fields of the primary magnetopause reconnection. It results in the intense electron energy fluxes toward the primary X-line. This mechanism will likely be an important piece in the puzzle of particle acceleration by reconnection.

Light Transfers Through a Koch Shape Cloud

GRL - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 13:34

Modeling radiative transfer in a 3D cloudy atmosphere is critical to climate projections. A recently developed fast 3D radiation parameterization scheme gains some success in quantifying horizontal radiative transfer through cloud sides using cloud area fraction. Based on 3D Monte Carlo simulations of radiative transfer through an idealized single-layer cloud with Koch-shaped fractal geometry edges, here we show that radiative energy transport through cloud sides correlates more significantly with cloud area fraction than with cloud perimeter length. The results exemplify the importance of accounting for the horizontal radiative energy exchanges between cloud-free and cloudy regions with cloud area fraction. Results from additional sensitivity simulations show that increased cloud vertical extent often enhances cloud-side sunlight leak more significantly than cloud-side sunlight interception. At low sun elevations, cloud-side sunlight interception is enhanced more than cloud-side sunlight leak does with the increase of cloud mass.

Autogenic Formation of Bimodal Grain Size Distributions in Rivers and Its Contribution to Gravel‐Sand Transitions

GRL - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 13:19

Riverbeds often fine downstream, with a gravel-bedded reach, a relatively abrupt gravel-sand transition (GST), and a sand-bedded reach. Underlying this behavior, bed grain size distributions are often bimodal, with a relative paucity (gap) around the range 1–5 mm. There is no general morphodynamic model capable of producing the grain size gap and gravel-sand transition autogenically from a unimodal sediment supply. Here we use a one-dimensional morphodynamic model including size-specific bedload and suspended load transport, to show that bimodality readily evolves autogenically even under unimodal sediment feed. A GST forms when we include a floodplain width that abruptly increases at some point. Upstream of the transition, non-gap gravel ceases to move and gap sediment is preferentially transported. At the transition, non-gap sand rapidly deposits from suspension, enhancing gap sediment mobility and diluting its presence on the bed.

Evidences of Permafrost Signatures in the Planform Shape of Arctic Meandering Streams

GRL - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 13:09

We investigate whether geomorphic signatures of permafrost are embedded in planforms of river meanders, and we inquire as to how physical factors unique to permafrost environments are able to affect their dynamics. By exploiting satellite imagery, a data set of 19 freely-meandering Arctic rivers is compared against an independent data set of 23 freely-meandering streams flowing through temperate and tropical regions. Suitable dimensionless metrics are defined to characterize morphometric properties of meanders in terms of the spatio-temporal distribution of curvature and channel width. Results show the absence of marked contrasts in the amplitude of bend-curvature between the two data set. Differently, we find a permafrost signature in the channel width response, which manifests itself through larger values of the average bend-width and by peaks of width fluctuations. Field data suggest that permafrost meanders tend to widen for increasing bend sinuosity, likely promoting a shift of their morphodynamic regime as final cutoff is approached.

Slab Segmentation and Stacking in Mantle Transition Zone Controls Disparate Surface and Lower Mantle Subducting Rates and Complex Slab Morphology

GRL - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 13:03

The contradiction of high subducting plate rate (ranging from 4 to 9 cm/yr on Earth's surface) and low slab sinking rate (about 1 and 2 cm/yr in lower mantle) calls for significant slab deformation in the middle mantle. However, mechanisms that can account for both the deformation and the rate discrepancy have not been fully explored. Here, using 2-D numerical models that incorporate grain size evolution, we propose a new slab deformation mode, slab segmentation and stacking, to accommodate the differential slab sinking rates. Our results show that the segmented slab due to faulting and grain-size reduction may further break off and stack over itself as it encounters the high-viscosity lower mantle. Stacked slabs slowly sink in the lower mantle, while periodic slab tearing hinders upward stress transmission, allowing shallow plates to subduct at a higher rate. This discovered mode also provides an alternative explanation for slab thickening in the lower mantle.

Observational Evidence for the Neutral Wind Responses in the Mid‐Latitude Lower Thermosphere to the Strong Geomagnetic Activity

Space Weather - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 06:26

Based on two meteor radars in mid-latitudes of China, the mid-latitude lower thermospheric neutral wind responses to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day great storm are investigated. The AE and PCN indices presented the similar quasi-5-hour oscillations during the storm. Interestingly, the analogous and close-correlated storm-time quasi-5-hour oscillations were also observed in both the meridional wind differences at 90–102 km derived from meteor radars. The meridional wind disturbances in the lower thermosphere also showed the extension toward the lower latitudes. It has been found that the enhanced equatorward wind disturbances at 250 km estimated by the Horizontal Wind Model-14 and Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) emerged accordingly with the increases of AE and PCN with a time delay. And the enhancements of equatorward (poleward) wind disturbances at 250 km were accompanied by the increments of equatorward (poleward) wind disturbances at 94 km with a time lag of a few hours. It is thus suggested that the multiple intensified Joule heating events with quasi-5-hour time intervals were triggered by the successive substorm expansions during the storm. Then the Joule heating events led to the vertical wind and temperature disturbances in the mid-latitude lower thermosphere via disturbing the thermospheric meridional circulation, which consequently induced the quasi-5-hour meridional wind disturbances therein.

Observation of Quiet‐Time Mid‐Latitude Joule Heating and Comparisons With the TIEGCM Simulation

JGR:Space physics - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 06:16

Joule heating is a major energy sink in the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system and modeling it is key to understanding the impact of space weather on the neutral atmosphere. Ion drifts and neutral wind velocities are key parameters when modeling Joule heating, however there is limited validation of the modeled ion and neutral velocities at mid-latitudes. We use the Blackstone Super Dual Auroral Radar Network radar and the Michigan North American Thermosphere Ionosphere Observing Network Fabry-Perot interferometer to obtain the local nightside ion and neutral velocities at ∼40° geographic latitude during the nighttime of 16 July 2014. Despite being a geomagnetically quiet period, we observe significant sub-auroral ion flows in excess of 200 ms−1. We calculate an enhancement to the local Joule heating rate due to these ion flows and find that the neutrals impart a significant increase or decrease to the total Joule heating rate of >75% depending on their direction. We compare our observations to outputs from the Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamic General Circulation Model (TIEGCM). At such a low geomagnetic activity however, TIEGCM was not able to model significant sub-auroral ion flows and any resulting Joule heating enhancements equivalent to our observations. We found that the neutral winds were the primary contributor to the Joule heating rates modeled by TIEGCM rather than the ions as suggested by our observations.

Testing Paleomagnetic Dating on Pre‐Historic Flank Eruptions From SE Slope of Etna Volcano

JGR–Solid Earth - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 04:45

During the last 20 kyr, the Etna volcano has been characterized by almost continuous summit eruptions and by less frequent—yet definitely more destructive—flank eruptions issuing at <1,000 m asl altitudes and reaching the Ionian Sea. The chronological framework of pre-historic (pre-2,750 yr BP) flank eruptions is supported only by few radiometric and paleomagnetic ages. Here we paleomagnetically investigated 15 Holocene lava flows from SE Etna lower slopes and dated 12 of them. Paleomagnetic dating at Etna relies on best method pre-requisites: European location where reference geomagnetic models are well defined, and detailed stratigraphic evidence is available. We sampled 45 sites (450 oriented cores) from lavas loosely constrained in the 19,000–2,000 yr BP age window. Ten eruptions yielded a minimum 40% refinement with respect to initial age constraints, with four lava flows achieving refinement up to 90%. We obtained 620–1,398 yr (998 yr on average) dating accuracy for three flows bracketed in relatively short (1,398–1,644 yr) independent age constraints. By contrast, five flows characterized by longer 6,567–7,439 yr initial age windows yielded multiple age solutions. Finally, four lava flows with 1,644–6,567 yr-long initial age windows were tightly dated with 120–680 yr age ranges. We conclude that at volcanoes where best paleomagnetic dating pre-requisite are fulfilled, singular solutions are expected for 30% of the analyzed flows and, significant refinements for the others. Seven kyr seems to represent an independent age window threshold length to get or not significant dating refinements.

On the Use of SuperDARN Ground Backscatter Measurements for Ionospheric Propagation Model Validation

Space Weather - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 03:39

Prior to use in operational systems, it is essential to validate ionospheric models in a manner relevant to their intended application to ensure satisfactory performance. For Over-the-Horizon radars (OTHR) operating in the high-frequency (HF) band (3–30 MHz), the problem of model validation is severe when used in Coordinate Registration (CR) and Frequency Management Systems (FMS). It is imperative that the full error characteristics of models is well understood in these applications due to the critical relationship they impose on system performance. To better understand model performance in the context of OTHR, we introduce an ionospheric model validation technique using the oblique ground backscatter measurements in soundings from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). Analysis is performed in terms of the F-region leading edge (LE) errors and assessment of range-elevation distributions using calibrated interferometer data. This technique is demonstrated by validating the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 2016 for January and June in both 2014 and 2018. LE RMS errors of 100–400 km and 400–800 km are observed for winter and summer months, respectively. Evening errors regularly exceeding 1,000 km across all months are identified. Ionosonde driven corrections to the IRI-2016 peak parameters provide improvements of 200–800 km to the LE, with the greatest improvements observed during the nighttime. Diagnostics of echo distributions indicate consistent underestimates in model NmF2 during the daytime hours of June 2014 due to offsets of −8° being observed in modeled elevation angles at 18:00 and 21:00 UT.

SubAuroral Red Arcs Generated by Inner Magnetospheric Heat Flux and by SubAuroral Polarization Streams

GRL - Mon, 09/02/2024 - 01:39

Subauroral red (SAR) arcs are commonly observed ionospheric red line emissions. They are usually attributed to subauroral electron heating by inner magnetospheric heat flux (IMHF). However, the role of IMHF in changing the ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) still remains elusive. We conduct controlled numerical experiments with the Thermosphere-Ionosphere Electrodynamic General Circulation Model (TIEGCM). Coulomb collisional heat flux derived with the Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere Ionosphere (CIMI) model and empirical subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) are implemented in TIEGCM. The heat flux causes electron temperature enhancement, electron density depletion, and consequently SAR arcs formed in the dusk-to-midnight subauroral ionosphere region. SAPS cause more substantial plasma and neutral heating and plasma density variations in a broader region. The maximum enhancement of subauroral red line emission rate is comparable to that caused by the heat flux. However, the visibility of SAR arcs also depends on the relative enhancement to the background brightness.

Observations and Simulations of a Double‐Core Hot Flow Anomaly

GRL - Sun, 09/01/2024 - 17:38

Hot Flow anomalies (HFAs), one of the most well-analyzed transient phenomena in the Earth's foreshock, are known as kinetic structures driven by tangential discontinuities (TDs). Recently, a 2-dimensional (2D) magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model reproduced HFAs with either a high- or low-density core. Further investigation of an HFA with two cores observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission is reported. The observation via the Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun (ARTEMIS) mission suggests this MHD HFA is associated with a foreshock density hole-like structure. The trailing flux tube in simulation may propagate with a TD in the foreshock. Our work suggests that HFAs with two low-density cores can also be achieved in MHD process. Results show the total ram pressure can be an excellent diagnostic for the presence of transient structures, such as HFAs, at the bow shock.

Madden‐Julian Oscillation Contributes to the Skewed Intraseasonal PNA in El Niño and La Niña Winters

GRL - Sun, 09/01/2024 - 15:38

The impact of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) on the intraseasonal PNA (ISPNA) was investigated and was found to be modulated by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which reasonably explains the skewness of the ISPNA during El Niño and La Niña winters. It was shown that the intensity and periodicity of the ISPNA was much stronger and slightly longer in La Niña winters than in the El Niño winters. The phase-locked association between the ISPNA and MJO indicate that this skewness was controlled by the MJO. The northward Rossby wave activities derived from the tropics associated with the MJO to the subtropical Pacific sector of the ISPNA clarified that the stronger intensity of the MJO convection in the western Pacific during the La Niña winters, as well as the slower eastward propagation of the MJO, led to the asymmetric intensity and period of the ISPNA in the two ENSO phases.

Forecasting Next Year's Global Land Water Storage Using GRACE Data

GRL - Sat, 08/31/2024 - 19:44

Existing approaches for predicting total water storage (TWS) rely on land surface or hydrological models using meteorological forcing data. Yet, such models are more adept at predicting specific water compartments, such as soil moisture, rather than others, which consequently impedes accurately forecasting of TWS. Here we show that machine learning can be used to uncover relations between nonseasonal terms of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) derived total water storage and the preceding hydrometeorological drivers, and these relations can subsequently be used to predict water storage up to 12 months ahead, and even exceptional droughts on the basis of near real-time observational forcing data. Validation by actual GRACE observations suggests that the method developed here has the capability to forecast trends in global land water storage for the following year. If applied in early warning systems, these predictions would better inform decision-makers to improve current drought and water resource management.

Quantifying the Contribution of Multiple Processes to the Dust Decreasing Trend in the Guliya Ice Core Over the Past 50 Years

GRL - Sat, 08/31/2024 - 19:38

Dust records extracted from ice cores can facilitate the reconstruction of historical atmospheric dust levels and climate change. However, interpreting dust variations in ice cores is intricate because of the compounded influence of emission, transport, and deposition processes. This study investigated dust records retrieved from the Guliya ice cap drilled in 2015 on the West Tibetan Plateau using a mean trajectory transport and deposition model. Results showed that the Guliya dust concentration has exhibited a declining trend since the 1960s (−751 μg kg−1 yr−1). Applying an attribution approach, we discovered that low dust emission (80.3%) was the main cause of the drop in dust concentration, with changes related to transportation (5.2%) and deposition (14.5%) making only minor contributions. The weakening of surface wind speed in the desert and increasing precipitation in both the desert and glacier were the primary factors driving the decrease in Guliya dust concentration.

Synergistic Forcing of the Troposphere and Stratosphere on Explosively Developing Cyclones Over the North Pacific During Cold Season

GRL - Sat, 08/31/2024 - 19:38

The mid-latitude extreme weather disasters are often associated with explosively developing cyclones (ECs). Based on different vertical development characteristics, 4,608 ECs identified over the North Pacific in the cold season of 44 years of NCEP-CFSR reanalyzes are divided into four types of upward development and four types of downward development categories. ECs with vertical upward (downward) development follow a northeastward (nearly eastward) path, mainly explosively developing over the Northwest Pacific (Asia continent and Pacific). Furthermore, utilizing the piecewise potential vorticity inversion method reveals the synergetic forcing of the turbulent heat transport and baroclinicity in the lower troposphere, the latent heat release in the middle levels, the upper-level jet stream, and the downward intrusion of stratospheric potential vorticity on the ECs. Different configurations of these influences from the troposphere to the stratosphere result in the occurrences of eight types of ECs in the cold season over the North Pacific.

Isotropic High‐Frequency Radiation in Near‐Fault Seismic Data

GRL - Sat, 08/31/2024 - 19:14

We compare Fourier Amplitude Spectra of Fault Normal (FN) and Fault Parallel (FP) seismograms at near-fault sites for seven strike-slip earthquakes with moment magnitudes M w ≥ 6. For all events we find large FN/FP ratios at low frequencies consistent with near-fault S-wave radiation patterns for strike-slip earthquakes. However, the difference diminishes with increasing frequency and FN/FP is about 1 above a transition frequency. The results may reflect small tensile/isotropic components in the earthquake rupture zones that homogenize the high-frequency radiation in different directions at near-fault sites. The FN/FP ratios at low frequencies and transition frequencies above which FN ∼ FP vary among the analyzed earthquakes and have no clear correlation with the magnitudes. The lack of correlation may signify a characteristic scale (e.g., process zone size, duration of source time function) controlling the isotropic radiation, and/or wave propagation and other effects that mask the source effects.

High‐Resolution Seismicity and Ground Motion Variability Across the Highly Locked Southern Anninghe Fault With Dense Seismic Arrays and Machine Learning Techniques

JGR–Solid Earth - Sat, 08/31/2024 - 18:30

Fault activity and structure are important factors for the assessment of seismic hazards. The Anninghe fault is one of the most active strike-slip faults in southwestern China but has been experiencing seismic quiescence for M > 4 earthquakes since the 1970s. To understand better the characteristics of its highly locked southern segment, we investigate seismicity and ground motion variability using recently deployed multi-scale dense arrays. Assisted by machine learning (ML) seismic phase picking and event discrimination models, we first compile a high-resolution catalog of local seismic events. We find limited earthquakes that occurred on the Anninghe fault, consistent with its generally acknowledged high locking degree. Whereas, most newly detected events appear within off-fault clusters, among which four are closely related to anthropogenic activities (e.g., mining blasts), and two neighboring faults host the remaining ones. We further apply an ML-based first-motion polarity (FMP) classifier and successfully obtain a reliable small earthquake focal mechanism, which agrees well with the geologically inferred north-south trending and eastward dipping of the Anninghe fault. Analyses of ground motion variations along two across-fault linear arrays show abrupt changes in FMPs and obvious frequency-dependent site amplifications near the mapped fault traces. It further suggests that, at finer scales, the damaged Anninghe fault zone may have split into two smaller damaged zones at shallower depths, resulting in a typical “flower-type” fault structure. The efficient workflow developed in this study can be well applied for the longer-term monitoring and better characterization of the southern Anninghe fault, or other similar regions.

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