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Amoeba Monte Carlo algorithms for random trees with controlled branching activity: Efficient trial move generation and universal dynamics

Physical Review E (Computational physics) - Mon, 10/28/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Pieter H. W. van der Hoek, Angelo Rosa, and Ralf Everaers

Simulating ensembles of branched macromolecules with annealed branches and statistically-controlled branching weights has been a long-standing challenge. The authors present a new algorithm for simulating random trees, advancing the computational theory of randomly branched polymers.

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045312] Published Mon Oct 28, 2024

Probing double-distribution-function models in discrete-velocity Boltzmann methods for highly compressible flows: Particles-on-demand realization

Physical Review E (Computational physics) - Mon, 10/28/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): S. A. Hosseini, A. Bhadauria, and I. V. Karlin

The double distribution function approach is an efficient route toward an extension of kinetic solvers to compressible flows. With a number of realizations available, an overview and comparative study in the context of high-speed compressible flows is presented. We discuss the different variants of …

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045313] Published Mon Oct 28, 2024

SWAP algorithm for lattice spin models

Physical Review E (Computational physics) - Mon, 10/28/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Greivin Alfaro Miranda, Leticia F. Cugliandolo, and Marco Tarzia

Both structural and spin glasses are notoriously hard to simulate due to their slow dynamics. The authors adapt the SWAP algorithm, first introduced for structural glasses, to the case of lattice Ising spin models. The algorithm allows to sample ground states of an Ising spin glass with little numerical effort.

[Phys. Rev. E 110, L043301] Published Mon Oct 28, 2024

Nonperturbative theory of the low-to-high confinement transition through stochastic simulations and information geometry: Correlation and causal analyses

Physical Review E (Plasma physics) - Thu, 10/24/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Eun-Jin Kim and Abhiram Anand Thiruthummal

The low-to-high confinement (L-H) transition signifies one of the important plasma bifurcations occurring in magnetic confinement plasmas, with vital implications for exploring high-performance regimes in future fusion reactors. In particular, the accurate turbulence statistical description of self-…

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045209] Published Thu Oct 24, 2024

Pipelined information flow in molecular mechanical circuits leads to increased error and irreversibility

Physical Review E (Computational physics) - Thu, 10/24/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Ian Seet, Thomas E. Ouldridge, and Jonathan P. K. Doye

Pipelining is a design technique for logical circuits that allows for higher throughput than circuits in which multiple computations are fed through the system one after the other. It allows for much faster computation than architectures in which inputs must pass through every layer of the circuit b…

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045310] Published Thu Oct 24, 2024

Point-cloud clustering and tracking algorithm for radar interferometry

Physical Review E (Plasma physics) - Tue, 10/22/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Magnus F. Ivarsen, Jean-Pierre St-Maurice, Glenn C. Hussey, Devin R. Huyghebaert, and Megan D. Gillies

Applying data mining tools to a rich observational dataset has enabled researchers to track the turbulent plasma clouds that accompany the aurora.

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045207] Published Tue Oct 22, 2024

Dense plasma opacity from excited states method

Physical Review E (Plasma physics) - Tue, 10/22/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): C. E. Starrett, C. J. Fontes, H. B. Tran Tan, J. M. Kasper, and J. R. White

The self-consistent inclusion of plasma effects in opacity calculations is a significant modeling challenge. As density increases, such effects can no longer be treated perturbatively. Building on a a recently published model that addresses this challenge, we calculate opacities of oxygen at solar i…

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045208] Published Tue Oct 22, 2024

Level-set lattice Boltzmann method for interface-resolved simulations of immiscible two-phase flow

Physical Review E (Computational physics) - Tue, 10/22/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Shaotong Fu, Zikang Hao, Weite Su, Huahai Zhang, and Limin Wang

A lattice Boltzmann (LB) scheme for a level-set equation is proposed to capture interface and is coupled with the LB model for incompressible fluid to simulate immiscible two-phase flows. The reinitialization of a level-set field is achieved directly by adding a source term to LB equation, which avo…

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045309] Published Tue Oct 22, 2024

Electrostatic energy of solid binary ionic mixtures

Physical Review E (Plasma physics) - Mon, 10/21/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): A. A. Kozhberov

We study the electrostatic energy of binary ionic mixtures (BIMs) in the form of Coulomb crystals with the main focus on ordered crystals. We consider 15 different binary bcc-like lattices, accurately calculate their electrostatic energies, and approximate them by a unified equation. These results e…

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045206] Published Mon Oct 21, 2024

<b>Sideband growth rates for differentiable and discontinuous distribution functions</b>

Physical Review E (Plasma physics) - Fri, 10/18/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Mikael Tacu and Didier Bénisti

This article addresses the stability of a nonlinear electron plasma wave (EPW) against the growth of longitudinal sidebands. The electron distribution function consistent with the EPW is assumed to only depend on the dynamical action. Consequently, the EPW is either stationary (a so-called Berstein-…

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045205] Published Fri Oct 18, 2024

Energy landscapes of combinatorial optimization in Ising machines

Physical Review E (Computational physics) - Fri, 10/18/2024 - 10:00

Author(s): Dmitrii Dobrynin, Adrien Renaudineau, Mohammad Hizzani, Dmitri Strukov, Masoud Mohseni, and John Paul Strachan

Physics-based Ising machines (IM) have been developed as dedicated processors for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems with higher speed and better energy efficiency. Generally, such systems employ local search heuristics to traverse energy landscapes in searching for optimal solutions. …

[Phys. Rev. E 110, 045308] Published Fri Oct 18, 2024

Image‐Based Retrieval of All‐Day Cloud Physical Parameters for FY4A/AGRI and Its Application Over the Tibetan Plateau

JGR–Atmospheres - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 06:44

Satellite remote sensing serves as a crucial means to acquire cloud physical parameters. However, existing official cloud products from the advanced geostationary radiation imager (AGRI) onboard the Fengyun-4A geostationary satellite lack spatiotemporal continuity and important micro-physical properties. In this study, an image-based transfer learning ResUnet (TL-ResUnet) model was applied to realize all-day and high-precision retrieval of cloud physical parameters from AGRI thermal infrared measurements. Combining the observation advantages of geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites, the TL-ResUnet model was pre-trained with official cloud products from advanced Himawari imager (AHI) and transfer-trained with official cloud products from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), respectively. For comparison, a pixel-based transfer learning random forest (TL-RF) model was trained using the equally distributed data sets. Taking MODIS official products as the benchmarks, the TL-ResUnet model achieved an overall accuracy of 79.82% for identifying cloud phase and root mean squared errors of 1.99 km, 7.11 μm, and 12.87 for estimating cloud top height, cloud effective radius, and cloud optical thickness, outperforming the precision of AGRI and AHI official products. Compared to the TL-RF model, the TL-ResUnet model utilized the spatial information of clouds to significantly improve the retrieval performance and achieve more than a 6-fold increase in speed for single full-disk retrieval. Moreover, AGRI TL-ResUnet products with spatiotemporal continuity and high precision were used to accurately describe the spatial distribution characteristics of cloud fractions and cloud properties over the Tibetan Plateau, and provide the diurnal variation of cloud cover and cloud properties across different seasons for the first time.

On the Association of Substorm Identification Methods

JGR:Space physics - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 05:14

Substorms are a rapid release of energy that is redistributed throughout the magnetosphere-ionosphere system, resulting in many observable signals, such as enhancements in the aurora, energetic particle injections, and ground magnetic field perturbations. Numerous substorm identification techniques and onset lists based on each of these signals have been provided in the literature, but often with no cross-calibration. Since the signals produced are not necessarily unique to substorms and may not be sufficiently similar to be identified for each and every substorm, individual event lists may miss or misidentify substorms, hindering our understanding and the development and validation of substorm models. To gauge the scale of this problem, we use metrics derived from contingency tables to quantify the association between lists of substorms derived from SuperMAG SML/SMU indices, midlatitude magnetometer data, particle injections, and auroral enhancements. Overall, although some degree of pairwise association is found between the lists, even lists generated by applying conceptually similar gradient-based identification to ground magnetometer data achieve an association with less than 50% event coincidence. We discuss possible explanations of the levels of association seen from our results, as well as their implications for substorm analyses.

Looking for Subsurface Oceans Within the Moons of Uranus Using Librations and Gravity

GRL - Sun, 09/15/2024 - 17:40

Several of the icy moons in the Jupiter and Saturn systems appear to possess internal liquid water oceans. Our knowledge of the Uranian moons is more limited but a future tour of the system has the potential to detect subsurface oceans. Planning for this requires an understanding of how the moons' internal structures—with and without oceans—relate to observable quantities. Here, we show that the amplitude of forced physical librations could be diagnostic of the presence or absence of subsurface oceans within the Uranian moons. In the presence of a decoupling global ocean, ice shell libration amplitudes at Miranda, Ariel, and Umbriel will exceed 100 m if the shells are <30 ${< } 30$ km $\mathrm{k}\mathrm{m}$ thick. The presence of oceans could also imply significant tidal heating within the last few hundred million years. Combining librations with the quadrupole gravity field could provide comprehensive constraints on the internal structures and histories of the Uranian moons.

Large‐Scale Climate Features Control Fire Emissions and Transport in Africa

GRL - Sun, 09/15/2024 - 17:39

Recent increase in extreme wildfire events has led to major health and environmental consequences across the globe. These adverse impacts underlined the need for better understanding of this phenomenon and to formulate mitigating actions. While previous research has focused on local weather drivers of wildfires, our knowledge about their large-scale climatic controls remains limited, especially in tropical Africa, which stands out as a global hotspot for fire emissions. Here, we show that interannual variability of carbon emission due to fires in the southern Congo Basin is strongly linked to low-level winds that are controlled by the Indian Ocean subtropical high. The interhemispheric transport of these emissions to West Africa relies on the intensity and position of both Indian and South Atlantic subtropical highs. Combined effects of this transport mechanism and carbon production in the source region explain a majority of the interannual variability of black carbon in West Africa.

Inland Summer Speedup at Zachariæ Isstrøm, Northeast Greenland, Driven by Subglacial Hydrology

GRL - Sun, 09/15/2024 - 17:33

The Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) has experienced substantial dynamic thinning in recent years. Here, we examine the evolving behavior of NEGIS, with focus on summer speedup at Zachariae Isstrøm, one of the NEGIS outlet glaciers, which has exhibited rapid retreat and acceleration, indicative of its vulnerability to changing climate conditions. Through a combination of Sentinel-1 data, in-situ GPS observations, and numerical ice flow modeling from 2007, we investigate the mechanisms driving short-term changes. Our analysis reveals a summer speedup in ice flow both near the terminus and inland, with satellite data detecting changes up to 60 km inland, while GPS data capture changes up to 190 km inland along the glacier center line. We attribute this summer speedup to variations in subglacial hydrology, where surface meltwater runoff influences basal friction over the melt season. Incorporating subglacial hydrology into numerical models makes it possible to replicate observed ice velocity patterns.

Changes in Four Decades of Near‐CONUS Tropical Cyclones in an Ensemble of 12 km Thermodynamic Global Warming Simulations

GRL - Sun, 09/15/2024 - 17:09

We evaluate tropical cyclones (TCs) in a set of thermodynamic global warming (TGW) simulations over the continental United States (CONUS). A 12 km simulation forced by ERA5 provides a 40-year historical (1980–2019) control. Four complimentary future scenarios are generated using thermodynamic deltas applied to lateral boundary, interior, and surface forcing. We curate a data set of 4,498 6-hourly TC snapshots in the control and find a corresponding “twin” in each counterfactual, permitting a paired comparison. Warming results in an increase in mean dynamical TC intensity and moisture-related quantities, with the latter being more pronounced. TC inner cores contract slightly but outer storm size remains unchanged. The frequency with which TCs become more intense is only moderately consistent, with snapshots having increased hazards ranging from 50% to 80% depending on warming level. The fractions of TCs undergoing rapid intensification and weakening both increase across all warming simulations, suggesting elevated short-term intensity variability.

Suprathermal Outflowing H+ Ions in the Lobe Driven by an Interplanetary Shock: 2. A 3D Global Hybrid Simulation

JGR:Space physics - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 22:37

We conduct a global hybrid simulation of an observation event to affirm that an interplanetary (IP) shock can drive significant suprathermal (tens to hundreds of eV) H+ outflows from the polar cap. The event showed that a spacecraft in the lobe at ∼6.5 R E altitude above the polar cap observed the appearance of suprathermal outflowing H+ ions about 8 min after observing enhanced downward DC Poynting fluxes caused by the shock impact. The simulation includes H+ ions from both the solar wind and the ionospheric sources. The cusp/mantle region can be accessed by ions from both sources, but only the outflow ions can get into the lobe. Despite that upward flowing solar wind ions can be seen within part of the cusp/mantle region and their locations undergo large transient changes in response to the magnetosphere compression caused by the shock impact, the simulation rules out the possibility that the observed outflowing H+ ions was due to the spacecraft encountering the moving cusp/mantle. On the other hand, the enhanced downward DC Poynting fluxes caused by the shock impact drive more upward suprathermal outflows, which reach higher altitudes a few minutes later, explaining the observed time delay. Also, these simulated outflowing ions become highly field-aligned in the upward direction at high altitudes, consistent with the observed energy and pitch-angle distributions. This simulation-observation comparison study provides us the physical understanding of the suprathermal outflow H+ ions coming up from the polar cap.

The Influence of Ionospheric Conductance on Magnetospheric Convection During the Southward IMF

JGR:Space physics - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 22:29

Magnetospheric convection is a fundamental process in the coupling of the solar wind, magnetosphere, and ionosphere. Recent studies have shown that dayside magnetopause reconnection drives magnetospheric convection, progressing from the dayside to the nightside within approximately 10–20 min in response to southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field. In this study, we use global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to investigate the influence of ionospheric conductance on dayside-driven convection. We conduct three simulation runs: two with normal ionospheric conductance and one with nearly infinite conductance. The temporal and spatial pattern of magnetospheric convection largely remain consistent across all three simulation runs. Comparing the results, we observe a reduction of 20% in magnetospheric convection and a 30% increase of ionospheric Region 1 field-aligned current (FAC) and Pedersen current in the run with nearly infinite conductance, compared to the normal conductance model. The results indicate that ionospheric conductance does not affect the response time of enhanced magnetospheric convection to the solar wind. We suggest that the 10–20 min timescale for establishing magnetospheric convection corresponds to the anti-sunward drag of reconnected magnetic field lines from the sub-solar point to the flank magnetopause. In cases of larger ionospheric conductance, the ionosphere footprints of dragged field lines become more stationary, potentially resulting in larger Region 1 FAC and ionosphere Pedersen current. A larger Pedersen current is associated with stronger sunward J × B force in the ionosphere, which corresponds to a stronger anti-sunward force in the magnetosphere, thereby reducing sunward convection of closed field lines.

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