Лекции, прочитанные в рамках конференции AT-RASC URSI.

Уважаемые коллеги!

По адресу http://www.ursi.org/en/event_atrasc2015.asp доступны Лекции, прочитанные в рамках конференции AT-RASC URSI.

Очень рекомендую:
AT-RASC 2015 General Lecture by A.D. Yaghjian entitled "An overview of Maxwell's treatise"

Dear AT-RASC Attendee,

All of you made AT-RASC 2015 a great event ... many amongst you also
indicated the daily General Lectures as being highlights of the conference.

Four of these lectures are now available to watch on-line from the
URSI-website (top left hand corner) or directly via:


The 5th lecture could not be taped or published due to proprietary

Enjoy them and we will notify you when more material becomes available!


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