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Table of Contents for Geophysical Research Letters. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
Updated: 16 weeks 6 hours ago

Geology Matters for Antarctic Geothermal Heat

Wed, 07/03/2024 - 13:54

Geothermal heat plays a vital role in Antarctic ice sheet stability. The continental geothermal heat flow distribution depends on lithospheric composition and ongoing tectonism. Heat-producing elements are unevenly enriched in the crust over deep time by various geological processes. The contribution of crustal heat production to geothermal heat flow is widely recognized; however, in Antarctica, crustal geology is largely hidden, and its complexity has frequently been excluded in thermal studies due to limited observations and oversimplified assumptions. Li and Aitken (2024), take a significant step forward, focusing on Antarctic crustal radiogenic heat. Utilizing gravity inversion and rock composition data, they show that the crustal heterogeneity introduces considerable variability to heat flow. However, modeling crustal heat production proves challenging because it lacks distinct associations with geophysical observables and has a narrow spatial association. Robust quantification of geothermal heat production and heat flow must incorporate explicit aspects of geology.

Pacific Decadal Oscillation Modulates the Impacts of Bering Sea Ice Loss on North American Temperature

Wed, 07/03/2024 - 13:49

The cold surges have frequently attacked North America (NA) in recent decades, which has been tied to the diminished sea-ice over the Bering Sea. However, we find that the contribution of sea-ice loss to NA winter coldness is state-dependent on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) phase. Using observations and CAM6 model simulations, we find that the phase regulates the atmospheric response to Bering ice loss. During the negative PDO phase (PDO−), there is an apparent eastward-propagating wave train, accompanied by a strengthened Alaskan ridge and NA cold high, resulting in a robust cold over Central NA. Meanwhile, enhanced upward-propagating planetary waves weaken the stratospheric polar vortex over the Pacific-NA regions. During the positive phase (PDO+), the NA temperature response to Bering ice loss is quite weak or even warm. We speculate that more NA cold extremes will appear as the PDO− continues and less as the PDO− shifts to PDO+.

Energy Conversion in the Dip Region Preceding Dipolarization Front

Wed, 07/03/2024 - 13:30

Dipolarization fronts (DFs), characterized by sharp increases in the northward magnetic field and usually preceded by magnetic dips, are suggested to play an important role in energy conversion and transport in the magnetotail. It has been documented that strong energy conversion typically develops right at the fronts. Here we present spacecraft observations of electron-scale energy conversion (EEC) developed inside the dip region ahead of a DF, by using high-cadence data from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. The EEC, with magnitude comparable to that at the front, is primarily driven by ion current and electron-scale electric field. The electric field inside the dip is provided by electrostatic waves fed by lower hybrid drift instability, which experiences temporal decaying. Such decaying leads to nonhomogeneity of EEC along the dawn-dusk direction. These results, uncovering a new channel for DF-driven energy conversion, can provide important insights into understanding energy transport in the magnetotail.

Separating Common Signal From Proxy Noise in Tree Rings

Wed, 07/03/2024 - 06:39

Tree rings are the most widely-used proxy records for reconstructing Common Era temperatures. Tree-ring records correlate strongly with temperature on an interannual basis, but studies have found discrepancies between tree rings and climate models on longer timescales, indicating that low-frequency noise could be prevalent in these archives. Using a large network of temperature-sensitive tree-ring records, we partition timeseries variance into a common (i.e., “signal”) and non-climatic (i.e., “noise”) component using a frequency-resolved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) analysis. We find that the availability of stored resources from prior years (i.e., biological “memory”) dampens the climate signal at high-frequencies, and that independent noise reduces the SNR on long timescales. We also find that well-replicated, millennial-length records had the strongest common signal across centuries. Our work suggests that low-frequency noise models are appropriate for use in pseudoproxy experiments, and speaks to the continued value of high-quality data development as a top priority in dendroclimatology.

Assessing Radar Attenuation in RIMFAX Soundings at the Jezero Western Fan Front, Mars

Wed, 07/03/2024 - 05:24

Estimates of radar attenuation in the shallow Martian subsurface are retrieved from RIMFAX soundings along the Perseverance rover traverse. Specifically, analyzed data is from the Hawksbill Gap area during the rover's first drives onto the Jezero Western Fan Front. The centroid frequency-shift method is employed to quantify attenuation in terms of the constant-Q approximation. Results are then compared with the amplitude decay method, which—in order to calculate attenuation—requires propagation velocities retrieved from radargram analysis. By verifying that results from two separate analyses are consistent, we ensure that quantified radar properties are well constrained. First estimate of constant-Q is 78.8 ± 11.6. For a subsurface propagation velocity of 0.113 m/ns, that equals an attenuation of −2.1 ± 0.4 dB/m at the RIMFAX 675 MHz center frequency. Results are consistent with dry sedimentary rocks, and are distinguishable from the magmatic lithologies on Jezero Crater Floor.

More Heavy Precipitation in World Urban Regions Captured Through a Two‐Way Subgrid Land‐Atmosphere Coupling Framework in the NCAR CESM2

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 19:33

Current global climate models (GCMs), limited to grid-scale land-atmosphere coupling, cannot represent subgrid urban-rural precipitation contrasts. This study develops an innovative two-way subgrid land-atmosphere coupling framework in the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2) to explicitly resolve land-atmosphere interaction over subgrid individual land units. Results show that urban heat island (UHI) leads to the urban rainfall effect (URE), which in turn alleviates overestimated UHI over China in CESM2. The URE manifests as a shift toward more heavy precipitation and less light precipitation in world urban areas than in surrounding rural counterparts. This feature is consistent with available observations. In heavy precipitation situations, the UHI promotes atmospheric instability and enhances atmospheric water vapor holding capacity, resulting in more heavy precipitation in urban areas. Conversely, in light precipitation situations, the UHI and decreased evaporation from urban impermeable surfaces diminish atmospheric relative humidity, suppressing light precipitation.

Energetic Charged Particle Measurements During Juno's Two Close Io Flybys

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 10:15

On days 2023-364 and 2024-034, the Juno spacecraft made close passages of Jupiter's moon Io, at altitudes of about 1,500 km. Data obtained from the first flyby, when the spacecraft was on magnetic field lines connected to both Jupiter and Io, revealed deep flux decreases. In addition, Juno's energetic particle detectors observed tens to hundreds of keV electron and proton beams. Such beams could be generated near Jupiter on field lines associated with Io. The second encounter occurred in the plasma wake and a more modest flux decrease was observed. Furthermore, data from both encounters suggest a spatially extensive decrease in >1 MeV electrons that includes regions inward of Io's orbit. In the immediate vicinity of Io, signatures of absorption likely dominate the data whereas diffusion and wave-particle interactions are expected to be needed to understand MeV electron data in the wider spatial region around Io.

GNSS Geodesy Quantifies Water‐Storage Gains and Drought Improvements in California Spurred by Atmospheric Rivers

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 08:58

Atmospheric rivers (ARs) deliver significant and essential precipitation to the western United States (US) with consequential interannual variability. The intensity and frequency of ARs strongly influence reservoir levels, mountain snowpack, and groundwater recharge, which are key drivers of water-resource availability and natural hazards. Between October 2022 and April 2023, western states experienced exceptionally heavy precipitation from several families of powerful ARs. Using observations of surface-loading deformation from Global Navigation Satellite Systems, we find that terrestrial water-storage gains exceeded 100% of normal within vital California watersheds. Independent water-storage solutions derived from different data-analysis and inversion methods provide an important measure of precision. The sustained storage increases, which we show are closely associated with ARs at daily-to-weekly timescales, alleviated both meteorological and hydrological drought conditions in the region, with a lag in hydrological-drought improvements. Quantifying water-storage recovery associated with extreme precipitation after drought advances understanding of an increasingly variable hydrologic cycle.

Combined Role of the MJO and ENSO in Shaping Extreme Warming Patterns and Coral Bleaching Risk in the Great Barrier Reef

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 08:24

Local meteorology over the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) can significantly influence ocean temperatures, which in turn impacts coral ecosystems. While El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) provides insight into the expected synoptic states, it lacks details of anticipated sub-seasonal weather variability at local scales. This study explores the influence of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) on Australian tropical climate, both independently and in combination with ENSO, focusing on GBR impacts. We find that during El Niño periods, including the summer of 2009/10, faster propagating MJO patterns can disrupt background warm, dry conditions, and potentially provide cooling relief via increased cloud cover and stronger winds. In La Niña periods, such as the summer of 2021/22, the MJO tends to be prevented from passing the Maritime continent, forcing it to remain in a standing pattern in the Indian Ocean. This leads to decreased cloud cover and weaker winds over the GBR, generating warm ocean anomalies.

Present‐Day Three‐Dimensional Crustal Deformation Velocity of the Tibetan Plateau Due to Multi‐Component Land Water Loading

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 07:54

Quantitative understanding of the land water loading is a prerequisite to the construction of reliable tectonic deformation velocity field in the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Here, for the first time, we image the three-dimensional crustal loading deformation velocity field of each land water component in the TP. Our results reveal that the loading signal strength of the six land water components ranks from largest to smallest as groundwater, glacier, lake, soil water, permafrost, and snow, with the maximum vertical velocity close to ±1.60 mm/yr and the maximum horizontal velocity exceeding 0.40 mm/yr. All land water components can achieve a strong enough vertical loading velocity exceeding the present-day Global Positioning System (GPS) velocity at some sites. But for horizontal loading, apparent impacts are only from glacier, lake and groundwater, however, are very limited, with the absolute ratio of loading velocity to GPS velocity being smaller than 5% at almost all the sites.

Potential Near‐Term Wetting of the Southwestern United States if the Eastern and Central Pacific Cooling Trend Reverses

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 07:48

Near-term projections of drought in the southwestern United States (SWUS) are uncertain. The observed decrease in SWUS precipitation since the 1980s and heightened drought conditions since the 2000s have been linked to a cooling sea surface temperature (SST) trend in the Equatorial Pacific. Notably, climate models fail to reproduce these observed SST trends, and they may continue doing so in the future. Here, we assess the sensitivity of SWUS precipitation projections to future SST trends using a Green's function approach. Our findings reveal that a slight redistribution of SST leads to a wetting or drying of the SWUS. A reversal of the observed cooling trend in the Central and East Pacific over the next few decades would lead to a period of wetting in the SWUS. It is critical to consider the impact of possible SST pattern trends on SWUS precipitation trends until we fully trust SST evolution in climate models.

Accelerating Glacier Area Loss Across the Andes Since the Little Ice Age

Mon, 07/01/2024 - 05:13

Andean glaciers are losing mass rapidly but a centennial-scale context to those rates is lacking. Here we show the extent of >5,500 glaciers during the Little Ice Age chronozone (LIA; c. 1,400 to c. 1,850) and compute an overall area change of −25% from then to year 2000 at an average rate of −36.5 km2 yr−1 or −0.11% yr−1. Glaciers in the Tropical Andes (Peru, Bolivia) have depleted the most; median −56% of LIA area, and the fastest; median −0.16% yr−1. Up to 10 × acceleration in glacier area loss has occurred in Tropical mountain sub-regions comparing LIA to 2,000 rates to post-2000 rates. Regional climate controls inter-regional variability, whereas local factors affect intra-region glacier response time. Analyzing glacier area change by river basins and by protected areas leads us to suggest that conservation and environmental management strategies should be re-visited as proglacial areas expand.

Decrease in MJO Predictability Following Indo–Pacific Warm Pool Expansion

Sat, 06/29/2024 - 19:38

The characteristics of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) have changed and are projected to continue changing with the expansion of the Indo–Pacific warm pool, which is the Earth's largest region of warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs). However, the likelihood of a change in MJO predictability following warm pool expansion remains unaddressed. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of warm pool expansion on MJO variability and predictability using the highly idealized aquaplanet configuration of Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2). By expanding the warm pool in the Indo–Pacific, MJO-like waves become more regionally confined, short-lived convective events with weaker magnitude and less robust eastward propagating signals, possibly due to stronger zonal SST gradients and wider meridional widths of the warm pool. Perfect-model ensemble forecast experiments revealed that the MJO predictability decreased by approximately 5 days, the forecast error proliferated, and the signal rapidly reduced following warm pool expansion.

Meteorology Modulates the Impact of GCM Horizontal Resolution on Underestimation of Midlatitude Ocean Wind Speeds

Sat, 06/29/2024 - 19:30

We utilize ocean 10-m wind speed (U10m) from the microwave Multi-sensor Advanced Climatology data set to examine the coupling between convective cloud and precipitation processes, synoptic state, and U10m and to evaluate the representation of U10m in global climate models (GCMs). We find that midlatitude U10m is underestimated by GCMs relative to observations. We examine two potential mechanisms to explain this model behavior: cold pool formation in cold air outbreaks (CAOs) associated with downdrafts that enhance U10m and sea surface temperature (SST) gradients affecting U10m through thermally forced surface winds at regional scales. When the effects of the CAO index (M) and SST gradients on U10m are accounted for, a relationship between GCM horizontal resolution and U10m appears. The strongest correlation between resolution and U10m is over the western boundary currents characterized by frequent CAOs atop strong SST gradients which drives the strongest surface fluxes on Earth.

The Impact of CO2 and Climate State on Whether Dansgaard–Oeschger Type Oscillations Occur in Climate Models

Sat, 06/29/2024 - 19:28

Greenland ice core records feature Dansgaard–Oeschger (D-O) events, which are abrupt warming episodes followed by gradual cooling during ice age climate. The three climate models used in this study (CCSM4, MPI-ESM, and HadCM3) show spontaneous self-sustained D-O-like oscillations (albeit with differences in amplitude, duration, and shape) in a remarkably similar, narrow window of carbon dioxide (CO 2) concentration, roughly 185–230 ppm. This range matches atmospheric CO 2 during Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3: between 27.8 and 59.4 thousand of years BP, hereafter ka), a period when D-O events were most frequent. Insights from the three climate models point to North Atlantic (NA) sea-ice coverage as a key ingredient behind D-O type oscillations, which acts as a “tipping element.” Other climate state properties such as Mean Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation strength, global mean temperature and salinity gradient in the Atlantic Ocean do not determine whether D-O type behavior can occur in all three models.

Inclusion of Nonresonant Effects Into Quasi‐Linear Diffusion Rates for Electron Scattering by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves

Sat, 06/29/2024 - 19:18

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are a key plasma mode affecting radiation belt dynamics. These waves are important for relativistic electron losses through scattering and precipitation into Earth's ionosphere. Although theoretical models of such resonant scattering predict a low-energy cut-off of ∼1 MeV for precipitating electrons, observations from low-altitude spacecraft often show simultaneous relativistic and sub-relativistic electron precipitation associated with EMIC waves. Recently, nonresonant electron scattering by EMIC waves has been proposed as a possible solution to the above discrepancy. We employ this model and a large database of EMIC waves to develop a universal treatment of electron interactions with EMIC waves, including nonresonant effects. We use the Green's function approach to generalize EMIC diffusion rates foregoing the need to modify existing codes or recompute empirical wave databases. Comparison with observations from the electron losses and fields investigation mission demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed method for explaining sub-relativistic electron losses by EMIC waves.

Sprite Durations Measured With a Neuromorphic Sensor

Sat, 06/29/2024 - 19:14

Neuromorphic sensors have inherently-fast speeds and low data rates, which potentially make them ideal for the observation of transient sources, such as lightning and sprites. Particularly, for remote observations. In this article, we report the first observations of sprites from the ground with a neuromorphic sensor. These observations are accompanied by measurements with established instruments such as low-light level and high-frame rate cameras. We determine that neuromorphic sensors can capture sprites and determine their duration to an accuracy of roughly 6 ms. Average sprite durations were found to be 55 ms within our data set. We have also ascertained that sprites may be too dim for the neuromorphic sensors to resolve the internal spatiotemporal dynamics, at least without the aid of intensifiers.

Upper Limit of Outer Belt Electron Acceleration and Their Controlling Geomagnetic Conditions: A Comparison of Storm and Non‐Storm Events

Sat, 06/29/2024 - 19:08

We perform a comprehensive investigation of the statistical distribution of outer belt electron acceleration events over energies from 300 keV to ∼10 MeV regardless of storm activity using 6-years of observations from Van Allen Probes. We find that the statistical properties of acceleration events are consistent with the characteristic energies of combined local acceleration by chorus waves and inward radial diffusion. While electron acceleration events frequently occur both at <2 MeV at L < 4.0 and at multi-MeV at L > 4.5, significant acceleration events are confined to L > ∼4.0. By performing superposed epoch analysis of acceleration events during storm and non/weak storm events and comparing their geomagnetic conditions, we reveal the strong correlation (>0.8) between accumulated impacts of substorms as measured by time-integrated AL (Int(AL)) and the upper flux limit of electron acceleration. While intense storms can provide favorable conditions for efficient acceleration, they are not necessarily required to produce large maximum fluxes.

Crustal Structure of Etna Volcano (Italy) From P‐Wave Anisotropic Tomography

Sat, 06/29/2024 - 19:00

Several seismic tomographic studies have been carried out to outline the intricate interplay between tectonics and magma uprising at Etna volcano. Most of these studies assume a seismically isotropic crust. Here we employ a novel methodology that accounts for the anisotropic structure of the crust. Anisotropy patterns are consistent with the Etna structural trends, unveiling the depth extent of fault segments. A high-velocity volume, deepening toward the northwest, identifies the subducting foreland units that appear to confine a low-velocity anomaly, interpreted as the expression of magmatic fluids within the crust. A discontinuity, likely tectonic in origin, affects the subducting units and allows magma transfer from depth to the surface. This structural configuration may explain the presence of such a very active basaltic strato-volcano within an atypical collisional geodynamic context.

Reconstructed Late Summer Maximum Temperatures for the Southeastern United States From Tree‐Ring Blue Intensity

Sat, 06/29/2024 - 18:54

Over recent decades, the southeastern United States (Southeast) has become increasingly well represented by the terrestrial climate proxy record. However, while the paleo proxy records capture the region's hydroclimatic history over the last several centuries, the understanding of near surface air temperature variability is confined to the comparatively shorter observational period (1895-present). Here, we detail the application of blue intensity (BI) methods on a network of tree-ring collections and examine their utility for producing robust paleotemperature estimates. Results indicate that maximum latewood BI (LWBI) chronologies exhibit positive and temporally stable correlations (r = 0.28–0.54, p < 0.01) with summer maximum temperatures. As such, we use a network of LWBI chronologies to reconstruct August-September average maximum temperatures for the Southeast spanning the period 1760–2010 CE. Our work demonstrates the utility of applying novel dendrochronological techniques to improve the understanding of the multi-centennial temperature history of the Southeast.

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