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Erratum to: Global Refinement Algorithm for 3D Scene Reconstruction from a Sequence of Point Clouds

Wed, 12/11/2024 - 00:00

An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1064226924550011

On a Mathematical Midsagittal Contour Model of Tongue

Wed, 10/30/2024 - 00:00

A mathematical model of tongue in the midsagittal plane is constructed. A tongue contour is modeled as a flexible elastic beam, for which the elastic line equation is numerically solved for the given boundary conditions and the distributed external forces. The database of tongue contours collected from the solutions of the elastic line equation is clustered into 16 classes using the K-means clustering algorithm. The resulting tongue contour is modeled as a linear combination of the cluster centroids and coefficients for any centroid that satisfy several constraints related to mechanical and kinematic properties of tongue. The model is tested on the database that contains tongue surface measurements for various sounds. The approximation error is within the data measurement error for all cases.

Optimization of the Approach to Systematic Earthquake Forecasting

Wed, 10/30/2024 - 00:00

The systematic forecast of earthquakes is carried out regularly in a pre-selected analysis zone. At each iteration, new data on the seismic process are loaded, processed, transformed into grid-based spatiotemporal fields, machine learning is applied, and a forecast is provided with a constant time interval. The result is a map of the alert zone where epicenters of all target earthquakes are expected within the forecast interval. The minimum alert area method is used for the forecast. In the new version of systematic earthquake forecasting, the solution to the problem is divided into two stages. At the first stage, the algorithm identifies alarm intervals containing target earthquakes with epicenters in the analysis area. At the second stage, during alarm intervals, the algorithm predicts alarm zones containing all epicenters of target earthquakes. This allows one to optimize the estimation of the probability of detecting epicenters of target earthquakes in a series of forecasts and the probability that all epicenters of target earthquakes will be within the predicted alert zone in a single forecast. An example of applying the method to the earthquake forecasting in Kamchatka, California, and the island part of Japan are considered.

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