Geophysical Reviews

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Table of Contents for Reviews of Geophysics. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.
Updated: 7 hours 19 min ago

Expressing Gratitude to Reviewers: A Message From the Editors of Reviews of Geophysics for 2023

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 10:33

On behalf of the authors and readers of Reviews of Geophysics (RoG), the American Geophysical Union, and the broader scientific community, the editors wish to wholeheartedly thank those who reviewed manuscripts for RoG in 2023.


Issue Information

Wed, 04/24/2024 - 10:19

No abstract is available for this article.


Land Data Assimilation: Harmonizing Theory and Data in Land Surface Process Studies

Tue, 03/19/2024 - 07:00

Data assimilation plays a dual role in advancing the “scientific” understanding and serving as an “engineering tool” for the Earth system sciences. Land data assimilation (LDA) has evolved into a distinct discipline within geophysics, facilitating the harmonization of theory and data and allowing land models and observations to complement and constrain each other. Over recent decades, substantial progress has been made in the theory, methodology, and application of LDA, necessitating a holistic and in-depth exploration of its full spectrum. Here, we present a thorough review elucidating the theoretical and methodological developments in LDA and its distinctive features. This encompasses breakthroughs in addressing strong nonlinearities in land surface processes, exploring the potential of machine learning approaches in data assimilation, quantifying uncertainties arising from multiscale spatial correlation, and simultaneously estimating model states and parameters. LDA has proven successful in enhancing the understanding and prediction of various land surface processes (including soil moisture, snow, evapotranspiration, streamflow, groundwater, irrigation and land surface temperature), particularly within the realms of water and energy cycles. This review outlines the development of global, regional, and catchment-scale LDA systems and software platforms, proposing grand challenges of generating land reanalysis and advancing coupled land‒atmosphere DA. We lastly highlight the opportunities to expand the applications of LDA from pure geophysical systems to coupled natural and human systems by ingesting a deluge of Earth observation and social sensing data. The paper synthesizes current LDA knowledge and provides a steppingstone for its future development, particularly in promoting dual driven theory-data land processes studies.


Lake Water Temperature Modeling in an Era of Climate Change: Data Sources, Models, and Future Prospects

Sun, 02/11/2024 - 08:00

Lake thermal dynamics have been considerably impacted by climate change, with potential adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems. To better understand the potential impacts of future climate change on lake thermal dynamics and related processes, the use of mathematical models is essential. In this study, we provide a comprehensive review of lake water temperature modeling. We begin by discussing the physical concepts that regulate thermal dynamics in lakes, which serve as a primer for the description of process-based models. We then provide an overview of different sources of observational water temperature data, including in situ monitoring and satellite Earth observations, used in the field of lake water temperature modeling. We classify and review the various lake water temperature models available, and then discuss model performance, including commonly used performance metrics and optimization methods. Finally, we analyze emerging modeling approaches, including forecasting, digital twins, combining process-based modeling with deep learning, evaluating structural model differences through ensemble modeling, adapted water management, and coupling of climate and lake models. This review is aimed at a diverse group of professionals working in the fields of limnology and hydrology, including ecologists, biologists, physicists, engineers, and remote sensing researchers from the private and public sectors who are interested in understanding lake water temperature modeling and its potential applications.


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