CEDAR email: 2014 USNC-URSI NRSM Meeting Session: "Lightning and its Interaction with the Ionosphere"

Dear Colleagues,

Please see below an announcement for a special session titled "Lightning and
its Interaction with the Ionosphere" at 2014 USNC-URSI NRSM Meeting in
Boulder, Colorado, January 8-14, 2014. If you are interested, please be
noted that the deadline for abstract submission is SEPTEMBER 23, 2013. Thank

Call for Papers 2014 URSI National Meeting Session:
"Lightning and its Interaction with the Ionosphere"
Joint session organized by Commissions E, G and H: Lightning and its
Interaction with the Ionosphere at 2014 URSI National Meeting in Boulder,
Colorado, January 8-14, 2014.

This session will cover all aspects of lightning and the coupling between
lightning and the ionosphere/thermosphere/mesosphere system. Papers are
solicited on experimental and theoretical results in studies of lightning
and the energetic coupling of tropospheric thunderstorms to the mesospheric
and ionospheric regions. Contributions on lightning physics, lightning
detection and measurements, X-rays or Gamma-rays from thunderclouds and
lightning, sprites, jets, elves, and related electromagnetic effects are
welcome, as are those on related topics, such as the local and global
effects of these processes, and other related nonlinear electromagnetic
wave/ionosphere interactions.

The DEADLINE for online submission of abstracts is SEPTEMBER 23, 2013.

The web page http://www.nrsmboulder.org contains general information along
with abstract submission instructions and guidelines. To submit an abstract,
go to http://www.nrsmboulder.org/content/abstract-submissions and follow the
link from there. Last year's login accounts remain active on the system.

In addition, we encourage submissions of full papers by students to the
annual Student Paper Competition, which are due on the same date. Please see
per-competition for more information. The three student finalists in this
competition will present their papers at the plenary session, and win cash

Travel funding is available for many students presenting papers as a first
author. Completed applications for the USNC-URSI Student Travel Support
program are also due on September 23. Please see
http://www.nrsmboulder.org/content/student-travel-support for eligibility
and full requirements.

We also request that submitting authors send an email to the session
organizers indicating that you intend to submit a paper.

We look forward to seeing you in Boulder!

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