2015 URSI-Japan Radio Science Meeting

The “2015 URSI-Japan Radio Science Meeting” (URSI-JRSM 2015), sponsored by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) and technically supported by URSI, will be held on the campus of
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan during September 3-4, 2015. Please visit the URSI-JRSM 2015 website at “http://www.ursi.jp/jrsm2015/ [www.ursi.jp]” for details. The Announcement and Call for Papers is being
attached for your information.

The URSI-Japan Radio Science Meeting (URSI-JRSM) is the URSI conference organized by the Japan National Committee of URSI. The URSI-JRSM provides a regional scientific forum for radio scientists and engineers in Japan
and the Asian region. The objective of the Conference is to review current research trends, present new discoveries, and make plans for future research and special projects in all areas of radio science, and a particular
emphasis is placed on enhancing the visibility of URSI in the Asian countries and encouraging young scientists to contribute to various URSI activities.

Subject areas for URSI-JRSM 2015 are broad and include topics covered by all the 10 URSI Commissions. We will have a scientific program consisting of:
-          Keynote lectures;
-          Special lectures;
-          Invited papers;
-          Special session (oral): Student Paper Competition;
-          Regular session (poster).

There are special features at URSI-JRSM 2015 as described below.
1.       Student Paper Competition
We are organizing the Student Paper Competition (SPC). The details of the SPC program can be found at:
http://www.ursi.jp/jrsm2015/student-paper-competition2.html [www.ursi.jp]


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