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Table of Contents for Geophysical Research Letters. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
Updated: 15 weeks 5 days ago

Quantifying Channel Mobility and Floodplain Reworking Timescales Across River Planform Morphologies

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 16:43

Source-to-sink transfer of sediment and organic carbon (OC) is regulated by river mobility. Quantifying trends in river mobility is, however, challenging due to diverse planform morphologies (e.g., meandering, braided) and measurement methods. Here, we utilize a remote-sensing method applicable to all planform morphologies to quantify the mobility timescales of 80 rivers worldwide. Results show that, across the continuum from meandering to braided rivers, there is a systematic reduction in the timescales of channel mobility and—to a lesser extent—floodplain reworking. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency with which braided rivers rework old floodplain material compared to their meandering counterparts. Reduced floodplain reworking efficiency of braided rivers leads to smaller channel-belt areas relative to their size. Results suggest that river-mobility timescales derived from remote sensing can aid in the characterization of sediment and OC storage and transit times at a global scale.

Multiscale Interactions Driving Summer Extreme Precipitation in Central Asia

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 16:34

This study identified four patterns of regional extreme precipitation events (REPEs) in Central Asia (CA) and their crucial synoptic systems and multiscale interactions. Four patterns with distinct spatial distributions were identified in: northern Kazakhstan, southern Xinjiang, western CA, and the Tianshan Mountains. Focusing on the three most frequent REPEs, the kinetic energy (KE) cross-scale transfer from the basic-to synoptic-scale windows exhibited a zonal dipole, resulting in the development and enhancement of REPEs in northern Kazakhstan. The available potential energy (APE) cross-scale transfer exhibited opposing patterns between the upper and lower troposphere, indicating baroclinic instability in the lower troposphere and barotropic instability of the basic flow in the upper troposphere. Both mechanisms enhanced the Central Asian vortices (CAVs) in southern Xinjiang and induced REPEs. Conversely, the energy budgets exhibited baroclinic instability of the basic flow throughout the entire region when the Tianshan Mountains REPEs occurred, providing energy for prevalent CAVs.

Evaporation Duct Anomalies Caused by Mesoscale Eddies in the Kuroshio Extension

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 12:14

Evaporation duct anomalies are always present above various oceanic processes, and their response to ubiquitous mesoscale eddies in the Kuroshio Extension region is quantitatively analyzed for the first time in this study using a synthetic analysis method based on reanalysis data sets and eddy trajectory data sets. The results indicated that the spatial distribution of evaporation duct anomalies is characterized by a monopole pattern, mainly modulated by the amplitude of anticyclonic eddies (AEs) and by the radius of cyclonic eddies (CEs). For AEs, the coupling strength is 0.7 m (2.9 M) per meter increase in amplitude, while for CEs, the coupling strength is 0.2 m (0.6 M) per 100 km increase in radius for the average evaporation duct height anomalies (evaporation duct strength anomalies) within the radius range. The modulation of evaporation duct anomalies by eddies is further examined.

Martian Atmospheric Tides Revealed From MAVEN/IUVS and MRO/MCS Observations

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 12:14

Utilizing atmospheric temperature observed from Mars Years 33–36 by the imaging ultraviolet spectrograph (IUVS) onboard the Mars atmosphere and volatile evolution (MAVEN) and Mars climate sounder (MCS) onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), we derive the diurnal and semidiurnal thermal tides from 30 to 160 km. Vertical phase velocities of the migrating tides indicate their upward propagation above 100 km during the dust season (solar longitude, Ls 240°–300°). During the non-dust season (Ls 30°–150°), the diurnal eastward wavenumber 2 (DE2) and wavenumber 3 (DE3) tides can propagate upward from the lower atmosphere to ∼140 km. The seasonal variation of DE2 and DE3 amplitudes in the thermosphere corresponds well to their counterparts in the lower atmosphere, primarily controlled by their Hough (1, 1) modes. The upward propagation of these tides could potentially impact the vertical coupling between the Martian lower and upper atmosphere.

Shallow Slow Slip Events in the Imperial Valley With Along‐Strike Propagation

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 11:13

Shallow creep events provide opportunities to understand the mechanical properties and behavior of faults. However, due to physical limitations observing creep events, the precise spatio-temporal evolution of slip during creep events is not well understood. In 2023, the Superstition Hills and Imperial faults in California each experienced centimeter-scale slip events that were captured in unprecedented detail by satellite radar, sub-daily Global Navigation Satellite Systems, and creepmeters. In both cases, the slip propagated along the fault over 2–3 weeks. The Superstition Hills event propagated bilaterally away from its initiation point at average velocities of ∼9 km/day, but propagation velocities were locally much higher. The ruptures were consistent with slip from tens of meters to ∼2 km depths. These slowly propagating events reveal that the shallow crust of the Imperial Valley does not obey purely velocity-strengthening or velocity-weakening rate-and-state friction, but instead requires the consideration of fault heterogeneity or fault-frictional behaviors such as dilatant strengthening.

Characteristic Slow‐Slip Events on the Superstition Hills Fault, Southern California

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 11:09

The Superstition Hills Fault (SHF) exhibits a rich spectrum of slip modes, including M 6+ earthquakes, afterslip, quasi-steady creep, and both triggered and spontaneous slow slip events (SSEs). Following 13 years of quiescence, creepmeters recorded 25 mm of slip during 16–19 May 2023. Additional sub-events brought the total slip to 41 mm. The event nucleated on the northern SHF in early-May and propagated bi-laterally at rates on the order of kilometers per day. Surface offsets reveal a bi-modal slip distribution, with slip on the northern section of the fault being less localized and lower amplitude compared to the southern section. Kinematic slip models confirm systematic variations in the slip distribution along-strike and with depth and suggest that slip is largely confined to the shallow sedimentary layer. Observations and models of the 2023 SSE bear a strong similarity to previous slip episodes in 1999, 2006, and 2010, suggesting a characteristic behavior.

Slip Tendency Analysis From Sparse Stress and Satellite Data Using Physics‐Guided Deep Neural Networks

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 08:48

The significant risk associated with fault reactivation often necessitates slip tendency analyses for effective risk assessment. However, such analyses are challenging, particularly in large areas with limited or absent reliable stress measurements and where the cost of extensive geomechanical analyses or simulations is prohibitive. In this paper, we propose a novel approach using a physics-informed neural network that integrates stress orientation and satellite displacement observations in a top-down multi-scale framework to estimate two-dimensional slip tendency analyses even in regions lacking comprehensive stress data. Our study demonstrates that velocities derived from a continental scale analysis, combined with reliable stress orientation averages, can effectively guide models at smaller scales to generate qualitative slip tendency maps. By offering customizable data selection and stress resolution options, this method presents a robust solution to address data scarcity issues, as exemplified through a case study of the South Australian Eyre Peninsula.

Revisiting Winter Southern Ocean CO2 Uptake Based on CALIPSO Observations

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 08:18

The absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Southern Ocean represents a critical component of the global oceanic carbon budget. Previous assessments of air-sea carbon flux variations and long-term trends in polar regions during winter have faced limitations due to scarce field data and the lack of ocean color satellite imagery, causing uncertainties in estimating CO2 flux estimation. This study utilized the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation satellite to construct a continuous 16-year (2006–2021) time series of sea surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in the Southern Ocean. Our findings revealed that the polar region in South Ocean acts as a carbon sink in winter, with CO2 flux of ∼30 TgC in high-latitude areas (South of 50°S). This work highlights the efficacy of active remote sensing for monitoring sea surface pCO2 and contributes insights into the dynamic carbonate systems of the Southern Ocean.

Major Modes of Climate Variability Dominate Nonlinear Antarctic Ice‐Sheet Elevation Changes 2002–2020

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 08:08

We explore the links between elevation variability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) and large-scale climate modes. Using multiple linear regression, we quantify the time-cumulative effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) on gridded AIS elevations. Cumulative ENSO and SAM explain a median of 29% of the partial variance and up to 85% in some coastal areas. After spatial smoothing, these signals have high spatial correlation with those from GRACE gravimetry (r∼ = 0.65 each). Much of the signal is removed by a firn densification model but inter-model differences exist especially for ENSO. At the lower parts of the Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers, near their grounding line, we find the Amundsen Sea Low (ASL) explains ∼90% of the observed elevation variability. There, modeled firn effects explain only a small fraction of the variability, suggesting significant height changes could be a response to climatological ice-dynamics.

High‐Resolution Characterization of the Firn Layer Near the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Camp With Active and Passive Seismic Data

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 07:38

We construct a high-resolution shear-wave velocity (VS) model for the uppermost 100 m using ambient noise tomography near the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide camp. This is achieved via joint inversion of Rayleigh wave phase velocity and H/V ratio, whose signal-to-noise ratios are boosted by three-station interferometry and phase-matched filtering, respectively. The VS shows a steep increase (0.04–0.9 km/s) in the top 5 m, with sharp interfaces at ∼8–12 m, followed by a gradual increase (1.2–1.8 km/s) between 10 and 45 m depth, and to 2 km/s at ∼65 m. The compressional-wave velocity and empirically-obtained density profile compares well with the results from Herglotz–Wiechert inversion of diving waves in active-source shot experiments and ice core analysis. Our approach offers a tool to characterize high-resolution properties of the firn and shallow ice column, which helps to infer the physical properties of deeper ice sheets, thereby contributes to improved understanding of Earth's cryosphere.

In Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Caused by the Interactions of Two Dipolarization Fronts

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 07:18

Using high-resolution data from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, an electron-only reconnection current sheet is found between two successive dipolarization fronts (DFs). The electron-only reconnection occurs between the northward component of the magnetic field of the flux pileup region (FPR) of the first DF (DF1) and the southward component of the magnetic dip of the second DF (DF2). The faster DF2 compresses the FPR of DF1, which constitutes an anti-parallel topology and reduces the thickness of the current sheet. Further analysis shows that the current sheet is unstable to the electron tearing instability, which may power the onset of the reconnection. Our results suggest that these two DFs may merge into one by the reconnection, which sheds light on the evolution of DFs during their earthward propagation.

Electrical Conductivity of Dense MgSiO3 Melt Under Static Compression

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 05:19

The magnetic fields of terrestrial planets are created by core convection. Molten silicate mantles could also generate magnetic fields through their convective motion, known as a silicate dynamo. Recent computational studies have suggested that silicate melts may exhibit high electrical conductivity (EC) at temperatures above 4000 K due to strong electronic conduction, which could activate a silicate dynamo. We determined the EC of dense molten MgSiO3 up to 71 GPa and 4490 K by static compression experiments. It jumped by one order of magnitude upon melting, but 57(27) S/m at 4490 K is much lower than previous predictions, suggesting that molten MgSiO3 carries charge via ions rather than predicted electronic conduction. Nevertheless, the strong temperature dependence of the ionic conductivity found in this study suggests that super-Earths’ hotter magma ocean with larger-scale convection could power a dynamo that drives magnetic fields, which plays key roles in sustaining planetary surface environments.

Northbound Transport of the Mediterranean Outflow and the Role of Time‐Dependent Chaotic Advection

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 11:44

The Mediterranean Sea releases approximately 1 Sv of water into the North Atlantic through the Gibraltar Straits, forming the saline Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). Its impact on large-scale flow and specifically its northbound Lagrangian pathways are widely debated, yet a comprehensive overview of MOW pathways over recent decades is lacking. We calculate and analyze synthetic Lagrangian trajectories in 1980–2020 reanalysis velocity data. Sixteen percent of the MOW follow a direct northbound path to the sub-polar gyre, reaching a 1,000 m depth crossing window at the southern tip of Rockall Ridge in about 10 years. Surprisingly, time-dependent chaotic advection, not steady currents, drives over half of the northbound transport. Our results suggest a potential 15–20 years predictability in the direct northbound transport. Additionally, monthly variability appears more significant than inter-annual variability in Lagrangian mixing and spreading the MOW.

Quantifying Seepage‐Face Evaporation and Its Effects on Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in Small‐Slope Tidal Flat

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 11:04

Large-scale seepage faces occur on tidal flats with gentle slope, which are widely distributed worldwide. Evaporation on these seepage faces, leading to salt retention and accumulation, may significantly impact the density-dependent groundwater flow beneath the tidal flats. However, due to nonlinear complexities of the groundwater flow and solute transport on seepage faces, explicit boundary conditions and numerical models to quantify these processes are lacking. In this study, we present both mathematical and numerical models to quantify these processes. Compared to the results of our previous study, this paper shows that seepage-face evaporation can (a) significantly increase the groundwater salinity in the upper intertidal zone, and form multiple groundwater circulation cells in the intertidal zone, (b) cause the disappearance of multiple seepage-faces and reduce the spatial extent of seepage faces notably, (c) and intensify the groundwater and salt exchange as well as the seawater-groundwater circulation through the intertidal zone.

Warm Advection as a Cause for Extreme Heat Event in North China

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 10:59

Extreme heat events (EHEs) often hit North China, resulting in significant losses. The devastating EHE in the 1743 summer, marked as the highest temperature in the past 300 years, led to ∼11,000 fatalities. These historical EHEs prompt us to explore potential mechanisms beyond anthropogenic influences. We employ the Norwegian Earth System Model here to simulate the past millennium climate and then dynamically downscale the July 1743 event using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model. The successful simulation of warming in North China, although it has been a fortunate outcome, is supported by tree-ring records, providing a compelling case study for the event. Through composite and case analyses, we discover a connection between EHEs and active Northeast China Vortexes (NCVs) which induce warm advection, consequently heating the lower atmosphere. Reanalysis further confirms the connection in the modern era. Our study suggests modeling past EHEs, while challenging, is indeed feasible.

The Intensifying East China Sea Kuroshio and Disappearing Ryukyu Current in a Warming Climate

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 10:54

The East China Sea Kuroshio (ECS-Kuroshio) and the Ryukyu Current are the major poleward heat carriers in the North Pacific. Anomalous changes of ECS-Kuroshio and Ryukyu Current could exert substantial influence on the climate in mid-latitude regions. However, owing to limited observations and coarse resolution of climate models, how they might change under anthropogenic warming remains unknown. Here, we find an accelerating ECS-Kuroshio (1.5 Sv) and a decelerating (−2.2 Sv) Ryukyu Current using in-situ observation during 1958–2022, equivalent to 7% strengthening and 20% weakening in the 65 years. The trend is also simulated by four high-resolution climate models, with multi-model ensemble-mean acceleration (deceleration) of the ECS-Kuroshio (Ryukyu Current) of 1.2 ± 0.6 Sv (−6.2 ± 2.5 Sv) over 1950–2050. The weakening subtropical wind field reduces their summed transport o. Enhanced stratification, which induces uplift of current system and weaker topography-flow interaction, leads to the intensifying ECS-Kuroshio and disappearing Ryukyu Current.

Asymmetrical Looping Magnetic Fields and Marsward Flows on the Nightside of Mars

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 10:03

As the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) carried by the solar wind encounters the martian atmosphere, it tends to pile up and drape around the planet, forming looping magnetic fields and inducing marsward ion flows on the nightside. Previous statistical observations revealed asymmetrical distribution features within this morphology; however, the underlying physical mechanism remains unclear. In this study, utilizing a three-dimensional multi-fluid magnetohydrodynamic simulation model, we successfully reproduce the asymmetrical distributions of the looping magnetic fields and corresponding marsward flows on the martian nightside. Analyzing the magnetic forces resulting from the bending of the IMF over the polar area, we find that the asymmetry is guided by the orientation of the solar wind motional electric field (E SW ). A higher solar wind velocity leads to enhanced magnetic forces, resulting in more tightly wrapped magnetic fields with an increased efficiency in accelerating flows as they approach closer to Mars.

ENSO‐Related Precursor Pathways of Interannual Thermal Anomalies Identified Using a Transformer‐Based Deep Learning Model in the Tropical Pacific

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 08:35

Recent studies have demonstrated great values of deep-learning (DL) methods for improving El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) predictions. However, the black-box nature of DL makes it challenging to physically interpret mechanisms responsible for successful ENSO predictions. Here, we demonstrate an interpretable method by performing perturbation experiments to predictors and quantifying input-output relationships in predictions by using a transformer-based model; ENSO-related thermal precursors serving as initial conditions during multi-month time intervals (TIs) are identified in the equatorial-northern Pacific, acting to precondition input predictors to provide for long-lead ENSO predictability. Results reveal the existence of upper-ocean temperature anomaly pathways and consistent phase propagations of thermal precursors around the tropical Pacific. It is illustrated that three-dimensional thermal fields and their basinwide evolution during long TIs act to enhance long-lead prediction skills of ENSO. These physically explainable results indicate that neural networks can adequately represent predictable precursors in the input predictors for successful ENSO predictions.

Two Effective Degrees of Freedom Can Represent the Dominant Features of Global Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Maps

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 08:35

Objectively exploring global variations in crust and upper mantle structure helps constrain fundamental aspects of Earth's plate tectonic and convective processes. Here we adopted a Variational Auto-Encoder to explore the degrees of freedom of global Rayleigh wave dispersion maps at 4–40 mHz. We found that two latent variables sufficiently represent the global variations, suggesting inherent coupling between crustal and mantle seismic properties. We propose that the two extracted latent variables mostly correspond with crustal thickness and upper mantle thermal structure. The first variable shows low values for continental mountain belts and ocean spreading ridges, contrasted by high values for abyssal plains. The second variable shows low values for most oceanic lithosphere and Phanerozoic continental areas, contrasted by high values for Archean cratons. Latent space correlations indicate that continental lithosphere has more strongly coupled depth features than beneath the oceans, which might be a consequence of its longevity.

Seawater Intrusion in the Observed Grounding Zone of Petermann Glacier Causes Extensive Retreat

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 08:29

Understanding grounding line dynamics is critical for projecting glacier evolution and sea level rise. Observations from satellite radar interferometry reveal rapid grounding line migration forced by oceanic tides that are several kilometers larger than predicted by hydrostatic equilibrium, indicating the transition from grounded to floating ice is more complex than previously thought. Recent studies suggest seawater intrusion beneath grounded ice may play a role in driving rapid ice loss. Here, we investigate its impact on the evolution of Petermann Glacier, Greenland, using an ice sheet model. We compare model results with observed changes in grounding line position, velocity, and ice elevation between 2010 and 2022. We match the observed retreat, speed up, and thinning using 3-km-long seawater intrusion that drive peak ice melt rates of 50 m/yr; but we cannot obtain the same agreement without seawater intrusion. Including seawater intrusion in glacier modeling will increase the sensitivity to ocean warming.

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