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Mechanical Impact of Heterogeneously Distributed H2O on Quartz Deformation

JGR–Solid Earth - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 16:49

In order to identify relations between mechanical behavior, deformation mechanisms, microstructural properties, and H2O distribution, Tana-quartzite samples with added H2O ranging from 0 to 0.5 wt.% were deformed by axial shortening at constant displacement rates, at 900°C and 1 GPa, reaching up to ∼30% bulk strain. Samples with lower quantities of added H2O (0.1 and 0.2 wt.%) were in average ∼30 MPa weaker than the as-is samples with no added H2O. In contrast, samples with more than 0.2 wt.% added H2O revealed more variable mechanical behavior, showing either weaker or stronger trend. The weaker samples showed strain localization in their central parts in the vicinity of the thermocouple, that is, the hottest parts of the samples, whereas the stronger samples showed localization in their upper, slightly colder parts. Bulk deformation is accommodated by crystal plasticity and dissolution-precipitation processes. Distribution of H2O in our samples revealed systematic decrease of H2O content in the interiors of original grains, caused by increasing strain and H2O draining into grain boundary regions. With increasing content of added H2O, the quartz recrystallization gradually changes from subgrain-rotation-dominated to crack-induced nucleation, along with increasing quantity of melt/fluid pockets. The unexpected strain localization in the upper parts of stronger samples most likely results from mode-1-cracking that led to drainage of grain boundaries (GB) due to the crack dilatancy effect, and inhibited dissolution-precipitation in the hottest part of the samples next to the thermocouple. The locus of deformation is then shifted to colder regions where more H2O is available along GB.

Relating Hydro‐Mechanical and Elastodynamic Properties of Dynamically Stressed Tensile‐Fractured Rock in Relation to Applied Normal Stress, Fracture Aperture, and Contact Area

JGR–Solid Earth - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 13:48

We exploit nonlinear elastodynamic properties of fractured rock to probe the micro-scale mechanics of fractures and understand the relation between fluid transport and fracture aperture under dynamic stressing. Experiments were conducted on rough, tensile-fractured Westerly granite subject to triaxial stresses. We measure fracture permeability for steady-state fluid flow with deionized water. Pore pressure oscillations are applied at amplitudes ranging from 0.2 to 1 MPa at 1 Hz frequency. During dynamic stressing we transmit ultrasonic signals through the fracture using an array of piezoelectric transducers (PZTs) to monitor evolution of interface properties. We examine the influence of fracture aperture and contact area by conducting measurements at effective normal stresses of 10–20 MPa. Additionally, the evolution of contact area with stress is characterized using pressure sensitive film. These experiments are conducted separately with the same fracture and map contact area at stresses from 9 to 21 MPa. The measurements are a proxy for “true” contact area for the fracture surface and we relate them to elastic properties using the calculated PZT sensor footprints via numerical modeling of Fresnel zones. We compare the elastodynamic response of the fracture using the stress-induced changes in ultrasonic wave velocities for transmitter-receiver pairs to image spatial variations in contact properties. We show that nonlinear elasticity and permeability enhancement decrease with increasing normal stress. Additionally, post-oscillation wave velocity and permeability exhibit quick recoveries toward pre-oscillation values. Estimates of fracture contact area (global and local) demonstrate that the elastodynamic and permeability responses are dominated by fracture topology.

Understanding the Intermittency of the Wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation and East Atlantic Pattern Seasonal Forecast Skill in the Copernicus C3S Multi‐Model Ensemble

GRL - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 13:00

The wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and East Atlantic Pattern (EA) are the two leading modes of North Atlantic pressure variability and have a substantial impact on winter weather in Europe. The year-to-year contributions to multi-model seasonal forecast skill in the Copernicus C3S ensemble of seven prediction systems are assessed for the wintertime NAO and EA, and well-forecast and poorly-forecast years are identified. Years with high NAO predictability are associated with substantial tropical forcing, generally from the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), while poor forecasts of the NAO occur when ENSO forcing is weak. Well-forecast EA winters also generally occurred when there was substantial tropical forcing, although the relationship was less robust than for the NAO. These results support previous findings of the impacts of tropical forcing on the North Atlantic and show this is important from a multi-model seasonal forecasting perspective.

Bristlecone Pine Maximum Latewood Density as a Superior Proxy for Millennium‐Length Temperature Reconstructions

GRL - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 13:00

Bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) (PILO) trees exhibit exceptional longevity. Their tree-ring width (TRW) series offer valuable insights into climatic variability. Maximum latewood density (MXD) typically correlates better with temperature variations than TRW, yet PILO MXD records are non-existent due to methodological challenges related to tree-ring structure. Here, we used an X-ray Computed Tomography (X-ray CT) toolchain on 51 PILO cores from the California White Mountains to build a chronology that correlates significantly (r = 0.66, p < 0.01) with warm-season (March-September) temperature over a large spatial extent. This led to the first X-ray CT-based temperature reconstruction (1625–2005 CE). Good reconstruction skill (RE = 0.51, CE = 0.32) shows that extending MXD records across the full length of the PILO archive could yield a robust warm-season temperature proxy for the American Southwest over millennia. This breakthrough opens avenues for measuring MXD in other challenging conifers, increasing our understanding of past climate further, particularly in lower latitudes.

Simultaneous Multiscale 4DEnVar With Scale Dependent Localization (SDL) in Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS)

JGR–Atmospheres - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 11:15

This study presents the implementation and evaluation of scale-dependent localization (SDL) in the hurricane analysis and forecast system 4D Ensemble Variational (4DEnVar) Data Assimilation (DA) system. The SDL capability is compared with the traditional Single-Scale Localization (SSL) method to assess its benefits and necessity for hurricane prediction. The experiments focus on Hurricane Laura (2020) and involve single observation experiments as well as real observation DA cycling experiments. The results indicate that the SDL experiment, which incorporates the Fast Almost Gaussian Filtering approach for scale decomposition, consistently outperforms the corresponding SSL configurations in almost all aspects. Further diagnostics show that due to its multiscale nature, the SDL approach demonstrates better track prediction over small-scale SSL due to improved environmental analysis and better analyzed vortex position and structure, and superior intensity prediction during the rapid intensification over both the large-scale SSL and the small-scale SSL owing to enhanced inner-core thermodynamic analysis.

Vertically Resolved Analysis of the Madden‐Julian Oscillation Highlights the Role of Convective Transport of Moist Static Energy

GRL - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 09:49

We simulate the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) over an aquaplanet with uniform surface temperature using the multiscale modeling framework (MMF) configuration of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM-MMF). The model produces MJO-like features that have a similar spatial structure and propagation behavior to the observed MJO. To explore the processes involved in the propagation and maintenance of these MJO-like features, we perform a vertically resolved moist static energy (MSE) analysis for the MJO (Yao et al., 2022, https://doi.org/10.1175/jas-d-20-0254.1). Unlike the column-integrated MSE analysis, our method emphasizes the local production of MSE variance and quantifies how individual physical processes amplify and propagate the MJO's characteristic vertical structure. We find that radiation, convection, and boundary layer (BL) processes all contribute to maintaining the MJO, balanced by the large-scale MSE transport. Furthermore, large-scale dynamics, convection, and BL processes all contribute to the propagation of the MJO, while radiation slows the propagation. Additionally, we perform mechanism-denial experiments to examine the role of radiation and associated feedbacks in simulating the MJO. We find that the MJO can still self-emerge and maintain its characteristic structures without radiative feedbacks. This study highlights the role of convective MSE transport in the MJO dynamics, which was overlooked in the column-integrated MSE analysis.

Revisiting Elevated δ13C Values of Sediment on Modern Carbonate Platforms

GRL - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 08:40

The measured carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate sediments (δ13Ccarb) on modern platforms are commonly 13C-enriched compared to predicted values for minerals forming in isotopic equilibrium with the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) of modern seawater. This offset undermines the assumption that δ13Ccarb values of analogous facies in the rock record are an accurate archive of information about Earth's global carbon cycle. We present a new data set of the diurnal variation in carbonate chemistry and seawater δ13CDIC values on a modern carbonate platform. These data demonstrate that δ13Ccarb values on modern platforms are broadly representative of seawater, but only after accounting for the recent decrease in the δ13C value of atmospheric CO2 and shallow seawater DIC due to anthropogenic carbon release, a phenomenon commonly referred to as the 13C Suess effect. These findings highlight an important, yet overlooked, aspect of some modern carbonate systems, which must inform their use as ancient analogs.

Frequency‐Bessel Transform Method for Multimodal Dispersion Measurement of Surface Waves From Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data

JGR–Solid Earth - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 07:00

The array-based frequency-Bessel transform method has been demonstrated to effectively extract dispersion curves of higher-mode surface waves from the empirical Green's functions (EGFs) of displacement fields reconstructed by ambient noise interferometry. Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), a novel dense array observation technique, has been widely implemented in surface wave imaging to estimate subsurface velocity structure in practice. However, there is still no clear understanding in theory about how to accurately extract surface-wave dispersion curves directly from DAS strain (or strain rate) data. To address this, we extend the frequency-Bessel transform method by deriving Green’s functions (GFs) for horizontal strain fields, making it applicable to DAS data. First, we test its performance using synthetic GFs and verify the correctness of extracted dispersion spectrograms with theoretical results. Then, we apply it to three field DAS ambient-noise data sets, two recorded on land and one in the seabed. The reliability and advantages of the method are confirmed by comparing results with the widely used phase shift method. The results demonstrate that our extended frequency-Bessel transform method is reliable and can provide more abundant and higher-quality dispersion information of surface waves. Moreover, our method is also adaptable for active-source DAS data with simple modifications to the derived transform formulas. We also find that the gauge length in the DAS system significantly impacts the polarity and value of extracted dispersion energy. Overall, our study provides a theoretical framework and practical tool for multimodal surface wave dispersion measurement using DAS data.

Issue Information

Radio Science - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 07:00

No abstract is available for this article.

Impacts of Massive Topographies on Heat Waves in Global Drylands

GRL - Wed, 07/31/2024 - 06:45

Large-scale topographies affect global extreme weather and climate though dynamic and thermal forcing. However, the impacts of typical topographies on heat waves in different drylands globally remain unclear. In this study, we find that heat waves are mainly occurred in global drylands during 1940–2022. The frequencies and intensities of heat waves in global drylands have significantly increased after 1980s. Multiple numerical model simulations reveal that the impact range of Asian topography on heat waves in global drylands is widest, not only in East Asia, Central, and west Asia locally, but also can reach as far as North Africa and North America. While the impact ranges of topographies in Africa, Arabian Peninsula, North America, and South America on heat waves in drylands are relatively narrow, which are concentrated in localized and their surroundings. These conclusions could provide clues to understand the influence of topography on global weather and climate extremes.

Direct Measurements of Dust Settling Velocity Under Low‐Density Atmospheres Using Time‐Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry

GRL - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 21:54

Dust dynamics influence planetary atmospheres. However, the settling velocity of dust—and thus its residence time in the atmosphere—is often mispredicted. Challenging, indirect experiments involving few ideal particles revealed that dust settling velocity deviates from Stokes' law under rarefied atmospheres. While useful, such experiments are inadequate to simulate more complex scenarios, including variable particles sizes and shapes. Here, we present direct measurements of settling velocity for spherical particles under Earth-to-Mars atmospheric pressures using time-resolved particle image velocimetry (TR-PIV), and validate their robustness with existing models. Our results demonstrate that TR-PIV provides a relatively simple approach to quantifying dust settling velocity from direct observations of over 10,000 particles, enabling systematic investigations of dust settling under realistic scenarios. Such experiments will have significant implications for our understanding of Mars' past, present, and future - from providing a tool to decipher its sedimentary record to enhancing predictive capabilities of atmospheric models.

An Investigation of the Third Harmonic Power Line Emission in the Topside Ionosphere During the Recent Solar Minimum Period

JGR:Space physics - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 19:48

Power line harmonic radiation (PLHR) events are radiated by electric power systems on the ground at harmonics of the base power system frequency (50 or 60 Hz, depending on the region). We analyze the global third harmonics PLHR at 150 and 180 Hz using electric field data collected by China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite during the recent solar minimum between January 2019 and December 2022. The average frequency spectrum over industrialized areas shows that the third harmonic has a high occurrence rate in the U.S. region, as well as in western China and northern India, but is very low in the European region. In particular, in the China region and the U.S. region, more than 11,000 and 24,000 dayside and nightside third harmonic PLHR events have been detected from 2019 to 2022, respectively. Compared to the 150 Hz PLHR occurrence rate detected above the China region, the 180 Hz PLHR occurrence rate above the U.S. region is higher, which reveals a significant regional difference. In addition, both at nighttime and daytime, the PLHR electric field intensities at 180 Hz are higher than that at 60 Hz above the U.S. region, which is also different from the result above the China region.

Evaluation of the coupling of EMACv2.55 to the land surface and vegetation model JSBACHv4

Geoscientific Model Development - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 18:57
Evaluation of the coupling of EMACv2.55 to the land surface and vegetation model JSBACHv4
Anna Martin, Veronika Gayler, Benedikt Steil, Klaus Klingmüller, Patrick Jöckel, Holger Tost, Jos Lelieveld, and Andrea Pozzer
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 5705–5732, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-5705-2024, 2024
The study evaluates the land surface and vegetation model JSBACHv4 as a replacement for the simplified submodel SURFACE in EMAC. JSBACH mitigates earlier problems of soil dryness, which are critical for vegetation modelling. When analysed using different datasets, the coupled model shows strong correlations of key variables, such as land surface temperature, surface albedo and radiation flux. The versatility of the model increases significantly, while the overall performance does not degrade.

Development of the adjoint of the unified tropospheric–stratospheric chemistry extension (UCX) in GEOS-Chem adjoint v36

Geoscientific Model Development - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 18:57
Development of the adjoint of the unified tropospheric–stratospheric chemistry extension (UCX) in GEOS-Chem adjoint v36
Irene C. Dedoussi, Daven K. Henze, Sebastian D. Eastham, Raymond L. Speth, and Steven R. H. Barrett
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 5689–5703, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-5689-2024, 2024
Atmospheric model gradients provide a meaningful tool for better understanding the underlying atmospheric processes. Adjoint modeling enables computationally efficient gradient calculations. We present the adjoint of the GEOS-Chem unified chemistry extension (UCX). With this development, the GEOS-Chem adjoint model can capture stratospheric ozone and other processes jointly with tropospheric processes. We apply it to characterize the Antarctic ozone depletion potential of active halogen species.

Modeling Ion Transport in the Upper Ionosphere of Mars: Exploring the Effect of Crustal Magnetic Fields

JGR:Space physics - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 18:50

Statistically ion and electron densities are enhanced above strong crustal magnetic field regions according to measurements made by the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft. Plasma created by ionization of neutrals in the lower ionosphere (where chemistry dominates) flows upward and becomes trapped on closed magnetic field loops. Enhanced ion density in the ionosphere (particularly O2+) is associated with enhanced photochemical escape of atomic oxygen. This paper presents a quasi-1D multi-fluid time-dependent model of the Martian ionosphere for nine ion species. Ionospheric temperatures are adopted but ion densities and velocities (along the field lines) are determined using a numerical solution of the continuity and momentum equations. Diurnal effects are explored by varying photoionization rates. Three crustal field cases are considered: a low altitude closed, a high altitude closed, and a high altitude open field line. Additionally, a case with no crustal field is modeled to provide a comparison between regions with and without crustal fields in the upper Martian ionosphere. Model results show higher ion and electron densities in the crustal field cases than in the purely induced field case. Additionally, we find that densities are generally higher on the closed field lines than on the open field lines, and ion velocities are generally up the field lines, away from the Martian surface. We also find that velocities are larger on the open field line case. We compare modeled density results to MAVEN data and find general agreement. Implications for atmospheric escape, particularly photochemical escape of O, are also discussed.

Verification of weather-radar-based hail metrics with crowdsourced observations from Switzerland

Atmos. Meas. techniques - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 18:43
Verification of weather-radar-based hail metrics with crowdsourced observations from Switzerland
Jérôme Kopp, Alessandro Hering, Urs Germann, and Olivia Martius
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4529–4552, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-17-4529-2024, 2024
We present a verification of two products based on weather radars to detect the presence of hail and estimate its size.  Radar products are remote detection of hail, so they must be verified against ground-based observations. We use reports from users of the Swiss Weather Services phone app to do the verification. We found that the product estimating the presence of hail provides fair results but that it should be recalibrated and that estimating the hail size with radar is more challenging.

Freshwater Biogeochemical Hotspots: High Primary Production and Ecosystem Respiration in Shallow Waterbodies

GRL - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 18:38

Ponds, wetlands, and shallow lakes (collectively “shallow waterbodies”) are among the most biogeochemically active freshwater ecosystems. Measurements of gross primary production (GPP), respiration (R), and net ecosystem production (NEP) are rare in shallow waterbodies compared to larger and deeper lakes, which can bias our understanding of lentic ecosystem processes. In this study, we calculated GPP, R, and NEP in 26 small, shallow waterbodies across temperate North America and Europe. We observed high rates of GPP (mean 8.4 g O2 m−3 d−1) and R (mean −9.1 g O2 m−3 d−1), while NEP varied from net heterotrophic to autotrophic. Metabolism rates were affected by depth and aquatic vegetation cover, and the shallowest waterbodies had the highest GPP, R, and the most variable NEP. The shallow waterbodies from this study had considerably higher metabolism rates compared to deeper lakes, stressing the importance of these systems as highly productive biogeochemical hotspots.

Xenolith Petrochronology (San Luis Potosi, Mexico) Constrains Heat Sources for Cenozoic Ultrahigh‐Temperature Metamorphism in the Lower Crust

JGR–Solid Earth - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 18:14

Ultrahigh-temperature (UHT; >900°C) metamorphism drives crustal differentiation and is widely recognized in the rock record, but its geodynamic causes are debated. Previous work on granulite-facies metapelite xenoliths from San Luis Potosí, Mexico suggests the lower crust experienced a protracted UHT metamorphic event that coincided with the onset of regional extension. To determine the duration, conditions, and heat sources of UHT metamorphism recorded by these xenoliths, this study characterizes the major-element, trace-element, and U-Pb isotopic systematics of quartz, rutile, feldspar, garnet, and zircon by in situ electron microprobe (EPMA) and laser-ablation inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), and augments these data with detailed petrography, thermobarometry, phase equilibria modeling, and diffusion modeling. Thermobarometry and phase equilibria modeling suggest peak metamorphic conditions exceeded 0.7 GPa and 900°C. Zircon petrochronology confirms >15 Myr of UHT conditions since its onset at ∼30 Ma. A small population of zircon record elevated temperatures following transition from backarc compression to extension during the waning stages of orogenesis (60–37 Ma). Garnet preserves trace-element zoning and mineral inclusions consistent with suprasolidus garnet growth and subsequent compositional modification by intracrystalline rare-earth element diffusion during protracted heating, with diffusion chronometry timescales in agreement with zircon data, followed by fluid-driven remobilization of trace elements along now-healed fractures within ∼1 Myr of eruption. In sum, these data are most compatible with lithospheric mantle attenuation or removal as the dominant heat transport mechanism driving synextensional UHT metamorphism and crustal melting, which has bearing on models for crustal differentiation and formation of modern and ancient granulite terranes globally.

Impact of Warming Trend in Western Equatorial Pacific on Modulating the Triple‐Dip La Niña and Its Associated Teleconnection in 2020–2022

GRL - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 17:44

In this study, we investigated the triple-dip La Niña during 2020–2022 by comparing it with the previous (1973–1975 and 1998–2000) La Niña events. We found that the cold sea surface temperature (SST) in the eastern equatorial Pacific was moderate during the study period; however, the accompanying near-surface easterly wind anomaly was unusually stronger during its lifecycle than during the previous two events. The maintenance of 2020–2022 La Niña appeared to be attributable to the strong zonal SST gradient. The strong zonal SST gradient resulted from the La-Niña-associated interannual SST anomaly, which was further enhanced by a warming trend in the western equatorial Pacific (165°E−160°W, 5°S–5°N) and the interdecadal oscillation of the Pacific-Decadal-Oscillation-associated cold SST in the eastern tropical Pacific. The warming trend in the western equatorial Pacific, with a faster warming speed than global warming, also modified the La-Niña-associated Pacific–North American teleconnection to shifted eastward.

Indication for Biases in Dry Intrusions and the Marine Boundary Layer Over the Azores in ECMWF Short‐Term Forecasts and Analyses

GRL - Tue, 07/30/2024 - 17:43

The model representation of dry intrusions (DIs) and the marine boundary layer (MBL) is analyzed in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). For this purpose, a DI classification at the Azores is combined with observation, short-term background forecast and analysis data from the IFS data assimilation system. The background exhibits a cold bias in the descending DI, which is possibly related to a cold bias in the MBL below through vertical mixing. At the surface, simulated wind speeds are underestimated and directions are veered compared to the observations. The errors are reduced in the analysis except for near-surface wind and humidity biases. We hypothesize that these biases are connected through underestimated surface latent heat fluxes. Such persistent biases potentially influence local weather and midlatitude weather evolution as cyclones are supplied with moisture from the cold sector influenced by DIs.

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