
1.05. Laboratory of investigating the dynamic processes in the ionosphere


  • Theoretical and experimental studies of the formation and development of small-scale inhomogeneities of the ionospheric plasma
  • Growth of methods of processing non-stationary signals
  • Mathematical modeling of small-scale irregularities in the plasma
  • Deployment, support and growth of the russian segment of the SuperDARN coherent radars system.
  • Study of the ionosphere's dynamic parameters by passive Doppler methods during natural and artificial disturbances.

1.04. Laboratory of physics of the lower and middle atmosphere


  • Aeronomy of the Earth's middle and upper atmosphere, thermodynamic conditions of the stratosphere and mesosphere, wave activity of the atmosphere, solar-terrestrial interactions, self-radiation of the upper atmosphere of the Earth.
  • Monitoring of the structure and dynamics of the upper and middle atmosphere during heliogeophysical disturbances (solar activity, geomagnetic storms, sudden winter stratospheric warmings and other phenomena) by satellite- and ground-based optical methods.

1.03. Laboratory of the development of new methods of radiophysical diagnostics of the atmosphere


  • Development of new methods of radiophysical diagnostics of the upper atmosphere.
  • Development of hardware and software tools for experimental studies of the upper atmosphere by incoherent scattering technique.
  • Development of methods for automatic processing of radiosonde data and determining parameters of the ionospheric plasma and characteristics of spacecrafts at the Irkutsk Incoherent Scatter Radar.
  • Development and organization of special experiments at the Irkutsk Incoherent Scatter Radar.

1.02. Laboratory of studying the plasma-wave structure of the magnetosphere


  • Experimental study of ultra-low-oscillations associated with dynamic phenomena in the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere
  • Theoretical research of MHD fluctuations of the near-Earth space plasma
  • Investigation of nonlinear processes occurring both in solid and
    gravitating environments

1.1 Laboratory of ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction


  • The study of the physical processes that control the dynamic state of the ionosphere under quiet and geomagnetically - disturbed conditions on the basis of theoretical models and analysis of satellite and ground-based observations.
  • The development of mathematical models of the interaction of the ionosphere with the thermosphere, the plasmasphere and magnetosphere. Identification and analysis of empirical relationships between the characteristics of the near-Earth space, the interplanetary medium and the Sun.

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