11 Российско-китайское рабочее совещание по космической погоде (3-8 сентября 2012, Иркутск)

XI Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather
First announcement

According to the Charter of the Joint Research Center on Space Weather, the XI Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather will be hosted by the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics. The meeting will be held in Irkutsk in the building of ISTP SB RAS from 3 to 8 September 2012.

The Workshop will be organized within the following scientific sessions:

(1) Geoeffective processes on the Sun and in interplanetary space

(2) The effect of the solar phenomena on magnetospheric processes

(3) Processes in the ionosphere and upper atmosphere, stimulated by solar and magnetic disturbances

Specialists working in the field of solar-terrestrial physics and studying the problems associated with space weather are invited to take part in the meeting.

Please, submit your preliminary applications and abstracts until 1st August 2012.

The application shall contain the following information:
surname, first name, academic degree, position of the speaker;
paper title;
session to which the report is submitted;
presentation of the report (plenary, oral, poster);
the full name of the organization where the work has been performed;
speaker’s e-mail;
Plenary, oral and poster presentations are expected.
Duration of a plenary report is 30 min; that of an oral report is 15 min (including discussion).
Abstracts will have been published by the beginning of the conference.
Requirements for abstracts
Abstracts are accepted in electronic format .doc (not .docx).
The name of the file containing the abstract should indicate the speaker’s name and organization (for example, Perevalova_ISTP.doc).
Abstract should start with the paper title in capital letters, names and initials of authors (speaker’s name should be underlined), full name of the organization where the work has been performed, speaker’s e-mail.
Font Times New Roman Cyr 12 pt. Line spacing: one-and-half-space. The abstract - no more than one page of A4, margins - 2 cm.
Abbreviations mentioned in the text should be defined.
Figures, references and citation in the abstract are not allowed.
Address for abstracts and applications:
Organizing Committee,
Irina Kharchenko,

VISA INFORMATION Participants and accompanying persons who need visa for attending ISTP SB RAS have to send the following information to Irina Kharchenko by e-mail (hip@iszf.irk.ru):
1.A copy (.jpg; .pdf) of the first page of your passport (the page with the photo, number and personal information).
2.The exact place of birth:  country and region of the country (city​​, etc.).
3.Citizenship (nationality): if there is a second (or more) nationality (citizenship), they appear separated by commas.
4.Address of permanent residence:  country and region on the country of residence (city​​, etc.).
5.The full name of the organization (company) where you work.
6.The correct address of the organization (company).
7.Official position (status).
8.City where you prefer to apply to the Russian Consulate for visa.
9.The dates of your visit.
10.Please, indicate an address whereat we may send an Invitation letter by express mail; also indicate your phone number which the courier of express mail will use to contact you for delivery prompt.

We wish to pay your attention to the fact that it takes one month to prepare an official invitation letter in Russian Migration Service Department. That is why we kindly ask you to send the required information not later than July 10 if you need visa. Upon receiving the official invitation letter you can apply for the visa at the Russian Consulate.

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