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Part-Based Modeling of Pole-Like Objects Using Divergence-Incorporated 3-D Clustering of Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds

3-D digital city vividly presents a real-world city and has been widely needed for many application domains. Numerous pole-like objects (PLOs), including trees, street lamps, and traffic signs, are an indispensable part of 3-D digital city. The point cloud data of mobile laser scanning (MLS) systems can capture both the geometric shape and geospatial coordinates of the PLOs while moving along the roads. This article is motivated to accurately extract and efficiently model PLOs from the point cloud data. The main contributions of this article are as follows: 1) a divergence-incorporated clustering algorithm is proposed to extract trunks accurately from the pole-like 3-D distribution perspective of point cloud; 2) an adaptive growing strategy of alternately extending and updating 3-D neighbors is proposed to get the complete canopy points of various shapes and density; and 3) the part-based modeling is proposed to synthesize the point cloud of PLOs with meaningful 3-D shapes, providing a way to model objects for the 3-D digital city vividly and efficiently. The proposed method is tested on three data sets with different interference, shape of the canopy, and point density. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can extract and model the PLOs effectively and efficiently for 3-D digital city. The precision of trunk extraction is 98.45%, 98.08%, and 92.39%, the completeness of canopy extraction is 80.54%, 89.84%, and 89.29%, and the modeling time for a PLO is 0.011, 0.038, and 0.063 s in three data sets.

Passive Radar Imaging of Ship Targets With GNSS Signals of Opportunity

This article explores the possibility to exploit global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) signals to obtain radar imagery of ships. This is a new application area for the GNSS remote sensing, which adds to a rich line of research about the alternative utilization of navigation satellites for remote sensing purposes, which currently includes reflectometry, passive radar, and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. In the field of short-range maritime surveillance, GNSS-based passive radar has already proven to detect and localize ship targets of interest. The possibility to obtain meaningful radar images of observed vessels would represent an additional benefit, opening the doors to noncooperative ship classification capability with this technology. To this purpose, a proper processing chain is here conceived and developed, able to achieve well-focused images of ships while maximizing their signal-to-background ratio. Moreover, the scaling factors needed to map the backscatter energy in the range and cross-range domain are also analytically derived, enabling the estimation of the length of the target. The effectiveness of the proposed approach at obtaining radar images of ship targets and extracting relevant features is confirmed via an experimental campaign, comprising multiple Galileo satellites and a commercial ferry undergoing different kinds of motion.

A Forward Model for Data Assimilation of GNSS Ocean Reflectometry Delay-Doppler Maps

Delay-Doppler maps (DDMs) are generally the lowest level of calibrated observables produced from global navigation satellite system reflectometry (GNSS-R). A forward model is presented to relate the DDM, in units of absolute power at the receiver, to the ocean surface wind field. This model and the related Jacobian are designed for use in assimilating DDM observables into weather forecast models. Given that the forward model represents a full set of DDM measurements, direct assimilation of this lower level data product is expected to be more effective than using individual specular-point wind speed retrievals. The forward model is assessed by comparing DDMs computed from hurricane weather research and forecasting (HWRF) model winds against measured DDMs from the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Level 1a data. Quality controls are proposed as a result of observed discrepancies due to the effect of swell, power calibration bias, inaccurate specular point position, and model representativeness error. DDM assimilation is demonstrated using a variational analysis method (VAM) applied to three cases from June 2017, specifically selected due to the large deviation between scatterometer winds and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) predictions. DDM assimilation reduced the root-mean-square error (RMSE) by 15%, 28%, and 48%, respectively, in each of the three examples.

<italic>Q</italic>-Factor Estimation by Compensation of Amplitude Spectra in Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Domain

We propose a stable ${Q}$ -estimation approach based on the compensation of amplitude spectra in the time–frequency domain after a synchrosqueezed wavelet transform (SSWT). SSWT employing a post-processing frequency reallocation method to the original representation of a continuous wavelet transform (CWT) for improving its readability provides the sharper time–frequency representation of a signal when compared with the other traditional time–frequency methods such as CWT or S-transform. For ${Q}$ -estimation, we transform a seismic trace into the time–frequency domain using SSWT at first. Then, we derive the amplitude compensation in the SSWT domain. By searching the predetermined ${Q}$ range, the comparison between the compensated amplitude spectrum and the reference one in the SSWT domain is carried out. The output optimized ${Q}$ -factor estimation is evaluated by the minimum of the mean square error. For the robust and fast stabilization form of the amplitude compensation in the SSWT domain with noise amplification damping, the seismic pulse is truncated with a limited length and the obtained time–frequency maps using an SSWT are smoothed. The synthetic vertical seismic profiling data and the real stacked seismic data applications illustrate the effectiveness and the ability of the proposed method.

Domain Decomposition for Large-Scale Viscoacoustic Wave Simulation Using Localized Pseudo-Spectral Method

Wave simulation in absorptive media using decoupled fractional Laplacian wave equation has received widespread attention in recent years, largely due to its precise description of frequency independent $Q$ and easy attenuation compensation in seismic processing. With many algorithms to solve the fractional Laplacian, $k$ -space pseudo-spectral method is predominantly used in academia, where the computing facilities support fast Fourier transforms. However, its global nature prevents the parallelization and computational efficiency of the forward solver, especially for large-scale applications. We propose to solve viscoacoustic wave equation using domain decomposition. A local Fourier basis is constructed around the truncated area to improve the periodicity and smoothness of the decomposed wave information. After independently simulating in the subdomains, a pointwise patching procedure is applied to maintain the continuity of the wavefield between subdomains. Numerical experiments show that this new algorithm obtains high computational efficiency without compromising the numerical stability condition of the traditional pseudo-spectral method. This work becomes more attractive for seismic inversion and imaging problems by improving its parallelization.

Impact of Atmospheric Correction on Spatial Heterogeneity Relations Between Land Surface Temperature and Biophysical Compositions

Investigating the relations between land surface temperature (LST) and biophysical compositions can help the understanding of the surface biophysical process. However, there are still uncertainties in determining the impacts of biophysical compositions on LST due to the atmospheric effects. In this article, four atmospheric correction algorithms were used to correct 12 Landsat 8 images in Xi’an, Beijing, Wuhan, and Guangzhou, China, including the Atmospheric Correction for Flat Terrain (ATCOR2), Quick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC), Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercube (FLAASH), and Second Simulation of Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum (6S). Then, geodetector was used to investigate the atmospheric correction differences in the spatial heterogeneity relationships between LST and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference built-up index (NDBI), and bare soil index (BSI). Results indicate that the selected composition factors were greatly improved after atmospheric correction, and the relations between LST and three factors were characterized by obvious atmospheric correction differences in four study areas. On the whole, the 6S algorithm performed the best in improving the factor values and impacting the spatial heterogeneity relations between LST and biophysical compositions, followed by FLAASH, QUAC, and ATCOR2 algorithms. Except for Wuhan, 6S, FLAASH, and QUAC algorithms significantly enhanced the correlation between LST and NDVI. However, all algorithms weakened the correlations between LST, NDVI, and BSI, except Guangzhou. These findings have been verified using the regression analysis. In addition, with geodetector, combinations of any two composition factors all had strongly enhanced impacts on LST, and a combination between NDVI and NDBI performed the strongest in most cases.

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First Level 1 Product Results of the Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Instrument on the GaoFen-5 Satellite

The Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Instrument (GMI) is a short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) hyperspectral-resolution spectrometer onboard the Chinese satellite GaoFen-5 that uses a spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (SHS) interferometer to acquire interferograms. The GMI was designed to measure and study the source and sink processes of carbon dioxide and methane in the troposphere where the greenhouse effect occurs. In this study, the processing and geometric correction algorithms of the GMI Level 1 product (radiance spectrum) are introduced. The spectral quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) inversion ability of the Level 1 products are analyzed, and the results illustrate that the specifications meet the mission’s requirements. An initial evaluation of the resolution, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and stability of the radiance spectrum reveals that the overall function and performance are within the design objectives. A comparison between our Level 1 products and the theoretical spectrum shows that the root mean square (rms) of the residual is approximately 0.8%, and the Level 1 products of the GMI captured within five months after observations have good spectral stability characteristics (less than 0.005 cm−1 for Band 1, 0.003 cm−1 for Band 2, 0.002 cm−1 for Band 3, and 0.004 cm−1 for Band 4). These results demonstrate that the GMI payload and the processing algorithm all work well and reliably. Furthermore, based on the Level 1 products, a GHG retrieval experiment is carried out, and the results are compared with data from Total Column Carbon Observing Network (TCCON) stations. The initial comparison of the XCO2 results yields a value of 0.869 for ${R}^{2}$ (goodness of fit), 0.51 ppm for bias (mean of absolute error), and 0.53 ppm for ${sigma }$ (standard deviation of error). Similarly, the XCH4 comparison yields values of 0.841 for ${R}^{2}$ , 4.64 ppb for bias, and 4.66 ppb for $ {sigma}$ .

Coastal Water Remote Sensing From Sentinel-2 Satellite Data Using Physical, Statistical, and Neural Network Retrieval Approach

Recent optical remote sensing satellite missions, such as Sentinel-2 with the MultiSpectral Imager (MSI) onboard, allow the estimation of coastal water key parameters with very high spatial resolutions (down to 10 m). In this article, multiple approaches are proposed for retrieving chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and total suspended matter (TSM) along the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian coasts in Italy, using both empirical and model-based frameworks to design regressive and neural network (NN) estimation methods. The latter proves to be more accurate on a regional scale, where standard ocean color physical models exhibit high uncertainty in their local parameterization due to the complex spectral characteristics of the observed scene. Retrieval results are encouraging for Chl-a with a coefficient of determination R2 up to 0.72 with a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.33 mg m-3, using an empirical NN. The TSM algorithms exhibit higher uncertainty, mainly due to scarcity of in situ measurements and model parameterizations, with R2 = 0.52 and RMSE = 1.95 g/m3 using NNs. The bio-optical model, used for the development of model-based algorithms, shows some inadequacies in representing the inherent and apparent optical properties for the case study areas, especially considering the different spectral features between the oligotrophic Tyrrhenian Sea and the eutrophic Adriatic Sea. This study confirms the potential of Sentinel-2 MSI products for coastal water monitoring, but it also highlights key issues to be further tackled such as the atmospheric correction impact, the need of reliable in situ measurements, and possible bathymetry effects near the shores.

Quality Control of Compact High-Frequency Radar-Retrieved Wave Data

Based on the sea surface scattering mechanism of radio wave, compact high-frequency surface wave radar that employs the direction finding technology also shows promising potential for remotely mapping of ocean wave parameters. However, due to the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of scattered echoes, the diverse external interference and clutter signals, other unresolved measurement uncertainties, the quality (such as accuracy, temporal, and spatial coverage rates) of wave maps are often limited. In this article, a novel, real-time, data quality control method is proposed to alleviate these issues. A comprehensive three-stage processing scheme is established, including the range-Doppler spectral processing, the spatial-grid processing, and the temporal-scale Kalman filtering. The first two stages aim to improve the echo signal quality and reduce the spatial gaps, respectively. The third stage is designed to mitigate the estimation error using an autoregression prediction model and to relate the observation error variance to the SNR of second-order Doppler spectral peak. A detailed verification and performance analysis between the field radar data and in situ ground truth data over one-month period is carried out, indicating that the proposed method can improve the reliability of wave maps with respect to the conventional Doppler spectral smoothing or averaging method, particularly in low sea state (i.e., low SNR) scenarios.

Deriving L-Band Tilting Ocean Surface Roughness From Measurements by Operational Systems

Waves much shorter than those measured by operational systems make significant contribution to the ocean surface roughness. This article describes a method to obtain the L-band tilting ocean surface roughness using wind speed and windsea dominant wave period coupled with a wind-wave spectrum model. Examples are presented with wind and dominant wave data from ocean buoys and hurricane hunters. Several related issues are discussed: high-frequency wave spectrum, integration limit, swell contribution, and measurements in extreme winds: 1) it is well known since the 1970s that with stationary sensors, extending the frequency range in measuring elevation spectrum does not yield useful short-wave information because of the low signal level and large Doppler frequency shift involved in measuring short waves. 2) Low-pass mean square slopes (LPMSSs) integrated to 5 and 11 rad/m are computed to quantify their difference as a function of wind speed and inverse wave age (IWA). The normalized difference decreases with increasing wind speed and decreasing IWA. 3) Swell contribution to the L-band LPMSS is almost negligible for wind speed greater than 5 m/s (less than 5% in 99% of observations). In low-wind conditions (wind speed less than 5 m/s), the swell contribution is difficult to assess because of inaccuracy in identifying the weak windsea system. 4) The coarse resolution in National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) wave spectra causes large data scatter in the computed LPMSS in very high winds (greater than 20 m/s). A mitigating solution is offered.

Ice Concentration From Dual-Polarization SAR Images Using Ice and Water Retrievals at Multiple Spatial Scales

A new technique for automated retrieval of ice concentration from RADARSAT-2 dual-polarization HH-HV ScanSAR Wide images for subsequent assimilation in ice numerical models is presented. First, we extended our previously introduced ice and water detection approach operating at a 2.05 km x 2.05 km spatial scale to a set of 19 different spatial scales ranging from 2.05 km (41 pixels) down to 0.25 km (5 pixels). As the spatial resolution was increased, the overall accuracy of ice and water detection stayed at a very high level across all scales (between 99.5% and 99.8%), but the number of water retrievals substantially dropped. Second, we designed an approach for estimating ice concentration in a 2 km × 2 km (40 × 40 pixels) area consisting of 64 5 × 5 pixel blocks. The 5 × 5 pixel blocks which are initially classified as unknowns are iteratively combined in clusters with effective spatial scales larger than 5 pixels. The clusters are further classified as ice or water using the ice probability model corresponding to the effective spatial scale. The 40 x 40 pixel area becomes populated with high-resolution (5 x 5 pixels) ice and water retrievals, and the ice concentration is estimated based on the number of ice and water retrievals. The proposed approach produces a much better agreement with the Canadian Ice Service Image Analysis ice concentrations (rootmean-square error (RMSE) = 2.2%) compared to the original 2-km ice/water detection approach (RMSE = 19.9%). The developed technique will be adapted to the RADARSAT Constellation Mission data for data assimilation in Environment and Climate Change Canada Regional Ice-Ocean Prediction System.

Optimization of Multi-Ecosystem Model Ensembles to Simulate Vegetation Growth at the Global Scale

Process-based ecosystem models are increasingly used to simulate the effects of a changing environment on vegetation growth in the past, present, and future. To improve the simulation, the multimodel ensemble mean (MME) and ensemble Bayesian model averaging (EBMA) methods are often used in optimizing the integration of ecosystem model ensemble. These two methods were compared with four other optimization techniques, including genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), cuckoo search (CS), and interior-point method (IPM), to evaluate their efficiency in this article. Here, we focused on eight commonly used ecosystem models to simulate vegetation growth, represented by the growing season leaf area index (LAIgs), collected globally from 2000 to 2014. The performances of the multimodel ensembles and individual models were compared using the satellite-observed LAI products as the reference. Generally, ensemble simulations provide more accurate estimates than individual models. There were significant performance differences among the six tested methods. The IPM ensemble model simulated LAIgs more accurately than the other tested models, as the reduction in the root-mean-square error was 84.99% higher than the MME results and 61.50% higher than the EBMA results. Thus, IPM optimization can reproduce LAIgs trends accurately for 91.62% of the global vegetated area, which is double the area of the results from MME. Furthermore, the contributions and uncertainties of the individual models in the final simulated IPM LAIgs changes indicated that the best individual model (CABLE) showed the greatest area fraction for the maximum IPM weight (32.49%), especially in the low-lalitude to midlatitude areas.

Monitoring of Wheat Powdery Mildew Disease Severity Using Multiangle Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

The pathogenesis of wheat powdery mildew (WPM) is from the bottom to upper layers of the plant, and the vertical observation angle limits the early monitoring of WPM status. Multiangle remote sensing could effectively extract spatial structural information from different plant layers. The objectives of this study were to improve the monitoring accuracy of WPM severity and to screen suitable observation angles by developing a novel vegetation index. The monitoring capacities of the novel parameters [Normalized Powdery Mildew Index (NPMI) and Ratio Powdery Mildew Index (RPMI)] and 14 optimized traditional spectral parameters were compared at 13 observation angles and different angle ranges. The correlation between all spectral parameters and disease severity was superior in the forward observation direction than in the backward observation direction in the principal plane of the Sun, and the correlation between the two observation directions decreased with an increase in observation angle. The new spectral parameter suitable for inversion of disease index was RPMI (R744/R762 - 0.5 × R710), and the best optimal observation angle was +10°, with a 0.852 coefficient, which was 31.74% higher than that of the two-band spectral parameter, R744/R762. The fitting accuracy of the new parameter in the range of 0° to +30° in the forward direction was 0.704. RPMI could not only improve the monitoring accuracy of powdery mildew severity at a single angle but also achieve a more stable monitoring accuracy in the 0° to +30° range in the forward direction, which significantly expands the application scope of remote sensing monitoring and enhances the flexibility of the technology in actual production environments.

Assessment and Combination of SMAP and Sentinel-1A/B-Derived Soil Moisture Estimates With Land Surface Model Outputs in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA

Prediction of large-scale water-related natural disasters such as droughts, floods, wildfires, landslides, and dust outbreaks can benefit from the high spatial resolution soil moisture (SM) data of satellite and modeled products because antecedent SM conditions in the topsoil layer govern the partitioning of precipitation into infiltration and runoff. SM data retrieved from Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) have proved to be an effective method of monitoring SM content at different spatial resolutions: 1) radiometer-based product gridded at 36 km; 2) radiometer-only enhanced posting product gridded at 9 km; and 3) SMAP/Sentinel-1A/B products at 3 and 1 km. In this article, we focused on 9-, 3-, and 1-km SM products: three products were validated against in situ data using conventional and triple collocation analysis (TCA) statistics and were then merged with a Noah-Multiparameterization version-3.6 (NoahMP36) land surface model (LSM). An exponential filter and a cumulative density function (CDF) were applied for further evaluation of the three SM products, and the maximize-R method was applied to combine SMAP and NoahMP36 SM data. CDF-matched 9-, 3-, and 1-km SMAP SM data showed reliable performance: R and ubRMSD values of the CDF-matched SMAP products were 0.658, 0.626, and 0.570 and 0.049, 0.053, and 0.055 m3/m3, respectively. When SMAP and NoahMP36 were combined, the R-values for the 9-, 3-, and 1-km SMAP SM data were greatly improved: R-values were 0.825, 0.804, and 0.795, and ubRMSDs were 0.034, 0.036, and 0.037 m3/m3, respectively. These results indicate the potential uses of SMAP/Sentinel data for improving regional-scale SM estimates and for creating further applications of LSMs with improved accuracy.

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