Syndicate content Wiley: Geophysical Research Letters: Table of Contents
Table of Contents for Geophysical Research Letters. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
Updated: 24 weeks 3 days ago

Isotropic High‐Frequency Radiation in Near‐Fault Seismic Data

Sat, 08/31/2024 - 19:14

We compare Fourier Amplitude Spectra of Fault Normal (FN) and Fault Parallel (FP) seismograms at near-fault sites for seven strike-slip earthquakes with moment magnitudes M w ≥ 6. For all events we find large FN/FP ratios at low frequencies consistent with near-fault S-wave radiation patterns for strike-slip earthquakes. However, the difference diminishes with increasing frequency and FN/FP is about 1 above a transition frequency. The results may reflect small tensile/isotropic components in the earthquake rupture zones that homogenize the high-frequency radiation in different directions at near-fault sites. The FN/FP ratios at low frequencies and transition frequencies above which FN ∼ FP vary among the analyzed earthquakes and have no clear correlation with the magnitudes. The lack of correlation may signify a characteristic scale (e.g., process zone size, duration of source time function) controlling the isotropic radiation, and/or wave propagation and other effects that mask the source effects.

Changing Role of Horizontal Moisture Advection in the Lower Troposphere Under Extreme Arctic Amplification

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 13:00

Horizontal and vertical moisture advection in the lower troposphere of the Arctic under progressing global warming is examined using a large-scale ensemble model data set. Advection is decomposed into terms related to the basic state of the atmosphere and transient eddies and compared against a non-warming experiment. During summer, horizontal moisture advection increases mainly by transient eddies advecting moisture from the lower latitudes. During winter, enhanced evaporation due to reduced sea ice becomes a source of moisture diminishing the role of transient eddies moistening the atmosphere. This effect intensifies under extreme global warming, turning the change in total horizontal advection in the lower troposphere negative. Diminished horizontal advection during winter is counteracted by vertical advection accompanied with enhanced evaporation and upper-level horizontal advection maintaining the increase in column moisture. These results improve our understanding of how the water cycle in the Arctic responds via atmospheric processes under global warming.

First Results of Airborne GNSS Radio Occultation Sounding From Airbus Commercial Aircraft

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 12:40

The lack of high vertical resolution atmospheric thermodynamic structure observations inside or near major weather events impedes our understanding of physical processes and their predictability in numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Airborne Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) radio occultation (airborne radio occultation [ARO]) has proven to be a viable remote sensing option to offer dense soundings near flight tracks. The global fleet of commercial aircraft already equipped with GNSS receivers could be leveraged to produce an unprecedented number of ARO soundings along global flight paths. Eleven cases of atmospheric bending angle and refractivity profiles were successfully retrieved and compared with the colocated European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting global reanalysis data. Good quality measurements are obtained with median refractivity differences less than 1% in the middle and upper troposphere, between 5.5 and 11.5 km. Given the use of aircraft data (e.g., Aircraft Meteorological DAta Relay) for data assimilation, incorporating ARO profiles would be a valuable addition, further enhancing the accuracy of aviation and weather forecasts.

Ecosystems Disturbance Recovery: What It Was or What It Could Have Been?

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 12:23

The time it takes for an ecosystem to recover from a disturbance is a key to environmental management. Conventionally, recovery is defined as a return to the pre-disturbance state, assuming ecosystem stationarity. However, this view does not account for the impact of external forces like climate change, imposing non-stationarity and trends. Alternatively, the counterfactual approach views recovery as the state the ecosystem would have achieved if the disturbance had not occurred, accounting for external forces. Here, we present a simple method to estimate the counterfactual recovery time. By implementing our method to the greening of the Arctic region, we showed that counterfactual greening recovery is twice as long as conventional recovery over the region. We argue that the well-documented greening of the region acts as an external force, leading to such a large difference. We advocate for embracing the counterfactual definition of recovery, as it aligns with realistic decision-making processes.

Effects of Eccentricity and Horizontal Electric Field on the Characteristics and Outcomes of Binary Collisions of Water Drops

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 11:39

Effects of eccentricity and horizontal electric field (E H) on the binary-collision outcomes of water drops are examined using numerically calculated collision characteristics from previous studies and results of simulation experiment conducted by the authors. For a fixed collision kinetic energy (CKE), filament breakups can occur at all values of eccentricity but events of coalescence decrease, and that of sheet breakup increase with increasing eccentricity in absence of E H. However, as E H increases to ∼300 kVm−1 it opposes the variability of the coalescence and sheet breakup events with eccentricity. When E H exceeds ∼300 kVm−1 the collision outcomes might be determined only by the CKE and E H. The calculated value of coalescence efficiency and total number of fragments after a binary collision decreases with an increase in E H. It is argued that an electric field can significantly modify drop size distribution in thunderclouds and needs to be considered for development of precipitation.

Stratospheric Chlorine Processing After the Unprecedented Hunga Tonga Eruption

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 10:39

Following the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai (HTHH) eruption in January 2022, significant reductions in stratospheric hydrochloric acid (HCl) were observed in the Southern Hemisphere mid-latitudes during the latter half of 2022, suggesting potential chlorine activation. The objective of this study is to comprehensively understand the loss of HCl in the aftermath of HTHH. Satellite measurements and a global chemistry-climate model are employed for the analysis. We find strong agreement of 2022 anomalies between the modeled and the measured data. The observed tracer-tracer relations between nitrous oxide (N2O) and HCl indicate a significant role of chemical processing in the observed HCl reduction, especially during the austral winter of 2022. Further examining the roles of chlorine gas-phase and heterogeneous chemistry, we find that heterogeneous chemistry emerges as the primary driver for the chemical loss of HCl, and the reaction between hypobromous acid (HOBr) and HCl on sulfate aerosols is the dominant loss process.

Shallow Creep on the Laohushan Segment of the Haiyuan Fault, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Detected With Dense Near‐Field GPS Measurements

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 10:05

While shallow creep along the Haiyuan fault is a key element in estimating earthquake potential, both the creep rate and spatial distribution inferred from InSAR and repeating earthquakes are still controversial. In this study, we resolve two potentially separated creeping patches along the Laohushan fault (LHSF) based on dense near-field GPS measurements of 39 stations. The largest creeping patch, which extends ∼20 km along-strike and ∼9 km down-dip with a slip rate of 4.2 mm/yr, spatially correlates with seismicity, especially repeating earthquakes. The locked segment is capable of producing an earthquake of Mw 7.3 ± 0.1, with moment rate of (1.08 ± 0.39) × 1017 N⋅m/yr, possibly following the cycle since the 1092 M8 event. The lack of GPS measurements in the near-field makes it unclear whether the 8 km section between these two patches is slowly creeping below detection threshold or has relocked due to change in environmental condition.

Weakening of La Niña Impact on Negative Indian Ocean Dipole Under Global Warming

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 10:05

As global warming intensifies, the coupling relationship between negative Indian Ocean Dipole (nIOD) and La Niña has substantially changed. However, the characteristics and mechanisms of these changes are not yet fully understood. Here, we find that the impact of La Niña on nIOD has considerably weakened since 1999, with the frequency of nIOD occurrences during La Niña years plummeting to a mere one-third of the pre-1999 levels. This is primarily attributed to the early onset of Indian summer monsoon and the decrease in La Niña intensity, while the effect of variations in Bjerknes feedback is relatively minor. Model simulations suggest that the influence of La Niña on nIOD will continue to weaken under future global warming through similar mechanisms as in the observations, increasing the complexity of air-sea coupling in the Indian Ocean.

On the Realism of Tropical Cyclone Intensification in Global Storm‐Resolving Climate Models

Thu, 08/29/2024 - 04:39

The physical processes governing a tropical cyclone's lifecycle are largely understood, but key processes occur at scales below those resolved by global climate models. Increased resolution may help simulate realistic tropical cyclone intensification. We examined fully coupled, global storm-resolving models run at resolutions in the range 28–2.8 km in the atmosphere and 28–5 km in the ocean. Simulated tropical cyclone activity, peak intensity, intensification rate, and horizontal wind structure are all more realistic at a resolution of ∼5 km compared with coarser resolutions. Rapid intensification, which is absent at typical climate model resolutions, is also captured, and exhibits sensitivity to how, and if, deep convection is parameterized. Additionally, the observed decrease in inner-core horizontal size with increasing intensification rate is captured at storm-resolving resolution. These findings highlight the importance of global storm-resolving models for quantifying risk and understanding the role of intense tropical cyclones in the climate system.

Non‐Synchronization of the Decadal Transition in Winter Near‐Surface Wind Speed Across Northern and Southern China

Thu, 08/29/2024 - 04:25

Decadal variations in near-surface wind speed (NSWS) and their causes are poorly understood. We found that the decadal transition of winter NSWS in northern China (NC) was 10 years earlier than in southern China (SC), which could be linked to the changes in intensities of the eastward wave-activity flux and Siberian High (SH) induced by the Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia (WACE) dipole pattern. From 1973 to 1990, the WACE pattern from positive to negative phases confined the eastward wave trains to high latitudes with a decreasing SH, inducing an NSWS reduction. From 1991 to 2000, the WACE strengthened from negative to positive phases, causing a decadal transition in NSWS first in NC. After 2000, accompanied by the strengthening of the positive WACE, the eastward wave trains propagated downstream to lower latitudes, the SH and the meridional pressure gradient enhanced. Therefore, the transition of decadal NSWS occurred in SC until 2000.

Autocorrelation—A Simple Diagnostic for Tropical Precipitation Variability in Global Kilometer‐Scale Climate Models

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 13:59

We propose the lag-1 autocorrelation of daily precipitation as a simple diagnostic of tropical precipitation variability in climate models. This metric generally has a relatively uniform distribution of positive values across the tropics. However, selected land regions are characterized by exceptionally low autocorrelation values. Low values correspond to the dominance of high frequency variance in precipitation, and specifically of high frequency convectively coupled equatorial waves. Consistent with previous work, we show that CMIP6 climate models overestimate the autocorrelation. Global kilometer-scale models capture the observed autocorrelation when deep convection is explicitly simulated. When a deep convection parameterization is used, though, the autocorrelation increases over land and ocean, suggesting that land surface-atmosphere interactions are not responsible for the changes in autocorrelation. Furthermore, the metric also tracks the accuracy of the representation of the relative importance of high frequency and low frequency convectively coupled equatorial waves in the models.

Diurnal Temperature Range Trends Differ Below and Above the Melting Point

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 13:40

The globally averaged diurnal temperature range (DTR) has shrunk since the mid-20th century, and climate models project further shrinking. Observations indicate a slowdown or reversal of this trend in recent decades. Here, we show that DTR has a minimum for average temperatures close to 0°C. Observed DTR shrinks strongly at colder temperature, where warming shifts the average temperature toward the DTR minimum, and expands at warmer temperature, where warming shifts the average temperature away from the DTR minimum. Most, but not all climate models reproduce the minimum DTR close to average temperatures of 0°C and a stronger DTR shrinking at colder temperature. In models that reproduce the DTR minimum, DTR shrinking slows down significantly in recent decades. Models project that the global-mean DTR will shrink over the 21st century, and models with a DTR minimum close to 0°C project slower shrinking than other models.

Divergent Transformation of Wet to Cold Bias on the Tibetan Plateau in Climate Models During Snow Season

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 13:25

Wet and cold biases on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) commonly exist in global and regional climate simulations. Previous studies have explored the possible causes of wet and cold biases and contributed to reducing these biases. However, the connection between wet and cold biases remains insufficiently addressed. Our research indicates that the TP wet bias converts into positive snow amount bias not continually but efficiently and concentratedly, under the control of snow phenology in different regions. Furthermore, the complex relationship between snow amount, snow coverage and surface albedo restricts the transformation of snow amount to surface albedo bias, and thus to cold bias. Our research highlights the spatio-temporally divergent transformation of wet to cold bias on the TP during snow season, providing a novel perspective to understand the intrinsic connection between wet and cold biases and improve climate simulations on the TP.

Microbial Metabolism and Environmental Controls of Acetate Cycling in the Northwest Pacific Ocean

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 13:09

Microbial acetate metabolism is an important part of marine carbon cycling. We present a comprehensive study to constrain microbial acetate metabolism and its regulation in surface seawater of the northwest Pacific Ocean. We found that acetate oxidation (rate constant k: 0.016–0.506 day−1) accounted for 77.6%–99.4% of the total microbial acetate uptake, suggesting that acetate was predominantly used as a microbial energy source. Acetate also served as a significant biomass carbon source, as reflected by the elevated contribution of acetate assimilation to bacterial carbon production. Acetate turnover was largely influenced by water mass mixing and nutrient conditions. Atmospheric deposition was a source of acetate in surface water and this process can also impact the microbial acetate uptake. Microbial utilization of acetate could account for up to 25.9% of the bacterial carbon demand, suggesting the significant role of acetate metabolism in microbial carbon cycling in the open ocean.

Issue Information

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 12:48

No abstract is available for this article.

The Calm and Variable Inner Life of the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone: The Relationship Between the Doldrums and Surface Convergence

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 22:00

The doldrums are regions of low wind speeds and variable wind directions in the deep tropics that have been known for centuries. Although the doldrums are often associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the exact relationship remains unclear. This study re-examines the relationship between low-level convergence and the Atlantic doldrums. By analyzing the frequency distribution of low wind speed events in reanalysis and buoy data, we show that the doldrums are largely confined between the edges of the ITCZ marked by enhanced surface convergence. While the region between the edges is a region of high time-mean precipitation, low wind speed events occur in the absence of precipitation. Based on these results, we hypothesize that low wind speed events occur in regions of low level divergence rather than convergence.

A Mechanistic Study of Inverse Temperature Layer of Water Bodies

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 16:40

The inverse temperature layer (ITL) beneath water-atmosphere interface within which temperature increases with depth has been observed from measurement of water temperature profile at an inland lake. Strong solar radiation combined with moderate wind-driven near-surface turbulence leads to the formation of a pronounced diurnal cycle of the ITL predicted by a physical heat transfer model. The ITL only forms during daytime when solar radiation intensity exceeds a threshold while consistently occurs during nighttime. The largest depth of the ITL is comparable to the e-fold penetration depth of solar radiation during daytime and at least one order of magnitude deeper during nighttime. The dynamics of the ITL depth variation simulated by a physical model forced by observed water surface solar radiation and temperature is confirmed by the observed water temperature profile in the lake.

Increasing Sensitivity of Tree Radial Growth to Precipitation

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 07:18

The sensitivity of tree growth to precipitation regulates their responses to drought, and is a crucial metric for predicting ecosystem dynamics and vulnerability. Sensitivity may be changing with continuing climate change, yet a comprehensive assessment of its change is still lacking. We utilized tree ring measurements from 3,044 sites, climate data and CO2 concentrations obtained from monitoring stations, combined with dynamic global vegetation models to investigate spatiotemporal changes in the sensitivity over the past century. We observed an increasing sensitivity since around 1950. This increased sensitivity was particularly pronounced in arid biomes due to the combined effect of increased precipitation and elevated CO2. While elevated CO2 reduced the sensitivity of the humid regions, the intensified water pressure caused by decreased precipitation still increased the sensitivity. Our findings suggest an escalating vulnerability of tree growth to precipitation change, which may increase the risk of tree mortality under future intensified drought.

Seamless Hourly Estimation of Negative Air Ion Concentrations: Integrating Hybrid Stacked Machine Learning Models With Kriging Spatiotemporal Augmentation

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 05:24

Negative Air Ions (NAIs), essential for environmental and human health, facilitate air purification and offer antimicrobial benefits. Our study achieves hourly estimations of NAIs using a machine learning framework, developed from a multi-layer selection pipeline of over 200 variables, to identify the key determinants critical for adapting to high-resolution NAIs dynamics. Addressing site sparsity and NAIs volatility, we introduced a hybrid stacking incorporating pseudo sites generated from Kriging Spatiotemporal Augmentation (KSTA) to mitigate spatial overfitting. Our approach, validated in Zhejiang, China, demonstrates exceptional accuracy, achieving R 2 values of 0.90 (sample-based), 0.85 (temporal-based), and 0.79 (site-based). This work not only sheds light on NAIs behavior in relation to diurnal shifts, land use, and environmental events, but also integrates a health grading system, enhancing public health strategies through precise air quality assessment.

Duct Effect of Magnetic Dips on the Propagation of EMIC Waves in Jupiter's Magnetosphere With Observations of Juno

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 04:54

In recent years, it has been found that magnetic dip caused by diamagnetic motion of injected plasma can provide an appropriate environment for excitation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves. These findings have been widely reported in the Earth's magnetic environment. However, it has rarely been reported in Jupiter's magnetic environment. This paper reports the characteristics of EMIC waves observed by Juno in the magnetic dip of Jupiter. Multiple-band EMIC waves are observed in frequency range from 10−3 Hz to several Hz. The theoretical analysis shows that in this event both He+ band and O+ band EMIC waves can be constrained in the magnetic dip, which is consistent with the wave emissions observed inside the magnetic dip. Our result provides the first evidence that EMIC wave can be ducted inside a magnetic dip in Jupiter's magnetosphere.

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