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Syndicate content Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics: Table of Contents
Table of Contents for Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
Updated: 13 weeks 5 days ago

On the Physical Mechanisms Driving the Different Deep Penetration of Radiation Belt Electrons and Protons

Fri, 08/16/2024 - 05:10

During active geomagnetic periods both electrons and protons in the outer radiation belt have been frequently observed to penetrate to low L (<4). Previous studies have demonstrated systematic differences in the deep penetration of the two species of particles, most notably that the penetration of protons is observed less frequently than for electrons of the same energies. A recent study by Mei et al. (2023, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101921) showed that the time-varying convection electric field contributes to the deeper penetration of low-energy electrons and that a radial diffusion-convection model can be used to reproduce the storm-time penetration of lower-energy electrons to lower L. In this study, we analyze and provide physical explanations for the different behaviors of electrons and protons in terms of their penetration depth to low L. A radial diffusion-convection model is applied for the two species with coefficients that are adjusted according to the mass-dependent relativistic effects on electron and proton drift velocity, and the different loss mechanisms included for each species. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave scattering losses for 100s of keV protons during a specific event are modeled and quantified; the results suggest that EMIC waves interacting with protons of lower energies than electrons can contribute to prevent the inward transport of the protons.

Assessing the Sources of the O+ in the Plasma Sheet

Wed, 08/14/2024 - 15:39

To study the average contributions of the cusp outflow through the lobes and of the nightside auroral outflow to the O+ in the plasma sheet (PS), we performed a statistical study of tailward streaming O+ in the lobes, plasma sheet boundary layer|the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) and the PS, using MMS/Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) data from 2017 to 2020. Similar spatial patterns illustrate the entry of cusp-origin O+ from the lobes to the PS through the PSBL. There is an YGSM-dependent energy pattern for the lobe O+, with low-energy O+ streaming closer to the tail center and high energy (1–3 keV) O+ streaming near the flanks. Low energy (1–100 eV) O+ from the nightside auroral oval is identified in the near-Earth PSBL/PS with high-density (>0.02 cm−3), and energetic (>3 keV) streaming O+ with similar density (∼0.013 cm−3) is observed further out on the duskside of the PSBL/PS. The rest of the nightside auroral O+ in the PSBL is mixed with O+ coming in from the lobe, making it difficult to distinguish the source. We estimated the contributions of the different sources of H+ and O+ ions through the PS between 7 and 17 RE, using estimates from this work and data extracted from previous studies. We conclude that, during quiet times, the majority of the near-Earth PS H+ are from the cusps, the polar wind and Earthward convection from the distant tail. Similarly, while the O+ in the same region has a mixed source, cusp origin outflow provides the highest contribution.

Plasma Mixing During Active Kelvin‐Helmholtz Instability Under Different IMF Orientations

Wed, 08/14/2024 - 15:29

When the velocity shear between the two plasmas separated by Earth's magnetopause is locally super-Alfvénic, the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability can develop. A crucial role is played by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation, which can stabilize the velocity shear. Although, in a linear regime, the instability threshold is equally satisfied during both northward and southward IMF orientations, in situ measurements show that KH instability is preferentially excited during the northward IMF orientation. We investigate this different behavior by means of a mixing parameter which we apply to two KH events to identify both boundaries and the center of waves/vortices. During the northward orientation, the waves/vortex boundaries have stronger electrons than ions mixing, while the opposite is observed at their center. During the southward orientation, instead, particle mixing is observed predominantly at the boundaries. In addition, stronger local ion and electron non-thermal features are observed during the northward than the southward IMF orientation. Specifically, ion distribution functions are more distorted, due to field-aligned beams, and electrons have a larger temperature anisotropy during the northward than the southward IMF orientation. The observed kinetic features provide an insight into both local and remote processes that affect the evolution of KH structures.

Three‐Dimensional Electrostatic Hybrid Particle‐In‐Cell Simulations of the Plasma Mini‐Wake Near a Lunar Polar Crater

Tue, 08/13/2024 - 12:31

Lunar polar region has become the focus of future explorations due to the possible ice reservoir in the permanently shadowed craters. However, the space environment near the polar crater is quite complicated, and a plasma mini-wake can be caused by the topographic obstruction. So far, three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulations of the mini-wake around a crater far larger than the Debye length are still limited. Here we present a 3D electrostatic hybrid particle-in-cell model to study the plasma mini-wake of a polar crater on scale of about 1 km. It is found that the mini-wake can begin upstream from the crater with a cone angle of about 8.8°. There is a plasma void with extra electrons near the leeward crater wall, where the electric potential can be as low as −60 V. A part of solar wind ions can be diverted into the crater, and the ratio of the diverted flux is about 4% on the crater bottom and about 18% on the windward crater wall, which provide an important source for the surface sputtering. Further studies show that the mini-wake can change with the solar wind parameters and the crater shapes. Our results are helpful to assess the space environment and the water loss rate of a polar crater, and have general implications in studying the plasma mini-wake caused by a crater on the other airless bodies.

Stripe‐Like Echoes Scattered From Nighttime F‐Region Field‐Aligned Irregularities at Low‐Latitudes

Tue, 08/13/2024 - 04:44

The unusual stripe-like scattered echoes were observed by the Hainan Coherent Scatter Phased Array Radar (HCOPAR) in the nigh of 9 Sep. 2017. There were parallel stripes with the interval of ∼33 min appearing from 12:57 to 17:50 UT. While the emergence of the scattered echoes, the Hainan Digisonde has observed the Spread-F, and the Total Electron Content (TEC) maps recorded by the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in China show that there was no Equatorial Plasma Bubble (EPB), but the Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance (MSTID) traveled southwestward. The spatial and temporal distributions of the stripe-like echoes and the MSTID show great consistency, indicating that the F-region Field-Aligned Irregularities were generated in the wave peaks and troughs of the MSTID. The MSTID has decayed greatly while reaching the HCOPAR, and the echo pattern is determined by the wave features of the MSTID.

New Expression of the Field‐Line Integrated Rayleigh‐Taylor Instability Growth Rate

Sun, 08/11/2024 - 19:15

An expression of Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) instability growth rate based on the field-line integrated theory is newly established. This expression can be directly utilized in ionosphere models with magnetic flux tube structure based on Modified Apex Coordinates. The R-T instability growth rates are calculated using the thermospheric and ionospheric conditions based on the coupled Whole Atmosphere Model and Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamic model (WAM-IPE). The parameters used in this calculation include the field-line integrated conductivities and currents, which consider the Quasi-Dipole Coordinates and the modifications to the equations of electrodynamics. Detailed description of the new formulas and comprehensive analyses of diurnal, longitudinal, and seasonal variations of the R-T instability growth rate are carried out. The dependencies of growth rates on pre-reversal enhancement (PRE) vertical drifts and solar activity are also examined. The results show that pronounced R-T growth rates are captured between 18 and 22 local time (LT) when strong PRE occurs in the equatorial ionosphere. The simulated R-T growth rate increases with increasing solar activity levels and demonstrates strong correlations with the angle between the sunset terminator and the geomagnetic field line. These results are consistent with plasma irregularity occurrence rates shown in various satellite observations, suggesting that the newly developed R-T growth rate calculation can effectively capture the probability of irregularities by considering the changes along magnetic flux-tubes in the ionosphere. Since the WAM-IPE is running in operation at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Weather Prediction Center, the new calculations can be potentially implemented in the near future to provide forecasted information of the R-T growth rate.

Longitude Structure of Wavenumber 4 of the Ionosphere After Midnight Based on the OI135.6 nm Night Airglow Using FY‐3D Ionospheric Photometer

Sat, 08/10/2024 - 12:38

In this study, based on the OI135.6 nm night airglow data of the FY-3D Ionospheric Photometer (IPM) during the 2018–2021 geomagnetically quiet period, the global wavenumber 4 longitudinal structure of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) at 2:00 local time was discovered, and the component of the wavenumber 4 was extracted from these structures. Compared with the OI135.6 nm night airglow data of the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI) F18 during 2011–2014, there were significant differences in the variation pattern of the relative amplitude of the two versus solar activity and the seasonal variation in the proportion of the component of the wavenumber 4. Based on the neutral wind speed observation results of the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging on board the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) from 2020 to 2021, the longitudinal structures of the 4 ionospheric waves after midnight are related to the cross-equatorial meridional wind. We believe that the wavenumber 4 longitudinal structures after midnight originate from the semidiurnal eastward-propagating with zonal wavenumber 2 (SE2) nonmigrating tide in the cross-equatorial neutral wind rather than the diurnal eastward-propagating with zonal wavenumber 3 (DE3) nonmigrating tide in from the zonal wind, which modulates the daytime wavenumber 4 longitudinal structures.

Seasonal and Interhemispheric Variations of the Afternoon Auroral Responses to the Interplanetary Magnetic Field By Polarity

Sat, 08/10/2024 - 12:14

This work investigates seasonal and interhemispheric variations of the afternoon auroral responses to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) B y effects. The auroral observations are adopted from the global ultraviolet imager instrument on board the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite during 2002–2007. The results show that in both summer and winter solstices, the stronger afternoon auroral intensity is associated with negative IMF B y (B y  < 0) in the northern hemisphere, and with B y  > 0 in the southern hemisphere. This suggests stronger contributions from the upward field-aligned currents (FACs), which can be induced by the B y -associated north-south oriented electric field and the B y -associated flow shear in the ionosphere. In addition, the strongest afternoon aurora occurs in summer in each hemisphere. In summer, the absolute difference between the auroral peak intensity under the two B y polarities is greater and occurs earlier than in winter, which may be related to changes in FACs and conductivity from winter to summer. Differently, in equinoxes stronger auroral intensity favors B y conditions associated with more frequent occurrence of southward IMF B z , such as B y  < 0 and B y  > 0 conditions in March and in September, respectively. Therefore, in equinoxes the effects of the favorable B y , which were seen in solstices, are masked. We suggest that these are caused by the Russell-McPherron effect, which leads to more southward B z conditions, resulting in more energy deposited and subsequent stronger aurora in polar ionosphere. These results contribute to our deeper understanding of the asymmetrical phenomena in the Earth's magnetosphere-ionosphere induced by IMF B y .

How Do Substorms Influence Hemispheric Asymmetries in Equivalent Currents?

Sat, 08/10/2024 - 12:03

Ionospheric dynamics exhibits a distinct hemispheric asymmetry, influenced primarily by the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) B y component, dipole tilt, or a combination of both. Previous studies have indicated a reduction in these asymmetries during substorms. In this study, we conduct a superposed epoch analysis using ground magnetometer data from the northern hemisphere to examine the impact of substorms on ionospheric current asymmetry. This analysis uses the assumption of mirror symmetry between the northern and southern hemispheres when IMF B y and dipole tilt are reversed. We observe a significant reduction in nightside equivalent current asymmetry indicating the IMF B y and dipole tilt have minimal influence on the substorm current. On the other hand, we find that substorms exert minimal or negligible effects on dayside currents. This difference in response between nightside and dayside currents emphasizes the need to incorporate nightside dynamics into existing climatological models, which presently rely mainly on upstream parameters due to a lack of robust parameters effectively representing them. Our findings provide important insights for future modeling efforts, highlighting the distinct interactions between substorms and ionospheric currents across different hemispheric regions.

Short‐Term to Inter‐Annual Variability of the Non‐Migrating Tide DE3 From MIGHTI, SABER, and TIDI: Potential Tropospheric Sources and Ionospheric Impacts

Fri, 08/09/2024 - 19:24

Upward propagating waves of lower atmospheric origin play an important role in coupling terrestrial weather with space weather on daily to inter-annual timescales. Quantifying their short-term (<30 days) variability is a difficult challenge because simultaneous observations at multiple local times are needed to sample diurnal cycles. This study demonstrates and validates a short-term estimation method of the DE3 non-migrating tide at the equator and then applies the technique to three independent data sets: MIGHTI, SABER, and TIDI. We find that daily DE3 estimates from SABER, MIGHTI, and TIDI at equator agree well with correlation coefficients ranging between 0.76 and 0.85. The daily DE3 amplitude variability is typically ∼7 m/s in zonal winds and ∼3 K in temperature. We also find that daily MLT variations and F-region ionospheric DE3 from COSMIC-2 Global Ionospheric Specification (GIS) show a correlation of 0.55–0.65, suggesting that not all ionospheric variability can be attributed to the E-region dynamo; however, increasing correlation with increasing time-scale suggests that lower atmospheric variability has pronounced impact on the ionosphere on intra-seasonal scales. We find that the MLT and the F-region ionosphere exhibit strong coherent intra-seasonal oscillations (residual amplitudes upto 50%–60%); their coherency with the MJO in 2020 suggests a possible modulation of the upward propagating DE3 tide related to this major tropical tropospheric weather pattern. In addition, we find stratospheric QBO signatures in the MLT DE3 on inter-annual scales. This study offers fresh observational insights into the pivotal role of tropospheric weather in shaping variability in the coupled thermosphere-ionosphere system.

Imbalanced Regressive Neural Network Model for Whistler‐Mode Hiss Waves: Spatial and Temporal Evolution

Fri, 08/09/2024 - 18:59

Whistler-mode hiss waves are crucial to the dynamics of Earth's radiation belts, particularly in the scattering and loss of energetic electrons and forming the slot region between the inner and outer belts. The generation of hiss waves involves multiple potential mechanisms, which are under active research. Understanding the role of hiss waves in radiation belt dynamics and their generation mechanisms requires analyzing their temporal and spatial evolutions, especially for strong hiss waves. Therefore, we developed an Imbalanced Regressive Neural Network (IR-NN) model for predicting hiss amplitudes. This model addresses the challenge posed by the data imbalance of the hiss data set, which consists of predominantly quiet-time background samples and fewer but significant active-time intense hiss samples. Notably, the IR-NN hiss model excels in predicting strong hiss waves (>100 pT). We investigate the temporal and spatial evolution of hiss wave during a geomagnetic storm on 24–27 October 2017. We show that hiss waves occur within the nominal plasmapause, and follow its dynamically evolving shape. They exhibit intensifications with 1 and 2 hr timescale similar to substorms but with a noticeable time delay. The intensifications begin near dawn and progress toward noon and afternoon. During the storm recovery phase, hiss intensifications may occur in the plume. Additionally, we observe no significant latitudinal dependence of the hiss waves within |MLAT| < 20°. In addition to describing the spatiotemporal evolution of hiss waves, this study highlights the importance of imbalanced regressive methods, given the prevalence of imbalanced data sets in space physics and other real-world applications.

Lightning‐Induced Energetic Electron Precipitation Observed in Long‐Term DEMETER Spacecraft Measurements

Thu, 08/08/2024 - 10:33

We analyze low-altitude DEMETER spacecraft measurements obtained between 2006 and 2010, complemented by WWLLN lightning location data, to investigate the importance of lightning-generated whistlers for the energetic electron precipitation from the Van Allen radiation belts. We focus, in particular, on the United States region, where a significant seasonal variation in the occurrence of lightning has been observed. We show that both the precipitating electron fluxes and very low frequency wave intensities correlate well with the total lightning occurrence in the region. We further demonstrate that lightning-induced electron precipitation is more significant during periods of low geomagnetic activity compared to periods of high geomagnetic activity and during the nighttime than during the daytime. The energies of precipitating energetic electrons extend up to about 700 keV, roughly in agreement with the cyclotron resonance theory.

Global Environmental Constraints on Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause From In Situ Measurements

Thu, 08/08/2024 - 10:20

Progress in locating the X-line on the magnetopause beyond the atypical due south interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) condition is hampered by the fact that the global plasma and field spatial distributions constraining where reconnection could develop on the magnetopause are poorly known. This work presents global maps of the magnetic shear, current density and reconnection rate, on the global dayside magnetopause, reconstructed from two decades of measurements from Cluster, Double Star, THEMIS and MMS missions. These maps, generated for various IMF and dipole tilt angles, offer a unique comparison point for models and observations. The magnetic shear obtained from vacuum magnetostatic draping is shown to be inconsistent with observed shear maps for IMF cone angles in 12.5° ± 2.5° ≤ |θ co | ≤ 45° ± 5°. Modeled maximum magnetic shear lines fail to incline toward the equator as the IMF clock angle increases, in contrast to those from observations and MHD models. Reconnection rate and current density maps are closer together than they are from the shear maps, but this similarity vanishes for increasingly radial IMF orientations. The X-lines maximizing the magnetic shear are the only ones to sharply turns toward and follow the anti-parallel ridge at high latitude. We show the behavior of X-lines with varying IMF clock and dipole tilt angles to be different as the IMF cone angle varies. Finally, we discuss a fundamental disagreement between X-lines maximizing a given quantity on the magnetopause and predictions of local X-line orientations.

Comparison of the Occurrence Morphology of Phase Scintillation of GPS and Beidou Signals at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica

Thu, 08/08/2024 - 05:20

The characteristics of phase scintillation (represented by the phase scintillation indices, σφ) from GPS and Beidou are statistically analyzed using a ground-based receiver at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica, from 2020 to 2022 for the first time. The phase scintillation of the GPS and Beidou signals present a similar pattern of occurrence. The statistical results on the occurrence morphology of phase scintillation show that the phase scintillation predominately occurs in the magnetic pre-noon and pre-midnight sectors. Moreover, phase scintillation performs a dependence on solar and geomagnetic activities. Furthermore, the phase scintillation also gives a seasonal variation with the maximum occurrence happened at the autumn and the minimum occurrence during the summer. Consequently, these results improve understanding of the morphological characteristics of the phase fluctuations in the less studied Antarctic region. The study also demonstrates the use of the combined data set to improve the coverage in the Antarctic region.

Statistical Investigation of the Storm Time Plasma Density Strip‐Like Bulges at Lower‐Mid Latitudes

Tue, 08/06/2024 - 20:14

The strip-like bulge is a storm-time conjugate ionospheric plasma density enhancement, constituted by the plasmaspheric H+/He+, that extends widely (over 150° in longitude) in the zonal dimension but occupies only 1°–5° in latitude. Based on in-situ measurements of 11 low earth orbit satellites, this study statistically investigates the bulge structures of geomagnetic storms driven by 136 interplanetary coronal mass ejections during 2000–2021. The statistical results show that the strip-like bulges are observed at the end of the storm main phase and can persist for more than 60 hr. The spatial and temporal coverage of the strip-like bulge varies from storm to storm. However, the bulges do exhibit occurrence preferences: stronger storms (for the ICME-driven) during solar minimum periods, the Asian-Pacific sector (with eastward magnetic declination), and the nightside of the dawn-dusk terminator. A quiet time density enhancement called mid-latitude enhancement could be recognized as a precursor of the strip-like bulge. The evolution features of the plasmapause height exhibit similarities with the strip-like bulge, indicating a field-aligned downward and cross-L inward intrusion of the plasmaspheric ions. The local net ion drifts partly support this scenario with downward/inward being the most dominant but not unique pattern, the other diverse net ion drift configurations exist but their impact on the strip-like bulges remains unclear.

Horizontal Scales of Small‐ and Meso‐Scale Field‐Aligned Current Structures at Middle and Low Latitudes

Tue, 08/06/2024 - 19:59

By utilizing the close orbital separation between Swarm A and C during the Counter Rotation Orbit phase, we check the agreement and stationarity between the FAC-associated magnetic signatures at the two spacecraft through cross-correlation analysis. When the agreement and stationarity are passed, the magnetic signature is considered suitable for small and meso-scale Field-aligned currents (FAC) estimates with dual-spacecraft technique. It is found that at low and middle latitudes the dayside wave structure with apparent periods of about 10–60s can be observed around 90% of the time during all seasons. From those 90% can be identified as quasi-static current structures. On the nightside, the shorter period signatures dominate the apparent period spectrum. At about 30% of the time structures with 1–7s periods are observed. For the longer period signals the proportion is reduced greatly. About 80% of these signatures with periods longer than 3s are identified as quasi-static current structures. By taking advantage of the constantly changing longitudinal orbit separation during the considered time intervals, we can determine the mean separation at which the correlation breaks down. This provides FAC scale sizes in east-west direction separately for FACs of various latitudinal wavelengths. The result shows that typical east-west scale sizes of FAC structures with latitudinal wavelength of 10–400 km range from 10 to 60 km, respectively. FAC-related structures on the nightside have been associated with medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances and structures on the dayside primarily with FACs driven by atmospheric gravity waves.

Investigation on Chasing and Interaction of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Based on Multi‐Instrument

Mon, 08/05/2024 - 11:54

In this study, we use multi-instrument observations (all-sky imager (ASI), global navigation satellite system (GPS) receivers, digisonde) to study the interaction of nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) on 13 November 2018. The most attractive aspect of this event is that the interaction appeared between two dark bands both propagated southwestward. The airglow observations show that the latter band moved faster and caught up with the former, and these two bands merged into a new one. The propagating characteristics and morphology of the MSTIDs changed during the interaction process. The simulations from the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM) suggested that the ionospheric background zonal winds and electron density distributions could play essential roles in the interaction of the MSTIDs. Moreover, the merging process might be associated with the electrostatic reconnection.

Characterizing the Solar Wind‐Magnetosphere Viscous Interaction at Uranus and Neptune

Sat, 08/03/2024 - 19:54

The solar wind interaction with planetary magnetospheres dictates the mechanism through which energy is transported across planetary systems. The magnetohydrodynamic plasma description suggests that solar wind conditions in the outer solar system encourage the magnetopause boundaries at Uranus and Neptune to be more Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable, however, no quantitative assessment has been performed. To characterize the viscous solar wind interaction at Uranus and Neptune, we create an analytical model to determine where Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities (KHIs) may form along their magnetopauses by searching for regions where the minimum condition for KHI formation is satisfied. We run the model at solstice and equinox for a range of Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) strengths, and rotation phases. We find minimal seasonal variation for low IMF strengths (B = 0.01 nT), with ∼70% of the magnetopause surface at Uranus and ∼80% at Neptune, enabling KHI formation. For periods of stronger IMF strength (B > 0.3 nT), KHIs were significantly suppressed. While KHIs depend on both the conditions inside the magnetopause boundary and the shocked solar wind IMF strength, we find that the IMF strength is the most significant criterion in determining whether or not KHIs are allowed to form at the magnetopause boundaries.

The Effect of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Clock Angle and the Latitude Location of the Intense Crustal Magnetic Field on the Ion Escape at Mars: An MHD Simulation Study

Sat, 08/03/2024 - 19:44

In this paper, using a three-dimensional multifluid MHD model, we studied the effects of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) clock angle and the latitude position of the intense crustal magnetic field (ICMF) on the escape of ions O+, O2+ ${\mathrm{O}}_{\mathrm{2}}^{+}$, and CO2+ ${\mathrm{C}\mathrm{O}}_{\mathrm{2}}^{+}$ at Mars. The main results are as follows: (a) The IMF clock angle affects the ion escape at Mars. When the ICMF is on the dayside, the ion escape rate reaches a maximum at the IMF clock angles close to 60°–90° and a minimum at the IMF clock angles close to 120°–150°, because the ICMF can change the topology of the magnetic field and affect the interaction between the solar wind and Mars. The difference between the maximum and minimum ion escape rates due to the IMF clock angle can reach over 50%. (b) Compared with the −ESW hemisphere, the escape flux of O2+ ${\mathrm{O}}_{\mathrm{2}}^{+}$ and CO2+ ${\mathrm{C}\mathrm{O}}_{\mathrm{2}}^{+}$ in the +ESW hemisphere is more significant. However, O+ generally has a larger escape flux in the −ESW hemisphere. The different results in the ±ESW hemispheres might be due to the larger distribution of the hot oxygen corona, which changes the flow pattern of O+. (c) The latitude location of the ICMF can also affect the ion escape. When the ICMF is on the dayside, as the subsolar point varies from 25°S to 25°N, that is, the intense crustal magnetic field position keeps shifting southward, the ion escape rate shows a gradual increase.

Deep Entry of Low‐Energy Ions Into Mercury’s Magnetosphere: BepiColombo Mio’s Third Flyby Observations

Fri, 08/02/2024 - 20:29

Although solar wind-driven convection is expected to dominate magnetospheric circulation at Mercury, its exact pattern remains poorly characterized by observations. Here we present BepiColombo Mio observations during the third Mercury flyby indicative of convection-driven transport of low-energy dense ions into the deep magnetosphere. During the flyby, Mio observed an energy-dispersed ion population from the duskside magnetopause to the deep region of the midnight magnetosphere. A comparison of the observations with backward test particle simulations suggests that the observed energy dispersion structure can be explained in terms of energy-selective transport by convection from the duskside tail magnetopause. We also discuss the properties and origins of more energetic ions observed in the more dipole-like field regions of the magnetosphere in comparison to previously reported populations of the plasma sheet horn and ring current ions. Additionally, forward test particle simulations predict that most of the observed ions on the nightside will precipitate onto relatively low-latitude regions of the nightside surface of Mercury for a typical convection case. The presented observations and simulation results reveal the critical role of magnetospheric convection in determining the structure of Mercury's magnetospheric plasma. The upstream driver dependence of magnetospheric convection and its effects on other magnetospheric processes and plasma-surface interactions should be further investigated by in-orbit BepiColombo observations.

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