
Syndicate content Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres: Table of Contents
Table of Contents for Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
Updated: 24 weeks 3 days ago

Characterizing the Spatial Distribution of Mixing and Transport in the Northern Middle Atmosphere During Winter

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 20:35

A three-dimensional winter (DJF) climatology of Lagrangian diffusivity characterizing eddy mixing and transport in the northern middle atmosphere is presented. To emphasize aspects other than zonal averages, we use the theory of Lagrangian diffusivity (κ yy ) hitherto not applied in stratospheric contexts to our knowledge. Our formulation of Lagrangian diffusivity requires the calculation of parcel trajectories, which is made on isentropic surfaces. A Lagrangian descriptor is used to estimate the boundary of the stratospheric polar vortex (SPV). To characterize quasi-geostrophic motions and their influence on the SPV we apply the wave activity flux (W) and Local Wave Activity (A) $(\mathcal{A})$. Our data set is the ERA5 reanalysis for the period 1979–2013. Results for κ yy show important zonal asymmetries. In the lower and middle stratosphere, κ yy is highest at midlatitudes, particularly around the prime meridian. This location is surrounded by manifolds associated with hyperbolic trajectories emanating from the outer SPV boundary. κ yy is also high within the SPV, and near the locations where the SPV boundary is open. Zonal asymmetries are also clear in W at midlatitudes. The larger values of A $\mathcal{A}$ are at high latitudes and upstream of the opening of the vortex boundary. The role of quasi-geostrophic waves on the south-north shift of the midlatitude westerlies is highlighted. In particular, the waves contribute to open the SPV boundary at around 90W. The interannual variability of κ yy is explored by contrasting winters with positive-negative Northern Annular Mode index, and Sudden Stratospheric Warmings of displacement-split type.

Real‐World Vehicular Source Indicators for Exhaust and Non‐Exhaust Contribution to PM2.5 During Peak and Off‐Peak Hours Using Tunnel Measurement

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 20:23

The benefit of real-world applicable indicators in resolving robust traffic-related source contributions was investigated using tunnel measurement. PM2.5/CO was introduced as a metric to present evidence in non-exhaust identification indirectly in terms of PM2.5 accumulation and dilution scenarios, and the rates (hourly variation of the difference between PM2.5 and PM2.5/CO) were 0.59−1.88 and −0.79 to −0.65, corresponding to peak and off-peak hours, respectively. Real-world PAHs indicators were examined, among which the exhaust indicators showed stable applicability from BghiP, and the non-exhaust indication noted by BkF and DahA in peak hours were largely weakened in off-peak hours, showing noticeable profile mixing between exhaust, brake and tyre wear. Source contributions were resolved by principal component analysis (PCA) with support of linear discriminant analysis (LDA) on inter-group centroid diagnosis. The rate of vehicular non-exhaust (brake and tyre wear) contribution lifted 10.3 times in peak hours compared with off-peak hours, and its emission factor was noticeably enhanced 16 times, from 0.03 mg/(km·veh) to 0.48 mg/(km·veh). Guided by global vehicle electrification, the contribution of non-exhaust in vehicular emissions were estimated to increase with larger ratio of emission factor between non-exhaust and exhaust, and the growing market share of electric vehicles, under each mode of regenerative braking. The monetary impact of non-exhaust caused by electric vehicles was calculated reaching the exhaust when electric vehicles increase to 50% in busy commuting megacities. The results provide applicable indicators for accurate source apportionment and support data for the refined control of non-exhaust emission under rapid vehicle electrification.

Synoptic Analysis and WRF‐Chem Model Simulation of Dust Events in the Southwestern United States

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 20:13

Dust transported from rangelands of the Southwestern United States (US) to mountain snowpack in the Upper Colorado River Basin during spring (March-May) forces earlier and faster snowmelt, which creates problems for water resources and agriculture. To better understand the drivers of dust events, we investigated large-scale meteorology responsible for organizing two Southwest US dust events from two different dominant geographic locations: (a) the Colorado Plateau and (b) the northern Chihuahuan Desert. High-resolution Weather Research and Forecasting coupled with Chemistry model (WRF-Chem) simulations with the Air Force Weather Agency dust emission scheme incorporating a MODIS albedo-based drag-partition was used to explore land surface-atmosphere interactions driving two dust events. We identified commonalities in their meteorological setups. The meteorological analyses revealed that Polar and Sub-tropical jet stream interaction was a common upper-level meteorological feature before each of the two dust events. When the two jet streams merged, a strong northeast-directed pressure gradient upstream and over the source areas resulted in strong near-surface winds, which lifted available dust into the atmosphere. Concurrently, a strong mid-tropospheric flow developed over the dust source areas, which transported dust to the San Juan Mountains and southern Colorado snowpack. The WRF-Chem simulations reproduced both dust events, indicating that the simulations represented the dust sources that contributed to dust-on-snow events reasonably well. The representativeness of the simulated dust emission and transport in different geographic and meteorological conditions with our use of albedo-based drag partition provides a basis for additional dust-on-snow simulations to assess the hydrologic impact in the Southwest US.

Subtropical Foehn Winds, Southeast Queensland, Australia

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 15:39

Foehn winds have been a focus of research in mid-latitude mountainous regions for more than 150 years, where their onset is typically associated with warm, dry, and gusty winds. This research has now extended into high latitude regions, yet research of foehn winds in subtropical and tropical regions remains scarce. Here we present results from the first investigation of foehn winds in the subtropics of Southeast Queensland (SEQ), Australia. Analysis of meteorological records found that foehn winds occur throughout the year with peak frequency and duration in late winter (August) associated with the passage of shortwave troughs over southern Australia. Modeling of wind fields and atmospheric boundary layer conditions for three case studies was conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Results showed foehn events in SEQ can be associated with mountain waves and hydraulic jump features in the lee of topographic barriers. Over lee slopes, acceleration of wind speeds and topographic channeling of foehn winds was found to occur, along with substantial increases in air temperature, and decreases in relative humidity. Warming of the foehn airstream is believed to occur primarily through isentropic drawdown with a likely contribution from surface sensible heat flux. Recommendations for future research are made in light of the importance of foehn winds to wildfire management and mitigation in SEQ.

Antarctic Polar Stratospheric Cloud Analysis of ACE‐FTS Data From 2005 to 2023

Fri, 06/28/2024 - 07:34

We present an analysis of Antarctic polar winters from 2005 to 2023 as observed by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE). The unique broad band infrared spectral features in ACE “residual” spectra are used to classify the spectra of polar aerosols by composition into polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) and sulfate aerosols. The spectra of PSCs are further classified into nitric acid trihydrate, supercooled ternary solutions, supercooled nitric acid, ice-mix, and mixtures of PSCs. A breakdown of PSC composition is presented for each year. Antarctic winter seasons with unusual compositions are: 2011, in which volcanic ash mixed with PSCs was observed from July to August; 2019, which experienced a stratospheric warming event; 2020, the PSC season following the Australian Black Summer pyrocumulonimbus event; and 2023, which had unusually large sulfate aerosols following the Honga-Tonga Honga Ha'apai eruption of 2022.

Meteorological Drivers of North American Monsoon Extreme Precipitation Events

Fri, 06/28/2024 - 06:03

In this paper the meteorological drivers of North American Monsoon (NAM) extreme precipitation events (EPEs) are identified and analyzed. First, the NAM area and its subregions are distinguished using self-organizing maps applied to the Climate Prediction Center global precipitation data set. This reveals distinct subregions, shaped by the inhomogeneous geographic features of the NAM area, with distinct extreme precipitation character and drivers. Next, defining EPEs as days when subregion-mean precipitation exceeds the 95th percentile of rainy days, five synoptic features and one mesoscale feature are investigated as potential drivers of EPEs. Essentially all EPEs can be associated with at least one selected driver, with only one event remaining unclassified. This analysis shows the dominant role of Gulf of California moisture surges, mesoscale convective systems and frontal systems in generating NAM extreme precipitation. Finally, a frequency and probability analysis is conducted to contrast precipitation distributions conditioned on the associated meteorological drivers. The findings demonstrate that the co-occurrence of multiple features does not necessarily enhance the EPE probability.

A Comparative Study on Wind Profiles and Surface Aerodynamic Parameters of Typhoons Over Coastland and Coastal Sea

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 09:44

Understanding the aerodynamic characteristics of landfalling typhoons is of great importance for both wind engineering and meteorology. This study comparatively investigated the near-surface wind profiles and aerodynamic parameters over coastland and coastal sea areas using typhoon observational data collected by Doppler wind lidars and wind tower anemometers during the passage of 15 typhoons that made landfall over China during 2009–2020. Specifically, the three surface aerodynamic parameters of roughness length, friction velocity, and drag coefficient (C d) were obtained using the logarithmic law wind profile method. Results showed that the near-surface wind profiles became much closer to the power law wind profile with increase in wind speed. The values of roughness length and friction velocity over the coastal sea were found to exceed those over coastland areas when the 10-m wind speed (U(10)) was larger than 18 m s−1. The critical wind speed at which C d peaks over the coastal sea was found to be 24 m s−1. There are two peaks in the variation of C d with U(10) under the condition of onshore wind over the sea, which has never been reported in previous observational studies. Finally, a formula for C d was proposed to describe the variation in C d with U(10) under the condition of onshore wind over land, which is expected to be applied in the typhoon surface layer scheme to improve numerical simulation of landfalling typhoons.

Deep Learning Improves GFS Sea Surface Wind Field Forecast Accuracy in the Northwest Pacific Ocean

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 20:13

Sea surface winds influence shipping, fisheries, and coastal projects. However, the current sea surface wind forecast exhibits noticeable biases. This study introduces a deep learning (DL)-based bias correction model, WindNet, to improve the Global Forecast System (GFS) sea surface wind field forecast in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (NWPO). WindNet reduces the Root Mean Squared Errors (RMSEs) of wind speed at lead times of 24, 48, and 72 hr from 1.41–1.95 to 1.11–1.55 m s−1, achieving percentage reductions of 20.51%–21.28%. Simultaneously, the RMSEs of wind direction are reduced from 29.67–41.45° to 25.38–36.81°, demonstrating percentage reductions of 11.19%–14.46%. During typhoon passages, the RMSEs of wind speed and direction at three forecast lead times after using WindNet are reduced from 1.57–2.42 to 1.24–1.95 m s−1 and from 30.31–42.35° to 25.88–37.64°, demonstrating percentage reductions of 19.42%–21.02% and 11.12%–14.62%. By integrating a Squeeze-and-Excitation Network into WindNet, we find that utilizing information from the circulation field, apart from the zonal and meridional wind components at 10 m height, is crucial for the correction of the sea surface wind speed. WindNet can effectively capture the non-linear relationship between other low-level-circulation-related variables and sea surface wind speed. Therefore, WindNet remarkably enhances sea surface wind field forecast accuracy in NWPO.

Explicitly Resolving Lightning and Electrification Processes From the 10–12 April 2019 Thundersnow Outbreak

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 20:13

The 10–12 April 2019 thundersnow (i.e., lightning within snowfall) outbreak was examined via ground- and space-based lightning observations and was simulated using a numerical weather prediction model with an explicit electrification parameterization. When compared to observations, the simulation propagated the synoptic snowband two to six hours faster while also exaggerating the 3-D reflectivity structure. Throughout the event, the simulation produced 1,733 thundersnow flashes which was less than what was observed by ground- and space-based lightning sensors. In general, simulated thundersnow flashes were spatially offset from the largest reflectivities within the synoptic snowband and tended to occur within elevated convection that traversed isentropically along the top of mid-level frontogenesis. These simulated thundersnow flashes were associated with a tripole charge structure with ice/snow hydrometeors contributing most to the main negative charge region. Both simulated and observed thundersnow flashes initiated in conditionally unstable environments. Lastly, a conceptual model was developed to explain the spatial separation between the largest reflectivities in the snowband and the occurrence of thundersnow. It is hypothesized that the spatial offset of thundersnow initiation from the reflectivity cores within the synoptic snowband arose from a thermal circulation—induced by mid-level frontogenesis—that advects positively charged ice/snow hydrometeors toward the surface and creates a nearly homogeneous vertical charge structure.

Enrichment of Phosphates, Lead, and Mixed Soil‐Organic Particles in INPs at the Southern Great Plains Site

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 19:51

Ice nucleating particles (INPs) are rare particles that initiate primary ice formation, a critical step required for subsequent important cloud microphysical processes that ultimately govern cloud phase and cloud radiative properties. Laboratory studies have found that organic-rich dusts, such as those found in soils, are more efficient INPs compared to mineral dust. However, the atmospheric relevance of these organic-rich dusts are not well understood, particularly in regions with significant agricultural activity. The Agricultural Ice nuclei at the Southern Great Plains field campaign (AGINSGP) was conducted in rural Oklahoma to investigate how soil dusts contribute to INP populations in the Great Plains. We present chemical characterization of ambient and ice crystal residual particles from a single day of sampling, using single particle mass spectrometry (SPMS) and scanning microscopy. Ambient particles were primarily carbonaceous or secondary aerosol, while the fraction of dust particles was higher in the residual particles. We also observed an unusual particle type consisting of a carbonaceous core mixed with dust fragments on the surface, which was found in higher proportion in residuals. Dust particles measured during residual sampling contained greater proportions of phosphate (63PO2− ${\text{PO}}_{2}^{-}$ and 79PO3− ${\text{PO}}_{3}^{-}$) and lead (206Pb+). Strong sulfate signals were not seen in the residual dust particles measured by the SPMS, while nitrate was slightly depleted relative to ambient dust. This study shows that organic-rich soils may be important contributors to the ambient INP population in agricultural regions.

Lithological Impact on Radon Levels: A Study of Indoor and Soil Gas Radon in the Centre Region of Cameroon

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 19:36

The objectives of the current study are to carry out soil gas radon (Rn) measurements, to evaluate the total inhalation effective dose, to determine risk levels over the lithological formations of the study area. The behavior investigation of Rn activity concentration distributions in dwellings and soils, and soil Rn mapping were also conducted. Soil gas Rn measurements were made at 102 sampling points by Markus 10 instrument. This data was combined with previously reported results from 140 indoor Rn RADTRAK dosimeters to determine the total inhalation effective dose and to conduct a statistical analysis. Overall, the Rn activity concentrations in soil and dwellings range from 4 to 66 kBq m−3 and from 15 to 140 Bq m−3, with averages of 31 ± 15 kBq m−3 and 41 ± 24 Bq m−3 respectively. The corresponding total inhalation effective dose ranges from 0.35 to 3.53 mSv y−1, with a mean value of 1.37 ± 0.58 mSv y−1. For soil gas Rn, the chlorite schist lithology showed the highest average concentration level. Which could be justified by the possible presence, within chlorite minerals, highly emitting zones of alpha particles, leading to the formation of radioactive halos. Normal and high-risk level of Rn were found for about 82% and 11% of the total area surveyed respectively. These findings highlight the need for preventive measure against Rn exposure in homes within the investigated areas. This study contributes valuable insights into Rn distribution patterns and risk assessment, offering a basis for targeted interventions in the region.

Refining Planetary Boundary Layer Height Retrievals From Micropulse‐Lidar at Multiple ARM Sites Around the World

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 19:35

Knowledge of the planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) is crucial for various applications in atmospheric and environmental sciences. Lidar measurements are frequently used to monitor the evolution of the PBLH, providing more frequent observations than traditional radiosonde-based methods. However, lidar-derived PBLH estimates have substantial uncertainties, contingent upon the retrieval algorithm used. In addressing this, we applied the Different Thermo-Dynamic Stabilities (DTDS) algorithm to establish a PBLH data set at five separate Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement sites across the globe. Both the PBLH methodology and the products are subject to rigorous assessments in terms of their uncertainties and constraints, juxtaposing them with other products. The DTDS-derived product consistently aligns with radiosonde PBLH estimates, with correlation coefficients exceeding 0.77 across all sites. This study delves into a detailed examination of the strengths and limitations of PBLH data sets with respect to both radiosonde-derived and other lidar-based estimates of the PBLH by exploring their respective errors and uncertainties. It is found that varying techniques and definitions can lead to diverse PBLH retrievals due to the inherent intricacy and variability of the boundary layer. Our DTDS-derived PBLH data set outperforms existing products derived from ceilometer data, offering a more precise representation of the PBLH. This extensive data set paves the way for advanced studies and an improved understanding of boundary-layer dynamics, with valuable applications in weather forecasting, climate modeling, and environmental studies.

Long‐Term Trend in Black Carbon Mass Concentration Over Central Indo‐Gangetic Plain Location: Understanding the Implied Change in Radiative Forcing

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 16:51

For the first-time, analysis of a decade long measurement of Black Carbon mass concentration (BC) was carried out at a representative central Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) location, Varanasi (25.30°N, 83.03°E, 79 m asl), from 2009 to 2021 to understand its physical, optical, and radiative impacts. During the 13-year study period, the daily BC mass concentration was found to vary between 0.07 and 46.23 μg m−3 (mean 9.18 ± 6.53 μg m−3) and showed a strong inter-annual and intra-annual variations. The inter-annual variability of BC showed a significant decreasing trend (−0.47 μg m−3 yr−1), with a maximum during the post-monsoon (−1.86 μg m−3 yr−1) and minimum during the pre-monsoon season (−0.31 μg m−3 yr−1). The Black Carbon Aerosol Radiative Forcing (BC-ARF) at the top of the atmosphere (BC-ARFT), surface (BC-ARFS), and within the atmosphere (BC-ARFA) was found to be 10.3 ± 6.4, −30.1 ± 18.9, and 40.5 ± 25.2 W m−2, respectively. BC-ARF also showed a strong inter-annual variability with a decreasing trend for BC-ARFT (−0.47 W m−2 yr−1) and BC-ARFA (−1.94 W m−2 yr−1), while it showed an increasing trend for BC-ARFS (1.33 W m−2 yr−1). Concentrated weighted trajectories (CWT) and potential source contribution function (PSCF) analyses were performed at the station to determine the potential source sectors and transport routes of BC aerosols. These analyses revealed that the long-range source of BC at Varanasi originates from the upper and lower IGP, central highlands, southern peninsular region, Pakistan, and even from the Central East Asia region.

Improvements of the Microwave Gaseous Absorption Scheme Based on Statistical Regression and Its Application to ARMS

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 16:13

An improved microwave gaseous absorption scheme based on statistical regression is proposed in this study. In the new scheme, Monochromatic Radiative Transfer Model (MonoRTM) replaces the Millimeter-wave Propagation Model (MPM) to train the new scheme and the effect of real Spectral Response Functions is included in the training process. After the replacement, results of the new scheme are closer to observations from Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) onboard Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite in low level channels while MPM has some advantages in upper level channels. Introducing ozone absorption can cause a systematic bias but results in small standard deviations in channels with frequency 183 ± 1.8 GHz and 183 ± 1 GHz. In addition, the new scheme updates the vertical interpolation of water vapor and optimizes the vertical distribution of Planck function. These updates can reduce biases caused by vertical interpolation, especially for water vapor absorption channels. The bias associated to vertical interpolation can reach 0.25 K whereas the new scheme can decrease it to 0.003 K. To further validate the accuracy of the new scheme, we apply the new scheme to Advanced Radiative transfer Modeling System and compare simulated results to RTTOV 13.2 under 37 and 137 level (L) atmosphere (atm). Observations from ATMS onboard NOAA-20 are used as true values. Results show that the new scheme agrees with RTTOV 13.2 well in accuracy and performs even better in upper level channels and water vapor absorption channels.

Role of Surface Energy Fluxes in Urban Overheating Under Buoyancy‐Driven Atmospheric Conditions

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 15:46

Urbanization alters land surface properties in absorbing, reflecting and emitting radiation as well as infiltrating, evaporating and storing water. This consequently modifies surface energy and water fluxes and, thus, urban climates. Weak synoptic flow, clear sky conditions and higher surface temperatures in cities compared to their rural surroundings create a buoyancy-driven atmospheric circulation, in which surface energy fluxes become the main determinants of urban daytime overheating. Here, we demonstrate the role of surface energy fluxes for warming and cooling processes in the urban canopy layer under buoyancy-driven atmospheric conditions. We improve and apply an integrated CFD-GIS modeling approach to provide a detailed analysis of fine-scale land-atmosphere interactions and assess the surfaces' profound implications on energy and water exchange. We show that variations in the ratios of the surface energy fluxes to the net radiation can be separated from meteorological conditions (wind speed, air temperature and incoming solar radiation) and emissivity values, varying explicitly with changes in land surface type and water availability for vegetated areas. Based on the energy flux ratios, we introduce an approach to assess the surface-induced warming and cooling effect and its contribution to urban overheating in the urban canopy layer, under buoyancy-driven atmospheric conditions, directly applicable to strategic urban planning for climate change adaptation. Independent of meteorological conditions, this approach can be used to evaluate different surface materials (both natural and artificial) and climate adaptation measures, such as urban nature-based solutions and blue-green infrastructures, and to monitor changes in the energy and water balance.

Synchronous Tropical Andean Hydroclimate Variability During the Last Millennium

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 15:30

The impact of latitudinal variations in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) on northern Andean hydroclimate during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA; 950–1,150 CE) and Little Ice Age (LIA; 1,300–1,850 CE) is uncertain. Synthesis of two new lacustrine paleoclimate records from the Eastern Colombian Andes with existing circum-Andean records shows that effective moisture anomalies were synchronous and in phase across the tropical Andes during the last millennium. During the MCA, when the ITCZ was shifted northward, topographically controlled responses in the northern Andes to vigorous atmospheric convection resulted in low precipitation and high evaporation, while precipitation was also reduced in the southern tropical Andes. During the LIA, precipitation decreased in the northern Andes as the ITCZ migrated southward but was offset by cooling that lowered evaporation, establishing high effective moisture. In the southern tropical Andes, the southward ITCZ position simultaneously strengthened precipitation, increasing effective moisture. MCA-like responses to continued warming trends could similarly reduce northern Andean precipitation while increasing evaporation, thereby lowering effective moisture and possibly reducing water resource availability.

Issue Information

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 14:54

No abstract is available for this article.

Resolving Organic Aerosol Components Contributing to the Oxidative Potential of PM2.5 in the North China Plain

Mon, 06/24/2024 - 19:48

The oxidative potential (OP) of ambient particulate matter (PM) is a common metric for estimating PM toxicity and linking PM exposure to adverse health effects. Organic aerosol (OA), a dominant fraction of ambient PM worldwide, may significantly contribute to PM toxicity. Here, we investigated the source-based OA components contributing to the OP of PM in the urban (Beijing, summer and winter) and rural (Gucheng, winter) environments of the North China Plain (NCP). Various OA components as identified by the aerosol mass spectrometer/aerosol chemical speciation monitor (AMS/ACSM), transition metals, and black carbon were compared with the OP of PM measured by dithiothreitol assays. The results consistently demonstrate the importance of OA as a contributor to PM's OP in both urban and rural NCP environments. Higher intrinsic OP was observed in winter Beijing than in summer, possibly due to OA being predominantly from anthropogenic sources in winter. Furthermore, different OA components were found to drive the response of OP in the two environments. More-oxidized oxygenated OA (MO-OOA), cooking OA, and oxidized primary OA (during winter) are the OA contributors to OP in the urban environment, with a dominant contribution from MO-OOA. In contrast, biomass burning OA (BBOA) and OOA play a major role in the OP in the rural environment, with BBOA making the largest contribution. Overall, this work highlights the significance of OA in determining PM's OP and calls for more work to reveal the sources and characteristics of OA components contributing to OP across different regions.

Developing an Explainable Variational Autoencoder (VAE) Framework for Accurate Representation of Local Circulation in Taiwan

Mon, 06/24/2024 - 19:34

This study develops an explainable variational autoencoder (VAE) framework to efficiently generate high-fidelity local circulation patterns in Taiwan, ensuring an accurate representation of the physical relationship between generated local circulation and upstream synoptic flow regimes. Large ensemble semi-realistic simulations were conducted using a high-resolution (2 km) model, TaiwanVVM, where critical characteristics of various synoptic flow regimes were carefully selected to focus on the effects of local circulation variations. The VAE was constructed to capture essential representations of local circulation scenarios associated with the lee vortices by training on the ensemble data set. The VAE's latent space effectively captures the synoptic flow regimes as controlling factors, aligning with the physical understanding of Taiwan's local circulation dynamics. The critical transition of flow regimes under the influence of southeasterly synoptic flow regimes is also well represented in the VAE's latent space. This indicates that the VAE can learn the nonlinear characteristics of the multiscale interactions involving the lee vortex. The latent space within VAE can serve as a reduced-order model for predicting local circulation using synoptic wind speed and direction. This explainable VAE binds the physical reasoning to the predictions of the local circulation that ensures the physical examination of the uncertainty in accelerating the local weather assessments under various climate change scenarios.

Dependence of Cloud Macrophysical Properties and Phase Distributions on Environmental Conditions Over the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean: Results From COMBLE and MARCUS

Sat, 06/22/2024 - 20:34

The accurate representation of Cold Air Outbreaks (CAOs) and affiliated mixed-phase boundary layer (BL) clouds in models is challenging. How BL cloud properties evolve during CAOs and their dependence on meteorological conditions is not well understood but is important for the simulation of Earth's energy budgets. Here the properties of polar BL clouds over the North Atlantic (NA) and Southern Ocean (SO) are compared using observations from the Measurements of Aerosol Radiation and CloUds over the SO (MARCUS) and CAOs in the Marine BL Experiment (COMBLE) conducted over the NA. MARCUS observations show a stronger BL inversion than COMBLE, with a higher mean EIS (estimated inversion strength)/LTS (lower tropospheric stability) of −0.03 K/13 K compared to COMBLE’s −3.2 K/9.3 K. 39% of CAOs observed during COMBLE were intense with M > 5 K, while MARCUS only had 1.3%. 78%/72% of clouds sampled in CAOs during COMBLE/MARCUS had cloud top heights <4 km. The mean BL cloud top height was over 400 m higher, and the BL was over 500 m deeper for M of 10 K compared to 0 K for both regions. MARCUS observed a 27% moister BL structure than COMBLE when M > 5 K due to stronger BL inversion trapping more moisture within the BL. Under the same LTS, EIS, and M conditions, MARCUS observed a 12% drier BL structure, and clouds were 46% more turbulent than COMBLE. During CAOs, 54% of single-layer BL clouds sampled during MARCUS had liquid-dominated bases compared to 39% during COMBLE.

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