International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) Workshop in Bangog, Thailand, 2-13 November 2015

INAG is pleased to announce an upcoming International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) Workshop in Bangog, Thailand, 2-13 November 2015.

The two-week event will take place at the King Mongkut Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. Supported under the COSPAR Capacity-Building Workshop program, it will consist of student-oriented lectures and tutorials during the first week followed by the regular IRI science meeting in the second week.

The first week activities will introduce graduate students and young researchers to the basics of ionospheric monitoring and modeling and related online resources. The students will work on specific modeling problems in small groups and report their results at the end of the second conference week to the full IRI workshop audience.

The second week will be organized as a regular IRI workshop with oral and poster presentations on the topic of ‘Improved Accuracy of Ionospheric Models in the Equatorial Region and Progress Towards a Real-Time IRI model’. Papers on general IRI-related topics are also encouraged, including new data sources and improvements and new additions for IRI. Of special interest are also applications of the IRI model in all areas of technology and science.

A selection of papers from the workshop will make up the core of a special issue of Advances in Space Research on “Improved Accuracy of Ionospheric Models in the Equatorial Region and Progress Towards a Real-Time IRI model”.

Funding will be provided for travel, housing, and meals for a limited number of students. Please visit the workshop homepage in early 2015 for more information on the application process.

The IRI homepage is at

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Ivan Galkin
INAG Chair

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