

AOGS2016 E-news 05: Reminder to Submit Abstracts, deadline 19 Feb 2016

Reminder to Submit Abstracts
Abstract Submission Deadline: 19 Feb 2016

** Submit your Abstracts TODAY!
1 more month to abstract submission deadline

** Submit your abstracts to one or more of these 8 sections!

** Closes 19 Feb 2016
* Atmospheric Sciences (AS)
* Biogeosciences (BG)
* Hydrological Sciences (HS)
* Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG)
* Ocean Sciences (OS)

COSPAR 2016 Abstract deadline:  12 February 2016

Submission of abstracts for the 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) is underway.  COSPAR 2016 will bring together approximately 2500 scientists and engineers from the world over to
present the latest results in 129 symposia covering all areas of space science.

Istanbul, Turkey
30 July – 7 August 2016

Scientific program, abstract submission, etc.:
https://www.cospar-assembly.org [www.cospar-assembly.org]

- Abstract deadline:  12 February 2016

Registration, accommodation and general information, Assembly poster, etc.:

AGU2015 Fall Meeting, представление абстрактов до 18 Февраля 2016

Abstract Submission & Reduced Fee Application Now Open!
AOGS Connects at AGU2015 Fall Meeting: Come visit us!
** Abstract Submission Opens TODAY!

Submit your abstracts to one or more of these 8 sections!
* Atmospheric Sciences (AS)
* Biogeosciences (BG)
* Hydrological Sciences (HS)
* Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG)
* Ocean Sciences (OS)
* Planetary Sciences (PS)
* Solar & Terrestrial Sciences (ST)
* Solid Earth Sciences (SE)
** Closes 18 Feb 2016

ICEAA 2016 - IEEE APWC 2016 - Call for Papers - Cairns, Australia, September 19-23, 2016

ICEAA 2016 - IEEE APWC 2016 - Call for Papers - Cairns, Australia, September 19-23, 2016

The deadline for submitting Abstracts to ICEAA 2016 - IEEE APWC 2016 is approaching, February 26, 2016 http://www.iceaa-offshore.org


General Information

The eighteenth edition of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2016) is supported by the Politecnico di Torino, by Macquarie University, and by the Istituto Superiore Mario

XXV Всероссийская научная конференция «РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ РАДИОВОЛН», 4–9 июля 2016 г., Томск

XXV Всероссийская научная конференция с международным участием «РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ РАДИОВОЛН», посвященная 80-летию отечественных ионосферных исследований 4–9 июля 2016 г., Томск


Уважаемые коллеги!
Научный совет РАН «Распространение радиоволн»,
Научный совет ОФН РАН «Физика солнечно-земных связей»,
Институт оптики атмосферы им. В.Е. Зуева СО РАН (ИОА СО РАН),
Институт солнечно-земной физики СО РАН (ИСЗФ СО РАН),
Институт радиотехники и электроники им. В.А. Котельникова РАН (ИРЭ РАН),

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