Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

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Mechanisms of Zebra Pattern Generation in Solar Radio Emission on the Background of Complex Dynamic Spectra

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

The discussion about the origin of the zebra pattern has been going on for more than 50 years. In many papers it is usually postulated that the double plasma resonance mechanism always works in the presence of fast particles in the magnetic trap. Due to a number of difficulties encountered by this mechanism, works on its improvement began to appear, mainly in a dozen papers by Karlický and Yasnov, where the whole discussion is based on variability of the ratio of the magnetic field and density height scales and the assumption of some plasma turbulence in the source. Here we show possibilities of an alternative model of the interaction between plasma waves and whistlers. Several phenomena were selected in which it is clear that the ratio of height scales does not change in the magnetic loop as the source of the zebra pattern. It is shown that all the main details of the sporadic zebra pattern in the phenomenon of August 1, 2010 (and in many other phenomena), can be explained within the framework of a unified model of zebra patterns and radio fibers (fiber bursts) in the interaction of plasma waves with whistlers. The main changes in the zebra pattern stripes are caused by scattering of fast particles by whistlers leading to switching of the whistler instability from the normal Doppler effect to the anomalous one. In the end, possibilities of laboratory experiments are considered and the solar zebra pattern is compared with similar stripes in the decameter radio emission of Jupiter.

Statistical Studies of the Relationship between the Amplitude of Positive Magnetic Bays at Mid-Latitudes, Geomagnetic Activity, and Solar Wind Parameters

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

During the expansion phase of a substorm, the poleward jump of auroras (breakup) and the expansion of the auroral bulge are observed. The expansion is accompanied by a negative magnetic bay under the aurora and a positive magnetic bay at mid-latitudes. The magnitude of the negative bay is characterized by the auroral AL-index. The Mid-Latitude Positive Bay index (MPB-index) was previously proposed in order to characterize the positive bay. In this article, the statistical relationship of the MPB-index with the geomagnetic activity at different latitudes and with the parameters of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field is investigated. It is shown that all extremely high values of the MPB-index (above 10 000 nT2) are observed during strong geomagnetic storms (when the Dst-index falls below –100 nT), all extremely strong geomagnetic storms (when the Dst-index falls below –250 nT) are accompanied by extremely high values of the MPB-index. Statistically, the MPB-index increases with increasing geomagnetic activity at any latitude. On average, the MPB-index increases with increasing interplanetary magnetic field magnitudes and any of its components. However, for the Bz-component, large values of the MPB-index are observed at its southward orientation. For the plasma parameters of the solar wind, the MPB-index increases most strongly with the increase of its speed. The dependence on the dynamic pressure and on the value of the EY-component of the electric field of the solar wind is also strong. However, the MPB-index weakly depends on the density and temperature of the solar wind.

Specific Features of Ionospheric Disturbances Accompanying the Magnetic Storm of January 14–20, 2022

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

Ionospheric disturbances that accompanied the moderate magnetic storm on January 14–20, 2022, are analyzed. The work is based on data obtained from vertical and oblique ionospheric sounding in the northeastern region of Russia and supplemented by observations at HF radars and magnetic observatories. It has been revealed that the amplitudes of positive and negative ionospheric disturbances accompanying this storm are comparable to those observed on other days of January during weak magnetic storms and disturbances. The specific features of the disturbances observed only during the storm in question are as follows: (1) a midnight–morning increase in the maximum observed frequency of one-hop mode of HF radio wave propagation on the paths Norilsk–Tory and Magadan–Tory on 14 January; (2) enhancement of nighttime fluctuations of the critical frequency in the F2 layer in Irkutsk and the maximum observed frequency of one-hop mode on the path Magadan–Tory on January 15; and (3) morning–midday Es layers with limiting frequencies reaching 7 MHz that were observed in mid-latitudes at the end of the first day and beginning of the second day of the storm recovery phase.

Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Reconstruction of Vector Magnetic Field from Single-Component Data

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

In this work the problem of reconstructing the vector anomalous magnetic field from single-component data was solved by means of artificial neural networks. For training an artificial neural network a database of anomalous magnetic field components \({{B}_{x}}\) , \({{B}_{y}}\) , \({{B}_{z}}\) was created using a set of point magnetic dipoles lying under the field measurement plane. Using a synthetic example, the work of a trained neural network was shown in comparison with a well-known numerical algorithm for restoring a vector field from data of one component. Further, according to the data of the vertical component of the anomalous geomagnetic field the horizontal components of the anomalous geomagnetic field were restored using artificial neural networks in the territory of 58°–85° E, 52°–74° N with a grid step of 2 arc minutes.

Induced Proton Precipitations from the Inner Radiation Belt Registered in Oceania

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

Events of induced proton precipitations from the inner radiation belt have been detected. They accompanied almost a half (11) of 25 anomalous electron precipitations recorded onboard the Meteor-M No. 2 satellite in 2014−2022 in Oceania at low latitudes in the morning hours of local time under quiet geomagnetic conditions. It is surmised that such events could be provoked by proton fall into cyclotron resonance with low-frequency radiation stimulated by a mobile ionospheric heater. The observed effects in anomalous electron precipitations which may be interpreted in the framework of the mobile ionospheric heater conception are also discussed.

Influence of Processes on the Sun and in the Interplanetary Medium on the Solar Proton Event on March 30, 2022

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the solar proton event on March 30, 2022, which has an unusual time profile of solar proton fluxes, and the previous and subsequent solar proton events (March 28, 2022, and April 02, 2022). Increases in energetic proton fluxes in the interplanetary and near-Earth space are associated with successive solar X-ray flares M4.0, X1.3, and M3.9 and three halo-type coronal mass ejections. The study was based on experimental data obtained from spacecraft located in the interplanetary space (ACE, WIND, STEREO A, and DSCOVR), in a circular polar orbit at an altitude of 850 km (Meteor-M2) and in geostationary orbit (GOES-16, Electro-L2). An explanation has been proposed for the specific features of the energetic proton flux profile in the solar proton event on March 30, 2022: protons accelerated in the flare on March 30, 2022 were partially screened by an interplanetary coronal mass ejection, the source of which was the explosive processes on the Sun on March 28, 2022; late detection of maximum proton fluxes, simultaneous for particles of different energies, is due to the arrival of particle fluxes inside an interplanetary coronal mass ejection. The spatial distribution of solar protons in near-Earth orbit was similar to the distribution at the Lagrange point L1 but with a delay of ~50 min.

Geomagnetic Control of Equatorial Plasma Bubble Development

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

Attempts have been made repeatedly to investigate the effect of the geomagnetic activity on the equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) generation. At the moment, it is generally accepted that the geomagnetic activity tends to suppress the EPB generation and evolution in the pre-midnight sector. As for the post-midnight sector, it is believed that the EPB occurrence probability will increase after midnight as the geomagnetic activity increases. Moreover, the growth rates of the EPB occurrence probability will strongly depend on the solar activity: at the solar activity minimum, they will be the most significant. A sufficient amount of the observations is required to confirm these ideas. For this purpose, the EPB observations obtained on board the ISS-b satellite (~972–1220 km, 1978–1979) in the pre- and post-midnight sectors are best suited. The data were considered in two latitudinal regions: the equatorial/low-latitude (±20°) and mid-latitude ±(20°–52°) regions. The LT- and Kp-variations of the EPB occurrence probability were calculated for both groups. (1) It was revealed that the occurrence probability maximum of the EPBs recorded at the equator and low latitudes is observed in the premidnight sector. The EPB occurrence probability decreases with increasing the Kp-index with a delay of 3 and 9 h before the EPB detection. (2) However, the occurrence probability maximum of the EPBs recorded at the mid-latitudes occurs in the post-midnight sector. Their occurrence probability increases slightly with the increase of the Kp-index taken 9 h before the EPB detection. Thus, the idea of the ionospheric disturbance dynamo (IDD) influence on the post-midnight EPB generation has been confirmed. The IDD mechanism “switched on” after some hours of the enhanced geomagnetic activity and favors the generation. However, its influence is weakened during the years of increased solar activity.

Prediction of Range Error in GPS Signals during X-Class Solar Flares Occurred between January–April 2023 Using OKSM and RNN

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

Positioning, navigation and time are the cornerstones of satellite navigation. These aspects are frequently affected by ionospheric variations caused by solar flares (SF). In this study, we have attempted to predict the range error (RE) caused by ionospheric delay in Global Positioning System (GPS) signals during six different X-class SF that occurred in the 25th solar cycle using two different approaches, namely, a recurrent neural network (RNN) and the ordinary Kriging-based surrogate model (OKSM). The total electron content (TEC) collected from Hyderabad station along with other input parameter includes the Planetary A and K index (Ap and Kp), solar sunspot number (SSN), disturbance storm time index (Dst), and radio flux measured at 10.7 cm (F10.7) were used for prediction. The OKSM uses the previous six days of datasets to predict the RE on the seventh day, whereas the RNN model uses the previous 45 days of datasets to predict the RE on the 46th day. The performance of both models is evaluated using statistical parameters such as root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), Pearson’s correlation coefficient (CC), and symmetric mean absolute percentage error (sMAPE). The results indicate that the OKSM performs well in adverse space weather conditions when compared to RNN.

Simple Model of the Evolution of Magnetic and Kinetic Energy of the Geodynamo

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

The induction and momentum equations are simplified to a dynamical system for the kinetic and magnetic energies in Earth’s core. Stable stationary points of this system give a geomagnetic field of ~10 mT and the cosecant of the angle between the magnetic field vector and fluid velocity vector is on average about 500 at a known speed of ~1 mm/s and a generally accepted dynamo power of ~1 TW. With a generally known typical geomagnetic time on the order of 1000 years, harmonic secular variations on the order of several decades and rapid exponential changes on the order of several months, possibly associated with jerks, were obtained. All this agrees well with dynamo theory, paleomagnetic reconstructions, numerical modeling, and observations. A geomagnetic energy of ~10 mJ/kg is four orders of magnitude greater than the kinetic energy. Under conditions of such dominant magnetic energy, an analytical solution was obtained, which over time converges to stable stationary points. Apparently unlikely catastrophes with virtually zero magnetic energy near partially stable stationary points are discussed.

Role of Middle-Scale Solar Wind Structures in the Turbulence Development Behind the Bow Shock

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

The study estimates the contribution of middle-scale solar wind structures (variations recorded by a spacecraft during ~10 min intervals) in turbulence development in the transition region behind the bow shock. The analysis is based on simultaneous measurements of plasma and/or magnetic field parameters in the solar wind, in the dayside magnetosheath, and on the flanks. The study adopts measurements by Wind, THEMIS, and Spektr-R spacecraft. The properties of the magnetic field and ion flux fluctuation spectra are analyzed in the 0.01–4 Hz frequency range, which corresponds to the transition from MHD to kinetic scales. The dynamics of turbulence properties in the magnetosheath is governed by large-scale disturbances, while structures with smaller scales have an effect in the absence of large-scale structures.

Long-Term Trends in Ionospheric Solar Activity Indices

Sun, 12/01/2024 - 00:00

The results of identifying trends in the annual average ionospheric indices ΔIG and ΔT are presented, obtained after excluding from IG and T the dependence of these indices on the annual average solar activity indices. The solar activity indices were F10, Ly-α, and MgII—solar radiation fluxes at 10.7 cm, in the Lyman-alpha line of hydrogen (121.567 nm), and the ratio of the central part to the flanks in the magnesium emission band 276–284 nm. Two time intervals (in years) are considered: 1980–2012 and 2013–2023. It was found that in 1980–2012, all analyzed linear trends were negative: the ΔIG and ΔT values decreased over time; they were very weak and insignificant. Fluctuations of ΔIG and ΔT with respect to trends for Ly-α were almost twice as large as for F10 and MgII. In the interval of 2013–2023, all analyzed linear trends intensified and became significant: the rate of decrease in ΔIG and ΔT over time increased. For MgII this rate was almost twice as high as for F10. For 2013–2023, the MgII index overestimated the contribution of solar radiation to ionospheric indices, especially during the growth phase of solar cycle 25, which began at the end of 2019. As a result, in the growth phase of solar cycle 25, the F10 index became a more adequate solar activity indicator for ionospheric indices than MgII. In the interval of 1980–2012, the F10 and MgII indices changed almost synchronously. The growth phase of solar cycle 25 was the first case this synchrony was disrupted for the entire period of MgII measurements.

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