Nature Geoscience

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Nature Geoscience is a monthly journal dedicated to publishing high-quality original research papers across all areas of the geosciences. The journal’s content reflects all the disciplines within the geosciences, including studies of the Earth’s climate system, the solid Earth and the planets. Nature Geoscience covers studies based on all the methods used by geoscientists, ranging from field work and numerical modelling on regional and global scales to theoretical studies and remote sensing. Physical, chemical and biological investigations that contribute to our understanding of the Earth system or the planets are all represented.
Updated: 12 weeks 6 days ago

Global groundwater warming due to climate change

Tue, 06/04/2024 - 00:00

Nature Geoscience, Published online: 04 June 2024; doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01453-x

Model projections suggest that shallow groundwater temperatures will increase by 2.1 °C by the end of the century, with groundwater expected to exceed drinkable temperatures in a number of populated regions under a medium-emissions pathway.

Onset of the Earth’s hydrological cycle four billion years ago or earlier

Mon, 06/03/2024 - 00:00

Nature Geoscience, Published online: 03 June 2024; doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01450-0

Oxygen isotopic evidence from Jack Hill zircon crystals suggests that meteoric (fresh) water interacted with crustal magma systems four billion years ago, meaning that the hydrological cycle began at or before this time.

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