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SUDA: A SUrface Dust Analyser for Compositional Mapping of the Galilean Moon Europa

Wed, 01/29/2025 - 00:00

The Surface Dust Analyser (SUDA) is a mass spectrometer onboard the Europa Clipper mission for investigating the surface composition of the Galilean moon Europa. Atmosphereless planetary moons such as the Galilean satellites are wrapped into a ballistic dust exosphere populated by tiny samples from the moon’s surface produced by impacts of fast micrometeoroids. SUDA will measure the composition of such surface ejecta during close flybys of Europa to obtain key chemical signatures for revealing the satellite’s composition such as organic molecules and salts, history, and geological evolution. Because of their ballistic orbits, detected ejecta can be traced back to the surface with a spatial resolution roughly equal to the instantaneous altitude of the spacecraft. SUDA is a Time-Of-Flight (TOF), reflectron-type impact mass spectrometer, optimized for a high mass resolution which only weakly depends on the impact location. The instrument will measure the mass, speed, charge, elemental, molecular, and isotopic composition of impacting grains. The instrument’s small size of \(268 ~\mathrm {mm} \times 250 ~\mathrm {mm} \times 171\) \(~\mathrm {mm}\) , radiation-hard design, and rather large sensitive area of 220 cm2 matches well the challenging demands of the Clipper mission.

Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE): Science and Mission Overview

Mon, 01/27/2025 - 00:00

The Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) was proposed to the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and the European Space Agency (ESA) following a joint call for science missions issued in January 2015. SMILE was proposed by a team of European and Chinese scientists, led by two mission Co-PIs, one from China and one from Europe. SMILE was selected in June 2015, and its budget adopted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in November 2016 and the ESA Science Programme Committee in March 2019, respectively. SMILE will investigate the connection between the Sun and the Earth using a new technique that will image the magnetopause and polar cusps: the key regions where the solar wind impinges on Earth’s magnetic field. Simultaneously, SMILE will image the auroras borealis in an ultraviolet waveband, providing long-duration continuous observations of the northern polar regions. In addition, the ion and magnetic field characteristics of the magnetospheric lobes, magnetosheath and solar wind will be measured by the in-situ instrument package. Here, we present the science goals, instruments and planned orbit. In addition the Working Groups that are supporting the preparation of the mission and the coordination with other magnetospheric missions are described.

Onboard and Ground Processing of the Wide-Field Cameras of the Rashid-1 Rover of the Emirates Lunar Mission

Mon, 01/20/2025 - 00:00

The Rashid-1 lunar rover represented the first attempt by the United Arab Emirates to explore the surface of the Moon. The mission of Rashid-1 was supposed to begin only a few hours following the planned landing by the iSpace Hakuto-R M1 lunar lander inside the Atlas crater of the Moon. Unfortunately, the lander was unable to successfully complete the landing maneuver and it crashed on the surface of the Moon destroying both itself and its payloads in the process. In this paper, we present the characterization of the optical image acquisition systems onboard the Rashid-1 rover which consisted of two wide-field ( \(82^{\circ } \times 82^{\circ }\) ) identical cameras aptly named CAM-1 and CAM-2 and mounted on the front and back of the rover respectively. Additionally, a third high resolution optical imager (CAM-M) with a spatial resolution of approximately 27 μm/pixel was placed on the front of the rover and was tasked with obtaining what would have been, at that time, the highest resolution in-situ images ever taken of the lunar regolith. We discuss the basic calibration processes such as the thermal, radiometric, color, distortion and perspective corrections of the three optical systems. We also provide an overview of both the onboard as well as the ground processing steps that were set up to receive and examine the images the rover would have sent from the lunar surface.

Metasomatic Alteration of Type 3 Ordinary and Carbonaceous Chondrites

Mon, 01/20/2025 - 00:00

Metasomatism refers to the process during which a pre-existing rock undergoes compositional and mineralogical transformations associated with chemical reactions triggered by the reaction of fluids which invade the protolith. It changes chemical compositions of minerals, promotes their dissolution and precipitation of new minerals. In this paper, we review metasomatic alteration of type 3 ordinary (H, L, LL) and carbonaceous (CV, CO, CK) chondrites, including (i) secondary mineralization, (ii) physicochemical conditions, (iii) chronology (53Mn-53Cr, 26Al-26Mg, 129I-129Xe) of metasomatic alteration, (iv) records of metasomatic alteration in H, O, N, C, S, and Cl isotopic systematics, (v) effects of metasomatic alteration on O- and Al-Mg-isotope systematics of primary minerals in chondrules and refractory inclusions, and (vi) sources of water ices in metasomatically altered CV, CO, and ordinary chondrites, and outline future studies.

Tidal Deformation and Dissipation Processes in Icy Worlds

Thu, 01/16/2025 - 00:00

Tidal interactions play a key role in the dynamics and evolution of icy worlds. The intense tectonic activity of Europa and the eruption activity on Enceladus are clear examples of the manifestation of tidal deformation and associated dissipation. While tidal heating has long been recognized as a major driver in the activity of these icy worlds, the mechanism controlling how tidal forces deform the different internal layers and produce heat by tidal friction still remains poorly constrained. As tidal forcing varies with orbital characteristics (distance to the central planet, eccentricity, obliquity), the contribution of tidal heating to the internal heat budget can strongly change over geological timescales. In some circumstances, the tidally-produced heat can result in internal melting and surface activity taking various forms. Even in the absence of significant heat production, tidal deformation can be used to probe the interior structure, the tidal response of icy moons being strongly sensitive to their hydrosphere structure. In the present paper, we review the methods to compute tidal deformation and dissipation in the different layers composing icy worlds. After summarizing the main principle of tidal deformation and the different rheological models used to model visco-elastic tidal response, we describe the dissipation processes expected in rock-dominated cores, subsurface oceans and icy shells and highlight the potential effects of tidal heating in terms of thermal evolution and activity. We finally anticipate how data collected by future missions to Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons could be used to constrain their tidal response and the consequences for past and present activities.

Jets Downstream of Collisionless Shocks: Recent Discoveries and Challenges

Fri, 12/27/2024 - 00:00

Plasma flows with enhanced dynamic pressure, known as magnetosheath jets, are often found downstream of collisionless shocks. As they propagate through the magnetosheath, they interact with the surrounding plasma, shaping its properties, and potentially becoming geoeffective upon reaching the magnetopause. In recent years (since 2016), new research has produced vital results that have significantly enhanced our understanding on many aspects of jets. In this review, we summarise and discuss these findings. Spacecraft and ground-based observations, as well as global and local simulations, have contributed greatly to our understanding of the causes and effects of magnetosheath jets. First, we discuss recent findings on jet occurrence and formation, including in other planetary environments. New insights into jet properties and evolution are then examined using observations and simulations. Finally, we review the impact of jets upon interaction with the magnetopause and subsequent consequences for the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. We conclude with an outlook and assessment on future challenges. This includes an overview on future space missions that may prove crucial in tackling the outstanding open questions on jets in the terrestrial magnetosheath as well as other planetary and shock environments.

Seasonal and Short Timescale Changes on the Martian Surface: Multi-Spacecraft Perspectives

Thu, 12/19/2024 - 00:00

The continued operation of missions such as Mars Express, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter has greatly enhanced our knowledge of seasonal processes on Mars. The most apparent evidence of the importance of seasons on Mars on the large scale is annual variation in the sizes of the Martian polar caps. However, high resolution imaging has also shown that seasonal forcing can lead to small-scale phenomena that are continuously changing the topography and the surface photometry. These phenomena often have no terrestrial analogue and involve complex interactions between seasonal ices, atmosphere, and substrate (surface and sub-surface). Although we now have better understanding of many of these processes (occasionally as a result of laboratory simulation), direct proof of some hypotheses remains elusive. We provide a brief review of the phenomena and list a series of open questions.

The Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) for the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE)

Mon, 12/16/2024 - 00:00

The Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) onboard the ESA JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) is described in detail. The RPWI provides an elaborate set of state-of-the-art electromagnetic fields and cold plasma instrumentation, including active sounding with the mutual impedance and Langmuir probe sweep techniques, where several different types of sensors will sample the thermal plasma properties, including electron and ion densities, electron temperature, plasma drift speed, the near DC electric fields, and electric and magnetic signals from various types of phenomena, e.g., radio and plasma waves, electrostatic acceleration structures, induction fields etc. A full wave vector, waveform, polarization, and Poynting flux determination will be achieved. RPWI will enable characterization of the Jovian radio emissions (including goniopolarimetry) up to 45 MHz, has the capability to carry out passive radio sounding of the ionospheric densities of icy moons and employ passive sub-surface radar measurements of the icy crust of these moons. RPWI can also detect micrometeorite impacts, estimate dust charging, monitor the spacecraft potential as well as the integrated EUV flux. The sensors consist of four 10 cm diameter Langmuir probes each mounted on the tip of 3 m long booms, a triaxial search coil magnetometer and a triaxial radio antenna system both mounted on the 10.6 m long MAG boom, each with radiation resistant pre-amplifiers near the sensors. There are three receiver boards, two Digital Processing Units (DPU) and two Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS) boards in a box within a radiation vault at the centre of the JUICE spacecraft. Together, the integrated RPWI system can carry out an ambitious planetary science investigation in and around the Galilean icy moons and the Jovian space environment. Some of the most important science objectives and instrument capabilities are described here. RPWI focuses, apart from cold plasma studies, on the understanding of how, through electrodynamic and electromagnetic coupling, the momentum and energy transfer occur with the icy Galilean moons, their surfaces and salty conductive sub-surface oceans. The RPWI instrument is planned to be operational during most of the JUICE mission, during the cruise phase, in the Jovian magnetosphere, during the icy moon flybys, and in particular Ganymede orbit, and may deliver data from the near surface during the final crash orbit.

Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer Spacecraft

Fri, 12/06/2024 - 00:00

The SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) mission is a joint space science mission between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), aiming to understand the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth’s magnetosphere in a global manner. The mission was adopted by CAS in November 2016 and by ESA in March 2019 with a target launch in 2025. The SMILE mission successfully passed the join mission Preliminary Design Review in 2020 and the joint spacecraft and mission Critical Design Review in June 2023. The SMILE spacecraft Flight Model is now in the final stage of Assembly, Integration and Test campaign which will be carried out at ESTEC in September 2024. It will then be shipped to the Kourou Space Centre in French Guiana for launch. This paper summarizes the SMILE mission development, design and status as of June 2024.

The Europa Imaging System (EIS) Investigation

Wed, 12/04/2024 - 00:00

The Europa Imaging System (EIS) consists of a Narrow-Angle Camera (NAC) and a Wide-Angle Camera (WAC) that are designed to work together to address high-priority science objectives regarding Europa’s geology, composition, and the nature of its ice shell. EIS accommodates variable geometry and illumination during rapid, low-altitude flybys with both framing and pushbroom imaging capability using rapid-readout, 8-megapixel (4k × 2k) detectors. Color observations are acquired using pushbroom imaging with up to six broadband filters. The data processing units (DPUs) perform digital time delay integration (TDI) to enhance signal-to-noise ratios and use readout strategies to measure and correct spacecraft jitter. The NAC has a 2.3° × 1.2° field of view (FOV) with a 10-μrad instantaneous FOV (IFOV), thus achieving 0.5-m pixel scale over a swath that is 2 km wide and several km long from a range of 50 km. The NAC is mounted on a 2-axis gimbal, ±30° cross- and along-track, that enables independent targeting and near-global (≥90%) mapping of Europa at ≤100-m pixel scale (to date, only ∼15% of Europa has been imaged at ≤900 m/pixel), as well as stereo imaging from as close as 50-km altitude to generate digital terrain models (DTMs) with ≤4-m ground sample distance (GSD) and ≤0.5-m vertical precision. The NAC will also perform observations at long range to search for potential erupting plumes, achieving 10-km pixel scale at a distance of one million kilometers. The WAC has a 48° × 24° FOV with a 218-μrad IFOV, achieving 11-m pixel scale at the center of a 44-km-wide swath from a range of 50 km, and generating DTMs with 32-m GSD and ≤4-m vertical precision. The WAC is designed to acquire three-line pushbroom stereo and color swaths along flyby ground-tracks.

The Interplay Between Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection and Turbulence

Mon, 11/25/2024 - 00:00

Alongside magnetic reconnection, turbulence is another fundamental nonlinear plasma phenomenon that plays a key role in energy transport and conversion in space and astrophysical plasmas. From a numerical, theoretical, and observational point of view there is a long history of exploring the interplay between these two phenomena in space plasma environments; however, recent high-resolution, multi-spacecraft observations have ushered in a new era of understanding this complex topic. The interplay between reconnection and turbulence is both complex and multifaceted, and can be viewed through a number of different interrelated lenses - including turbulence acting to generate current sheets that undergo magnetic reconnection (turbulence-driven reconnection), magnetic reconnection driving turbulent dynamics in an environment (reconnection-driven turbulence) or acting as an intermediate step in the excitation of turbulence, and the random diffusive/dispersive nature of the magnetic field lines embedded in turbulent fluctuations enabling so-called stochastic reconnection. In this paper, we review the current state of knowledge on these different facets of the interplay between turbulence and reconnection in the context of collisionless plasmas, such as those found in many near-Earth astrophysical environments, from a theoretical, numerical, and observational perspective. Particular focus is given to several key regions in Earth’s magnetosphere – namely, Earth’s magnetosheath, magnetotail, and Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices on the magnetopause flanks – where NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale mission has been providing new insights into the topic.

Europa Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Europa-UVS)

Tue, 11/19/2024 - 00:00

NASA’s Europa Clipper mission is designed to provide a diversity of measurements to further our understanding of the potential habitability of this intriguing ocean world. The Europa mission’s Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Europa-UVS), built at the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), is primarily a “plume finder” and tenuous atmosphere investigation. The science objectives of Europa-UVS are to: 1) Search for and characterize any current activity, notably plumes; and 2) Characterize the composition and sources of volatiles to identify the signatures of non-ice materials, including organic compounds, in the atmosphere and local space environment. Europa-UVS observes photons in the 55–206 nm wavelength range at moderate spectral and spatial resolution along a 7.5° slit composed of 7.3°×0.1° and 0.2°×0.2° contiguous sections. A variety of observational techniques including nadir pushbroom imaging, disk scans, stellar and solar occultations, Jupiter transit observations, and neutral cloud/plasma torus stares are employed to perform a comprehensive study of Europa’s atmosphere, plumes, surface, and local space environment. This paper describes the Europa-UVS investigation’s science plans, instrument details, concept of operations, and data formats in the context of the Europa Clipper mission’s primary habitability assessment goals.

Presolar Grains as Probes of Supernova Nucleosynthesis

Tue, 11/12/2024 - 00:00

We provide an overview of the isotopic signatures of presolar supernova grains, specifically focusing on 44Ti-containing grains with robustly inferred supernova origins and their implications for nucleosynthesis and mixing mechanisms in supernovae. Recent technique advancements have enabled the differentiation between radiogenic (from 44Ti decay) and nonradiogenic 44Ca excesses in presolar grains, made possible by enhanced spatial resolution of Ca-Ti isotope analyses with the Cameca NanoSIMS (Nano-scale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer) instrument. Within the context of presolar supernova grain data, we discuss (i) the production of 44Ti in supernovae and the impact of interstellar medium heterogeneities on the galactic chemical evolution of 44Ca/40Ca, (ii) the nucleosynthesis processes of neutron bursts and explosive H-burning in Type II supernovae, and (iii) challenges in identifying the progenitor supernovae for 54Cr-rich presolar nanospinel grains. Drawing on constraints and insights derived from presolar supernova grain data, we also provide an overview of our current understanding of the roles played by various supernova types – including Type II, Type Ia, and electron capture supernovae – in accounting for the diverse array of nucleosynthetic isotopic variations identified in bulk meteorites and meteoritic components. We briefly overview the potential mechanisms that have been proposed to explain these nucleosynthetic variations by describing the transport and distribution of presolar dust carriers in the protoplanetary disk. We highlight existing controversies in the interpretation of presolar grain data and meteoritic nucleosynthetic isotopic variations, while also outlining potential directions for future research.

Strong Lensing by Galaxies

Fri, 11/08/2024 - 00:00

Strong gravitational lensing at the galaxy scale is a valuable tool for various applications in astrophysics and cosmology. Some of the primary uses of galaxy-scale lensing are to study elliptical galaxies’ mass structure and evolution, constrain the stellar initial mass function, and measure cosmological parameters. Since the discovery of the first galaxy-scale lens in the 1980s, this field has made significant advancements in data quality and modeling techniques. In this review, we describe the most common methods for modeling lensing observables, especially imaging data, as they are the most accessible and informative source of lensing observables. We then summarize the primary findings from the literature on the astrophysical and cosmological applications of galaxy-scale lenses. We also discuss the current limitations of the data and methodologies and provide an outlook on the expected improvements in both areas in the near future.

The Juno ASC as an Energetic Particle Counter

Wed, 11/06/2024 - 00:00

The Juno spacecraft completed 35 successful orbits around Jupiter from orbit insertion in 2016 through the end of its prime mission phase in 2021. The Advanced Stellar Compass (ASC) and associated Camera Head Units (CHUs) comprise a dedicated attitude sensing system of the Magnetic Field Investigation (MAG), one of Juno’s scientific payloads. The CHU is a CCD-based camera and is inherently susceptible to ionizing radiation. An energetic charged particle penetrating the camera head electronics shielding will deposit its energy and liberate charges in the charge wells. These events will register as isolated bright pixels in the integrated star tracker source images, and are distinguishable from optical sources that illuminate a number of collocated pixels spanning the imager’s point spread function. By simply counting the number of such isolated bright pixels, an estimate of the number of charged particles penetrating the CCD can be established, eventually constraining the local external omnidirectional radiation flux (omniflux). The ASC performs the bright pixel count onboard and includes this count rate with the attitude telemetry, providing an energetic particle omniflux measurement at high time resolution. We describe here this additional functional capability of the ASC, including the filtering required to isolate the unbiased attitude cycles, the calibration required to circumvent count statistics effects, and the calibration of the sensor sensitivity, as well as the attenuation efficacy of the sensor shielding mass. Finally, we discuss the potential of the omniflux product for radiation field mapping as well as a proxy for investigating physical phenomena otherwise unattainable.

Operational Concepts and Rehearsal Results of the First Emirates Lunar Rover: Rashid-1

Mon, 11/04/2024 - 00:00

Lunar rover operations present unique specificities compared to other spacecraft operations. Preparing for the 14-day surface exploration phase of the Rashid-1 rover mission required developing new concepts, designs and tools to enable the mission goals and maximize its scientific return. The Emirates Lunar Rover was set to demonstrate enabling scientific capabilities on the lunar surface by hosting scientific payloads on a small 10 kg platform. It possesses mobility and other operational capabilities to provide science teams with varied sampling, imaging, and sensing opportunities. The operation of the rover systems and the science payloads was to be performed in tandem within the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre mission control centre for rapid decision-making and maximizing lunar surface exploration around the landing site during the short mission duration. This paper focuses on the operational design and the mission rehearsals performed by the Emirates Lunar Rover team in preparation of the lunar landing. With the goal of maximizing the science outcome of the mission, we show how the operations processes were continuously improved against the issues and challenges encountered during the training process and long duration rehearsals performed as preparation for the actual operations. This paper discusses these processes and provides analysis, down to the command and telemetry level, on the performance of the operations team to share lessons learned to improve future lunar rover operations

Absolute Photoelectric Yield Measurements of the Rashid Lunar Rover Materials at the BABE Synchrotron Facility

Mon, 11/04/2024 - 00:00

We report on the spectral photoelectric yields of the surface materials of the lunar rover Rashid 1, built by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre in Dubai. The materials investigated are magnesium alloy, indium-tin-oxide, titanium, the commercial off-the-shelf solar panel cover-glass, and the graphite coatings on the Langmuir probes, namely Aerodag®G and Graphit 33. The yields of gold and silver plates were also measured for reference and calibration purposes. The photoelectric yield of some of these materials was measured in the past but only with photon energies up to 25 eV. The measurements were performed at the BABE facility (stemming from the BACH and BEAR synchrotron beamlines) within the framework of the European AHEAD2020 project operated by the Italian National Research Council CNR-IOM at the synchrotron light source Elettra, Italy. We scanned the 2.8–1240 eV energy region, covering most of the solar spectrum that can potentially lead to photoelectron emission on the Moon. The total electron emission rate per unit surface was estimated by combining the measured photoelectric yield curves with the solar spectral irradiance data from TIMED-SEE/SORCE experiments. The results of this study are needed as input in numerical simulations of the electron sheath forming around Rashid 1 or any similar lunar rover. Such numerical models help estimate the background signal for in-situ measurements of the density of the electron sheath forming above the Moon’s surface.

Heavy Molecular and Metallic Ions in the Magnetosphere

Mon, 11/04/2024 - 00:00

Observations and present knowledge of heavy ions with mass ≥ 27 in the magnetosphere are reviewed. There are four ultimate sources of these heavy ions: the solar wind (mainly high charge-state atomic ions), the ionosphere (mainly molecular ions), the atmospheric metal layers that originate ultimately from ablation of meteoroids and possibly space debris (low charge-state metallic ions and metal-rich molecular ions), and lunar surface and exosphere (low charge-state metallic and molecular ions). The upstream heavy ions (solar wind origin and lunar origin) give independent information on the ion entry routes to the magnetosphere from proton (H+) and alpha particles (He++): with similar mass-per-charge (m/q) values, or gyroradius, for the solar wind origin, and much larger gyroradius for the lunar origin. The lunar origin ions also give independent insights from laboratory observations on the sputtering processes. The atmospheric origin molecular and metallic ions are essential in understanding energization, ionization altitudes, and upward transport in the ionosphere during various ionospheric and magnetospheric conditions. These ions are also important when considering the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere on the geological timescale. Only a few terrestrial missions have been equipped with instrumentation dedicated to separate these molecular and metallic ions, within only a limited energy range (cold ions of < 50 eV and energetic ions of ∼ 100 keV or more) and a limited mass range (mainly ≤ 40 amu). This is far too limited to make any quantitative discussion on the very heavy ions in the magnetosphere. For example, the existing data are far from sufficient for determining the dominant contributor from the four possible sources, or even to rule out any of the possible sources as a substantial contributor. Under this circumstance, it is worth to re-examine, using available tools, the existing data from the past and on-going missions, including those not designed for the required mass separation, to search for these ions. The purpose of this review is to summarize the availability of these datasets and tools. This review also shows some examples of combinations of different datasets that provide important indications of the sources of these heavy ions and their amounts that have been overlooked to date. Finally, we note the possible future contamination of specific masses (mainly aluminum (Al), but also lithium (Li), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), titanium (Ti) and germanium (Ge)) by the ablation of re-entering human-made objects in space (debris and alive satellites) in the coming decades. This possibility argues the need for dedicated observations of magnetospheric and ionospheric metallic ions before these metallic ions of space debris origin start to dominate over the natural contribution. The required observations can be performed with the available designs of space instrumentation and available ground-based instruments.

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