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Validation of the IRI-2020 model for the topside-plasmasphere using GNSS TEC measurements

Fri, 07/19/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: Available online 8 July 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research

Author(s): Nina Servan-Schreiber, Malini Aggarwal, Yuyang Huang, Minwook Kang, Abdalla Shaker, Dieter Bilitza

Drag augmentation for collision avoidance in LEO

Fri, 07/19/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: Available online 8 July 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research

Author(s): Diego Aranda, Pau Gago, Alejandro Pastor, Diego Escobar

Remote sensing of electron precipitation mechanisms enabled by ELFIN mission operations and ADCS

Mon, 07/15/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: Available online 6 July 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research

Author(s): Ethan Tsai, Akhil Palla, Austin Norris, James King, Cindy Russell, Sophie Ye, Jiashu Wu, Jason Mao, Sharvani Jha, Chanel Young, Graham Wing, Kevin Lian, Aiden Szeto, James Shiffer, Rishi Sankar, Kaivalya Tota, Annie Liu, Derek Lee, Uma Patil, Isabella He

Radiation tests of a CubeSat OBC

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Wolfgang Treberspurg, Abbas Rezaei, Robert Kralofsky, Andreas Sinn, Andreas Stren, Carsten Scharlemann

Urban explosion and hotspots of forest loss in western Himalaya: Mapping land use/cover change trends since 1975

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Pooja Singh, Rajkanti Kala, Dhruval Bhavsar, Arijit Roy, Harish Karnatak

Nonlinear optimal control for triangular tethered multi-satellite formations

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): G. Rigatos, M. Abbaszadeh, J. Pomares, P. Siano, M. Al-Numay, Gennaro Cuccurullo

An improved global Tm stratification model for GNSS-PWV retrieval

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Chunhua Jiang, Shaoni Chen, Tianhe Xu, Xiang Gao, Huizhong Zhu, Shuaimin Wang, Guangsheng Liu

Fusion of diverse data sources for flood extent mapping and risk assessment in Sindh: A comparative study of inundation mapping approaches

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Vikas Kumar Rana, Quoc Bao Pham, Francesco Granata, Fabio Di Nunno, Thanh Duc Dang

Estimation of groundwater storage variations in African river basins: Response to global climate change using GRACE and GRACE-FO among past two decades

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Hussein A. Mohasseb, Wenbin Shen, Jiashuang Jiao, Ayman A. Hassan

Analysis and diagnosis of abnormal SLR validation results for BeiDou-3 SECM-B MEO C225 and C226 satellite orbits

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Fengyu Xia, Shanshi Zhou, Dezhong Chen, YueLing Cao, NaNa Jiang, Weijing Qu, Xiaogong Hu

Automatic mass balancing of spacecraft attitude simulators by optimal feedback control

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Mohammad Barati, Mehdi Sabzehparvar, M. Navabi

Assessing classification system for landslide susceptibility using frequency ratio, analytical hierarchical process and geospatial technology mapping in Aizawl district, NE India

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Jonmenjoy Barman, Jayanta Das

Extracting very small amounts of potassium from iron meteorites for the analysis of potassium isotope ratios

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): H. Khan, I. Leya, J. Hoffmann, K. Mezger

PVSPE: A pyramid vision multitask transformer network for spacecraft pose estimation

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Hong Yang, Xueming Xiao, Meibao Yao, Yonggang Xiong, Hutao Cui, Yuegang Fu

Self-triggered formation attitude control for multiple spacecraft with disturbances

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Xiong Xie, Tao Sheng, Xiaoqian Chen

RBFNN-based angles-only orbit determination method for non-cooperative space targets

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Baichun Gong, Yipeng Liu, Xin Ning, Shuang Li, Mo Ren

Satellite attitude control using extended model predictive control (EMPC) under actuator failures

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Paulo Henrique dos Santos, Ronan Arraes Jardim Chagas

Insight into three-dimensional structure of the lunar crust and upper mantle in the Mare Crisium from gravity imaging

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Hangtao Yu, Gongxiang Wang, Chuang Xu, Yi Chai, Lu Bie, Lilu Cui

Photo-ionization structures of Planetary Nebula IC 2003 with [WR] central star

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): K. Khushbu, C. Muthumariappan

Validation of cloud mask product from multi-channel satellite INSAT-3DR

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 1 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 3

Author(s): Shailesh Parihar, Neeti Singh, R.K. Giri

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