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Candidate Landing Sites for the Emirates Lunar Mission (ELM) Rashid-1 Rover

Tue, 07/09/2024 - 00:00

Launched in December 2022 onboard the Hakuto-R lunar lander, the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) Emirates Lunar Mission (ELM) Rashid-1 rover experienced an unsuccessful landing on the lunar surface on April 25th, 2023. The mission’s prime landing site was Atlas crater, a 87 km diameter floor-fractured crater emplaced within the lunar highlands in the northeastern quadrant of the Moon. This paper describes the landing site selection procedure for the ELM Rashid-1 rover, from technical requirements that led to the selection of four broad areas of interest, to the placement of candidate landing ellipses based primarily on slope analysis and science interest. The rock abundance and presence of boulders were analyzed to verify the suitability of the target location for landing. Geological context as well as high resolution imagery and topography are presented for the four selected landing sites: Atlas crater (prime), Sinus Iridum, Oceanus Procellarum, and Lacus Somniorum (back-ups). Terrain characteristics and key science questions to be addressed at these locations are discussed, emphasizing the high scientific value of these locations for future lunar missions.

Complexity Heliophysics: A Lived and Living History of Systems and Complexity Science in Heliophysics

Thu, 07/04/2024 - 00:00

This review examines complexity science in the context of Heliophysics, describing it not as a discipline, but as a paradigm. In the context of Heliophysics, complexity science is the study of a star, interplanetary environment, magnetosphere, upper and terrestrial atmospheres, and planetary surface as interacting subsystems. Complexity science studies entities in a system (e.g., electrons in an atom, planets in a solar system, individuals in a society) and their interactions, and is the nature of what emerges from these interactions. It is a paradigm that employs systems approaches and is inherently multi- and cross-scale. Heliophysics processes span at least 15 orders of magnitude in space and another 15 in time, and its reaches go well beyond our own solar system and Earth’s space environment to touch planetary, exoplanetary, and astrophysical domains. It is an uncommon domain within which to explore complexity science. After first outlining the dimensions of complexity science, the review proceeds in three epochal parts: 1) A pivotal year in the Complexity Heliophysics paradigm: 1996; 2) The transitional years that established foundations of the paradigm (1996-2010); and 3) The emergent literature largely beyond 2010. This review article excavates the lived and living history of complexity science in Heliophysics. It identifies five dimensions of complexity science, some enjoying much scholarship in Heliophysics, others that represent relative gaps in the existing research. The history reveals a grand challenge that confronts Heliophysics, as with most physical sciences, to understand the research intersection between fundamental science (e.g., complexity science) and applied science (e.g., artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML)). A risk science framework is suggested as a way of formulating the grand scientific and societal challenges in a way that AI/ML and complexity science converge. The intention is to provide inspiration, help researchers think more coherently about ideas of complexity science in Heliophysics, and guide future research. It will be instructive to Heliophysics researchers, but also to any reader interested in or hoping to advance the frontier of systems and complexity science.

Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-Surface (REASON)

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 00:00

The Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON) is a dual-frequency ice-penetrating radar (9 and 60 MHz) onboard the Europa Clipper mission. REASON is designed to probe Europa from exosphere to subsurface ocean, contributing the third dimension to observations of this enigmatic world. The hypotheses REASON will test are that (1) the ice shell of Europa hosts liquid water, (2) the ice shell overlies an ocean and is subject to tidal flexing, and (3) the exosphere, near-surface, ice shell, and ocean participate in material exchange essential to the habitability of this moon. REASON will investigate processes governing this material exchange by characterizing the distribution of putative non-ice material (e.g., brines, salts) in the subsurface, searching for an ice–ocean interface, characterizing the ice shell’s global structure, and constraining the amplitude of Europa’s radial tidal deformations. REASON will accomplish these science objectives using a combination of radar measurement techniques including altimetry, reflectometry, sounding, interferometry, plasma characterization, and ranging. Building on a rich heritage from Earth, the moon, and Mars, REASON will be the first ice-penetrating radar to explore the outer solar system. Because these radars are untested for the icy worlds in the outer solar system, a novel approach to measurement quality assessment was developed to represent uncertainties in key properties of Europa that affect REASON performance and ensure robustness across a range of plausible parameters suggested for the icy moon. REASON will shed light on a never-before-seen dimension of Europa and – in concert with other instruments on Europa Clipper – help to investigate whether Europa is a habitable world.

Fundamental Science Achieved with a Single Probe in Each Giant Planet Atmosphere

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 00:00

Recent observations of Jupiter’s atmosphere showing unexpected depletion of ammonia below the ammonia cloud-forming region has brought up the question of whether a single point measurement below the cloud decks in a giant planet atmosphere can provide sufficient information to answer fundamental science questions. We outline here the science questions that can only be answered by in situ observations in the giant planet atmospheres, many of which are location invariant. These questions are identified in the recent planetary science decadal survey as high priority for answering over the next decade. We evaluate the implications of the ammonia observations at Jupiter for the specific measurements needed and demonstrate that they do not invalidate single point measurements made to answer these questions.

Exploring the Composition of Europa with the Upcoming Europa Clipper Mission

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 00:00

Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, harbors a subsurface liquid water ocean; the prospect of this ocean being habitable motivates further exploration of the moon with the upcoming NASA Europa Clipper mission. Key among the mission goals is a comprehensive assessment of the moon’s composition, which is essential for assessing Europa’s habitability. Through powerful remote sensing and in situ investigations, the Europa Clipper mission will explore the composition of Europa’s surface and subsurface, its tenuous atmosphere, and the local space environment surrounding the moon. Clues on the interior composition of Europa will be gathered through these assessments, especially in regions that may expose subsurface materials, including compelling geologic landforms or locations indicative of recent or current activity such as potential plumes. The planned reconnaissance of the icy world will constrain models that simulate the ongoing external and internal processes that act to alter its composition. This paper presents the composition-themed goals for the Europa Clipper mission, the synergistic, composition-focused investigations that will be conducted, and how the anticipated scientific return will advance our understanding of the origin, evolution, and current state of Europa.

Time-Delay Cosmography: Measuring the Hubble Constant and Other Cosmological Parameters with Strong Gravitational Lensing

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 00:00

Multiply lensed images of a same source experience a relative time delay in the arrival of photons due to the path length difference and the different gravitational potentials the photons travel through. This effect can be used to measure absolute distances and the Hubble constant ( \(H_{0}\) ) and is known as time-delay cosmography. The method is independent of the local distance ladder and early-universe physics and provides a precise and competitive measurement of \(H_{0}\) . With upcoming observatories, time-delay cosmography can provide a 1% precision measurement of \(H_{0}\) and can decisively shed light on the current reported ‘Hubble tension’. This manuscript details the general methodology developed over the past decades in time-delay cosmography, discusses recent advances and results, and, foremost, provides a foundation and outlook for the next decade in providing accurate and ever more precise measurements with increased sample size and improved observational techniques.

Mission Design and Concept of Operations for the Lucy Mission

Tue, 06/11/2024 - 00:00

The Lucy mission is NASA’s 13th Discovery-class mission and the first mission to the Trojan asteroids. The spacecraft conducts flybys of 8 Trojan asteroids over the course of 12 years. A series of 3 Earth Gravity Assists are used to increase the aphelion of the spacecraft’s orbit and to target the final Trojan asteroid flyby. Over the course of 2 years the spacecraft conducts 4 flybys in the L4 swarm to explore 6 Trojan asteroids, which includes two small satellites. Near the end of the mission, Lucy flies past the near-equal size binary, Patroclus-Menoetius, in the L5 swarm. The concept of operations for the Trojan flybys invokes a standard timeline for spacecraft operations to allow a science sequence that is tailored to each Trojan asteroid. The concept of operations enables efficiency of observations and resiliency in the observing sequence to robustly meet the Lucy science requirements.

Astronomical Observations in Support of Planetary Entry-Probes to the Outer Planets

Tue, 06/11/2024 - 00:00

A team of Earth-based astronomical observers supporting a giant planet entry-probe event substantially enhances the scientific return of the mission. An observers’ team provides spatial and temporal context, additional spectral coverage and resolution, viewing geometries that are not available from the probe or the main spacecraft, tracking, supporting data in case of a failure, calibration benchmarks, and additional opportunities for education and outreach. The capabilities of the support program can be extended by utilizing archived data. The existence of a standing group of observers facilitates the path towards acquiring Director’s Discretionary Time at major telescopes, if, for example, the probe’s entry date moves. The benefits of a team convened for a probe release provides enhanced scientific return throughout the mission. Finally, the types of observations and the organization of the teams described in this paper could serve as a model for flight projects in general.

Geological Record of Water and Wind Processes on Mars as Observed by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera

Tue, 06/11/2024 - 00:00

This review paper summarizes the observations and results of the Mars Express Mission and its application in the analysis of geological processes and landforms on Mars during the last 20 years. The Mars Express observations provided an extended data base allowing a comparative evaluation of different geological surface landforms and their time-based delimitation. High-resolution imagery and digital elevations models on a local to regional scale and spectral measurements are the basis for geological analyses of water-related surface processes on Mars. This includes the nature and discharges of valley networks, formation timescale of deltas, volumina of sedimentary deposits as well as estimating the age of geological units by crater size–frequency distribution measurements. Both the quantifying of geological processes and the determination of absolute model ages allows to constraint the evolution of Martian water-related activity in space and time. Comparative age estimation of fluvial, glacial, and lacustrine deposits, as well as their timing and episodicity, has revealed the nature and evolution of the Martian surface hydrological cycle. Fluvial and lacustrine activity phases are spread over a time span from Noachian until Amazonian periods, but detailed studies show that they have been interrupted by multiple and long-lasting phases of cessation and quiescent. In addition, evidence of glacial activity shows discrete phases of enhanced intensity correlating with increased spin-axis obliquity amplitude. The episodicity of geological processes, erosion, deposition, and glaciation on Mars demonstrate a close correlation between individual surface processes and endogenic activity as well as spin-axis/orbital variations and changing climate condition.

Recipes for Forming a Carbon–Rich Giant Planet

Wed, 06/05/2024 - 00:00

The exploration of carbon-to-oxygen ratios has yielded intriguing insights into the composition of close-in giant exoplanets, giving rise to a distinct classification: carbon-rich planets, characterized by a carbon–to–oxygen ratio ≥ 1 in their atmospheres, as opposed to giant planets exhibiting carbon–to–oxygen ratios close to the protosolar value. In contrast, despite numerous space missions dispatched to the outer solar system and the proximity of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, our understanding of the carbon-to-oxygen ratio in these giants remains notably deficient. Determining this ratio is crucial as it serves as a marker linking a planet’s volatile composition directly to its formation region within the disk. This article provides an overview of the current understanding of the carbon-to-oxygen ratio in the four gas giants of our solar system and explores why there is yet no definitive dismissal of the possibility that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune could be considered carbon-rich planets. Additionally, we delve into the three primary formation scenarios proposed in existing literature to account for a bulk carbon-to-oxygen ratio ≥ 1 in a giant planet. A significant challenge lies in accurately inferring the bulk carbon-to-oxygen ratio of our solar system’s gas giants. Retrieval methods involve integrating in situ measurements from entry probes equipped with mass spectrometers and remote sensing observations conducted at microwave wavelengths by orbiters. However, these methods fall short of fully discerning the deep carbon-to-oxygen abundance in the gas giants due to their limited probing depth, typically within the 10–100 bar range. To complement these direct measurements, indirect determinations rely on understanding the vertical distribution of atmospheric carbon monoxide in conjunction with thermochemical models. These models aid in evaluating the deep oxygen abundance in the gas giants, providing valuable insights into their overall composition.

Magnetic Reconnection and Associated Particle Acceleration in High-Energy Astrophysics

Tue, 06/04/2024 - 00:00

Magnetic reconnection occurs ubiquitously in the universe and is often invoked to explain fast energy release and particle acceleration in high-energy astrophysics. The study of relativistic magnetic reconnection in the magnetically dominated regime has surged over the past two decades, revealing the physics of fast magnetic reconnection and nonthermal particle acceleration. Here we review these recent progresses, including the magnetohydrodynamic and collisionless reconnection dynamics as well as particle energization. The insights in astrophysical reconnection strongly connect to the development of magnetic reconnection in other areas, and further communication is greatly desired. We also provide a summary and discussion of key physics processes and frontier problems, toward a better understanding of the roles of magnetic reconnection in high-energy astrophysics.

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