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When, Where and to What Extent Do Temperature Perturbations Near Tropical Deep Convection Follow Convective Quasi Equilibrium?

GRL - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 07:00

Convective Quasi-Equilibrium (CQE) is often adopted as a useful closure assumption to summarize the effects of unresolved convection on large-scale thermodynamics, while existing efforts to observationally validate CQE largely rely on specific spatial domains or sites rather than the source of CQE constraints—deep convection. This study employs a Lagrangian framework to investigate leading temperature perturbation patterns near deep convection, of which the centers are located by use of an ensemble of satellite measurements. Temperature perturbations near deep convection with high peak precipitation are rapidly adjusted toward the CQE structure within the [−2, 1] hours centered on peak precipitation. The top 1% precipitating deep convection constrains neighboring free-tropospheric leading perturbations up to 9°. Notable CQE validity beyond a 1° radius is observed when peak precipitation exceeds the 93rd percentile. These findings suggest that only a small fraction of deep convection with extreme precipitation shapes tropical free-tropospheric temperature patterns dominantly.

Reconstructing Mollisol Formation Processes Through Quantified Pedoturbation

GRL - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 07:00

Mollisols are highly fertile soils and function as significant carbon reservoirs. However, determining their ages and formation processes is challenging due to extensive pedoturbation, which undermines conventional dating methods. Here, we employed luminescence, a light-sensitive property of minerals widely used in geological dating, to investigate and quantify soil mixing. We analyzed over 2,400 luminescence ages of individual K-feldspar grains from a Mollisol profile in Northeast China, and for the first time, we were able to determine the intensity of pedoturbation in the Mollisol profile over the past 50,000 years. The results showed that the current pedoturbation can penetrate to a depth of approximately 80 cm, with the intensity decreasing with depth. By identifying a significant intensification in historical pedoturbation, we inferred that the paleoenvironment might be suitable for the formation of Mollisols 16,400 years before present.

Future Change in the Vietnam Upwelling Under a High‐Emission Scenario

GRL - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 07:00

The Vietnam upwelling is a crucial circulation feature in the South China Sea. Although previous studies have shown that various coastal upwellings around the world may intensify under global warming, future changes in the Vietnam upwelling remain unclear. To address this knowledge gap, we analyzed the long-term trend in the Vietnam upwelling under a high-emission scenario for the period 2006–2100, using simulation results from a global eddy-resolving climate model. In this model, the summertime Vietnam upwelling is projected to intensify in the 21st century and is statistically significant between 12°N and 14°N. A volume flux budget analysis indicates that wind stress curl is the most important contributor to the intensification. The geostrophic flow, to some extent, may suppress the upwelling intensification. The projected increase in upwelling is shown to significantly reduce local ocean warming and freshening and thus may have vital impacts on the local climate and circulation.

AI‐Assisted Design of Printed Edge‐Fed Non‐Uniform Zig‐Zag Antenna for mm‐Wave Automotive Radar

Radio Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 07:00

In this paper, the design of a novel horizontally polarized single-layer antenna for 77 (GHz) automotive radar applications is4 addressed. An innovative non-uniform zig-zag parametrization of the antenna layout is considered to enable a more flexible control on both the impedance matching in the working frequency band and the shaping of the radiated beam pattern with respect to a standard (uniform) one without compromising the linear (horizontal) polarization of the radiated field. Such a polarization guarantees a lower back-scattering from road pavements, resulting in a reduced amount of clutter and thus allowing a more robust target detection. Moreover, the single-layer layout has several advantages in terms of fabrication simplicity/costs and mechanical robustness to vibrations. The design of the proposed non-uniform zig-zag antenna (NZA) is performed through a customized implementation of the System-by-Design (SbD) approach that fruitfully combines machine learning and evolutionary optimization to efficiently deal with the computational complexity at hand. An extensive numerical validation, dealing with designs of different lengths, verifies the high performance of the NZA in terms of beam direction deviation (e.g., BDD < 1 (deg)), sidelobe level (e.g., SLL < −18.2 (dB)), and polarization ratio (e.g., PR > 20 (dB)) within the working frequency band B=76:78 $\mathcal{B}=\left[76:78\right]$ (GHz), as well as its superiority over competitive designs. Finally, the realization of a prototype and its experimental test, validate the proposed NZA concept for automotive mm-wave radar applications in advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles such as, for instance, adaptive cruise control, collision avoidance, and blind spot detection.

Issue Information

Radio Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 07:00

No abstract is available for this article.

Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers

Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 05:59
Science, Volume 384, Issue 6701, Page 1191-1195, June 2024.

The future of the ocean

Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 384, Issue 6699, Page 964-964, May 2024.

Eve: The Disobedient Future of Birth

Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 384, Issue 6699, Page 965-965, May 2024.

Hearing the seas

Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 384, Issue 6699, Page 965-965, May 2024.

Imbalanced speciation pulses sustain the radiation of mammals

Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 384, Issue 6699, Page 1007-1012, May 2024.

Coevolution with hosts underpins speciation in brood-parasitic cuckoos

Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 384, Issue 6699, Page 1030-1036, May 2024.

Molecular templating of layered halide perovskite nanowires

Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 384, Issue 6699, Page 1000-1006, May 2024.

Active biointegrated living electronics for managing inflammation

Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 384, Issue 6699, Page 1023-1030, May 2024.

Supersharers of fake news on Twitter

Science - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 384, Issue 6699, Page 979-982, May 2024.

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