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Physical mechanism-driven extraction model for post-seismic deformation recorded by continuous GNSS observations

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: Available online 15 July 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research

Author(s): Xiaoning Su, Qinghua Bao, Ruijuan Shi, Yuefan He

Integrating multispectral remote sensing and geological investigation for gold prospecting in the Borongo-Mborguene gold field, eastern Cameroon

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: Available online 15 July 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research

Author(s): Jonas Didero Takodjou Wambo, Emmanuel Nomo Negue, Mamadou Traore, Paul D. Asimow, Sylvestre Ganno, Amin Beiranvand Pour, Fadimatou Yamgouot Ngounouno, Jean Paul Nzenti

Environmental impact of object breakup in medium-Earth orbit

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Lorenzo Giudici, Juan Luis Gonzalo, Andrea Muciaccia, Camilla Colombo, Mirko Trisolini, Francesca Letizia

Exploring relations between solar activity, cosmic rays, clouds and earth climate using machine learning techniques

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): B. Belen, U.M. Leloğlu, M.B. Demirköz

Effect of background wind and dissipation processes on the semidiurnal component of atmospheric solar tides

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Naresh Reddimalla, Geeta Vichare, J.V. Ramana Murthy

Mapping the structural configuration of the northern part of the Central Indian Ridge from satellite gravity data using derivatives of the horizontal gradient

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Luan Thanh Pham

Radial surface currents from space: An opportunity for mean dynamic topography estimation?

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Christian Neyers, Jan Martin Brockmann

Colored noise in GRACE total water storage time series: Its impact on trend significance in the Türkiye region and major world river basins

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Ozge Gunes, Cuneyt Aydin

Formation keeping control for deorbiting an uncooperative satellite by laser ablation

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Shun Isobe, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Toshiya Hanada, Yuki Itaya, Tadanori Fukushima

Re-examination of effects of pairing gaps on charge-changing transitions

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Jameel-Un Nabi, Muhammad Tahir, Asim Ullah, Zeeshan Khan, Muhammad Aswad Ali Shah

Thermal-structural and prestressed modal analyses for a solar sail with nonlinear shape memory alloy spring

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Jie Wang, Yunqing Nie, Hao Yuan, Haibo Song

Augmented sensing-based on-orbit configuration estimation for large-scale distributed spacecraft systems

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Qihua Xiao, Bo Xu, Guoguang Wen, Yunhe Meng

Analysis of the spectrum of 27-day GCR variations in 2015–2016

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): S.A. Siruk, A.V. Kuznetsov, A.G. Mayorov, R.F. Yulbarisov

Design and performance of a micro-pulsed plasma thruster used in miniaturized satellites

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Yang Ou, Jianjun Wu, Yuqiang Cheng, Yu Zhang, Bixuan Che

Prediction of high latitude nightside Geomagnetic Field Disturbances (GGFDs) during the 9-March-2012 geomagnetic storm using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Shishir Priyadarshi

GREAT: A scientific software platform for satellite geodesy and multi-source fusion navigation

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Xingxing Li, Jiande Huang, Xin Li, Yongqiang Yuan, Keke Zhang, Hongjie Zheng, Wei Zhang

Optimization of machine learning algorithms for remote alteration mapping

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Yousef Bahrami, Hossein Hassani

Fixed-time coordination control for 6-DOF attitude-orbit coupled spacecraft formation flying

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Zhihong Wang, Weiduo Hu

An edge feature-based external calibration of monocular camera and LiDAR using in-orbit data

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Jiaqian Hu, Bin Song, Jinzhen Mu, Hanxue Zhao, Shuang Li

Robust trajectory planning for non-cooperative target rendezvous based on closed-loop uncertainty analysis

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 19:10

Publication date: 15 August 2024

Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 74, Issue 4

Author(s): Maozhang Zheng, Jianjun Luo

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