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Micro‐Thermomechanical Modeling of Rocks With Temperature‐Dependent Friction and Damage Laws

JGR–Solid Earth - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 14:45

Temperature serves as a critical yet elusive factor impacting the mechanical properties of deep rocks. In this work, we shall develop a new micro-thermomechanical model for rocks based on the Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. Free energy and thermodynamic forces are deduced within the framework of irreversible thermodynamics, including the local stress applied on the mesocracks, damage driving force, macroscopic stress, and entropy. The salient innovation of this study lies in formulating subtle physically based temperature-dependent friction and damage laws, considering the influence of ambient temperature on the mesocracking in rocks. Through a coupled friction-damage analysis, a temperature-dependent quasi-static strength criterion and analytical stress-strain-damage relations are then derived. Physical implications and calibration methods of each parameter in the proposed model are meticulously presented. Furthermore, a semi-implicit plasticity damage decoupled procedure (SIPDDC) integration algorithm is employed for the numerical implementation of the proposed model. Subsequently, numerical simulations are conducted to obtain the mechanical response of Jinping marble, Beibei sandstone, and Gongjue granite under various real-time temperature-confining pressure coupling conventional triaxial compression tests (TP-CTC). The congruence of stress-strain curves between model predictions and experimental data validates the robust performance and potential applicability of the proposed model.

A versatile water vapor generation module for vapor isotope calibration and liquid isotope measurements

Atmos. Meas. techniques - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 12:49
A versatile water vapor generation module for vapor isotope calibration and liquid isotope measurements
Hans Christian Steen-Larsen and Daniele Zannoni
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4391–4409, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-17-4391-2024, 2024
The water vapor generation module is completely scalable, allowing autonomous calibrations to use N standards and providing integration times only restricted by sample availability. We document improved reproducibility in 17O-excess liquid measurements. This module makes spectroscopy measurements comparable to mass spectrometry. We document that the vapor generation module can be used to analyze instrument performance and for vapor isotope calibration during field campaign measurements.

Aerosol optical property measurement using the orbiting high-spectral-resolution lidar on board the DQ-1 satellite: retrieval and validation

Atmos. Meas. techniques - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 12:49
Aerosol optical property measurement using the orbiting high-spectral-resolution lidar on board the DQ-1 satellite: retrieval and validation
Chenxing Zha, Lingbing Bu, Zhi Li, Qin Wang, Ahmad Mubarak, Pasindu Liyanage, Jiqiao Liu, and Weibiao Chen
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4425–4443, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-17-4425-2024, 2024
China has launched the atmospheric environment monitoring satellite DQ-1, which consists of an advanced lidar system. Our research presents a retrieval algorithm of the DQ-1 lidar system, and the retrieval results are consistent with other datasets. We also use the DQ-1 dataset to investigate dust and volcanic aerosols. This research shows that the DQ-1 lidar system can accurately measure the Earth's atmosphere and has potential for scientific applications.

Asymmetry in the Diurnal Variation of Land Surface Albedo and Its Impacts on Daily Mean Albedo Estimation

JGR–Atmospheres - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 09:55

Daily mean albedo, a crucial variable of the earth radiation budget, is significantly affected by the diurnal variation of land surface albedo (DVLSA). The DVLSA typically exhibits asymmetry, thereby affecting the estimation of the daily mean albedo. However, the asymmetry in the DVLSA is generally ignored in daily mean albedo estimation. In this study, we investigated the influencing factors of the asymmetry in the DVLSA and evaluated its impacts on estimating the daily mean albedo based on field observations and simulated data. Our findings reveal that the asymmetry in the DVLSA varies among land cover types, with forests exhibiting more pronounced asymmetry compared to croplands, grasslands, and bare soil. The diurnal variation of the atmospheric conditions is the primary factor controlling the asymmetry in the DVLSA, with that of land surface conditions being a secondary factor. Neglecting the asymmetry in the DVLSA leads to estimation error in daily mean albedo, particularly pronounced during winter. The relative error of daily mean albedo can exceed 10% when the mean asymmetry index of diffuse irradiance fraction reaches 40%. However, the DVLSA retrieved from the satellite Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function product inadequately captures asymmetry, resulting in a relative error of approximately 13.7% in estimating daily mean albedo.

The Potential Role of Seasonal Surface Heating on the Chaotic Origins of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation Spring Predictability Barrier

JGR–Atmospheres - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 09:15

The Spring Predictability Barrier (SPB) phenomenon is characterized by the reduced accuracy of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) forecasts during the spring, which substantially limits our ability to predict ENSO events. By investigating the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of ENSO systems simulated by a box model, we found that the strong surface heating process in spring may contribute to the SPB by regulating the different coupling processes between the ocean and atmosphere. Specifically, the intensified springtime surface heating increases the Sea Surface Temperature (SST), further amplifying the thermal damping effect of SST anomalies and reducing the dynamic connection between zonal SST gradient and upwelling process, and finally increasing the chaotic degree of ENSO systems simulated by the box model. The enhanced chaotic degree of ENSO systems leads to a more rapid growth of initial errors in the forecast model in spring, potentially leading to the SPB phenomenon.

Mapping Africa’s EV revolution

Science - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 07:00
Science, Volume 385, Issue 6707, July 2024.

Determination of Outer Radiation Belt MeV Electron Energization Rates and Delayed Response Times to Solar Wind Driving During Geomagnetic Storms

JGR:Space physics - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 07:00

Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) data show that seed electrons generated by sub-storm injections play a role in amplifying chorus waves in the magnetosphere. The wave-particle interaction leads to rapid heating and acceleration of electrons from 10's of keV to 10's of MeV energies. In this work, we examined the changes in the radiation belt during geomagnetic storm events by studying the RBSP REPT, solar wind, AL, SML, and Dst data in conjunction with the WINDMI model of the magnetosphere. The field-aligned current output from the model is integrated to generate a proxy E index for various energy bands. These E indices track electron energization from 40 KeV to 20 MeV in the radiation belts. The indices are compared to RBSP data and GOES data. Our proxy indices correspond well to the energization data for electron energy bands between 1.8 and 7.7 MeV. Each E index has a unique empirical loss rate term (τ L ), an empirical time delay term (τ D ), and a gain value, that are fit to the observations. These empirical parameters were adjusted to examine the delay and charging rates associated with different energy bands. We observed that the τ L and τ D values are clustered for each energy band. τ L and τ D consistently increase going from 1.8 to 7.7 MeV in electron energy flux E e and the dropout interval increases with increasing energy level. The average trend of Δτ DE e was 4.1 hr/MeV and the average trend of Δτ LE e was 2.82 hr/MeV.

Cross‐Scale Energy Transfer From Ion‐Scale to Electron‐Scale Waves in the Earth's Foreshock Region

JGR:Space physics - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 07:00

Cross-scale energy transfer is a fundamental problem in plasma physics but is poorly understood. Based on Magnetospheric Multiscale satellite (MMS) data, we present the evidence of the energy transfer between ion-scale and electron-scale waves in the Earth's foreshock region. Low-frequency fast-magnetosonic waves (LFWs, ∼0.2 Hz; ion-gyration scales) are observed in the solar wind upstream of the Earth's bow shock. Due to the magnetic compression of LFWs, suprathermal electrons (∼10–100s eV) are adiabatically heated in the perpendicular direction, which leads to the high anisotropy in the high-magnetic-field region. Then high-frequency whistler mode waves (HFWs, 0.1–0.5 f ce ; electron-gyration scales) are excited by those anisotropic electrons through cyclotron resonance. Therefore, this study reveals how energy is transported from LFWs to HFWs, suggesting that wave-particle interactions have played a key role in cross-scale energy transfer in collisionless plasmas.

Radial and Vertical Structures of Plasma Disk in Jupiter's Middle Magnetosphere

JGR:Space physics - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 07:00

The Juno mission flew through the plasma disk near the equator in Jupiter's magnetosphere frequently. We identify 274 plasma disk crossings of Juno between 10 and 40 R J from PJ5 to PJ44. Using a forward modeling method that combines the JADE-I time-of-flight and SPECIES data sets, we perform a survey of ion properties in the plasma disk. Ions are heated from 1.5 to 6 keV between 15 and 30 R J . Density and temperature are locally anti-correlated. Assumed to be related to centrifugal instabilities, cold, dense plasma are commonly observed near midnight. Plasma corotates around Jupiter and the rigid corotation breaks down outside 15–20 R J . The plasma bulk velocity increases from the post-dusk sector to the pre-dawn sector featuring injection flows in the pre-dawn sector, which is consistent with the Vasyliunas cycle. Strong outflows (>100 km/s) are commonly observed outside 20 R J and the average radial velocity increases with radial distance. The ion abundance changes between 10 and 18 R J and that might indicate plasma sources and/or sinks near Europa and Ganymede. The vertical distribution of ions is controlled by the balance between centrifugal, pressure gradient, and ambipolar electric field forces. An example near the M-shell of 13.5 shows that average plasma temperature increases by a factor of 10 from the disk center to edge, because cold ions are more confined near the equator. Lighter ions with higher charge states have more mobility along the field line and have larger scale heights. The observations are compared with multi-species diffusive equilibrium model.

Probable Controls From the Lower Layers on Sporadic E Layer Over East Asia

JGR:Space physics - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 07:00

The sporadic E-layer (Es) exhibits unique opportunity for exploring the coupling from lower to upper atmosphere. It was found that the East Asia is with the highest intensity and occurrence probability of Es. By using the long-term data of 21 ionosonde stations in China and Japan over the past 60 yrs, this paper explores the probable control on the Es layer from the lower layers. It is found that the intensity of the Es layer is strongly correlated with the surface atmospheric temperature, terrain, and land-sea boundary. The correlation coefficient of the intensity of Es with surface temperature is as high as 0.8204, while that with the terrain and land-sea boundary is up to 0.6668. Based on the coupling between the lower and upper atmosphere, this paper reveals the probable controls from lower layers on the intensity of the Es in East Asia.

Empirical Model of the Lowest Cutoff Altitude of Global Hiss Near Magnetic Equator

JGR:Space physics - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 07:00

Van Allen Probe observations indicate that whistler-mode hiss waves below 1 kHz are absorbed at low altitudes near magnetic equator. The lowest cutoff frequency of equatorial hiss is close to the gyrofrequency of hydrogen ions. The lowest cutoff altitude of global hiss is extracted when its occurrence rate is equal to 0.005 on the plane of altitude (L in RE) and magnetic local time (MLT). By fitting the lowest cutoff altitude of global hiss, we constructed the empirical model of the lowest cutoff altitude of equatorial hiss under geomagnetically quiet (AE < 200 nT) and active (AE ≥ 200 nT) conditions. The enhanced substorm activities reduce the lowest cutoff altitude of hiss waves on the dawnside (MLT ∼ 1–5 hr), whereas the lowest cutoff altitude of the dayside hiss is nearly fixed at ∼1.1 RE (MLT ∼ 6–20 hr). From the dayside to the nightside (MLT ∼ 0–6 hr and 20–24 hr), the lowest cutoff altitude of equatorial hiss raises gradually from 1.1 RE to 1.4 RE.

The Heart and the Chip: Our Bright Future with Robots

Science - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 385, Issue 6707, Page 375-375, July 2024.

Cultural constructs of the body

Science - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 385, Issue 6707, Page 374-374, July 2024.

The first fossil collectors

Science - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 385, Issue 6707, Page 375-375, July 2024.

Operating semiconductor quantum processors with hopping spins

Science - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 385, Issue 6707, Page 447-452, July 2024.

Borrowed dislocations for ductility in ceramics

Science - Thu, 07/25/2024 - 05:58
Science, Volume 385, Issue 6707, Page 422-427, July 2024.

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