JGR–Solid Earth

Syndicate content Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth: Table of Contents
Table of Contents for Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
Updated: 24 weeks 3 days ago

Issue Information

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 13:58

No abstract is available for this article.

Periodicity in the Deccan Volcanism Modulated by Plume Perturbations at the Mid‐Mantle Transition Zone

Mon, 06/24/2024 - 16:38

In peninsular India, the Deccan Traps record massive, continental-scale volcanism in a sequence of magmatic events that corresponds with the timing of mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Although the Deccan volcanism is linked with the Réunion hotspot, the origin of its periodic magmatic pulses is still debated. We developed a numerical model replicating the geodynamic scenario of the African superplume underneath a moving Indian plate to explore the mechanism of magmatic pulse generation during the Deccan volcanism. Our model results revealed a connection between the Réunion hotspot and the African large low shear-wave velocity province (LLSVP), suggesting that the pulses were produced from a thermochemical plume originated in the lower mantle. The ascending plume had stagnation at 660 km due to phase changes in the transition zone, and its head eventually underwent detachment from the tail under the influence of Indian plate movement to produce sequentially four major pulses (periodicity: 5–8 Ma), each giving rise to multiple secondary magmatic pulses at a time interval of ∼0.15–0.4 Ma. This study sheds a new light on the mechanism of periodic hotspot activities from a global perspective.

The Dynamics of the India‐Eurasia Collision: Faulted Viscous Continuum Models Constrained by High‐Resolution Sentinel‐1 InSAR and GNSS Velocities

Mon, 06/24/2024 - 03:41

The distribution and magnitude of forces driving lithospheric deformation in the India-Eurasia collision zone have been debated over many decades. Here we test a two-dimensional (2-D) Thin Viscous Shell approach that has been adapted to explicitly account for displacement on major faults and investigate the impact of lateral variations in depth-averaged lithospheric strength. We present a suite of dynamic models to explain the key features from new high-resolution Sentinel-1 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar as well as Global Navigation Satellite System velocities. Comparisons between calculated and geodetically observed velocity and strain rate fields indicate: (a) internal buoyancy forces from Gravitational Potential Energy acting on a relatively weak region of highest topography (>2,000 m) contribute to dilatation of the high plateau and contraction on the margins; (b) a weak central Tibetan Plateau (∼1021 Pa s compared to far-field depth-averaged effective viscosity of at least 1022–1023 Pa s) is required to explain the observed long-wavelength eastward velocity variation; (c) localized displacement on fault systems enables strain concentration and clockwise rotation around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. We discuss the tectonic implications for rheology of the lithosphere, distribution of geodetic strain, and partitioning of active faulting and seismicity.

Disparate Far‐Field Responses of Deep Pacific‐Plate Subduction Beneath Northeastern Asia: Implication for the North–South Segmented Crustal Modification of the Great Khingan Range

Sat, 06/22/2024 - 08:59

The far limit of a plate subduction process and its related far-field dynamic process are fundamental topics for plate tectonics. The Great Khingan Range (GKAR) in the western flank of NE China is currently under the far-field influence of the Pacific plate subduction. Benefiting from the newly deployed seismic arrays in the northern GKAR, we take full advantage of seismic data from both temporary and permanent networks and employ an improved scheme of the H-κ stacking method by introducing surface wave dispersion to obtain the integrated maps of Moho depth and crustal bulk Vp/Vs ratio in this region. Our results show that the Moho depth has a giant step near the North–South Gravity Lineament (NSGL). Meanwhile, the distribution of bulk Vp/Vs ratio presents a north–south difference roughly by 50°N, where the south subregion consists of a collage of high and low Vp/Vs ratio; by contrast, the north subregion is characterized by unified high values. The east-west structural discrepancies across the NSGL from the Earth's surface to the mantle transition zone indicate the difference in the strength of modifications between the near and far-fields from the Pacific plate subduction. The complicated distribution of the Vp/Vs ratio in the south subregion supports that secondary small-scale upwellings underneath the Cenozoic volcanic groups dominate the tectonic reworking in this area. The lack of Cenozoic volcanism and a more straightforward distribution of the Vp/Vs ratio in the north subregion might allude to a tectonically inactive part of NE China.

Detection and Characterization of Seismic and Acoustic Signals at Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, Using Deep Learning

Sat, 06/22/2024 - 08:55

Volcanic tremor is a semi-continuous seismic and/or acoustic signal that occurs at time scales ranging from seconds to years, with variable amplitudes and spectral features. Tremor sources have often been related to fluid movement and degassing processes, and are recognized as a potential geophysical precursor and co-eruptive geophysical signal. Eruption forecasting and monitoring efforts need a fast, robust method to automatically detect, characterize, and catalog volcanic tremor. Here we develop VOlcano Infrasound and Seismic Spectrogram Network (VOISS-Net), a pair of convolutional neural networks (one for seismic, one for acoustic) that can detect tremor in near real-time and classify it according to its spectral signature. Specifically, we construct an extensive data set of labeled seismic and low-frequency acoustic (infrasound) spectrograms from the 2021–2022 eruption of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, and use it to train VOISS-Net to differentiate between different tremor types, explosions, earthquakes and noise. We use VOISS-Net to classify continuous data from past Pavlof Volcano eruptions (2007, 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2021–2022). VOISS-Net achieves an 81.2% and 90.0% accuracy on the seismic and infrasound test sets respectively, and successfully characterizes tremor sequences for each eruption. By comparing the derived seismoacoustic timelines of each eruption with the corresponding eruption chronologies compiled by the Alaska Volcano Observatory, our model identifies changes in tremor regimes that coincide with observed volcanic activity. VOISS-Net can aid tremor-related monitoring and research by making consistent tremor catalogs more accessible.

Seismic Anisotropy From 6C Ground Motions of Ambient Seismic Noise

Sat, 06/22/2024 - 08:49

We propose a new approach capable of measuring local seismic anisotropy from 6C (three-component translation and three-component rotation) amplitude observations of ambient seismic noise data. Our recent theory demonstrates that the amplitude ratio of 6C cross-correlation functions (CCFs) enables retrieving the local phase velocity. This differs from conventional velocity extraction methods based on the travel time. Its local sensitivity kernel beneath the 6C seismometer allows us to study anisotropy from azimuth-dependent CCFs, avoiding path effects. Such point measurements have great potential in planetary exploration, ocean bottom observations, or volcanology. We apply this approach to a small seismic array at Pin˜ $\widetilde{n}$on Flat Observatory (PFO) in southern California, array-deriving retrieves rotational ground motions from microseismic noise data. The stress-induced anisotropy is well resolved and compatible with other tomography results, providing constraints on the origin of depth-dependent seismic anisotropy.

3D Shear‐Wave Velocity Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath India, Himalaya and Tibet

Sat, 06/22/2024 - 08:25

We perform Rayleigh-wave group-velocity dispersion measurements from 14,706 regional-waveforms at periods of 10–120 s, followed by ray-based tomography and inversion to obtain 3D-V s structure of the crust and upper mantle. The group-velocity maps have 3–5° lateral resolution, and V s models have ∼3%–7% average-V s uncertainty. The Moho depth is assigned to the bottom of the steepest-gradient layer with V s between 4.1 and 4.5 km s−1, and the sedimentary-layers have V s  ≤ 2.9 km s−1. Indian cratons have high average-crustal-V s of 3.6–3.9 km s−1 and thickness of 40–50 km. The intervening rift-basins are filled with low-V s sedimentary-rocks. The Himalayan Foreland Basin has along-arc variation in sedimentary thickness with the thickest layer (8–10 km) beneath the Eastern Ganga Basin. The Indian lithospheric mantle has high-V s (>4.4 km s−1), and along with high-V s crust attest to a cold, rigid lithosphere. This lithosphere underthrust entire Western Tibet and up to the Qiangtang Terrane in Central-Eastern Tibet. The top of the underthrusting Indian-crust is marked by lower-V s and thrust-fault earthquakes. The shallow crust beneath Tibet (0–10 km) has high-V s and is mechanically strong; whereas, the mid-crust (20–40 km) has ∼5%–10% low-V s anomalies due to radiogenic/shear heating within the thickened crust. This layer is weak and decouples the deformation of the shallow and deep layers. Low-V s upper-mantle with deeper high-V s layer is present beneath the Deccan and Raj-Mahal Traps, suggesting plume-volcanism related thermal anomaly and refertilization of the upper mantle. The intra-cratonic basins with circular geometry, high-V s lithosphere and no basement earthquakes, possibly formed by thermal subsidence of isostatically-balanced cratonic lithosphere.

Laboratory Earthquakes Simulations—Emergence, Structure, and Evolution of Fault Heterogeneity

Sat, 06/22/2024 - 08:05

Seismic faults are known to exhibit a high level of spatial and temporal complexity, and the causes and consequences of this complexity have been the topic of numerous research works in the past decade. In this paper, we investigate the origins and the structure of this complexity by considering a numerical model of laboratory earthquake experiment, where we introduce a fault with homogeneous mechanical properties but allow it to evolve spontaneously to its natural level of complexity. This is achieved by coupling the elastic deformability of the off-fault medium (and therefore allowing for heterogeneous stress fields to develop) and the discrete degradation and gouge formation at the fault plane (and therefore allowing for structural heterogeneity to develop). Numerical results show the development of persistent stress, damage, and gouge thickness heterogeneities, with a much larger variability in space than in time. Strong positive correlations are found between these quantities, which suggest a positive feedback between local normal stress and damage rate, only mildly mitigated by the mobility of the granular gouge in the interface. For a wide range of confining stresses, after a sufficient number of seismic cycles, the fault reaches a state of established disorder with a constant roughness, a certain amount of periodicity at the millimetric scale, and a power law decay of the Power Spectral Density at smaller spatial scales. The typical height-to-wavelength ratio of geometrical asperities and the correlations between stress and damage profiles are in good agreement with previous field or lab estimates.

Depth‐Dependent Anisotropy Along Northwest Segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone: Evidence for Paleo‐Tectonic Structures Contributing to Overall Complexity

Fri, 06/21/2024 - 16:34

The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) is a prominent tectonic structure with a significant impact on the observed active deformation in Türkiye. Detailed knowledge of the seismic anisotropy in the crust and mantle along this nascent shear deformation zone provides insights into the kinematics associated with past and present tectonic events. We employed teleseismic earthquakes observed by the Dense Array North Anatolia seismic network to map 3- D variations in crustal and mantle anisotropy in/around the NW segment of the NAFZ. To achieve this, we first performed a harmonic decomposition analysis of P-receiver functions. The results were then used as a priori information to conduct an anisotropic receiver function inversion with the Neighborhood Algorithm that enabled imaging of the actual orientation and geometry of anisotropic structures. SKS splitting measurements are further used to make a comparison between the anisotropic behavior of crustal and mantle structures. Crustal anisotropy parameters estimated in our analyses/models well identify the signature of deformation caused by accumulated strain in the earthquake cycle through the strike of shallow cutting faults in the brittle crust beneath the NAFZ. Diffuse intense anisotropic energy at lower crustal depths was attributed to lattice preferred orientation of crystals or partially molten lenses elongated along the shear direction. Strong harmonic energy variations beneath the northern part of the Istanbul Zone likely reflect imprints of LPO-originated frozen fabric at shallow depths (0–20 km) associated with the palaeotectonic Odessa Shelf, Intra-Pontide Suture Zones or remnants of the Tethys Ocean.

Automatic Estimation of Daily Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Gas Flux From TROPOMI Satellite Observations: Application to Etna and Piton de la Fournaise

Fri, 06/21/2024 - 16:24

Understanding the dynamics of sulfur dioxide (SO2) degassing is of primary importance for tracking temporal variations in volcanic activity. Here we introduce the novel “disk method,” which aims at estimating the daily volcanic SO2 mass flux from satellite images (such as those provided by Sentinel-5P/TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument [TROPOMI]). The method calculates a “proto-flux” using a regression, as a function of distance, of SO2 mass integrated in a series of nested circular domains centered on a volcano. After regression, a single multiplication by plume speed suffices to deduce the SO2 mass flux, without requiring a subsequent regression. This way, a range of plume speed and plume altitude scenarios can be easily explored. Noise level in the image is simultaneously evaluated by the regression, which allows for estimating posterior uncertainties on SO2 flux and improving the level of detection for weak sources in noisy environments. A statistical test is also introduced to automatically detect occurrences of volcanic degassing, lowering the risk of false positives. Application to multi-year time-series at Etna (2021) and Piton de la Fournaise (2021–2023) demonstrates (a) a reliable quantification of SO2 emissions across a broad range of degassing styles (from passive degassing to effusive or paroxysmal events), and (b) a reasonable day-to-day correlation between SO2 flux and seismic energy. The method is distributed as an open-source software, and is implemented in an interactive web application within the “Volcano Space Observatory Portal,” facilitating near-real-time exploitation of the TROPOMI archive for both volcano monitoring and assessment of volcanic atmospheric hazards.

Full Dispersion‐Spectrum Inversion of Surface Waves

Fri, 06/21/2024 - 16:18

Nowadays, the most successful applications of full-waveform inversion (FWI) involve marine seismic data under acoustic approximations. Elastic FWI of land seismic data is still challenging in theory and practice. Here, we propose a full dispersion spectrum inversion method and apply it to seismic data acquired in West Antarctica. Inspired by the conventional surface wave dispersion curve inversion method, we propose to invert the surface wave dispersion spectrum instead of the complicated waveforms. We compare the frequency-velocity, frequency-slowness, and frequency-wavenumber spectra in terms of their ability to resolve dispersion modes and the feasibility of their adjoint updates and conclude that the frequency-slowness spectrum is the best for our inversion objectives. We test four objective functions, subtraction, zero-lag crosscorrelation, optimal transport, and the local-crosscorrelation to quantify the spectrum mismatch and provide the corresponding adjoint source. We then theoretically analyze the convexity of the proposed objective functions and examine their convergence behavior using numerical examples. We also compare the proposed method with the classic FWI method and the traditional surface wave dispersion curve inversion method and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method. This technique is employed to evaluate the shallow velocity structures beneath a seismic array stationed in West Antarctica. Our proposed inversion scheme is also useful for more general applications such as imaging the shallow subsurface of the critical zones, like geothermal reservoirs, and CO2 storage sites.

Frictional Properties and Healing Behavior of Tectonic Mélanges: Implications for the Evolution of Subduction Fault Zones

Fri, 06/21/2024 - 16:00

The frictional velocity dependence and healing behavior of subduction fault zones play key roles in the nucleation of stick-slip instabilities at convergent margins. Diagenetic to low-grade metamorphic processes such as pressure solution are proposed to be responsible for the change in frictional properties of fault materials along plate interfaces; pressure solution also likely contributes to the acceleration of healing according to previous studies. Here, we report friction studies for temperatures of 20–100°C and normal stresses from 20 to 125 MPa on samples collected from ancient subduction fault zones, the Lower Mugi and Makimine mélanges of the Cretaceous Shimanto belt. The two mélanges correspond to the updip and downdip limits of the seismogenic zone and include deformation features that indicate lower and higher degrees of pressure solution. Our data show that the Lower Mugi mélange exhibits velocity-weakening to velocity-neutral frictional behavior under low normal stress and that the Makimine mélange sample shows velocity-strengthening behavior under high normal stress. We suggest that mineralogical changes due to diagenesis and metamorphism influence fault slip behavior. We measure frictional healing in slide-hold-slide experiments for the Lower Mugi mélange sample and document the role of pressure solution in fault healing. Our results show that frictional healing increases at higher temperatures. The microstructures related to pressure solution found in the post-experimental gouges support the idea that the enhanced healing is related to pressure solution.

Density Stratification and Buoyancy Evolution in Pyroclastic Density Currents

Fri, 06/21/2024 - 15:44

Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are density-stratified along their vertical axis, with the near-bed portion being denser than the upper portion, resulting from particle settling and ambient air entrainment at current margins. Whereas vertical density stratification likely influences mixing, sedimentation, and buoyancy of PDCs, many depth-averaged models of PDC dynamics assume currents are well-mixed. We investigated this discrepancy by performing sub-aqueous laboratory experiments and conducted complementary numerical simulations to interrogate current dynamics at finer scales. Currents with small temperature difference with the ambient fluid become density-stratified during propagation. The dynamics of such currents resemble two-phase flows, in which particles move freely and particle concentration becomes stratified, but fluid density remains constant. Currents with large temperature difference with the ambient fluid, however, do not develop density stratification during propagation, due to current dynamics becoming dominated by the fluid phase and the lessening importance of particles. Currents that develop density stratification do not lift off from the bed within the domain of the setup, whereas poorly stratified currents do lift off, forming a rising plume. Strong density stratification within currents inhibits turbulence production, preventing entrained ambient fluid on current edges from mixing into current interiors. Poorly stratified currents are highly turbulent, have vigorous internal mixing, thereby achieving lift-off. The strongly stratified currents are analogous to PDCs that result from eruption column collapse, maintaining fast velocity, low internal mixing, and high temperature over long distances. The poorly stratified currents are analogous to dilute ash-cloud surges that develop atop basal avalanches, having short runout distances.

Crustal Structure and Anisotropy Measured by CHINArray and Implications for Complicated Deformation Mechanisms Beneath the Eastern Tibetan Margin

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 12:10

We investigated velocity and anisotropic structure of the crust beneath the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau to better understand its deformation and evolution mechanism. We performed H-κ and Pms anisotropy analyses to obtain crustal thickness, Vp/Vs ratio, fast polarization direction, and splitting time from 711 stations, and further conducted quality control using slowness, harmonic and statistical analyses. The Songpan-Ganzi Block has a large splitting time and a fast polarization direction roughly parallel to the GPS motion and SKS fast direction. It also shows an overall high but complex distribution of Vp/Vs ratio, and large variations in crustal thickness, indicating that crustal deformation is likely caused by crustal shortening and lower crustal flow. The northern Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block (SYRB) is featured by a thick crust and high Vp/Vs ratio, suggesting that the crust is likely inflated by partial melting lower crustal rocks. The subblock also exhibits a strong azimuthal anisotropy with a splitting time greater than 0.6 s. The fast polarization direction aligns with the nearly N-S extended direction and rotates clockwise in front of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). The observed anisotropy agrees with aligned amphibole minerals under a simple shear condition, supporting a southward lower crust flow being diverted by the ELIP. Anisotropy measurements on the southern SYRB are less robust and widely scattered, suggesting a deformation mechanism different from the northern SYRB. In addition, the southeastern margin of the Sichuan Basin shows a systematic pattern of crustal anisotropy consistent with a pure shear deformation mechanism.

Heat Transfer in Pyroclastic Density Current‐Ice Interactions: Insights From Experimental and Numerical Simulations

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 13:55

Stratovolcanoes are common globally, with high-altitude summit regions that are often glacier-clad and intersect the seasonal and perennial snow line. During an eruption, interaction between snow/ice and hot, pyroclastic deposits will potentially lead to extensive melt and steam production. This is particularly pertinent when pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are emplaced onto and propagate over glacierised substrates. Generated melt and steam are incorporated into the flow, which can cause a transformation from a hot, dry granular flow, to a water-saturated, sediment-laden flow, termed a lahar. Both PDCs and ice-melt lahars are highly hazardous due to their high energy during flow and long runout distances. Knowledge of the physics that underpin these interactions and the transformation to ice-melt lahar is extremely limited, preventing accurate descriptions within hazard models. To physically constrain the thermal interactions we conduct static melting experiments, where a hot granular layer was emplaced onto an ice substrate. The rate of heat transfer through the particle layer, melt and steam generation were quantified. Experiments revealed systematic increases in melt and steam with increasing particle layer thicknesses and temperatures. We also present a one-dimensional numerical model for heat transfer, calibrated against experimental data, capable of accurately predicting temperature and associated melting. Furthermore, similarity solutions are presented for early-time melting which are used to benchmark our numerical scheme, and to provide rapid estimates for meltwater flux hydrographs. These data are vital for predicting melt volume and incorporation into PDCs required to facilitate the transformation to and evolution of ice-melt lahars.

Elasticity of Single‐Crystal Clinohumite at High Pressures and Temperatures: Implication for the H2O and F Circulation in the Earth's Mantle

Mon, 06/17/2024 - 14:29

In this study, we have determined the single-crystal elasticity of clinohumite [Mg8.85Ti0.19Si3.93O16(OH1.11F0.89)] using Brillouin measurement up to 21 GPa at 300 K and 1 bar at 750 K, respectively. The elasticity of clinohumite was determined to be K S0 = 126.2(3) GPa, G 0 = 79.7(2) GPa with pressure derivatives K S′ = 4.2(1), G′ = 1.3(1), pressure derivatives ∂K S/∂T = −0.024(1) GPa/K, and ∂G/∂T = −0.011(1) GPa/K). We comprehensively examined the effects of varying H2O, fluorine content and thermal states, on the velocity and density structures of the subducted harzburgite layer. Assuming a typical H2O content of 2 wt.% within harzburgite, our modeling has shown that hydrous harzburgite with clinohumite as the decomposition product of serpentine along a hot slab geotherm even has the V P and V S 0.4–0.8(6)% greater than it dry counterpart at 250–380 km depth. Yet in the top transition zone, the addition of H2O and F can effectively lower the sound velocities and density. The F-bearing hydrous harzburgite has the V P and V S 1.1(5)–1.3(3)% lower than its dry counterpart, and only 0.6(5)% and 2.3(5)% greater than the pyrolitic mantle. Along cold slab geotherm, phase A will replace clinohumite as the dominant hydrous phase in the harzburgite, the V P and V S are 4.8(5)–5.3(3)% and 5.9(5)–6.0(3)% greater than the pyrolitic mantle in the upper mantle. In the top transition zone, the difference is approximately 3% in V P and 5% in V S. Our results provide crucial experimental evidence for future assessments of the seismic signals of subducted slabs with different hydrous minerals and thermal states.

Patterns of Causative Faults of Normal Earthquakes in the Fluid‐Rich Outer Rise of Northeastern Japan, Constrained With 3D Teleseismic Waveform Modeling

Sat, 06/15/2024 - 13:23

Accurate earthquake source parameters are crucial for understanding plate tectonics, yet, it is difficult to determine these parameters precisely for offshore events, especially for outer-rise earthquakes, as the limited availability of direct P or S wave data sets from land-based seismic networks and the unsuitability of simplified 1D methods for the complex 3D structures of subducting systems. To overcome these challenges, we employ an efficient hybrid numerical simulation method to model these 3D structural effects on teleseismic P/SH and P-coda waves and determine the reliable centroid locations and focal mechanisms of outer-rise normal-faulting earthquakes in northeastern Japan. Two M6+ events with reliable locations from ocean bottom seismic observations are utilized to calibrate the 3D velocity structure. Our findings indicate that 3D synthetic waveforms are sensitive to both event location, thanks to bathymetry and water reverberation effects, and the shallow portion of the lithospheric structure. With our preferred velocity model, which has Versus ∼16% lower than the global average, event locations are determined with uncertainties of <5 km for horizontal position and <1 km for depth. The refined event locations in a good match between one of the nodal strikes and the high-resolution bathymetry, enabling the determination of the causative fault plane. Our results reveal that trench-ward dipping normal faults are more active, with three parallel to the trench as expected, while five are associated with the abyssal hills. The significant velocity reduction in the uppermost lithosphere suggests abundant water migrating through active normal faults, enhancing both mineral alteration and pore density.

Synthesis of Current Seismicity and Tectonics Along the 1857 Mw7.9 Fort Tejon Earthquake Rupture and the Southernmost San Andreas Fault, California, USA

Sat, 06/15/2024 - 13:09

We evaluate seismicity and tectonics along the San Andreas Fault (SAF) in southern California to elucidate ongoing near-field crustal deformation processes. The principal slip surfaces (PSSs) or the fault core that accommodate major earthquakes, form the boundary between the tectonic plates. We analyze seismicity catalogs extending back to 1857, 1932, and 1981 with progressively improved magnitude of completeness and spatial resolution. The 1857 to present statewide catalog that is complete at M5.5+ documents minimal aftershock activity for the Mw7.9 1857 and 1906 Mw7.8 San Francisco earthquakes. The higher quality 1932 and 1981 catalogs show that the PSSs (the rupture zone) of the 1857 Mw7.9 Fort Tejon earthquake exhibits remarkable seismic quiescence both in the core and in the adjacent extended-damage zone. Further south, the fault core is still aseismic but the shape of the SAF is more complex, and the rate of adjacent seismicity is much higher. This fault complexity and the seismicity rate are larger the more the strike of the SAF deviates from the Pacific plate velocity-vector direction. The focal mechanisms of the SAF adjacent earthquakes are also heterogeneous and rarely have strikes and dips that are consistent with slip on the nearby PSSs. We infer that the southern SAF is locked, and a lack of seismicity at the core of the fault may be a standard feature of faults that almost exclusively accommodate high-slip rates by producing major earthquakes. Correspondingly future aftershock sequences of major earthquakes on the southern SAF will likely have below average aftershock productivity.

Magnetic Domain States and Critical Sizes in the Titanomagnetite Series

Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:55

The minerals carrying the magnetic remanence in geological samples are commonly a solid solution series of iron-titanium spinels known as titanomagnetites. Despite the range of possible compositions within this series, micromagnetic studies that characterize the magnetic domain structures present in these minerals have typically focused on magnetite. No studies systematically comparing the domain-states present in titanomagnetites have been undertaken since the discovery of the single vortex (SV) structure and the advent of modern micromagnetism. The magnetic properties of the titanomagnetite series are known to vary strongly with composition, which may influence the domain states present in these minerals, and therefore the magnetic stability of the samples bearing them. We present results from micromagnetic simulations of titanomagnetite ellipsoids of varying shape and composition to find the size ranges of the single domain (SD) and SV structures. These size ranges overlap, allowing for regions where the SD and SV structures are both available. These regions are of interest as they may lead to magnetic instability and “partial thermal remanent magnetization (pTRM) tails” in paleointensity experiments. We find that although this SD + SV zone occupies a narrow range of sizes for equidimensional magnetite, it is widest for intermediate (TM30-40) titanomagnetite compositions, and increases for both oblate and prolate particles, with some compositions and sizes having an SD + SV zone up to 100s of nm wide. Our results help to explain the prevalence of pTRM tail-like behavior in paleointensity experiments. They also highlight regions of particles with unusual domain states to target for further investigation into the definitive mechanism behind paleointensity failure.

A Review of the Migration of Hydrogen From the Planetary to Basin Scale

Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:45

The occurrence of natural hydrogen and its sources have been reviewed extensively in the literature over the last few years, with current research across both academia and industry focused on assessing the feasibility of utilizing natural hydrogen as an energy resource. However, gaps remain in our understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the large-scale transport of hydrogen and migration through the deep and shallow Earth and within geological basins. Due to the unique chemical and physical properties of hydrogen, the timescales of migration within different areas of Earth vary from billions to thousands of years. Within the shallow Earth, diffusive and advective transport mechanisms are dependent on a wide range of parameters including geological structure, microbial activity, and subsurface environmental factors. Hydrogen migration through different media may occur from geological timescales to days and hours. We review the nature and timescale of hydrogen migration from the planetary to basin-scale, and within both the deep and shallow Earth. We explore the role of planetary accretion in setting the hydrogen budget of the lower mantle, discuss conceptual frameworks for primordial or deep mantle hydrogen migration to the Earth's surface and evaluate the literature on the lower mantle's potential role in setting the hydrogen budget of rocks delivered from the deep Earth. We also review the mechanisms and timescales of hydrogen within diffusive and advective, fossil versus generative and within biologically moderated systems within the shallow Earth. Finally, we summarize timescales of hydrogen migration through different regions within sedimentary basins.

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