
The 17th EISCAT Symposium and 42nd Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods (42AM) symposia (14-18 September 2015)

The 17th EISCAT Symposium and 42nd Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods (42AM) symposia will be hosted by the South African National Space Agency on 14-18 September 2015 in Hermanus, South Africa. Hermanus is about 120 km south-east of Cape Town, which has an international airport, and is about halfway between Cape Town and southern tip of Africa (Cape Agulhas). We plan to run the two meetings in parallel in nearby venues, with some common sessions and shared activities.

В среду 21.01.2015 в МКЗ научный семинар отдела 1.00

В среду 21.01.2015 планируется провести научный семинар отдела 1.00
Время: 14:00
Место: Малый конференц-зал
  • Ойнац А.В. Отчет о поездке в Японию

14th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium IES2015

Deadline: 20 January 2015
14th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium IES2015

12-14 May, 2015

“Bridging the gap between applications and research involving ionospheric and space weather disciplines”

Dear IES Friends and Colleagues:

       This message is to remind you that the deadline for abstracts for IES2015 is just a few days away! Please act now to participate in this premier meeting emphasizing ionospheric effects on systems and services.

ХХХVIII Апатитский Семинар "Физика авроральных явлений" состоится 2 - 6 марта 2015 г.

Информационное сообщение № 1
In English
ХХХVIII Апатитский Семинар "Физика авроральных явлений" состоится 2 - 6 марта 2015 г.

Программа семинара включает в себя 7 секций:
Бури и суббури
Поля, токи, частицы в магнитосфере
Волны, взаимодействие волна-частица
Солнце, солнечный ветер, космические лучи
Ионосфера и верхняя атмосфера
Нижняя атмосфера, озон
Прием тезисов и регистрация будут закрыты 2 февраля 2015 г.

The 36th PIERS, Prague, Czech Republic, European Union 6-9 July, 2015

The 36th PIERS, Prague,
Czech Republic, European Union

6-9 July, 2015

Important Dates
5 February, 2015 --- Deadline of Abstract Submission
5 April, 2015--- Pre-registration Deadline
15 April, 2015 --- Full-length Paper Submission Deadline
5 May, 2015 --- Preliminary Program will be available online
20 May, 2015 --- Advance Program will be available online
5 June, 2015 --- Final Program will be available online

Calling for Papers --- PIERS 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic, on July 6-9, 2015 [PDF]

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