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Table of Contents for Geophysical Research Letters. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
Updated: 15 weeks 5 days ago

THz Radar Observations of Hydrometeors in a Spray Chamber

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 08:05

A THz radar, with its wide bandwidth, is capable of high-resolution imaging down to the centimeter scale. In this study, a THz radar is applied to detect hydrometeors generated in a spray chamber. The observed backscattering signals show fluctuations at centimeter scales, indicating various hydrometeor distribution patterns along the radar beam. A co-located High-Speed Imaging (HSI) sensor is used to measure the Drop Size Distributions (DSD) in the spray chamber. The radar sampling beam is well aligned with the HSI probes, allowing an objective comparison between the remote sensing and in situ observations. In this study, the observed radar power is compared with the power estimated from the HSI measurements. Results show great consistency, with power difference smaller than 0.5 dB. This study demonstrates the feasibility and great potential of using a THz radar for ultra-high-resolution observations of clouds in a laboratory facility, and in the real atmosphere.

Disentangling the Advective Brewer‐Dobson Circulation Change

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 07:35

Climate models robustly project acceleration of the Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC) in response to climate change. However, the BDC trends simulated by comprehensive models are poorly constrained by observations, which cannot even determine the sign of potential trends. Additionally, the changing structure of the troposphere and stratosphere has received increasing attention in recent years. The extent to which vertical shifts of the circulation are driving the acceleration is under debate. In this study, we present a novel method that enables the attribution of advective BDC changes to structural changes of the circulation and of the stratosphere itself. Using this method allows studying the advective BDC trends in unprecedented detail and sheds new light into discrepancies between different data sets (reanalyses and models) at the tropopause and in the lower stratosphere. Our findings provide insights into the reliability of model projections of BDC changes and offer new possibilities for observational constraints.

Impact of the Turbulent Vertical Mixing on Chemical and Cloud Species in the Venus Cloud Layer

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 07:14

The Venusian atmosphere hosts a 10 km deep convective layer that has been studied by various spacecrafts. However, the impact of the strong vertical mixing on the chemistry of this region is still unknown. This study presents the first realistic coupling between resolved small-scale turbulence and a chemical network. The resulting vertical mixing is different for each species: those with longer chemical timescales will tend to be well-mixed. Vertical eddy diffusion due to resolved convection motions was estimated, ranging from 102 to 104 m2/s for the 48–55 km convective layer, several orders of magnitude above the typically used value. In the 48–55 km convective layer, the impact of the small-scale turbulence on the cloud layer boundaries was between 200 m and 1 km. The impact of turbulence on cloud chemistry is consistent with Venus Express/Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer observations. The observability at the cloud-top of small-scale turbulence by VenSpec-U spectrometer would be challenging.

Comparison of Lightning Channel Luminosity Versus Time Profiles in the Infrared and Visible Ranges

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 07:10

Infrared (IR) luminosity of lightning channel in the 3–5 μm range usually persisted throughout the entire interstroke interval, which is in contrast to the simultaneously recorded visible (0.4–0.8 μm) luminosity that always decayed to an undetectable level prior to a subsequent return stroke pulse. A longer visible luminosity period at the end of flash tended to be associated with a longer IR afterglow period following the decay of visible luminosity (and by inference current) to an undetectable level. At the end of flash, the IR luminosity persisted up to about 1 s, and the median IR afterglow duration was a factor of 10 longer than the median visible luminosity duration. The IR luminosity often exhibited a hump when the visible luminosity was monotonically decaying or undetectable, with the corresponding channel temperature being likely around 3400 K.

Aerosol‐Cloud Interactions Near Cloud Base Deteriorating the Haze Pollution in East China

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 06:58

Atmospheric aerosols not only cause severe haze pollution, but also affect climate through changes in cloud properties. However, during the haze pollution, aerosol-cloud interactions are not well understood due to a lack of in situ observations. In this study, we conducted simultaneous observations of cloud droplet and particle number size distribution, together with supporting atmospheric parameters, from ground to cloud base in East China using a high-payload tethered airship. We found that high concentrations of aerosols and cloud condensation nuclei were constrained below cloud, leading to the pronounced “Twomey effect” near the cloud base. The cloud inhibited the pollutants dispersion by reducing surface heat flux and thus deteriorated the near-surface haze pollution. Satellite retrievals matched well with the in situ observations for low stratus clouds, while were insufficient to quantify aerosol-cloud interactions for other cases. Our results highlight the importance to combine in situ vertical and satellite observations to quantify the aerosol-cloud interactions.

Effects of Freezing Temperature Parameterization on Simulated Sea‐Ice Thickness Validated by MOSAiC Observations

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 06:06

Freezing temperature parameterization significantly impacts the heat balance at sea-ice bottom and, consequently, the simulated sea-ice thickness. Here, the single-column model ICEPACK was used to investigate the impact of the freezing temperature parameterization on the simulated sea-ice thermodynamic growth during the MOSAiC expedition from October 2019 to September 2020. It is shown that large model errors exist with the standard parameterization and that different formulations for calculating the freezing temperature impact the simulated sea-ice thickness significantly. Considering the winter mixed layer temperature, a modified parameterization of the freezing point temperature based on Mushy scheme was developed. The mean absolute error (ratio) of simulating sea-ice thickness for all buoys reduces from 7.4 cm (4.9%) with the “Millero” scheme, which performs the best among the existing schemes in the ICEPACK model, to 4.2 cm (2.9%) with the new developed scheme.

The Origin of Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 05:14

Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) is the largest and longest-lived known vortex of all solar system planets but its lifetime is debated and its formation mechanism remains hidden. G. D. Cassini discovered in 1665 the presence of a dark oval at the GRS latitude, known as the “Permanent Spot” (PS) that was observed until 1713. We show from historical observations of its size evolution and motions that PS is unlikely to correspond to the current GRS, that was first observed in 1831. Numerical simulations rule out that the GRS formed by the merging of vortices or by a superstorm, but most likely formed from a flow disturbance between the two opposed Jovian zonal jets north and south of it. If so, the early GRS should have had a low tangential velocity so that its rotation velocity has increased over time as it has shrunk.

Capturing the Diversity of Mesoscale Trade Wind Cumuli Using Complementary Approaches From Self‐Supervised Deep Learning

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 05:12

At mesoscale, trade wind clouds organize with various spatial arrangements, shaping their effect on Earth's energy budget. Representing their fine-scale dynamics even at 1 km scale climate simulations remains challenging. However, geostationary satellites (GS) offer high-resolution cloud observation for gaining insights into trade wind cumuli from long-term records. To capture the observed organizational variability, this work proposes an integrated framework using a continuous followed by discrete self-supervised deep learning approach, which exploits cloud optical depth from GS measurements. We aim to simplify the entire mesoscale cloud spectrum by reducing the image complexity in the feature space and meaningfully partitioning it into seven classes whose connection to environmental conditions is illustrated with reanalysis data. Our framework facilitates comparing human-labeled mesoscale classes with machine-identified ones, addressing uncertainties in both methods. It advances previous methods by exploring transitions between regimes, a challenge for physical simulations, and illustrates a case study of sugar-to-flower transitions.

A Seasonally Delayed Sea Ice Response and Arctic Amplification During the Last Glacial Inception

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 05:04

The last glacial inception (LGI) marks the transition from the interglacial warm climate to the glacial period with extensive Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and colder climate. This transition is initiated by decreasing boreal summer insolation but requires positive feedbacks to stimulate the appearance of perennial snow. We perform simulations of LGI with climate model AWI-ESM-2.1, forced by the astronomical and greenhouse gas forcing of 115,000 years before present. To compare with the preindustrial (PI) simulation, we use a consistent definition of the seasons during the LGI and the PI and evaluate model output on an angular astronomical calendar. Our study reveals a prominent role of the sea-ice albedo feedback to amplify the delayed climate signal at polar latitudes. Through a radiative budget analysis, we examine that the ice-albedo feedback exceeds the shortwave radiative forcing, contributing to the cooling and high latitude snow built-up during LGI.

Eccentricity Paces Late Pleistocene Glaciations

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 04:14

Late Pleistocene glacial terminations are caused by rising atmospheric CO2 occurring in response to atmospheric and ocean circulation changes induced by increased discharge from Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. While climate records place glacial terminations coincident with decreasing orbital precession, it remains unclear why a specific precession minimum causes a termination. We compare the orbital and ice volume configuration at each precession minima over the last million years to demonstrate that eccentricity, through its control on precession amplitude, period and coherence with obliquity, along with ice sheet size, determine whether a given precession minimum will cause a termination. We also demonstrate how eccentricity controls obliquity maxima and precession minima coherence, varying the duration of glaciations. Glaciations lasting ∼100 thousand years are controlled by Earth's eccentricity cycle of the same period, while the shortest (20–40 ka) and longest (155 ka) occupy the maxima and minimums of the 400 thousand year eccentricity cycle.

Seasonal Cycle Delay of the Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency in CMIP6 Simulations

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 04:08

Obvious biases in simulating tropical cyclone (TC) genesis of the current climate models hamper our understanding of TC changes. In this study, we found a delay of the seasonal cycle of TC genesis frequency over the western North Pacific (WNP) in most Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 models. During the active TC season, the simulated south-warming and north-cooling surface temperature bias amplifies the meridional gradient and excites thermal winds. This weakens the western North Pacific Subtropical High and easterly monsoon trough, which further reduces TC genesis frequency over the western WNP in summer. But in autumn, positive TC genesis biases were only observed in coupled models over the eastern WNP. Both seasons contribute to the delayed seasonal cycle of TC frequency in models. Our findings highlight the importance of accurate simulation of surface temperature by climate models to TC simulations and aid in future model improvements.

Effect of Al‐Incorporation on the Sound Velocities of Superhydrous Phase B at High Pressure and High Temperature

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 03:57

Sound velocities and densities of Al-bearing superhydrous phase B (Al-bearing SuB) were investigated up to 24 GPa and 1300 K by synchrotron X-rays combined with ultrasonic interferometry techniques in a multi-anvil apparatus. We found that Al + H incorporation decreases the adiabatic bulk modulus and shear modulus of SuB. Our results however suggest that this effect is less important than that of temperature. The presence of hydrous pyrolite with ∼10 wt.% Al-bearing SuB in cold subducting slabs could explain up to ∼2% high velocity anomalies at the bottom of the mantle transition zone (500–660 km) while it turns into ∼7.7% low velocity anomalies below 660 km. Al-bearing SuB is reportedly stable at mantle temperatures, where it could account for ∼12.2% low velocity anomalies beneath subduction zones in the uppermost lower mantle.

Strong El Niño Events Lead to Robust Multi‐Year ENSO Predictability

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 03:53

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon—the dominant source of climate variability on seasonal to multi-year timescales—is predictable a few seasons in advance. Forecast skill at longer multi-year timescales has been found in a few models and forecast systems, but the robustness of this predictability across models has not been firmly established owing to the cost of running dynamical model predictions at longer lead times. In this study, we use a massive collection of multi-model hindcasts performed using model analogs to show that multi-year ENSO predictability is robust across models and arises predominantly due to skillful prediction of multi-year La Nina events following strong El Niño events.

Comparative Observations of the Outer Belt Electron Fluxes and Precipitated Relativistic Electrons

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 03:49

Relativistic electron precipitation (REP) refers to the release of high-energy electrons initially trapped in the outer radiation belt, which then precipitate into Earth's upper atmosphere, contributing significantly to the rapid depletion of radiation belt electron flux. This study presents a statistical analysis of REP observations collected by the Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) experiment aboard the International Space Station from 2015 to the present day. Specifically, the analysis utilizes count rates acquired from the two top scintillators constituting the top charge detector, each sensitive to electrons with energies above 1.5 and 3.4 MeV, respectively. Analysis of CALET data reveals a previously unreported semi-annual variation in the occurrence of REP events. REP periodicities resemble those observed for trapped electron fluxes in the outer belt. Furthermore, their amplitude follows the overall trend of solar wind high-speed streams and the solar activity.

On the Westward Shift and Strengthening of the Atmosphere‐To‐Ocean Bjerknes Feedback in the Tropical Pacific Since 2000

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 03:43

The behavior of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has undergone significant changes since the year 2000. Meanwhile, a notable westward shift and strengthening in the atmosphere-to-ocean Bjerknes feedback were observed. We find that this shift can be primarily attributed to a weakened relationship between the zonal gradient of precipitation anomaly and that of sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly since 2000.This weakened relationship is a comprehensive manifestation of reduced El Niño-related precipitation anomalies in the central-eastern tropical Pacific and increased anomalies in the western tropical Pacific. These changes are connected to the mean state change in the tropical Pacific after 2000, where the cooler background SSTs in the central-eastern tropical Pacific suppress upward motion, and the warmer background SSTs in the western tropical Pacific promote upward motion in the overlying atmosphere. Our findings offer a potential explanation for the westward shift and strengthening in the atmosphere-to-ocean Bjerknes feedback since 2000.

Scale‐Dependent Vertical Heat Transport Inferred From Quasi‐Synoptic Submesoscale‐Resolving Observations

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 03:40

Oceanic motions across meso-, submeso-, and turbulent scales play distinct roles in vertical heat transport (VHT) between the ocean's surface and its interior. While it is commonly understood that during summertime the enhanced stratification due to increased solar radiation typically results in an reduced upper-ocean vertical exchange, our study reveals a significant upward VHT associated with submesoscale fronts (<30 km) through high-resolution observations in the eddy-active South China Sea. The observation-based VHT reaches ∼100 W m−2 and extends to ∼150 m deep at the fronts between eddies. Combined with microstructure observations, this study demonstrates that mixing process can only partly offset the strong upward VHT by inducing a downward heat flux of 0.5–10 W m−2. Thus, the submesoscale-associated VHT is effectively heating the subsurface layer. These findings offer a quantitative perspective on the scale-dependent nature of VHT, with crucial implications for the climate system.

Local and General Patterns of Terrestrial Water‐Carbon Coupling

Sat, 06/15/2024 - 17:04

Terrestrial carbon uptake and water availability have coupled feedbacks; specifically water uptake for plant growth and soil drying via transpiration. While we might expect this coupling over time at arid sites, climatic water availability also widely covaries geographically with biomass variables that control photosynthetic rates. Using eddy covariance data globally, we find convex, positively-covarying relations between carbon uptake and a turbulent flux metric controlled by land surface moisture (r = 0.73 monthly across sites) at the site level. We estimate a general, empirical relationship based on site-wise water-carbon dynamics. Most sites, and the general relationship, show strong power-law dependence, implicating the role of sub-seasonal land-cover dynamics. We also find that long-term mean carbon/water states follow a similar convex relationship to the site-specific temporal dynamics. We discuss opportunities and caveats for space-for-time frameworks of carbon/water feedback processes globally.

Biological Production of Distinct Carbon Pools Drives Particle Export Efficiency in the Southern Ocean

Sat, 06/15/2024 - 14:23

We use observations from the Southern Ocean (SO) biogeochemical profiling float array to quantify the meridional pattern of particle export efficiency (PEeff) during the austral productive season. Float estimates reveal a pronounced latitudinal gradient of PEeff, which is quantitatively supported by a compilation of existing ship-based measurements. Relying on complementary float-based estimates of distinct carbon pools produced through biological activity, we find that PEeff peaks near the region of maximum particulate inorganic carbon sinking flux in the polar antarctic zone, where net primary production (NPP) is the lowest. Regions characterized by intermediate NPP and low PEeff, primarily in the subtropical and seasonal ice zones, are generally associated with a higher fraction of dissolved organic carbon production. Our study reveals the critical role of distinct biogenic carbon pool production in driving the latitudinal pattern of PEeff in the SO.

Presence of Frozen Fringe Impacts Soft‐Bedded Slip Relationship

Sat, 06/15/2024 - 11:39

Glaciers and ice streams flowing over sediment beds commonly have a layer of ice-rich debris adhered to their base, known as a “frozen fringe,” but its impact on basal friction is unknown. We simulated basal slip over granular beds with a cryogenic ring shear device while ice infiltrated the bed to grow a fringe, and measured the frictional response under different effective stresses and slip speeds. Frictional resistance increased with increasing slip speed until it plateaued at the frictional strength of the till, closely resembling the regularized Coulomb slip law associated with clean ice over deformable beds. We hypothesize that this arises from deformation in a previously unidentified zone of weakly frozen sediments at the fringe's base, which is highly sensitive to temperature and stress gradients. We show how a rheologic model for ice-rich debris coupled with the thermomechanics of fringe growth can account for the regularized Coulomb behavior.

Understanding Full‐Depth Steric Sea Level Change in the Southwest Pacific Basin Using Deep Argo

Sat, 06/15/2024 - 11:13

Using 9  years of full-depth profiles from 55 Deep Argo floats in the Southwest Pacific Basin collected between 2014 and 2023, we find consistent warm anomalies compared to a long-term climatology below 2,000 m ranging between 11 ± 2 to 34 ± 2 m°C, most pronounced between 3,500 and 5,000 m. Over this period, a cooling trend is found between 2,000 and 4,000 m and a significant warming trend below 4,000 m with a maximum rate of 4.1 ± 0.31 m°C yr−1 near 5,000 m, with a possible acceleration over the second half of the period. The integrated Steric Sea Level expansion below 2,000 m was 7.9 ± 1 mm compared to the climatology with a trend of 1.3 ± 1.6 mm dec−1 over the Deep Argo era, contributing significantly to the local sea level budget. We assess the ability to close a full Sea Level Budget, further demonstrating the value of a full-depth Argo array.

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